2025report.com thanks sir fazle abed- sustainability's greatest hero in 60 years since my family first reported at The Economist critical impacts of asia's majority of our human race

welcome to college year 2021-22 aka 37/40 of 2025report.com major talking points & Diary of
last best chance to design world where next girl born -or child of any skin color has nature's greatest chance of a good life
my father norman and lifelong journalist at the economist was last journalist to interview von neumann- whose biography of industrial revolutions IR3 and IR4 he later wrote- our core belief :

we 7.5 human beings have all the tech and abundance of nature to design good life opportunities for all if we unite/collaborate in doing so

BUT unlike IR1 sharing machine energy which rolled out slowly and partially, IR2-4 completely changed human potential in under a generation; we made a mess of ir2 communications tech, and the UN was born to resolve, and by 1957's death of von neumann kennedy and others were uniting the world in hope of soon no mission impossible
round any dynamics unique to human being

.transparency questions we seek to mediate in 21-22 our 37th year of updating 2025 report's countdown to sustainability generations-
  • what is the most entrepreneurial way teachers need to explore 4 industrial revolutions if today's younger half of the world especially poorest or colored halves are to celebrate their communal contributions to sustainability?
  • can leaders of entrepreneurial revolution learn systematically from what chances have we so far missed between 2021 and 1945 and 1760 when the machine age started to be webbed around the world out of Glasgow University thanks to brothers James and Adam ie through systems connecting alumni of engineering and social-economic mapmaking
  • welcome to abedmooc.com - 30 collaboration networks -a billion village women app'd to end poverty -2021 TOP 100 ways to change education and prevent species extinction - special thanks economistdiary.com and economistUN.com
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    chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk writes from washington dc and glasgow summer 2021: dear 7.5 billion human brains and beings - valuing youth's futures was easier ack in 1984 our book 2025 report, lead editor the economist's norman macrae, and biographer of von neumann's legacy of 100 fold more tech each decade 2020 back to 1960 -...

    valuetrue.com- help profile ten wizard tricks for ESG-Environment Social Governance-positive cashflow business models interest me- they are both the only way to scale sustainability of all our children and how to extinguish our species
    the difference is to be found in a purposeful and transparent model that is multiwin including society's need that the business is preventing the greatest risks it sectors experts know most about versus a short-term model where owners are taking from every other stakeholder every quarter
    even more interesting is a partnership network of business models; unfortunately if even one core partner is not sustainable the whole network may collapse on society
    as a statistician i have spent 50 years searching for most purposelful networks in the world- i don't expect to find one more purposeful than that built over 50 years by fazle abed and a billion poorest village women - goal 5 100% livesmatter communities 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6; 4 livelihood edu for all 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 ref Safiqul Islam 3 last mile health services 3.1 3,2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 last mile nutrition 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2,6 banking for all workers 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

    ABED & - help map who advises younger half of world to connect friends and alumni of late sir fazle abed founder of BRA-Coop = Bangladesh Rural Advancement and Cooperation with billion Asian poorest women sdgs and community building enterprises

    Scots are about 1/400 of human species, 80% living around the world. Over two thirds of the world's mothers are Asian. In 1760 we Scota started up age of humans & machines: naturally what we have discovered about chances of human sustainability have come mostly from servant leaders of billion asian village mothers and a few euro-american maths wizards, notably von neumann, einstein
    chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk writes: Dad, Norman Macrae, end poverty sub-editor of the economist during most first 45 years of the united nations died in 2010, the 250th year of humans and machines started up by Glasgow University's Watt & Smith: soon afterwards Japan's Ambassador to Dhaka arranged for a dinner party to celebrate Sir Fazle Abed as humanity's greatest entrepreneurial revolutionary - can you help us share the knowhow abed empowered a billion asian women to network? it could just save our species..EconomistDiary.com Xglasgow.com

    Thursday, December 31, 1970


    #WEF20 GIRLSWORLDBANK.com is the most exciting idea we've heard In 5 generations of diaspora scots East-West/South-North journalism and community building with special thanks to scholars of BRAC U & Glasgow U & usbloomberg.com
    7 sdg girls world economy adam smith +260
    cop26 glasgow nov 2020 offers perfect time to review forst 260 years of Glasgow U alumni 1760 adam smoth- what is the future of hi-trust markets? james webb what is the future of engines: how can these celebrate under 30s womens goals exemplified by the 17 sdgs 81 ways.com trachs 51 week countdown through 2020 as well as 20 annual updates of 21st C and 10 periods in history 1760 -1999 including 2g decade of 1990s: see eg bezos berners lee ren zengfei and 1G dec of 1980s- see eg gates jobs case masa son
    6 von neumann worldwide digital economy- in 10 short years ending 1957 von neumann gifted humanity the leap forward in programmable computing-he left behind many east coast hubs from boston yale princeton dc , and ideas-most were not executed to have the impacts he hoped for although initially kennedy's moon race looked hopeful- and the west coast value multipliers around gordon more's 6 decades of 100 times more tech made it look as if no human mission would be impossible by 2020spound economy- this was the first global economy- in most ways the 1% of humans out of the UK built an empire opposite to smith's desires early apps of industrial revolution included slavery and trapping most of humans(who lived on asian contient) in poverty - in 1906 the indian mahatama gandhi start sailing between mumbai, durban and london asking for both a total chnage in education and india's independence- the 2 world wars root cause can be seen to be what happens when thye whole of world trade is mapped round one island's or even one capitals interests - promisingly the new world of americans took up the english langiage and twoice saved the old world from wars- this multiplied a lot of good but the way the dollar economy spiralled after jfk's assasination and as big finace made forst use of eacg new G of tech is a diferent story
    4 pre-digital 1970s rural keynesianism economy -first engineerd by Fazle Abed, its chinese version discussed as a global debate in The Economist of 1977- this wonderful innovation is where asian village women started lifting up half the sky on the south asian region bangladesh and the east asian region china- by 1968 china had starved 50 million of its people by following the russian economic model- all the world could have celebrated the return to china to world markets - something it had closed out in 1960 when the british told chinese that they had to accept opium as a trading currency3 deming engineers super-infra economy by 1900 japan had become the 2nd worst nation in trapping peoples on the content of asian- being on the losing side of world war 2- a miracle happened when japan adopted deming's knowhow to lead ahead with engineering infrastructure and microelectronics and world trade ports (a system it shared with islands taiwan hk singapore) and suoerialways which China was the first to ask permission to replicate with Deng in 19782 dollar IR1 global economy- what britain had hubbed out of an island, america stated implementing on continental scale - thus 5% of people both saved the world from 2 wars and peaked at about 30% of human consumption - whilst JFK might have continued the dream of powering the hi-tech 20th century with the worlds people, from 1964 and embattled in superpower wars with russia, the usa started powering over people1 US-Russia Big media economy- the satellite always was to telecoms 0G to 5G as vital as the increase in analytical power of machine intel until in the 2020s one computer chip has up to trillion times more than needed to race to the moon; but space experiments have not been by and for the people ... who knows what space entrepreneurship can do if it ever is

    Idea sustainability of humanity will depend on girls as job creators

    Exciting - it still needs a billion girls to help it happen

    Where did idea start? While there are different cultural views of someting so briliantly human, I first heard about when members of china's quarter of a billion girls shared ideas with the world's number 1 investmnt partnership in girls that used to be hubbed solely out of Bangakdesh but is now to be found wherever the most courageous girls and boys are to be found linking in solutions to sustainability goals -

    partnering 7 billion peoples' S-goals-Goal 17

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