Monday, December 31, 1973

old homepage

 old home

community building usa
ai survey #3 monthly ai highlights oct 2020 to oct 2021 -road to glasgow cop26
ai chartering of twin guides of un2.0
un100 - sustainability tales of 4 quarters
will singapore come out top in 1000 humans of AI
entrepreneur dictionary
dictionary ai and 2025 report by norman macrae and chris macrae
Entrepreneurial Revolution 1976 The Economist by Norman Macrae
fei-fei li- humansAI laureate of 2020s- thanks pro-youth academia & StanfordChinaEconomist zoomers
2025 report - 37th year of re-editing at
universities and AI superport maps
what else does ai do
fazle abed ,AI SD goal 1 END POVERTY BY nations,cities, markets, tech and uni coalitions .
hk & sustainable youth's win-win nations
20 reasons why top male bosses in english speaking nations are destroying their peoples
help map 75 years of innovation challenges to uniting nations
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Play The Games of World Record Jobs creators: Entrepreneurial Revolution
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map human lot at 2020 -machines 260 , new world big ship 520 top 16 missing curricula of 2020
100 questions most pre-digital economists get wrong or fail to ask
100 ways standardised testing destroys youth's sustainability
worldwide tours of UN sdgs -where do you map sdg studies from - bay 1 med sea bay 2 rising asia bay 3 far west bay .
humanAI edu VIPKID cindy mi, kai-fu lee li ka-shing
2020 what would adam smith make of man & machine @260
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9* Sir Fazle Abed
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2020s human beings 3rd and last chance
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85-25 valuing 9 times healthier human networking absolutely critical
help co-edit and 20 blogs of
imagine how different peoples industrial revolution could have been with adam smith
smithian scholars class 260 - hi-trust markets united human goals
Leon Botstein, Soros and other greatest educators of sdg generation
zoom to tele-education -post corona world
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whats new and old about 75th year of learning how to Unite Nations
OSUN first global university empowering sdg generation coalitions
fazle abed and a billion people's favorite education network
Soros 50 countries
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BU Brac University 2.0 - sdg womens greatest university partnership?
5g hospitals
Agricultural/Rural economics- blunders and freedoms
ten to follow in india
RISK's best exponential sources
will your city change more in 2020s than in last 50 years?
Do you dare to trust 7 wonders of SDG gen 2030?
is self-learning possible
5G ..1G 0G networks & 2030 sustainability of nations
5G sustainability - FINDINGS
5G sustainability - CONCLUSIONS
5G Sustainability - RECOMMENDATIONS
#newEconforum ...
what if teachers were valued more than economists
valuetrue maths of sustainable systems
What if most people/families don't need charity but...
what's cashless banking? examineless education?
blockchain world war 3 updates -aka will $ disappear before trump's face on it
Chinese AI according to DC thinktank csis
future of education & half the world
Imagine if you never phoned until you smart phoned AND
what if jfkennedy had met royals of UK japan- sustainability consequences
mapping how communications revolution would destroy industrial era rules
50 years of english language economies destroying humanity
corporate valuation : environmental ai
Mapping India's 17 most exciting races
Norman Macrae- hubs of Entrepreneurial Revolution @ The Economist &
Hong Kong 2019-1996, Ukraine 1999 &
NEWS of Sustainability Curricula of Population
show me education -end standard exams
valuing war & peace- sustainability & goals uniting billions of families
5G 4G 3G 2G 1G 0G Human Ops of decades since moon landing
Sustianability's Year 49 The Economist search 30K community rising business & service models
MIcroeconomics puzzles- 90% of human lot advanced by SMES
AI education
there is not a sustainable place on earth yet- why not?
G5 4 3 2 1G TC wealth & equality of nations
AI Finance
UN extinction or trade that is the question.
AI Health & Safety
AI Food (for people) Energy (for machine)
AI Infra Maps - trade webs without walls
AI music sports arts fashions community heroines
AI public servant leaders and goodwill valuation
ai world fund benchmark softbank
AI smart places - eg shared economies models, big data local
youth places win-win currency
Ma's men and women
Tsinghua #1 DigitalCooperation MIT #2
2019 Geneva to honor huawei and top 20 of made in the internet
Celebrating JIm Yong Kim
Hackhikers guide to girls sdg generation
18th annual update of hubsworld
happy 2019- 2'oclock rock on stopping extinction of species
Do you know womens most valuable lesson from 20th century?
13 Belt Roads -TUPU
Exploring 100 Jack Ma Partnerships
10 times more economical health care 1984-2025
what is world's most valuable resource? - your place will grow or decline 5 fold by 2050- which? how?
Food security - insects plus
Sustainability - the most urgent games people will ever play
AI round the world
50 years mapping why sustainability needs East to be in top 2 all AI markets by 2025
what if AI world's robots were programmed by Trump?
GPLETFORC League of Nations
This months youthcooperation meetings
world record job creators before moon landing
#BR0 young leaders : naturally china largest gdp by 2030 whatever trump does
China Capitalism - How Women & Youth were asked to Change www sustainability
supernation economics valuetrue maths crisis: nature values geo & eco systems more than humans
How can you help students and teachers who discover sustainability's missing solutions?
Love & Sustainability: remembered by son and grandddaughter
Listing 100 reasons why big organisations have zero value unless they serve small enterprises
Huawei wizards number 1 brand
#BR2 South Asia's Coastal Belt - further references
Year in 2019 from
questions on NY's AI Now Report
where can people chat seriously about youth livelihoods
how to help next 2 years of research of world record jobs
what supercities does a nation need to sustain fifth of world people and worldwide youth
HubWorld Update
Game- choose 5 co-leaders to sustain mother earth
DigitalCooperation- Sustainability Youth World Trade Flight Map
Did positive world trade mapping end with silk road 500 years ago
Can the old world save america's new world
Why women dont see g7 nations as leading sustainability solutions
Where do gov value young technologists most
Case 1 learning from world's largest livelihood educator and cashless bnaker
Sports Arts top 10 non-sustainable market
Will USA lose First 100 Nations of Sustainability Status?
#BR1 East of China &
Do you know the 10 most disastrous mistakes macroeconomists can make
universe of world record jobs and sustainability
#BR6 #TheEconomist do americans want to save humans from extinction?
#BR10 latin america
news blockchain & edu belt road
stories developing for new uni alibabauni and arcticuni ...
#BR5 #TheEconomist West Europe
#br3 #theeconomist russia what if america's politicians and media wasted last third of century
Prince Charles
Can Artificials win-win with human Intelligences
its not social unless its 51% social
old homepage
Paradox Francis
youth's tech glossary to 2023 (2000 times moore e- than 1946)
sustainability2019-2020- linkin 1000 times moore rising suns with japan
50 shades of green
Mapping Sustainabililty WWW 1946-2030
?Mapping 3 millennia of world trade
Nobel Dr Yunus did not invent banking for the poor, what he did do...
MICES- Map-Integrate-Community-Economics-Sustainability
How English Failed Democracy's FInal Exam 2 Centuries in a Row
Guide to 4000 times Moore tech era of WorldRecordJobs Creators tsinghua &
unctad dialogue
Yunus top 10 concepts - what to learn, what not to copy?
Was JFK last president to explore how to SME every possible value chain
education's 3 greatest jobs creators
Do you know how to map world trade routes?
How about Soros & Francis & Kim if your politicians ban ending poverty with Asian Girl Power
Place branding- how singapore rose to top of class as US. EU bottomed
which markets will sustainability 30000 most vital solutions come from
Norman Macrae Economist's view of why 21st C needs to get happier and happier alumni clubs
The United Nations of Girls
Jobs Belt Roads Top 13
What is Sustainability?
17 goals of SDG nations - or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
BENT - did Americans Lose IT?
news from china *and delas " which we dont quite understand yet
Studying Bangladesh - Economists' and Sustainability's Greatest MIracle
10 most exciting developments students 2018-2019
pro-youth financial genius -Rumee Ali
pro-youth banking 2012) and jobs education (2017)
Which of 7 Belt Road Movements are you Mapping
Asian Research Future of Education
2020s to 1945 5G 4G 3G 2G 1G 0G Moon 60s UN1945
Technology leapfrogging and the end of poverty
Is it possible to sustain planet earth without west's g7 nations?
what were the 2 world wars really about? freedom to trade...
Shall we design markets for 10 billion, 3 bn or zero people?
learn from most conscious network in girls world
MIT Matech US-East
Mapping Economics of Ports & Railroads & Digital
Livelihood Education Open Space
Global Uni of Poverty - why SDgirls value china's BAT not US FAG
brac 49 years of 7 by 7 webs of ngo world partners
Privatization - good, bad, terribly no-sustainable?
Cost of Girls True News
Wang Jianlin why under 30s need to value boats & trains more than cars and planes
My favorite europe university east of glasgow is in mortal danger?
Who's Afraid of Diversity of 195 nations
economy of billion poorest girls - bangla &
economies where mass thrives, do no evil to poorest, east belt road economy since 1950
economics of sports and
amy space
what scottish economists actually said
WRJC Missionaries Impossible
top 8 job creators jinping, pope francis, sir fazle, jack ma, jae-in &
Brac's curriculum - of how girls built 8th most populated nation on trust and love
BELT - mapping future of places if youth are to be sustainable everywhere in 21st C
welcome to AI sustainability trade mapping BELTUSASIA,com
marketing's new ;playbook
lessons from first 3000 US alumni trained by jack ma detroit
New York Sept 2018 - Is teaching sustainability possible?
g20 argentina summit july 2018
100 cities -sustainability's last call
belts 65 industrial zones- exploring links to jobs, tech hubs and learning exchanges
survey - where are the world's favorite coding schools
help draft urgent request to world bank jim kim
Optimistic reasons 2018's sustainbility summits will leap to changing education round 3 bn new jobs
ObamaUni #TheEconomist
Feb 2018 par 1/6 months girlsnchnage education at United Nations
imagine if media was used for youth to debate top 7 job creators why BAT is not FAG
Mastermind Quiz- saving human race from extinction 2030-1946
History's WRJC including Gandhi Marx Smith Keynes &
can education help youth save humanity from extinction?
who do you know - world record job creators or destroyers?
100 years of reporting the market for poverty alleviation
2019-2020 Beijing Belt Road Forum 2 May 2019; Japan G20 and Alibaba Olympics
2018 year that india and china raced to end poverty : together!
Celebrating East West South North- What 3.5 billion elders Can do in next 1461 days
aiib 2018 mumbai june
WISE@UNGA 2018 september new york
4.5A - changing education
trade maps - development of peoples by goodwill (health) and finance (wealth)
do you know joyful stories of sustainability gen's students and teachers
3 new banking summits: aiib mumbai, sco qingdao , brics joburg
3 WISE SUMMITS - Accra May, UN New York Sept, Paris March 2019
Ali Baba - TOP 5 ECONOMY OF 21st C
WRJCbook not facebook
ngo rankings by friends of norman macrae foundation
entrepreneur military
Exciting Development Economists - Norman Macrae
whathappened USA
13 years left for 3.5 bn explorers of sustainability 2.0
is diesel one of the dirtiest of energies?
Belt up 9 regions
top 5 micro word trade platforms for creating 3 billion news jobs for under 30s
lessons from lessons from 80 country club redesigning investment banks round green infrastructure
who's who of celebrating end of tv ad age
how south korea is pullin all stops out to be china's best supporter of sustainability generation
characters at aiib 2017 include
East's 70 years of amazing development economic models
exploring the world's history and future through eyes of young chinese ladies & auld scottish allies
fast changing question - who can finance humanity's life critical goals?
explore young world's top 25 job creating platforms
how can everyone build the most valuable idea the world has ever heard of
year 34 of why not free trade with russian people
un year of ecotourism
4th grade Girl's 20 stories of futures worthy of human race
is cnn destroying its value
rejuventaion of media - why youth alumni of happy east will sustain humanity, dismal west wont
chinese millennials -sustainability half billion lead storytellers
world cultural entrepreneur - who?
100 days -- 1/14.6 #TheEconomist
what is the future of retail?
How to design 3 billion new jobs around youth
#youthtech - worldwide brand charter search by Baltimore
world's most valuable question- which markets are good for all the peoples?
2020,2019,2018 = now!
west baltiimore - the most collaborative urban city space for sustainability (goal 11)
Sustaining fully employed youth and 100$ graduate degrees
Conscious Post Its
why parents need to mentor kids in email curriculum k-12
Can world's biggest broken system be fixed? - yes only with mass collaboration
The Games of World Record Job Creation
how to value partners
10* jinping and other world record place leaders
1* Jack Ma
where is #learninggeneration going to and coming from?
future history sustainability #1461
8* Muhammad Yunus
which corporations/sectors are making education their main corporate responsibility
America's number 1 crisis - antisocial media -god bless us
What would world miss if JYK hadnt existed 2012-2022?
HOwen OPEN space
Alumni of Gandhi/Mandela
Emperor Hirohito ( Showa ) One of Greatest Leaders ever by Norman Macrae
Newest branches of POP - West Africa 014, Vatican 013, World Bank 012
the most valuable satellite guided learning tour - sustaining 7 billion being's community nursing
Grassroots rural networks save the world
Diary of , and myUNuslab
When are Bono's Pop Stars On Song in Claiming investing 10% in Agriculture best way to end poverty
Exponential Goals
44th annual newsletter of elearning millennials and job creation started at The Economist
Comparing world bank #2030now structure wit other millennials world class end poverty networks
business models
bottom up pieces of solar, and linksin to future of green finance
bangla economic miracle lesson 1 first trillion dollar audit of a sustainable nation is healthcare
valuing millennials
Help curate Soros ineteconomic invitation to millennials to rethink economics and open society
inbox; could the next 5 years of elearning make or Break our human RACE
Game 1 Top 10 Open Universities that value youth most?
valuetrue search for most human value of internet
Saving Youth - Top 100 Videos to Viralise people i wish i had introduced the poor world's greatest jobs creator to
searching bookworm
Blank page
20 classes -cataloguing frames of partners in publishing world record job creation
Why nature will not sustain human species unless act now on biggest mistakes economists made Q3 C21
Which brand most collaboratively values millennials goals to 2030?
will partnerships of catholic universities be first to free business curriculum 21st women and youth
Course World Record Job Creators -by friends of The Economist's Macrae's Net Generation's Heroes
Leapfrogging curriculum- humanity's greatest value multiplying revolution
MillennialHealth Curriculum - next half billion jobs
Dont you just love economics and media? aka jobs and the curriculum of youth economics
1758 birth of moral viewpoint of economics as social action
Will enough Under 35 year olds know how to map goodwill value chains for 21st to sustain human race?
Mindset's Great Escape: elders economics war on youth
Curriculum of safe community banking
Curriculum of The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. The future is still so much bigger
Diary of when/where youth can linkin to sustain world
2030 curriculum of Gandhi - year 14 of gossiping good news of OMAGINE
Nobel Peace Summit Curriculum Competition
curriculum of washington dc - worst of best pro-youth capital
Conscious Capitalism $64 Trillion Dollar Curriculum - Purpose of Hi-Trust banking 99% of humans need
Who was missing from cast of first social good summit-mooc?
9 minute mooc - youth futures depend on whether ceos sustain or destroy value chains
Which trillion dollar markets have even one ceo leading best for youth futures
debates with big funders of end poverty schemes
will media barons ever learn to value connections between likes and dislikes?
The Future History of Social Business Since 1976
how does conscious capitalism relate to valuetrue exchange
VT & collaboration entrepreneur revolution of micrifranchies and bottom-up value chain mapping
VT and the compound risks of unseen wealth
The Economist & Bangladesh - VT & 1976's 2 great calls for wholeplanet redesign of 21st C systems :
3 most important metrics of pro-youth economics: goodwill, sustainability, transparency
Book Introduction to economics of youth
chris macrae linkedin
UNwomens - 10 years of leapfroging - bangladesh paradise lost?
#BR0 China & #TheEconomist
#BR9 Africa #theeconomist
#BR3 Russia #BR4 East Europe #TheEconomist
#BR7 Middle East #TheEconomist
#BR11 Arctic Belt Road
Will Americans lost First 100 Sustainability Nations Status
Dear Parents - do you want children to still be born in 4 generations time?
Can geneva sustain the world
leon botstein and greatest educators of sdg youth
Leon Botstein and greatest educators of sdg generation

surprising AI (Artificial Intel)  : network-mapping research - tourism economics- 3 times less vovid with no tourism - even less covid if welcome tourists but 1 no nightlife, 2 test tourist staff twice a week, 3 control crowded spaces- research sites include - nagano japan greece   utellus - related ai cameras can chech temperatures of 200 people a minute entering a station; ai spectacles worn bu security staff can identify who's temerature who

voiceprint research - cough into a mobile app and it will tell you if you have covid - coming soon from carnegie melon's rita singh and alumni

 click below to download linked ppt including detailed reports uniting nations round human's greatest innovation challenges

discuss how to co-survey with educators around the world-where/when can we celebrate post-covid world and youth as sdg generation

3 zoom-me-ai examples-click here


.7 ai wizards

7.1  voiceprint AI wizards-carnegie melon's enabling AI to listen to who's cough has covid may be best news of 2020- however  AI 5 senses offer amazing opportunities; i first had my eyes opened by rosalind picard MIT 2009 she explained how we can transfer senses- so the way a robot sees can become spectacles for a blind person - not only can they start to enjoy sight the way a robot sees but their other senses are much more tuned than the rest of us- in the future people we historically called disadvantaged may invent what the rest of us can't 


 Can you help with 37th annual survey of humanising tech started in the economist (further ref 2025 report)- theme for 20-21 : help worldwide cooperation survey on AIforSDGS or AIforGOOD


1000 SIGNATORIES   2025 report 40 year dealine- exponentials - goal 1 end poverty, food tech, health tech , edutech, peace/safety tech, greentech, resilient communities fintech


..DICTIONARY OF AI bridges all 2020s tech - alphanumeric soup includes 5sense, 5g, 3dprint AI blockchain cloud drone edutech fintech greentech healthtech IOT/: JOY ...  




.can we celegrate 75th birthday of UN... by changing how all people in government serve we the peoples see mulilateral ai

why did the first mongolian to go to stanford give up post as gov minister and lead sanitation ai? 

The Toilet Revolution: Oyungerel Tsedevdamba / Leader of the "Let's Change Our Toilets" Campaign
1 Multilateral ai

Since taking over un late 2015 and era of sdgs guterres has linked in a lot of world class tech connectors – here are main reports I know of – some involve meetings guterres has continuously chaired in new York ; others itu Geneva
The previous leader of UN,Ban ki moon, is one of 2 signatories to 10 transformation of un2.0   Guterres seems to have created a new sub-secretariat stream 365/24/7 day long youtube un videos between June and September as celebrations of unga75 Guterres who started year round debriefings round an expert panel on digital cooperation 2.5 years ago with 20 idea leaders from all hemispheres eg Melinda gates and jack ma- the latest report in this series has focused on practical examples of the peoples money 

download aisurvey ppt

if you value further understanding of anything at this web - we offer a free half hour zoom - book it with which section of web do you want to action?


 what happened to education in 2020 year of covid - of our 37 annual reports tracking education since our 1984 book - 2020 was like 20 years in one- instead of the 21st c blending classroom and zoom smoothly - those who could zoomed; those with little infrastrucure went back to rado to link in a country's children

nominations of extraordinary individuals : - wrldcty viola lam -what can hong kongers do to light up education worldmillion $ teacher prize yidan prize hk 50 years - double million dollar teaching laureates per year out of hong kong by co-founder tencent

 osun of soros fazle abed botstein crow awuah .... continuing news of the greatest education coalition we have ever had the privilege to interview

mit & tsinghua AI & oxford ethics/diversity/livrsmatter- tracking what schwarzman scholars  can do...

what happened in the last 75 years? why did so many powrful westerners steal youth 's sustainability joys in most market sand most places?

1995-2020 was interesting- for the first time the two thirds of people who are asian got chances to co-create with computing and communications at the same time as america and the west- what will happen as we peoples go beyond covid- will ever more western community livelihoods be destroyed by their own leaders ? how did big brother gameplays take over the west

-see the games : round 1 bezos who designed ecommerce around managing the market with the biggest stock ie books: versus china's number 1 young english teacher and tourist guide jack ma who was accidentally visiting usa for first time - seattle while amazon was launching in 1995; ma had 10 years to brainstorm anf find partners; he didnt want to handle stock, only the ai of continental wide last mile delivery services;25 years on china can deliver testing anywhere while bezos owns the most cost efective postal service in us; this is only one of 20 ways in which us has blocked every community development of tech while asia has celebrated- searh for stories of how differently bangladesh -and world's poorest women villagers app'd first mobile phones to the west

45-70s - americans invented youth futures 5 greatest opportunities but only used two of them- 100 times moore computing power per decade, and satellite coms mainly used for governent defence until mobile wireless became unstoppable; back in mid 20th century asians appd solutions for village sustainability such as borlaugs work which probably prevented a billion asians from dying of famine

and asia started valuing engineering workers to the fullest -japan was the first to book up deming for every training session; its almost incomprehensible how americans tv age developed round not importing ideas from anywhere else- if americans had welcomed japans bullet chains the states would be interconnected in positive future work youth need rather than pork bareeling senate with each drtiest market a state its jobs deprend on

what happened between 1970 and 1995 is saddest of all for americans- nixon hated the way youth had opposed his tardiness in ending vietnam war so he poison pilled the future costs of college- already by 1984 the washington monthly was tracking how much universities were ripping off youth; on and how increasingly dc politicians hated serving the peoples- please see rob johnsons clarification of the roots of 7 no trumpers going back to 1970s   


what's your happiest zoom and your expert network's biggest challenge of 2020? examples - Thank you to Chris Fair

President, Resonance & Founder, Best Cities View More: I'm so glad you could join us for what is going to be a journey unlike anything you've ever experienced before around the world enjoy an array of unique experiences that celebrate the developers around the world to attract residents and visitors and investment to their communities study and measure quality and price for more than four hundred cities .2020 is unlike anything we've ever experienced at least in our lifetimes. World Economic Development culture travel well-being and sustainability are all in play.. our cities that celebrate them to incredible event -thanks everyone for their willingness to embark on this adventure with us and all of our speakers for contributing their time and energy to making this event a reality questions for which we don't yet have answers but working together. I'm confident we can only find solution to the challenges facing us today but also Forge of better more sustainable cities and communities downtown health and well-being of not only the cities in which they live but of the planet as a whole working together to forge a better Collective future overcoming challenges such as climate change and health and jobs in every community. 

Our thought leaders include: 

RICHARD FLORIDA Urbanist and Author toronto

DAN DOCTOROFF CEO, Sidewalk Labs ny

SHIN-PEI TSAY Director Policy, Uber

FRED OLAYELE Chief Economist, NYC

CHIP CONLEY Head of Global Hospitality and Strategy, Airbnb

DAVID MILLER Director, C40

CHRIS BOARDMAN olympian and Cycling and Walking Commissioner, Greater Manchester

MICAH KOTCH Managing Director, URBAN-X by MINI


ANDRE BRUMFIELD Principal, Gensler

Our cities include:

LOS ANGELES Namaste your Day with Manhattan Beach’s Justin Randolph

HONG KONG Wander through West Kowloon’s Art and Culture

TORONTO Mix your Mind with Toronto’s Genre-Bending Musicians

SINGAPORE Stop Everything with a Global Meditation Journey

NEW YORK Seed an Uban Farm with Brooklyn Grange

CAPE TOWN Savor Cape Town’s Wines from Township to Terroir

LOS ANGELES Get Spin-Savvy with DJ Masha

AUSTIN Inspire Your Inner Hitmaker with Songwriter Mélat

We can restore trust in our cities and communities and youth generated solutions for climate change - the program we put together for WRLDCTY over the next three days runs around the clock .There's something of interest for you wherever and whenever you want - and come back and community linkin on demand


problems experts most empower we the peoples to  solve locally and globally 


A Financial System That Extracts Wealth Instead of Creating It

Podcast featuring Dennis Kelleher

Dennis Kelleher, President of the NGO Better Markets, outlines how the financial system is serving the wealthy, how it has been reformed in the past and how it can be reformed again to serve Main Street instead of Wall Street.

 take no joy in reporting the fact that american politiciacians failed to celebrate yoyth's moon races on earth - not asians - have failed lives matter; i know full well my fatherwouldnthave survived serving in bomber command as a teenager without americans. -lets return to
;positive ways back to the furture that can be mapped if we all share braistorming from 1995 as if we wanted every next child born to be sustainable-the games

a post covid plan for ecery parent and teacher of 9 yars ols up

by the time your child needs work she will need to know howblend with compter artificial intel just  as much as we now see blending zoom, classroom and community is far wiser than one can be

so teachers and kids and parents in every school should celebrate covid when it ends in 2023 by mapping what does or communitydesperetly need to renew; what data dies the coommunity need to own to know what getting better is


you can compare this with hundreds of ai projects the un has started up in communities missing one or morethings intgral to health safey food security, education or investing in lives matter


United Nations Activities on
Artificial Intelligence

The UN compendium provides further details on UN agencies, members of the AI for Good UN Partners, experiments with AI to improve their response to global challenges.



To any young woman or man born in 21st c who is concerned whether her children will see the 22nd century, I recommend benchmarking knowhow of alumni of fazle abed first. I was privileged to visit Bangladesh 15 times to see him and his peoples. These 7 wonders are my way of remembering what he shared on 50 years of building BRAC a 100000 person organisation to serve the worlds poorest vIllages and the worlds largest ngo partnership. I have settled on 5 dimensional frameworks because my mind cant recall a larger number of dimensions. Anyone wanting to understand sir fazle deeper than I can describe should contact people at his university coalition brac-osun


5 factors of 17 sustainability goals

5 levels of mapping worldwide value chains

5 markets women villages need to lead to help build a rural nation starting with next to nothing unique other than hard working loving family mothers

5 markets next generations need to lead both to end poverty and to prevent falling into a middle income trap and nationalism

5 “e” core designs of microfranchises – the social-economic solution sir fazle and friends in south china pioneered to scale family owned business across hundreds of thousands of villages delivering health and other life shaping services

Searching for partners who helped the poorest stay ahead of the 5g decades – according to moores law and from 1972 branding of his silicon valley alumni there would be 100 times more computing power to apply each decade from 1g 1980s to 5g 2020s

5 post war solutions that were ready to change the world from the start of the 1960s -this moon race decade was the  globally most hopeful of all I have experienced -and if back then we could land on the moon with a trillion times less machine brainpower than 2030, why couldn’t millennials unite by celebrating sdg orbits and livesmatter everywhere by 2030

SHELF  bottom up INTEGRATION UNITING NATIONS  2021now transformation of top-down- valuing younger half of world 2020s as first sdg generation


resilience of community to nature

last mile health services

personal safety in community all lives matter 

Borderless good relations -life critical knowhow flows


Types of health and nutrition local services needed so no mum or child dies through lack of basic care

connecting world immunologists and epidemiologists

health as missing peer to peer edu curricululum from 4th grade pre-adolescence up 


 EDUCATION ilivelihood skills 

age of humanising machine and personal connections


lifelong including interruotions eg refugees, family crises 

at pre-school 

at primry

through adolescence /many need apprenticeships or community learning not closed classrooms

college for lifelong teaching and studying- era when half of most valuable knowhow changes every 5 years and is opposite of disciplianry or cultural silos 


servant leaders and professions are embedded in communities, resolving systemiv breakdowns- this cant be done top-down; the worst constititution in 21st c is the perfect one when horse was fastest way to communicate

before 5g to 0g decades - the Economist hosted dialogue on entreprenurial revolution if future lives matter - redesign every system to valuing sme netwrks not large organisations 


examples of tranformed finance thanks to blending digital unga75 peoples money 

 by 1960 5 extraordinary solutions looked ready for exponentilly risinghuman progress  mapping 5 gravitaional factors if you find 17 sdgs too many to recall or interact
 e1=EFFECTIVE e2 -EFFICIENT e3=expandable to any community in need e4=electrification e5= e- aka digital  V1=one  VILLAGE v2=200k villages national global worldwide real & virtual

 old jotting


united nations at 75 - can markets be designed to sustain our species - we explore this question through seven 5 point unnovation networks inspired by listening to some of the world's most extraordnary heroines and heroes of poverty alleviation - special thanks to the late great fazle abed 1 2 3 and his friends who welcomed us to bangladesh on 15 occasions between 2007 and 2018

5 livesmatter bottom up markets shelf; 5 top-down markets that 2020s need to value younger half of world

5 exponemtial solutions that emerged un years 1-15 - 5factor target practice of sdgs

how bottom up marketers integrate global values- 5es of microfranchising; 5 vs of place mapping

leaping ahead of moores laws 100 times more machine analytical intel 5g 2020s 1g 1980s

letterfrom america 2020 -sadly our peoples are up the creek in deep shit- how come US lost peoples' trust world class nations trade on? neither media, nor educators nor politicians value:


 BOTH US POLITICAL PARTIES HAVE IGNORED THIS BUT TRUMP HAS STIRRED LIES AND HATE THE WORST COCKTAIL FOR LIFE CRITICAL let alone -exercise for students & teacher- help with : map 1 what most life critical info was shared sept 2019 new york at events of 74th UN assembly- map 2 as 75th un zooms virtually where in world will share what life critocal knowhow? america's powerplayers has designed public health to be 3 times more costly and 3 times less efficient than any frr nation- every vested interest inside the beltway has compounded this over last 25 years- consider how and why american is designed to be a laggard in global crisis of virus

specifically the virus first test trusted cross-cultural and borderless/silo-leaping expert friendships - fauci wasnt included in asian respiratory experts of infectious diseases- if he had been he could have learnt from taiwan at start of 2020 

having failed to quaratine people flying into america, tesing became critical-america's testing sector are used to charging 100 dollars per test and distributing results slowly to doctors

 so even if bill gates helps invent a home test the way bezos built commerce shipping was private to amazon not nationwide public like jack ma built- so americas test still take average of 7 days plus to turnround which rather defeats value of testing for being infectios

the next safety net would be testing for those with antibodies- that would tell you if hopkins case data is less than fifth of world infections ie that asympomatics may be 4times greater than those with symtoms- when the japanese first heard of thie problem the whole nation was concerned - a disease that kills the very oly but trabsmits through the socially active most of whom wont know they have the disease

i hope you get the point bordeless knowledge flows are life critical- every wall of distrust a nation builds puts it at ever grester expoential rosk

i assume local is beautiful is understood by any parent but if you sincerely need any clarifictaion i am here  

download invitation to make 2020s most loving decade ever from family foundation Norman Macrae- The Economist's Unacknowledged Giant

download most exciting 2 day zoom agend has ever seen gets out The Economist archives of entrepreneurial revoluotion and asia rising to debate 
what happened to humans over last 38 years-? free download: our 1984 book 
2025 Report: updated with various countries to 1993 sweden- 

explore what tech could do if we valued education and health of every child/community

clearly we are way off our visions- not because 100 times moore tech failed to arrive the way we timelined but because

THREE GENERATIONS - MOST EXCITING TIME  = TO BE OR NOT TO BE- sustainability goals join the 
 happy.JPG 4 billion younger brains (under 30s) and 4 billion older brains (parents and grandparents) have not be globalised in sustaiable ways- can we get back to sdg 2020s- yes but not with more fumbles like big politics response to subprime tragedy and superpower response to 9/11 which has multiplied refugees all across eurasia borders to immense harm of both refugees and the vast majority of european and asian states- we are very interested to hear from city mayors who now realise both virus safety and species sustainability is up to them curing what big nation states eg g8 with exception of japan have turned into fake media and right old muddles outside washngton dc's beltway 

 Our 1984 scenario of an internetworking world

The great technological event of the next 40 years will be the steady rise in importance of the Telecommunications-Computer terminal (TC for short)... Eventually books, files, television programmes, computer information and telecommunications will merge. We'll have this portable object which is a television screen with first a typewriter, later a voice activator attached. Afterwards it will be minaturised so that your personal access instrument can be carried in your buttonhole, but there will be these cheap terminals around everywhere, more widely than telephones of 1984. The terminals will be used to access databases anywhere in the globe, and will become the brainworker's mobile place of work. Brainworkers, which will increasingly mean all workers, will be able to live in Tahiti if they want to and telecommute daily to the New York or Tokyo or Hamburg office through which they work. In the satellite age costs of transmission will not depend mainly on distance. And knowledge once digitalised can be replicated for use anywhere almost instantly.

Over the last decade, our friends have researched  and written many articles in The Economist and delivered lectures in nearly 30 countries across the world saying the future should be much more rosy. This book explores the lovely future people could have if only all democrats made the right decisions.


Norman and Chris Macrae, 1984. , 2020 summer


Changing communications, and what makes people distant, bossy etc

Telecommunications are now recognised as the third of the three great transport revolutions that have, in swift succession, transformed society in the past two hundred years. First, were the railways; second the automobile; and third, telecommunications-attached-to-the-computer, which was bound to be the most far-reaching because in telecommunications, once the infrastructure is installed, the cost of use does not depend greatly on distance. So by the early years of the twenty-first century brainworkers - which in rich countries already meant most workers - no longer need to live near their work.

All three revolutions were opposed by the ruling establishments of their time, and therefore emerged fastest where government was weak. All three brought great new freedoms to the common man, but the railway and motor-car ages temporarily made access to capital the most important source of economic power. As most men and women did not like being bossed about by capitalists who could become more powerful because they were born stinking rich, they voted to give greater economic power to governments during the railway and motor-car ages. This was economically inefficient, and also made tyrannies more likely and more terrible. The information revolution was fortunately the exact opposite of the steam engine's industrial revolution and of Henry Ford's mass production automobile revolution in this respect. The steam engine and mass production has made start-up costs for the individual entrepreneur larger and larger, so that in both the steam and automobile ages to quote Bell Canada's Gordon Thompson in the early 1970s, there was 'no way an ordinary citizen could walk into a modern complex factory and use its facilities to construct something useful for himself'. But, as Thompson forecast, the databases of the next decades were places into which every part-time enthusiast could tele-commute. In all jobs connected with the use of information, start-up costs for the individual entrepreneur in 1984-2024 have grown smaller and smaller. It was 'never thus', said Thompson, 'with power shovels and punch presses'.

In consequence, in the TC age, the most important economic resource is no longer ownership of or access to capital, but has become the ability to use readily available knowledge intelligently and entrepreneurially.

Changing national politics

For a region's people to succeed in the Telecommuting Age there are four main requirements - satisfied in places as far apart ad Guam and Queensland and Cape Province and California and Penang and Scotland. First , as the prophet John Naisbitt said in 1982, 'the languages needed for the immediate future are computer and English'. Second, the area has to be a nice one in which to live. Third, it is important that all income earners should adapt happily to a 'cafeteria of compensation' schemes. These allow the individual employee to decide what mix (s)he wants of salary, job objectives, career aims, flexitime, job sharing, long or short holidays, fringe benefits or fringe nuisances. Fourth, there needs to be a competitive and quickly changing telecommunications system. The TC age is making understanding of these requirements increasingly transparent among human beings worldwide.

Governments at first tried to impede or regulate much of this, but an early discovery of the Telecommutung age was that we could change the way we chose our governments. Until the 1990s we had pretended to ourselves that we could alter our lifestyles by choosing on each Tuesday or Thursday every four years whether Mr Reagan or Mr Carter , Mrs Thatcher or Mr Kinnock, was putting on the tribal demonstration which at that particular moment annoyed us less. After the advent of the TC we found that the more sensible and direct way in which a free man or woman could choose government was by voting with his or her feet. The individual could go to live in any area where the government - which could from then on be a very local government - permitted the lifestyle, rules and customs which suited that human being.


Changing Economics

The introduction of the international Centrobank was the last great act of government before government grew much less important. It was not a conception of policy-making governments at all, but emerged from the first computerised town meeting of the world.

By 2005 the gap in income and expectations between the rich and poor nations was recognised to be man's most dangerous problem. Internet linked television channels in sixty-eight countries invited their viewers to participate in a computerised conference about it, in the form of a series of weekly programmes. Recommendations tapped in by viewers were tried out on a computer model of the world economy. If recommendations were shown by the model to be likely to make the world economic situation worse, they were to be discarded. If recommendations were reported by the model to make the economic situation in poor countries better, they were retained for 'ongoing computer analysis' in the next programme.

In 2024 it is easy to see this as a forerunner of the TC conferences which play so large a part in our lives today, both as pastime and principal innovative device in business. But the truth of this 2005 breakthrough tends to irk the highbrow. It succeeded because it was initially a rather downmarket network television programme. About 400 million people watched the first programme, and 3 million individuals or groups tapped in suggestions. Around 99 per cent of these were rejected by the computer as likely to increase the unhappiness of mankind. It became known that the rejects included suggestions submitted by the World Council of Churches and by many other pressure groups. This still left 31,000 suggestions that were accepted by the computer as worthy of ongoing analysis. As these were honed, and details were added to the most interesting, an exciting consensus began to emerge. Later programmes were watched by nearly a billion people as it became recognised that something important was being born.

These audiences were swollen by successful telegimmicks. The presenter of the first part of the first programme was a roly-poly professor who was that year's Nobel laureate in economics, and who proved a natural television personality. He explained that economists now agreed that aid programmes could sometimes help poor countries, but sometimes most definitely made their circumstances worse. When Mexico was inflating at over 80 per cent a year in the early 1980s , the inflow to it of huge loanable funds made its inflation even faster and its crash more certain. The professor set Mexico's 1979-1981 economy on the model, pumped in the loaned funds and showed how all the indicators ( higher inflation, lower real gross domestic product and so on) then flashed red, signaling an economy getting worse, rather than green, signaling an economy getting better. ..The professor then put the model back to mirror the contemporary world of 2005, and played into it various nostrums that had been recommended by politicians of left, right and centre, but mostly left. The dials generally flashed red. Then the professor provided another set of recommendations , and asked viewers who wished to play to tap in their own guesses on the consequent movement of key economics variables in the model. Those who got their guesses right to within a set error were told they had qualified for a second round of a knock-out economic guesstimators' world championship. Knockout competitions of this sort continued for viewers throughout the series of programmes.

In the second part of that first programme, the presenters dared to introduce two political decisions into the game. They said that government-to-government aid programmes had been particularly popular among politicians during the age of over-government, but there was growing agreement that government-to-government aid was the worst method of hand-out. The excessive role played by governments in poor countries was one of the barriers to their economic advance, and a main destroyer of their people's freedom. Could anyone have thought it would be wise to give aid to President Mbogo?

In consequence, the most successful economic aid programmes had been those operated through the International Monetary Fund, which imposed conditions on how borrowing governments should operate. The professor showed that IMF-monitored operations in most years had brought more green flashes from the model than red. But this involved IMF officials - often from the rich countries - in telling governments of poor countries what to do; and one of the objectives of this town meeting of the world was to diminish such embarrassments.

The first questions to be asked in the next few programmes, said the compilers, were 1) which countries should qualify for aid? ; and having decided that, 2) up to what limits and conditions? ; and 3) through what mechanisms? They promised that later programmes after the first half-dozen would examine how any scheme could be used to diminish the power of governments and increase the power of free markets and free people.

Changing employment

In a typical 21st C scene, obedience to consumer needs is shown by every car plant in the world because of better and more customised information available on all our TCs. Most people buying a car in 2024 will key into their special requirements into their TCs.

The TC will reply: "You can get a customised car which meets all of your specifications by putting personalised instructions on the software of the assembly line's robots in one of these factories (choice of nine) requesting that the next car on the line be modified as you dictate. But that would cost up to $40,000 (Click to factories for quotations and credit facilities). For a fifth of that price, you can meet most of your requirements by the following standard computer programme at present scheduled for production in June at Nissan Kanpur; or July at Ford Manila (and so on). Click to factories for precise specifications and prices.

All of this has become commonplace after 2000. How has it affected employment?

For a new industry of 2019-2024 let us cite the intendedly short-lived example of the Clark-Schmidt Robot Gardener. Matthew Clark was a 53-year old on his third university course (he had started the other two at the ages of nineteen and thirty-seven respectively) telecommuted through the University of Southern California, although he took it while living in his native Australia , when, together with two other student's telecommuting through USC's database, he devised a system for a robot-driven lawnmower which could also scan soil and assess the possibilities for reseeding. It signaled the videos to be called up on your TC to show alternative uses for the soil in your garden. If you picked one video display that particularly suited your taste, you keyed in its number into the Robot Gardener and it signaled back, 'put such-and-such chemical into my tank and seeds 1234, 3456 (et cetera), plus software program 29387 - both orderable through your TC - into my reseeder.'

Clark and his two colleagues put their tentative ideas for this device on the researchers' database monitored by the University of Southern California. The entry numbers to the USC database were held by people who had promised to accept the computer's judgement of the value of any ideas they might contribute to projects entered on it. In all, 1213 people - domiciled from Hanoi through Penang and Capri and Bermuda back to Queensland in Australia itself - tapped in suggestions for improvements, of which 176 were accepted nby the computer as worthwhile. The payments recommended by the computer ranged from $42 ( for a cosmetic improvement recommended by an eleven-year-old schoolboy) to one tenth of the equity (eventually worth several million dollars) for a proposal by a research team from another telecommuting university which proved important enough for Clark to feel slightly guilty about calling the Robot Gardener after himself.

When the improvements suggested by these 176 contributors had been incorporated by Clark into the appropriate software program for making the Robot Gardener , it was advertised on USC's entrepreneur-browsing program available on any TC. Entry numbers for the lowest echelons of this can be bought for a very few dollars, but the Robot Gardener was put on a higher echelon because USC's computer had signaled this was a potential quick winner.

One of those who had paid for an expensive entry number into browsing among good 'proffered opportunity products' (POPs) was a Dutchman called Carl Schmidt. He had become a successful 'arranging producer' in an earlier venture, and now occupied himself browsing through his TC looking for a second bonanza. He made an offer to Clark to tale an option for launch in return for a fairly complicates programme of profit sharing, which in practice (because arranging is nowadays a more skilled job than inventing) eventually gave Schmidt more money than Clark. Clark accepted this and Schmidt produced a prototype within three days by reprogramming robots in an experimental plant. A video of the prototype was put on consumers' TC channels worldwide the next week, and most of the 400 odd gardeners' TC channels round the world picked it out within days as a 'best buy'.

Schmidt's video advertisement said 'If you key in your order now with your credit number, you can get a Robot Gardener for a bargain price (applies to the first 10,000 orders only). Tenders are also invited for part of the equity.' The advance orders and bids for equity made it possible to finance assembly of the Robot Gardener for early-bid customers within a few weeks...

Note that there was never any intention that Robot Gardeners Inc should grow into a huge and long-lasting company. Clark and Schmidt are already researching and browsing into other possibilities, on separate courses. About fifty of those who succeeded by early participation in this venture hope to become the equivalent of Clark and Schmidt in other things.

At no stage has this enormously successful manufacturing venture employed more than 1000 people. It is therefore true that the loss of nine-tenths of manufacturing jobs , which we saw has been highest in car-making in rich countries, has also been true there in manufacturing jobs as a whole. Where these countries had 20-40 per cent of their workforces in manufacturing in 1974, they typically have 2-4 per cent now.

This is not an unprecedented rundown. In the 1890s around half of the workforce in countries like the United States were in three occupations: agriculture, domestic service and jobs to do with horse transport. By the 1970s these three were down to 4 per cent of the workforce. If this had been foretold in the 1890s, there would have been a wail. It would have been said that half the population was fit only to be farmworkers, parlourmaids and sweepers-up of horse manure. Where would this half find jobs? The answer was by the 1970s the majority of them were much more fully employed ( because more married women joined the workforce) doing jobs that would have sounded double-Dutch in the 1890s: extracting oil instead of fish out of the North Sea; working as computer programmers, or as television engineers, or as package-holiday tour operators chartering jet aircraft.

The move in jobs in the past fifty years in the rich countries has been out of manufacturing and into telecommuting.


Changing education

There has been a sea-change in the traditional ages on man. Compared with 1974 our children in 2024 generally go out to paid work (especially computer programming work) much earlier, maybe starting at nine, maybe at twelve, and we do not exploit them. But young adults of twenty-three to forty-five stay at home to play much more than in 1974; it is quite usual today for one parent (probably now generally the father, although sometimes the mother) to stay at home during the period when young children are growing up. And today adults of forty-three to ninety-three go back to school - via computerised learning - much more than they did in 1974.

In most of the rich countries in 2024 children are not allowed to leave school until they pass their Preliminary Exam. About 5 per cent of American children passed their exam last year before their eight birthday, but the median age for passing it in 2024 is ten-and-a-half, and remedial education is generally needed if a child has not passed it by the age of fifteen.

A child who passes his Prelim can decide whether to tale a job at once, and take up the remainder of his twelve years of free schooling later; or he can pass on to secondary schooling forthwith, and start to study for his Higher Diploma.

The mode of learning for the under-twelves is nowadays generally computer-generated. The child sits at home or with a group of friends or (more rarely) in an actual, traditional school building. She or he will be in touch with a computer program that has discovered , during a preliminary assessment, her or his individual learning pattern. The computer will decide what next questions to ask or task to set after each response from each child.

A school teacher assessor, who may live half a world away, will generally have been hired, via the voucher system by the family for each individual child. A good assessor will probably have vouchers to monitor the progress of twenty-five individual children, although some parents prefer to employ groups of assessors - one following the child's progress in emotional balance, one in mathematics, one in civilized living, and so on - and these groups band together in telecommuting schools.

Many communities and districts also have on-the-spot 'uncles' and 'aunts'. They monitor childrens' educational performance by browsing through the TC and also run play groups where they meet and get to know the children personally...

Some of the parents who have temporarily opted out of employment to be a family educator also put up material on the TC s for other parents to consult. Sometimes the advice is given for free, sometimes as a business. It is a business for Joshua Ginsberg. He puts a parents advice newsletter on the TC , usually monthly. Over 300,000 people subscribe to it, nowadays at a 25-cent fee per person, or less if you accept attached advertisements. Here's an entry from the current newsletter:

"Now that TCs are universal and can access libraries of books, 3-d video, computer programs, you name it, it is clear that the tasks of both the Educator and the Communicator are far more stimulating that ten years ago.

One of my recent lessons with my ten-year-old daughter Julie was in art appreciation. In the standard art appreciation course the TC shows replicas of famous artists' pictures, and a computer asks the pupil to match the artist to the picture. Julie said to the computer that it would be fun to see Constable's Haywain as Picasso might have drawn it. The computer obliged with its interpretation , and then ten more stylised haywains appeared together with the question 'who might have drawn these?'. I believe we are the first to have prompted the TC along this road, but it may now become a standard question when the computer recognises a child with similar learning patterns to Julie's.

It is sometimes said that today's isolated sort of teaching has robbed children of the capacity to play and interact with other children. This is nonsense. We ensure that Julie and her four year old brother Pharon have lots of time to play with children in our neighbourhood . But in work we do prefer to interact with children who are of mutual advantage to Julie and to each other. The computer is an ace teacher, but so are people. You really learn things if you can teach them to someone else. Our computer has helped us to find a group of four including Julie with common interests, who each have expertise in some particular areas to teach the others.

The TC also makes it easier to play games within the family. My parents used to play draughts, halma, then chess with me. They used to try to be nice to me and let me win. This condescending kindness humiliated me, and I always worked frenetically to beat my younger brother (who therefore always lost and dissolved into tears.) Today Julie, Pharon and I play halma together against the graded computer, and Julie and I play it at chess. The computer knows Pharon's standard of play at halma and Julie's and mine at chess. Its default setting is at that level where each of us can win but only if we play at our best. Thus Pharon sometimes wins his halma game while Julie and I are simultaneously losing our chess game, and this rightly gives Pharon a feeling of achievement. When Julie and I have lost at chess, we usually ask the computer to re-rerun the game, stopping at out nmistakes and giving a commentary. As it is a friendly computer it does a marvelous job of consoling us. Last week it told Julie that the world champion actually once made the same mistake as she had done - would she like to see that game?

I intend to devote the next two letters to the subjects I have discussed here , but retailing the best of your suggestions instead of droning on with mine."

While the computer's role in children's education is mainly that of instructor (discovering a child's learning pattern and responding to it) and learning group matcher, its main role in higher education is as a store of knowledge. Although a computer can only know what Man has taught it, it has this huge advantage. No individual man lives or studies long enough to imbibe within himself all the skills and resources that are the product of the millennia of man's quest for knowledge, all the riches and details from man's inheritance of learning passed on from generation to generation. But any computer today can inherit and call up instantly any skill which exists anywhere in the form of a program.

This is why automatically updated databases are today the principal instruments of higher education and academic research. It is difficult for our generation to conceive that only forty years ago our scientists acted as tortoise-like discoverers of knowledge, confined to small and jealous cliques with random and restricted methods of communicating ideas. Down until the 1980s the world has several hundred sepaate cancer research organisations with no central co-ordinating database.






Changing education

There has been a sea-change in the traditional ages on man. Compared with 1974 our children in 2024 generally go out to paid work (especially computer programming work) much earlier, maybe starting at nine, maybe at twelve, and we do not exploit them. But young adults of twenty-three to forty-five stay at home to play much more than in 1974; it is quite usual today for one parent (probably now generally the father, although sometimes the mother) to stay at home during the period when young children are growing up. And today adults of forty-three to ninety-three go back to school - via computerised learning - much more than they did in 1974.

worldrecordjobs ad 1 from 2013 


This year's Central European University Open Society Prize awarded Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, founder/ chairperson BRAC ... 


In most of the rich countries in 2024 children are not allowed to leave school until they pass their Preliminary Exam. About 5 per cent of American children passed their exam last year before their eight birthday, but the median age for passing it in 2024 is ten-and-a-half, and remedial education is generally needed if a child has not passed it by the age of fifteen.

A child who passes his Prelim can decide whether to tale a job at once, and take up the remainder of his twelve years of free schooling later; or he can pass on to secondary schooling forthwith, and start to study for his Higher Diploma.

The mode of learning for the under-twelves is nowadays generally computer-generated. The child sits at home or with a group of friends or (more rarely) in an actual, traditional school building. She or he will be in touch with a computer program that has discovered , during a preliminary assessment, her or his individual learning pattern. The computer will decide what next questions to ask or task to set after each response from each child.

A school teacher assessor, who may live half a world away, will generally have been hired, via the voucher system by the family for each individual child. A good assessor will probably have vouchers to monitor the progress of twenty-five individual children, although some parents prefer to employ groups of assessors - one following the child's progress in emotional balance, one in mathematics, one in civilized living, and so on - and these groups band together in telecommuting schools.

2025 alumni aearch quarterly update summer 2020 rsvp if you can connect

  Nice to hear from you Jean. Here are 3 references but they interconnect the way my family (4 generations of diaspora scots including 3 generations of mother's side who worked with gandhi and had established mumbai's first pharmacy kemps corner) and friends map youth's futures - if they are to be free to be the sustainability generation

 1 summary around new york state partners of george soros -the actual launch of OSUN coalition Open Society University Networking was made at world economic forum January- at 90 years old george soros sees this as his legacy of debating what societies want out of 200 worldwide offices. In my view only Schwarzman scholars offer as big a global alumni network for 25 years olds to humanise tech. Much is to play for in this first year when essentially all world education progress is online

2 Bangladesh solutions to community development by poorest women  My father norman macrae's last research project after a lifetime debating how east-west could end poverty out of the economist sent student journalist to bangladesh 15 times which i coordinated- when dad died the japan embassy in dhaka hosted 2 events with sir fazle abed of brac on what he wanted his legacy to be on future of health, finance, education - he foresaw the brac university as an action learning coalition of all the ngos that partnered him - during his last year sir fazle appointed the taiwanese american vincent chang to lead university futures. Vincent has developed the university own BUX as a mooc system similar to edx
Soros used a lot of fazle abed women empowerment and village health solutions- so in effect vincent is to research future of sdg universities from far east. Their youth-growth curricula also meet in the middle of europe at vienna where soros own 30 year old central university is located and where ban ki=-moon a good friend of vincent is connecting 2 curricula - global civic engagement of youth and climate adaptability  If its easiest i can arrange for vincent to chat to you on whatsapp

3 a year ago i had many reasons for hoping tokyo and jack ma/unctad would help youth celebrate 2020s technologies and urgent challenges- due to virus and other crises I now prefer to understand what hong kong's 7 million of 8 billion people want to linkin - i am making rough maps that hk students/ youthful startups aligned to the overall identity og startuphk could make much better

 Vincent Chang is an academic who currently serves as the 4th Vice-chancellor and the inaugural President of BRAC University,[1][2] one of 12 founding coalition members of OSUN[3] with George Soros. leapfrog platforms for educating sdg generation include BUX, like edx but girl and sdgoal 1 empowering


Professor Chang holds his PhD in economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, another PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from University of California, Berkeley, Master's in Public Administration from Harvard University, MBA from Yale University, and BS in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University.[4]


He was the inaugural chair for institutional development at Chinese University of Hong Kong.[5] He was also the founding president and planning director of University of Business and Technology in Oman,[5] and inaugural associate dean of Peking University HSBC Business School.[6][7]


OSUN - Open Society University Networking - is coalition of universities chosen by george soros to linkin the futures he dreams/realises youth and communities can map everywhere

Leading new york state parter is Leon Botstein musician and 40 year long vice chancellor of Bard liberal arts ny state, Annandale-On Hudson- who also pilots high school microcolleges across new york inner suburbs and related lives matter communities

Soros own universitY- Central European U began in budapest over 30 years ago - but moved to vienna 2019; instead of commencement speakers CEU's ritual was to celebrate annual open society laureate- most famous Popper himself and Sir Fazle Abed - Fazle whose 50 year work empowered Bangladesh village women to connect the largest sdg ngo coalition died December 2019- much of his last decade laid foundations for BRAC university to be OSUN main COOPERATION partner out of south and east asia

as at june 2020 these are Listed connectors of osun but almost any cOllege leader wanting sdg students is inviTed to joIn and while the whole college world is onlinE zooms are changing pilot parTnerships almost every week

funding partners bard/ceu philanthropy partner 32 billion dollar open society fund-foundation phase 1 college partners COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES BRAC U Bangladesh -founder sir fazle abed begun round james grant epidemiology and public health school 2001 Talloires at Tufts Boston, Annecy France and worldwide student exchanges Arizona State Ashesi Ghana - founder Awuah winner of 6th wise laureate - abed was inaugural laureate Al-Quds University/Al-Quds Bard College of Arts and Sciences (Palestine) American University of Bulgaria American University of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan) Bard College Berlin (Germany) Birkbeck: University of London (United Kingdom) European Humanities University (Lithuania) Fulbright University of Vietnam Princeton University: Global History Lab (United States) Sciences Po in Paris (France) SOAS University of London (United Kingdom) Universidad de los Andes ​​​​​​​(Colombia) RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs (United States) Chatham House (United Kingdom) Institute for New Economic Thinking (United States and United Kingdom) Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (Austria) Open Society Archives (Hungary) Rift Valley Institute (Kenya)


  • OSUN is actively in discussions with other potential partners that share its principles and academic ambition.


Many communities and districts also have on-the-spot 'uncles' and 'aunts'. They monitor childrens' educational performance by browsing through the TC and also run play groups where they meet and get to know the children personally...

Some of the parents who have temporarily opted out of employment to be a family educator also put up material on the TC s for other parents to consult. Sometimes the advice is given for free, sometimes as a business. It is a business for Joshua Ginsberg. He puts a parents advice newsletter on the TC , usually monthly. Over 300,000 people subscribe to it, nowadays at a 25-cent fee per person, or less if you accept attached advertisements. Here's an entry from the current newsletter:

"Now that TCs are universal and can access libraries of books, 3-d video, computer programs, you name it, it is clear that the tasks of both the Educator and the Communicator are far more stimulating that ten years ago.

One of my recent lessons with my ten-year-old daughter Julie was in art appreciation. In the standard art appreciation course the TC shows replicas of famous artists' pictures, and a computer asks the pupil to match the artist to the picture. Julie said to the computer that it would be fun to see Constable's Haywain as Picasso might have drawn it. The computer obliged with its interpretation , and then ten more stylised haywains appeared together with the question 'who might have drawn these?'. I believe we are the first to have prompted the TC along this road, but it may now become a standard question when the computer recognises a child with similar learning patterns to Julie's.

It is sometimes said that today's isolated sort of teaching has robbed children of the capacity to play and interact with other children. This is nonsense. We ensure that Julie and her four year old brother Pharon have lots of time to play with children in our neighbourhood . But in work we do prefer to interact with children who are of mutual advantage to Julie and to each other. The computer is an ace teacher, but so are people. You really learn things if you can teach them to someone else. Our computer has helped us to find a group of four including Julie with common interests, who each have expertise in some particular areas to teach the others.

The TC also makes it easier to play games within the family. My parents used to play draughts, halma, then chess with me. They used to try to be nice to me and let me win. This condescending kindness humiliated me, and I always worked frenetically to beat my younger brother (who therefore always lost and dissolved into tears.) Today Julie, Pharon and I play halma together against the graded computer, and Julie and I play it at chess. The computer knows Pharon's standard of play at halma and Julie's and mine at chess. Its default setting is at that level where each of us can win but only if we play at our best. Thus Pharon sometimes wins his halma game while Julie and I are simultaneously losing our chess game, and this rightly gives Pharon a feeling of achievement. When Julie and I have lost at chess, we usually ask the computer to re-rerun the game, stopping at out nmistakes and giving a commentary. As it is a friendly computer it does a marvelous job of consoling us. Last week it told Julie that the world champion actually once made the same mistake as she had done - would she like to see that game?

I intend to devote the next two letters to the subjects I have discussed here , but retailing the best of your suggestions instead of droning on with mine."

While the computer's role in children's education is mainly that of instructor (discovering a child's learning pattern and responding to it) and learning group matcher, its main role in higher education is as a store of knowledge. Although a computer can only know what Man has taught it, it has this huge advantage. No individual man lives or studies long enough to imbibe within himself all the skills and resources that are the product of the millennia of man's quest for knowledge, all the riches and details from man's inheritance of learning passed on from generation to generation. But any computer today can inherit and call up instantly any skill which exists anywhere in the form of a program.

This is why automatically updated databases are today the principal instruments of higher education and academic research. It is difficult for our generation to conceive that only forty years ago our scientists acted as tortoise-like discoverers of knowledge, confined to small and jealous cliques with random and restricted methods of communicating ideas. Down until the 1980s the world has several hundred sepaate cancer research organisations with no central co-ordinating database.


in more detail norman macrae published 1984 survey of future of health in the economist- his purpose if health and safety for all isnt becoming universally less costly we are not globalising life critical action apps sustiably let alone economically or smartly











  • is it possible to map a world where each next girl or boy born has a fair chance at life- to star with in round numbers do you know that




  • about 65% of people are asian;
  • about 10% americans- half speaking latin tongues and half speaking english- 
  •  5% of people are developed north west europeans 
  • 5% are still to develop transparently south east europeans- 
  • about 10% of people living in africa and middle east
  • 5% rest of mother earth


digital cooperation possible?


5 months ago 




while the un started that wonderful task of valuing every next child born - ie sd goal 1 - in a san francisco opera house in 1945 it seems to us that instead of education openly being redesigned around knowhow of uniting nations it became a fake media game- that's not to blame such un heroes as guterres who has spent his time with refugees to taking over as head lat2e 2015 or ban ki-moon whose education networks out of vienna are now best in kind fy you care about climate risks or uniting youth across nations- but something not sustainable with most of the world's biggest organisations- its as if the economist's 1976 survey of entrepreneurial revolution valuing smes (latin translators included a young romano prodi ) has been ignored by 99% of powerful academics and fund managers and the sort of political parties who represent nobody's future beyond their next election poll-



if your masters of business admin ring circle eg 300 trillion dollars of western pension money and say sdgs are not asset grade - no wonder when nature bowls a disease targeting elders they find the health systems are not designed for them


50 missing curriculum of world of 8 billion connected humans include Belt Road Imagineering- a 21stc everyone connecteted geo-future stories/exploration space - schools can zoom around the world culturally friending each other -if you liketo map a k-12 curricula- roughly where do the 8 billion humans live, what language do they speak

more missing curricula are being collected at we are also updating some linked in education groups starting the peoples belt road imagineering- quite simply if you own an ecommerce web  ecommerce web- is your place included in shipping lanes and railways or not- note there are 2 opposite sorts of railways that fascinate me- japan like bullet trains -whilt over 50 years old as an innovation, ysa never tried them - it explains a lot of how states senators outnoise each other on protection of old industries instead of win-win borderless solutions like test and trace  


can you help put your place on relevant tourmaps











 unwomens linked in posts- all ; articles all - post vpeak virus replaces peak oil as existential crisis- may2020 virus asks how innovative can humans be? what solution analogies can we unlearn top-down political fakedom. 1 learn animal virus like foot & mouth. law of closing down is done by locally informed prac. why not virus testing & tracing data & local lockdowns mobilises at same level as 911 frontline? whenever i ask if macroeconomists insanely detached from ground level i reread adam smith? who do you reread for what contex?t . 40 years before his text on transparent moral markets, smiths scotland failed as nation. branding of united kingdom= euphonisism for empire capitalism colonising scotland & ireland. instead of chopping off royal heads as in france, smith's entrepreneurial dream unite english speaking states. no war of independence, brits sign up to interdependence - Go-west www english code for hi-trust hi-tech- london cede demo hq to eg where UN is now but demand continent's union ends inequality peoples of colours as staTes integrated MACHINE infrastructure from NE-S coast belt, up louisana purchase to heartland, great lakes, onward west. as digital big data frees media -replace congress vested interest starwars by team of 12 representing greatest creative differences natural locations map exponentially


world record jobs creators - 1760 glasgow u smith and watt not only first to explore value of machines and humans but smith cared about integrating natures sysems, faith'moral codes and places cultures- he sought to map connections -the opposite to reducing world to one number- in this smith ws progressed by maths chamions like einstein and von neumann 


1760 glasgow U james watt first engineer adam smith first economic mapmake- uniting all sates in sharing 1 english  incding bard romatacism of to be, 2 newton maths,  3 MACHINES- go west interdepence us north east redion nov england, irish boston new-amstedam-youk- south coast belt. up louisana purchase heartland and great lakes various rotes west -to souther gold mines - oregons timber, seattles air panes, alaskas oil bridge berin sea- more iced up nothern territories, start out of tokyo what manhattan had linked across continent of usa 5% of humans to asian coninents 65%, roll back the top down empire borders britannia mecantile age had caused - china closed dwn 1860 to opium virus traded by brits- a virus repeated in 21st c by big pharmaacross, usa, the whole of south asia didnt need boders between cosciusnees faiths and golden ruled ones; by the time possible to canal gulf and med sea make sure african belt nations have been liberated in in-wins insteadif being used by global corporates as centres of extraction and exteraliastion-respec themiddle east land bridge to the 3 continents - end the world wars caysed by naploleoni mischief across content of west eurpe- value soros as opn socety digital currency replaces politics of printingpaper- enjoy the 4 new connectvity techs eg oores law 100 times more local analysis of big data every decade since moon landing

 hall of fame twitter listings - 1 who connects digital health and commu nity sdg wealth of 2 billion being linked in by south asian coastal belt - vote





 special thanks - contact

2020s SPRING- welcome to adam smith's last chance to celebrating sustainability all around- 2020s most valued educators the late great fazle abed and the urgenl new waves: cindy mi, vipkid global classroom   jack ma part 3 , charles yidan, li ka-shing, schwazman, soros

mother earth with your choice of 100 world record jobs creators invites you to share diaries n 2020 year of 51 exponentially terminal online decisionmaking

about smith's market models

hypothesis we can spend our lives linking markets, celebrating leaders whose long-term consequence is one of 2 opposite goals- advance the human lot or make a few people eg slave-owners ever bigger, noisier and richer

smith connects people trying to improve the human lot whether the specific market is led by business eg automobiles or government eg primary schools or some other man or machine made constitution 

 Smith's concerns that neither pound nor dollar economy would be diverse enough to empower people from 200 places over next 2 centuries to make most of machines came to a peak at world war 2, with birth united nations out of san francisco 1945- clearly the world needed to go post colonial and find some systemic innovations given that less than one third of people yet had access to electricity grids 

 by the start of the moon race decade 1960s,4 amazing system innovations:as our guide to world record jobs creators indices butnow in 2020,we the nearly 8 billion peoplse face a world of climate, arms and virus destuction unless we can map higher levels of trust, love and open society coalitions without borders integrated in sync with nature's evolutionary diversity and exponentially multiplicative curves -eg if you dont think warmer climate and new viruses are linked you must have been educated in a world of silos not fit for mobilising moores law mobile connectivity that the last 6 decades 5G..0G have transformed human and machine intel around




back in 1760 adam smith's mindsets - loving nature, mapping cross-cultural integrity, morality as well as efficiency - came at a great time/place: glasgow university as his colleague james watt was inventing the steam engine to question how to map the spread machines worldwide to  increasingly benefit  -not threaten- every next child born.

Adam was well aware of viruses and other threats, and warned that it was not a good idea to let london take on sole financing responsibility pound economy take on sole resonsibility for who and how machines were used. London had already  built the wtorld's strongest ships to colonise others with and even the offer of the simplest language for publishing science ( shakespeare's alphabet had been revised)and newon's maths and conversion of the pound of silver to the gold standard made it doubtful that peoples representing way less than 1% of the species out of an island representing less than a thousandth of earths natural resources would know how to rule over the machine age. 

valuining inputs to human and machine energy

day to day human energy inputs include last mile security of food, water, health and safety and intergenerational development including education and the changing flows between livelihoods that are rural, city, oceanic and ultimtely climactic

becuuse of the history of industrial revolution machine energy inputs began with the highly polting carbon fuels not natures abunndant but more tecnically innovative fuels of solar, wind and wave- because of the way brits and dutch colonised asa where 6.10 humans evolve -and japan's pre-war acceleration as a colonier it is particulalry important that netherlands uk japan maximise how they can support impacts of ban ki-moons gca on climate mapping- the netherlands low lands may have the most urgent need in north sea europe to pro-act this 2020 


 journalism- loving each others places- most unproductive peoples- what system pref-op-poorest -james wilson from 1843attempt to change english constitution to commonwealth walter bagehot from 1860 with queen victoria

 rural keynes

abed 1970-2019- billion plus persons liveloihood impact- how did a muslim  teenager from east of cakcutrta graduate in engineering at adma smith's glasgow U to become accounat rising ti east oakistan regional ceo of royal dutch shell to inventing a bottom up transformation model in global aid empowering the world poorest women villagers to build a nations core rural services in health (golal 3) nutrition (goal 2 starting with asia rice alumni of deming) finace (goal 1) education borrowing from vilage vocational schholing revolution of montesoori and handhi and additional iedology of fransciac paule freire

borlaug -and asian rice science billion plus persons impact

gandhi- from start of 20th c asked when will peoples of india and south africa be empowered to lead their own places development from agraria to indsurial and post-idnsutrial world- big deal because in 1900 india was most ouf south asian up to quarter of humans- durban south africa was the key port of maritime euasia unbtil suez canal - more on how a lad chnaged his gial in life from doctor to bar of london lawyer to peaceful caoaigner of chnaing constitutions of empires and colonies 

brilliant- how did a lad from detroit become medic for pop stars wavy gravy whose holiday with an afghan consiousness guru in 1960s led to larry becoming number 1 weestern epidemiolgist in idia ending smallpox as well as co-entrepreneur of ending needless vilge blindness before returing to silicon valey in time to be google'org first ceo - at a time when digotal mapping was valued as a critical tool in fighting visrus and other bordrless risks incliding climate

chiinese barefoot medics and james grant 

Jack ma part 1

jim kim and paul farmer and soros part 1 

 schumacher and neville williams

mit-quadirs, ibrahim, hughes 


Melinda gates, Quuen rania Jordan. Sheikha moza, varkey, patrick awuah


 einstein-Gandhi-montessori  also jagdish gandhi




florence nightingale , fleing

 asian deming




mclean container shipping

Hideo shima bullet trains

Triad1 of royal families of japan uk and Netherlands

Triad2 sony, Toyota, keiretsu/chaebol

Isles of japan, taiwan, hk, Singapore , asean, china diaspora -sme supply chains

 lee kuan yew and li ka-shing

deng (tsinghua)

 Mobilizing new and open space races, infra to trade

mobile models comtech/fintech eg alipay mpesa bkash

clouds changging city life eg uber/aurbnb

edutech creating aluni whose networks can startuo what profs could only dream of

- li ka shing uni; jack ma uni- schwazman scholars - soros partners osun scholars 

cindy mi 



tesla korolev jfk

David Attenborough and yoko ono

Mit codes from moon landing to berners lee to media architecture labs

Pei and yo yo ma

Kalam and Nilekani

Torvaulds, Nordica and ren Zhengfei

Musk and Changsha

Jin and jin

bloomberg mayors 


 computing intel/data platforms

von neumann- father of programable computing

gordon moore -65 moores law's promise- 72 silicon valley  

 Mayo san and jerry yang


first supercity platform models eg uber, airbnbbrin, jack ma 2, b

bezos 2- big data clouds 

 kai-fu lee


Cloud models and ai models by data platform across bprders

scwarzman mit-tsinghua-oxford

ban ki moon /fink global climate adaptability risks to existence of particular industry sectors 

Quadirs at mit with Ibrahim,hughes and canada’s blackberry

Tufts incluing reeta roy and..

Bezos and jack ma part 2 and pony ma parts 1 and 2


Part 2 of steve case and 1776 – of jerry yang

Schwab and ir4 swiss capital coalition – japan china india californnia

 George soros  and bill gates – billionnaies recreating capitalism 1980-2020


Schwarzman, fink, Bloomberg, banki moon – adaptability of young professionals

Sustainability of Humans- Game of Two Halves 2025-1985-1945

George soros  and bill gates – billionnaies recreating capitalism 1980-2020

Schwarzman, fink, Bloomberg, banki moon – adaptability of young professionals

Sustainability of Humans- Game of Two Halves 2025-1985-1945

 welcome to - 40 years ago journalists valuing adam smith views on the world- stated publishinG the 2025 genre:a 40 year race to millennials being the first sdg generation-NOW most college students are online - who should professors and teachers learn what most urgent pracrical solutions from--2025 report 40 year exponential timelines updated since 1984 on entrepreneurial futures of financeeducation *manufacturing sme supply chainshealth  bis*gov*coms infrastructure*last 3 generations?


village resiliency, health-nutrition-safety, finance, livelihood education:how did sir fazle abed redesign 4 valuec chains to empower the poorest?.

how to map 4 local to global economic models- one village, 200000 villages, national, global

what is relationship between brac's rural keynes and the 7th smihian economy of the sdg geneation?

why do smithian value 1760, 1945, 2020s as the 3 most inovative times for under 35s to be alive 

story in 1760 adam smith's co-worker at glasgow u, james  watt, invented steam engines- adam smith started the genre of asking how would pound and dollar economies market the industrial revoltion around the world; in 1945 san francisco nations united to prevent world wars by  searching out post-colonial and post industrial economies- by 1960 fazle abed was graduating as an engineer from glasgow university and 4 post-industrial economies were emerging- 

  • rural keynes started with borlaug's crop sciences to end famine- it became the curricula of brac - the larest ngo partnership worlwide through half a cebtury's of fazle abed's poverty alleviation womens empoerment networks out of bangladesh- first fazle abed spent 10 years linking chartered accounting knowhow that was to see him rise to being royal dutch shell's ceo for his homeland region of bangladesh
  • space anf communications including telecom satellites death of cost of distance in connecting 8 billion people with apps and actioning life critical knowhow- nb unlike consuming up things know netwoking can multiply value in use; to value this economy it has been argued since 1972 in the economist that unlike zero-sum papereconomies, we need to map intergenerational exponentials of sdg youth as a win-win currency out of every community
  • deming's smarter engieering firstr applied by japan and win-win asian economies to post-colonial world trade infrastructore, microelectronics and sme just-in time supply chains ; in 1964 satellite communications first united the world around tokyo olympicsand potentially asian-demings
  • von-neumann and moore's promise that the analytcal power of programable computing woul multiply 100 fold every decade from 0G 1970s to 5G 2020s- that makes 2020s the era of both huge global village datasets eg end virus together with trillion times more computer intel than was needed to code moon landing
can we imagine connecting tese 6 economic models into a 7th celebrating sdg generation- those inspired by abed abai valuation of gilrs and boys have made a start at the abed university of bracosunyidan-europe out of cambridge 

 on virus we would check in with jim kim, paul farmer, (their infectious diseases  teaching hospitals in boston, haiti and rwanda), larry brilliant virus mapmaker in asia since late 1960s, the chinese wuhan nurses handbook published by jack ma- who else do you learn most about on virus rsvp bethesda d usa

26 march pres xi offers this corona knowledge center to g20 leaders 

 in more normal times -if you want to help billion poorest asian women sustain the world start at brac u ; their parterships are amazing on fintech they include gates, jack ma, mit/dubai quadit networks; on colleges training servant leaders start in ghana with ashesi or arixzona stae for online education or in vienna with ban-ki moon on global climate adaptability or new york states for arts and replacing macroeconomics with bottom up community webs if you want to know more about the furst 260 years of moral systems mapmaking for industrial and post-indistrial eras you go to glasgow and oxford who have been debating this since james watt invented the first steam engine- if you want to friend chinese youth who have started up the majority of the worlds startups you would linkin with tsingua schwarzman or the mayor of the beijing olympics who works closely with the education commission's japanese leader tokyo governor ms - who works with reiwa emperor on environmemt and sports and president abe  pn big data societal osaka track and society5.0 which is affilated with world economic forums 5 meta-hubs in tokyo delhi beijing san francisco and geneva as well as its 300+ global youth shapers hubs      
1:02:19NOW PLAYING... go to minute 23 to focus on corona
March 27, 2020 Dr. Paul Farmer Chief Strategist and Co-Founder, Partners In Health Professor and Chair, Department of Global ...

between 1943-1993 the question journalists at The Economist 1 2 valued most- can the world of 200 nations be designed by 2025 so that every next girl or boy born has a great chance at life? those who founded UN in san francisco 1945 also started searching this

for example scroll below to see Economist 1984 survey : can better health care for all bedesigned at 8 times less cost? one third of a century on, thanks to worldrecordJobs (WRJ) Fazle Abed a womens empowered nation like bangladesh and brac university OSUN partners have done most to answer this question, due to fake media or other complications USA and EU have done the least- can you help valuetrue youth blog or twitter lessons not disputes of who caused this? in 2020 we are all in the same virus lifeboat =i am at wash dc whats app +1 240 316 8157 but nb my journalistic expertise is not medical


whats the point of 100 times moore tech every decade if health service is getting better and lower cost?


  • tech1 space includes mobile, telecommuting, new media, networks of 10000 youth given one goal- eg kennedy moon race
  • tech2 engineering revolution of deming alumni
  • tech 3  computing analytical tech born by von neumann and committed to increase 100 fold every decade between 1965-2025 by alumni of intel's gordo moore out of silicon valley
  • ground level : rural/community keynes


can teachers help millennials segment nations into aiming versus not aiming at better health -so that the first mobile generation can know where to action learn from

which of the 4 new economy models that the economist had been reporting mattered most to health servants and 

did a different  model matter more as we looked at other market's sustainability goals


 rural keynesians hall of fame of health's world record job creators: borlaug crop/rice science ends billion peoples deaths by famine

fazle abed :: larry briliant :: jim kim  :: paul farmer :: franciscan movements eg paulo freire

james grant: florence nightingale; george soros :: bloomberg-hopkins- you tell us




by 1996 george soros was the first billionaire to be interested in sponsoring experiments in mobile quadirs boston, community health jim kim with farmer (boston), education systems his own central euro u and finance- his most purposeful experimental agents were in different parts of the world and often concerned with communities that needed leapfroging eg going from no electricity/phones to solar and 2G- so everything didnt start coming together until he heard that fazle abed bangladesh the founder of the largest ngo partnership to support women ending poverty aimed for brac university to be his legacy -to celebrate 2020s soros annouced osun as greatest cooperation in open education at wef 2020

bkash of brac worlds largest villagers digital bank - expert hub boston quadirs money in motion


bard college;ny/dcregion schools

botstein music and skills hubs/ george & alex soroshq  


sir fazle abed -corporate alma mater royal dutch shell- "kingthoods" uk and dutch royal familes  


major school and liovelihood partner- refugees myanmar border 


SEATTLE- GATES: Main partner BRAC tanzania; -bkash partner bangladesh &

berkeley - brac bangladesh diaspora center 

osun arizona state with former intel ceo craig barett - osun main online edu

 jica card rice science africa partner 


 glasgow - adam smith scolars research bangladesh model since

250th celebration of adam smith moral sentiments

london with ny one of 2main fubding branches

london dfid biggest partner of brac schools since 198s 

 edu laureates- main prizes hk yidan. qatarwise

 osun in africa awuah ghana 6th wise laureate - brac first

brac in africa with soros - liberia and sierra leone; alongside kim and jack ma in rwanda- with gates tanzania- with mastercard uganda-

across all of brac africa card curriculum of rice science with jica japan 

 vienna soros 30 year ceuni with 25 os laureates-

ban ki moons global climate scholars partners 




 health1.JPG health2.JPG health3.JPG health4.JPGhealth5.JPG 
 health6.JPG health7.JPG health8.JPG health9.JPGhealth10.JPG 

welcome to UNACK: 2020 hub dedication asia-institute: Uni founder dedication- BRAC U 2.0: fazle abed: real money : soros: moore 5G to 0G votes with girlsworldbank at at  to family foundation norman macrae CBE, Japan Order of Rising Sun:sdg-guide  co-sponsors : mapping 20 cities/places who will most help youth sustain the world of the 2020s - bcause 4 generations of my family are diaspora scots who have mainly shared life critical knowhow in asia i have my baises - i welcome playing snap if you have other biases that can be as trusted to care anout youth as the sg generation
some un head offices and twitter: climate change UNFCCC Bonn ; geneva trade, telecoms next G, health- geneva; education paris; politics * UNGA & HQ T1 T2 NY


hk's blooming 1  2019 hk review-how youth can double innovation every year if elders value future grandchildren- sofia interviews common sense of billions of humans- nov 2019 brookings forecast- 5 million and 1 hong kongers will democratise their future (more at while 51 senators and world's biggest liar will rule over america's 21st year in 21st century?

hong kong in 2020 as often in past hk most value multiplying asian economics city- top 10 quests

1 reconcile diaspora and mainland china dreams

2 help japan lead value chain of fashion workers and superstars

3 help understand connection of ai in education children and in education robots- un sophia leader of #digitalcooperation - links of hk and

4 while hong kong may not be in middle of specific climate crises it can be honest broker of all islands that are

5 hong kong can help both singapore and china expand asean celebartions of each others cultures-do you agree these ar 5 of top 10 roiles 2020s sdg youth would miss  if hong kong did not exist -what other hubs of sdgs can hk celebrate- eg can scmp team with washpost to bring moral transparency back to media as well as market makers like bezos and ma? can yidan prize celebrate greatest youth livelihood educators of sd generation


why dont all asian development bansk co-host belt road mapping acrooss 7 worlds- the porevious head of world bank ifc relocated to HK- before cop26 glasgow top 3 peopl from each development bank could meet- huge lessons from aiib world tour mumbai 20 luxembourg 19 mumbai 18 korea 17 beijing16- right time as big launches of digital central banking roll out 

 ...................glasgow - host cop26 9-20, nov2020

-lets make this the greates meeting in 260 years since glasgow u's adam smith and james watt dbetaed with students want the future of the industria revolution would be

if you have read adam smith you will know that by now he would have failed the paper currency economies of both pound and dollar as historic dinosaures- of the 4 post world war 2 economics multipliers- he would have loved what deming and tokyo shared with the world- better infrasnructre and microelectronics engineering have been win-wins for everyone who has tristed japsn rising sun; he would have loved womens rural keynsianism as it empowered a billion peoples community devlopment out of china and bangladesh since 1970- i think he would probaly rate von neumann and gordon moores trillion times moore analytical economy to have all to play for in 2020s; i think the detanchment of space and satellite telcoms mobil and big data economy from sustainability mapping on earth would have alarmed him- he will be looking down on cop26 with the hope that english language peoples are newly free in 2021 after the ttanic sadnesses of 9/11 middle east refugees, subprime and whatever is the rule of lairs currently pandemic wherever love of local service is the opposite of whap politocal bureaucrats spin 

-adam smith scholars legacy to norman macrae from the economist - new economics journal revisiting womens rural keynes- main contact adam smith scholars glasgow university

 tokyo from 1962 japan leaders and the economist shared ideas on how deming engineering could rebuild asia starting with east coastal belt islands then korea then mainland china- father awarded meperor's order of rising sun

inspiring family etc webs yk  music..

emanuel has spent most of this century planting thinktanks in tokyo seoul hanoi and other asian places- we'd like to make sure youth celebrate top 20 cities for 2020- we know how to make eg hong kong and vienna in top 20 - emanuel will be in tokyo in about 2 weeks if anyone can connect-  before fazle abed died in december he tool the future of brac uni and its health college out of the family;s hands and asked vincent chang ban ki moon and george soros partners to look after it- if you care about health or women or climate or music then these are 4 topics to linkin now- of the g7 countries i believe only italy and japan's people are free of very sad politics- hence i added few italians to this list-cheers also i can add vincent chang to this group if you all want that 

 dhaka -see and to celebrate lastet good news of where year 40 of womens rural keynsiansism is impacting -although father had learny about barefoot doctors and borlaug rice science from china 1977- he realised an equal development miracle 1977-2000 was bangladesh girl empowerment- BRAC 1.0 through person to person grassroots networking

BU BRAC Uni 2.0 -20 years prepping legacy of Abed Bhai 


 Vincent Chang was selected by fazle abed in his last year 2019 to take womens most local universities global wherever sdgs depend on communities where women hold up half the sky

Dr Charles Chen Yidan, founder of Yidan Prize Foundatio HKn and co-founder of Ten Cent Shenzen


========= Imagineer what 3 university hubs could do: brac with vincent, part 1 of soros 30 yeras investment in university- CentralEU out of the city of music veinna, part 2 New York State's BRAD University of Conductor Leon Botstein 

imagine if  instead of property trumps all -americans votefor transforming new york not just the global centre of biggest banking but global coalition:: a supercity of jobs creating edu and artistic inspiration- imagine what will happen to the 10 million extra imigrants to brookyn bronx queens slated to arrive in the 2020s -if NY is not yo be more than big nankers and big property sepculators haven discussed at RAC London 2008 nowhere needs a superpoty like bangaldesh -digital world inclusion seems ever more chaotic now thn when dutch and UK royals fought over nutmeg



amitav i am 3 months late in responding to ezra vogels kind invitation to meet him in harvard
now that your 6 weeks at schwarzman /tsinghua is cancelled (or online instead of personal) is there any chance we could both go up to boston in next few weeks?

i want to understand where fady saad is connecting- i was privileged to meet him when judging part of a mit100k competition-his news looks urgently good

Thanks Chris for the wonderful intros and pleasure meeting everyone. Let me know how I can help in any way or support your amazing projects/initiatives around the world. Chris, et al, if you find yourself in Boston, I would be happy to host you at MassRobotics, the largest hub in the US for robotics/AI technologies commercialization, and show you our bran new facility. We had the governor of Massachusetts, mayor of Boston, Colin Angle (iRobot CEO) & Tye Brady (Amazon Robotics CTO) recently in our ribbon cutting: expansion reflects local cluster’s strength 
-new york who dutch swpped with uk for nutmeg island (see col4 dhaka)

From: Bloomberg <nMonday, 3 February 2020, 18:05:52 GMT-5
Subject: Rethinking almost everything 

The coronavirus outbreak leaves China preparing for the worst — slower economic growth, U.S. farmers may have to wait . Here are some of the things people in markets are talking about today.Ready to Readjust The coronavirus is forcing a rethink on almost everything in China, even forcing the country to prepare steps to adjust to a slower rate of economic growth. Officials are evaluating whether to soften the economic-growth target for 2020, while state-owned liquefied natural gas importers are considering declaring themselves unable to fulfill some obligations on cargo deliveries — known as force majeure . And authorities in Beijing are hoping the U.S. will agree to some flexibility on pledges in their phase-one trade deal,  Two-thirds of the Chinese economy will remain closed first week Feb 2020 as several provinces take extraordinary step of extending the Lunar New Year holiday to help curb the spread of the disease that’s claimed 400+ lives with confirmed cases reaching almost 17,400.(As yet small figures compared with western flu but.. Here’s a wrap of the considerations. Meanwhile, pressure is growing on Asia to cut rates to curb the economic fallout from the virus.Markets Mixed  Tuesday 3 Feb  Commodities remained under pressure, with oil sinking about 3%,Elsewhere, copper dropped for a 14th straight day. Oil fell below $50 a barrel after Chinese consumption was said to plunge by 20% amid efforts to control the spread of coronavirus.Waiting Game It’ll be a while before China spends billions on U.S. farm goods as part of Donald Trump’s trade deal. There’s been skepticism about China’s ability to buy as much as was promised — $50 billion — ever since the pact was signed in mid-January. And while the head of Archer-Daniels-Midland, one of the world’s top agricultural commodity traders, said the Asian nation will make good on its promises, most of its purchases may come only in the second half of 2020.  Chinese officials are now said to be hoping the U.S. will agree to some flexibility on their pledges as the spread of deadly coronavirus threatens to slow domestic growth, though the U.S. says it hasn’t received any such request. “I think the problem is serious and China will most likely avoid any big rush of commodity buying because of the trade deal for now,” said Michael McDougall, a managing director at Paragon Global Markets in New York. That could delay any boost for farmers, a core voting bloc for President Trump as he prepares to seek re-election later this year. Triple Threat Fires, scandal and slowdown. Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison is facing a triple threat heading into the first parliamentary sitting of 2020 — and it’s all going wrong. An unprecedented wildfire season that’s burnt out an area of land almost the size of England and shrouded major cities such as Sydney and Melbourne in toxic smoke has increased pressure on Morrison to abandon his pro-coal agenda. His government is walking back promises on a budget surplus as the fires and coronavirus threaten economic growth. And a member of his Cabinet has just resigned over a breach of ministerial standards. Voters are taking notice. The government’s 4 percentage-point opinion poll lead over the main opposition Labor party two months ago has been reversed, while Morrison’s personal approval rating has plunged 8 points to 37%. “Morrison has suffered one of the steepest declines in political fortunes in recent Australian history and his government colleagues will be worried that his reputation is already damaged beyond repair,” according to Paul Williams, a political analyst at Griffith University in Brisbane.Battery Boost Tesla was up the most since 2013, rallying for a fifth day Monday and adding more than $100 per share as a torrent of good news further boosted investor sentiment. The stock rose as much as 21% to $786.14, its highest price ever. Where did the jolt come from? Earlier, Panasonic, which makes batteries for Tesla, said the business turned profitable in the quarter ended Dec. 31, with Panasonic Chief Financial Officer Hirokazu Umeda telling reporters in Tokyo on Monday that the rapid increase in Tesla’s output helped push that business into the black. Another boost came from Argus analyst Bill Selesky, who raised his price target on Tesla to $808 from $556, reflecting revenue growth from the legacy Model S and Model X cars, as well as strong demand for the new Model 3. Tesla shares have now risen 79% in just 2020 alone, and have tripled in value since third-quarter results were reported in mid-October.What We’ve Been Reading

This is what’s caught our eye over the past 24 hours.The Airbus bribery case topples the founder of AirAsia.

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 vienna- my father brainstormed with soros in 1980s and helped timeline fall of berlin wall and so networks soros began around his cenetral euro university- then in budpaest - hometonw of von neumnann whose biography my father wrote - soros uni has been transferred to vienna due to borrser crises caused by eubologna- my father worked closely with tomano prodi in 1976 -previously father was only journalist ast messina start of EU 1955 father like everyone who has visited saw rome as the crosscuktral city of the west - he believed in franscican form of servant leadership - at its original best empoweriung clares -women to netork community helath and thise men who travel golbally to be green in the way they value nature london- many parts of london were not kind to father- but my family grew up with taht of the bbc's most honest brioadcatsre - david attenborough whise brother richard attenborough direcetd the movie gadhi

 What are similar and different lessons from the world's biggest market makers Bezos and Ma?

similarities: self-made among richest in world today- since seattle 1995 totally focused on changing world with ecommerce,  abused by most conventional theorists and bankers, completely changing citizens relationships between home work shopping and lifestyle, no student or teacher can help design future without understanding what these men learnt, who they partnered, how adoption of bezos or ma model chnages your place's future sustainability. They expanded into several similar areas eg cloud computing of big data local operational platform, leading regional newspapers- chnaged use of internet from knowledge sharing to selling

bezosma.jpg Differences : when ma fiorst saw amazon launch seattle 1995, china was at least 10 yeras behind - no internet, leaping into mobile phones without ever using landline, few nationsiwde shops- jack both had more time to iterate and less constraints from competition - eg he could go into fintech leadership where bezos couldnt really

from the start ma was interested in jobs creation, local community develoment integrated nationally not just top down- he decided not to spend money on stocks but to design the data and serovices needed to deliver goods ; jack extrovert his family street actors, bezos private; jack able to choose big strategic partners- investor masa son japan and silicon cvalley (taiwanese american) tech wizard jerry yang- bezos appears to have led his own startegy group; jacks first 20 years of work from pre-teens in education ans translatung the world- he says he's gpoing back to education for part 3 of his life after 25 years of ecommerce- he is one un leading advisers on techforsdgs- bezos would appear to be us-centric; ma has always thought about supercity economic resposibilities intergated with rural- it is not clear from amazon hq2 process that bezos has accepted as deep a human development responsibility- alternatively you could interpret his move to making dc his main home as postioning those he friends (including orgignal founder of aol) as ready to change washington's politcal consequences for everyone- will bezos contribute as much to green futures as ma- it may all depend on every 4 year election and whether engineers are ever valued in usa as place leaders- jack ma is surrounded by engineering capitalsim and country leaders who want him to teach other big business med whats changing most- see cen; bezos isn't heroised by most youth in his own country the way jack ma is; jack ma is able on eg green to publicly choose business rivals eg pony ma (eg environment) as societal partners-- ma has shared future dbetaes on global stages - whats purpose of g20- see eg hwtp handhous sdgs g20-2016; guterres futures of digital coperation - supercities of olympics futures of educations 18 korea 20 japan 22 beijing 24 paris 26 mila 28  LA ... ma undesraynds chnaging value chains of celebriities critical to sdgs - alibabauni.comversus  @JeffBezos related @travisk

mumbai - father had married daughter of sir kenneth kemp - who spent 25 years as mumbai chief justoce mediuating mahamtma ganndhi before writining up leagelse of independence- most of my mothers family were norses or pharmacists in mumbai- see eg kemps corner now a shopping centre -one of the first pharmacists in mumbai father valued nordica- ten years of translating 1984's 2025 report from english - concluded with swedish language version in 1993- nordica was always the part of the EU that got youth's futures needing to maximsie virtulal proiductivity as well as that with the girl and boy next door- in part 6 months a year being ied up makes virtual liofestyles that more healthy in nordica and explains what all arctic circle youth will need to be celebrated as linking in trough 2020s  father valued barcelona as the most entreprenuyrual city west of rome -and the other missing superporet needed for south europenas to balance the finacial mischief of north euroepan capitals-what might have been for latin america and north west africa if barcelona had been valued to the maximum by madrisfather loved all of hong kong , singapore and taiwan as demonstrations of how the diaspora chiense mindset was smartest in dsigning wion-win tradining suoercities- by 1977 when deng asked japan to teach engineering  at tsinghua rising suns of teh far east included japan number 2 economys, diaspora chinese 3rd strongers finavcial economy- special mention to singapore whoch encouraged 10 asean countries to join in cross-cultural economic union however slow of fast their sustainability expeontials risingfather loved how the netherlands british cooperation produced some of teh most ersponsbible multinational in tersm of training locall staff - before teh worlkd wnet global in 1990, both unilever and shell gave local staff huge opportunities to develop- it is highly probable that the royal families of uk netherlands and japan can do more tos transform the old world beyond colonis and beyond carbon than any other of the medium size nations  there can be no sustainability without freeing the chinese mainland from cloising down in 1960 due to the evil english deman that opium be accepted as a rading currency- beijing shanghai shenzen and hangzhou are likely to be the 4 techforsdgs epicentres that all sustainable youth need positive knowhow flows with


 boston and irish eyes have smiled any times since mit did the code for the moon landing: olsen brough min compoutres; tim berners lee brough www from geneva, tech for humans and health for humans link round the great mit lab and brigham young womens partres i helath with a little extra help from wellesley girls - mit-legatum has started up the greatest mobile markets by and for wprlds poorest women and whn mit schwarzman scholars come online through 2020 the le future sera rose

obviously close to the purpose of anyone on THe Economist's learning curve- James wilson's firstcomonwealth sucssess was to convince queen victoria that the vest interests mps of teh corn law needed retiring - while the corn laws were repaled not in tike to starve most of the irish population -like the scts muost were foreced to emigrate with new eng;and and boston as new ireland as favorite spaces

father loved ukraine and the parts poland and czech played in opening up east europe in extrsoridnarily courageous ways inspite of minimum support from euro brussels  father loved the version of russian peoples that gorbachev stood for with rome and soros - he was absolutely dismayed by the rottne way us congree betrayed gorbachev lets be clear father would not have lived as teenager in world war without support of usa - but since the death of kennedy american values have turned - by ]fame media by politicians who hate youth, by big organsiations protecionsim - just as the pound economy opened up world trade however savagely to 1776 and for a generation or twon on, and the anerican dolar economy replaced the uk role- to 1945 and 1964- the chalenge known by anyone who formed th un in 1945 was to relaunch the G8 empires but as soon as that had happened to help most of the other 192 nations who been trapped in colonial poverty as well as any racial discriminations within nations-  the baltic economy has shjown some extrosrinadary brave experiennts in launchin pro-youth parlaiments when you map the old world's 3 subcintinents- its a huge irony that the goldenb rules religions emerged at teh middle east land bridge to these 3 contiunents - and that western wars over oil have made what needed to be the open crsossroads to the 3 subcintinents the opposite-  melborne - global reconcilation network first 20 yeras of medical networks response to 9/11 out of monash U including gandhi summit 2004 indira gandhi nation center of cultires - one wekk before tsunami 

xAt we hypothesise that the purpose of our species is the true motherly one of sustaining future generations- this has never been the purpose of paper currencies eg pound or dollar-nor was it the purpose of the english language when machines were first invented in 1760 ... out of glasgow University aluni of 2 scota Adam Smith and James Watt started questioning why not use machies to free humans and end top down empire. Smilth for example suggested slavery was 10-12 times less efficeint than freedom and that England should design win-win trades with Americans celebrating their goal to build a bigger nation than britannia's small island

The root cause of the world wars was the colonial empire model (manifest by the pound economy) was teh systemic (compound) oppiste of entrepreurial freedom and happiness. With Americans twice saving the old world from its wars what happened  to the dollar economy 1945-1970. We posit that 4 hapiness and freedom economic opporunities emerged 1945-1970 but things also tipped against humans loving each others peoples 

4 hopeful economic revolutions

community level food and otehr security starting with eg borlaub crop science

deming zero defects engineering that eg japan used to build beter trains better docking manufactoire microelectronics as well as

better engines 

moon race and saetllite telecoms

von neumanns programable computer allied to 100 fold per decade increase in efficiency of computer chips promied by gordon moores alumni 1965-2025-

that's a trillion times more machine analytic power than needed to code the moon landing 

space race and satellite telecoms 

EU:the common agricultural policy- this was the begiining of the end of development economic trades needed between europe and africa, and was the seed that later compounded how the med sea became the sea of refugees instead of the relatively good neibours space it had been when venice was to europe what marco polo's hangzhou was to the far east

the death of kennedy ; if kennedy had joined britain and japan reconciliation at the toklyo olympics he might have had mpre cpnfidence in the rising sun model : japan taiwanhong kong singapore south korea- and in 1968 what was the happiest news for a fift of the world's people- china ended its admiration of the sviet union and 118 years after closing itself to world trade in preference to accepting the british proposition that opium be used as a trading currency; with landing on the moon the question might have been what moon races can we celebrate on earth now that we know we can assign 10000 youth to network on an insanly great goal with likelihood that no mission is impossible if we humanise machine inte;

the failure to exit the vietnam war around 1964 , the failure of americans to focus on their own north south continenal inclusion of white black and latin youth; what became nixons hatred of american youth

all of these stories were debated in The Economist from 1962 onwards - although it wasnt to 1977 that it became clear that womens rural keysiansim dependended on maximising every community's 1) food sceurity, 2 health sceurity, 3 community resilience after natural disaster; these were/are the great chalenges on the asian continent pretty much anywhere south of latitude 30- system responses to these ultra poverty challenge require a common (borderless solution)- this was what both bangaldesh and chiense vilage women emep[owered when microfinace plus was designed as an economic value chain system owned in trust for their development across generations- this is not what microcredit peer to peer networking was understood in the west to be about when it came time to ofer vilagers with no access to electricity grids opportunities to leapfrom with mobile currency and microsolar

each of the 0G 1970s to 5G 2020s needed curiosity a decade ahead of time- the 1970s needed cultural mapping of where poverty barriers would be hardest to resolve across the 200 borders that the era of mpiures had drawn; machine and human s languages needed to celebrate sharing life critical action knowhow before commerce came to be digitalised- every markets global value chain costs etc needed transparent mapping before we raced into commerce tech fintech edtech; we needed to consider what universal movile connectivity could be used for before expensive spectrum auctions; we needed not to belive that spewing out alll sorts of gsps data was social untuil we thought through how big data analyis could value local relat time oiperational platforms aligned to sdgs and eg going green 

we needed to free every person to be student and teacer across generation and out of every community's diversity - bottom up and open system dsign multipling goodwill - healthy societies grow economies across generation not vice versa- natre is boutiful in her dieversity but only as einetsin modelled if we stop listening to scentifiuc man saying there;s nother more to innovate- there always is if we go more nano and more open in the dymanics of interactions we map 

HERSTORY Needs to be revisted right back to 1500 or earlier- the good and bad news of machine intel being able to analyse datasets the size that no single human brain could ever master is if we design big day the way needed to empower women's livelihoods to be valued as mch as men's , to clebrate how green natire is instead of how carbon filthy we may be able to answer the Bard's Question To Be or Not To Be - affimratively through the 2020s

can see from 20.1

20.1 In 1500, part of the old world (west europe) discovered it could navigate by sea 2 new worlds; to the west a continent named America(s), by going south down to the bottom of africa and then east the subcontinent of Asia could be reached by boat

20.2 Before 1500 the old world was the only known world comprising 3 subcontinents in one and a few islands. In this world there was a land bridge which the English later named the middle east. All the golden rule religions united by though shalt not kill originated which the English dated between 0 and 600 from this land bridge : go west and south to find africa where our species began (result today darker skin); go east where most of species culltivated to asia where to this day 2/3 people live; go north and west and you reach europe where people of lightest skins emerged. Because of the location of the med sea, there is no direct land route between africa and europe - ironically quite near the far west of europe the starits of gibraltar offer the narrowest "bridge" between europe and africa under 10 miles.

20.3 We can also note that it wasn't until around 1850 that English speaking people defined London as where west and east was defined around longitude 0. It was then that the landbridge between the old world's 3 subcontinents  got branded "middle east" - logically this region could be called west asia. One other notable point: east asian cultures have ofen been designed around conscious movements not the singular gods that linked with europes old empires eg roman, greek, or african eg egyptian or more. The deepest research in english of how the "far eastern island of japan and continental region china" developed hubs around harvard professor ezra vogel. For example around the year 600, the island of Japan had no national identity - it was ruled by 40 or so ward lords one of whom was a woman. She sent emissres over to china which was known to be innovating a national identity. How? By importaing a consciousness movement that originated in India. In this way, at least half of humanity evolved around conscousness cultures. Fortunately the east biggest digital market maker jack ma values this integral dynamic- his schiolars of humanising AI are branded as damo researchers. It is unclear what the spirtitual code (if any) jeff bezos embeds as the west's biggest digital market maker. Intriguingly for those concerned with true media (see also ) both ma and bezos have aquired their region's most respected english language daily newspapers - bezos= washington post, ma= south china (ie hong kong's) morning post!

 20.3 Up to 1500 place economies' size correlated mainly with population size where people had naturally chosen to live. As we have alread mentiobed 2/3 people lived in Asia including about a quarter in greatrr india and a quarter in greater china, perhaps 2% in the icy roof of asia -greater russia. Many of the western europes took a piece of america: the french and the english took the roof they called canada: when it came to what is now knowc as USA- the english : new england with ireland in boston, the french lousiana, orinally the dutch new york but they swappedfor an insland with th british in indoensia, the spanish mexico and parts of south america, ugues mapping out Brazil.Particulatlu the engloish and french started the salde trade to build across this huge new land. Mainly the french and the nglish took africa but the southern tip vital for circumvaligation became conetented between dutch and british. It was the british whose boats eventuially dominated much of asia's south coast- the whole subcontinent of the Indian Raz. By 1860 the english were propistioninhg the chiense - accept opium as a trading currecy. The chiense perfeered to wotdraw from trade with outside world for over 100 yeras.

20.4 ON way to interpret the 20th c world wars is the world being ruled mainly by 8 empires - with over a hundred colonies people trapped in poverty was ot sustainable. At a founding UN meeting held in san francosco 1945, 7 of the 8 empires agreed to reboot teir economies but also to progress development /indpendence of those they had previously colonised over. The ayes of the 8: usa and the contental roof canada; the old world's far west inland great britain and its far east inland Japan, 3 continental Europe nations : Germany France Italy. The nay: the old world's continental roof Russia dictated to by Salin.

 20.4 Today and through most of time over 90% of world trade has been shipped. You can call that a defining difference between world and regional trade- and in the land before engines of 1760, its pretty obvious why peoples who lived near water (rivers including seas) could trade more than those who were landlocked. Its remarkable however that because spices as a health adnet were so valuablethat the longest world trade route ever mapped  in practice was over land - see eg writings of marco polo and understand why francsicans who medietd this valued women misisonaries who networked community health and male missionaries who valued nature ( see st francis or pope francis).

download GAMES of SuperGirls

hot chat feb 2020

dear robert your chtna CGTN series is more than vaut le voyage- thanks

if my own logic is vaguely correct then depending where you are passing through - here are some of the people whose action knowhow I try to connect students massively with but of course i dont know what I dont know

washington dc region amitav and emanuel and cheng li - all connected by thinktanks like china center of globalisation which the one day i experienced offered 100 people doing 5 minutes tedx of what they positively linked locally & globally

- all are connected with students eg amitav: american university and schwarzman - cheng li brookings - emanuel 

boston ezra vogel

wherever students need to study ban ki-moon or girls empowerment or what george soros dreamed open society meant - vincent chang  BRAC U 2.0 -also leon botstein OSUN... until dec 2019 fazle abed dhaka

in beijing tian wei and li xin but they dont reply to email often- also aiib president jin and in london his daughter professor jin

LOGIC exponentially accelerated by moores law of 100 times more intel every decade 0G 1970s 5G 2020s

back in 1977 my father norman macrae at the economist suggested every young person should connect positively with every chinese young person to jointly become the first sdgoals generation survey-dad also got lombasted in US congress for valuing rural keynesianism but supported by eg soros back in london where they both then lived- although dad was only journalist at messina in 1955 and fan of jean monet bot he and soros were saddened by 1962 common agri policy and death of kennedy 1963 (not sure west g6 have been on sustainable orbit since but then they are only about 11% our species)

cheers chris MA stats corpus christi college
whatsapp +1 240 316 8157 diaspora scot 4th generation family upbringing mainly in asia or british embassies- 
fan of china youth/mothers livelihoods - living in dc- hopeful about jack ma tokyo and yidan-hk youth this year

now we are drowning in viruses i think how digital yan is released may be our last best shot beyond trump-japan society meeting tomorrow new york 

download uk enters eu 1971 by norman macrae The Economist

UNwomens says goodbye to 2010s The Economist says hello to 2010s in 50 countries  Russia  ASIA China  India  Japan  Singapore Hong Kong Taiwan  S.Korea  Malaysia    Thailand  Indonesia   Philippines Kazakhstan Pakistan Iran Saudi Arabia  Israel  Iraq  Europe GB Ukraine  Ireland  Italy Greece  France Germany Belgium Finland  Sweden  Netherlands Bulgaria Romania Poland Czech R  Slovakia  Spain  America Latin Mexico Brazil  Chile Argentina   Peru Ecuador   Colombia  Venezuela America North US Canada   Africa Nigeria  Egypt  South Afriica Algeria Asean-Pacific Australia 
BBC says hello to 7 
worlds of 2020s

.dec newsline


A 'Robot Scientist' Carried out 100,000 Experiments in Just 1 Year, All on Its Own


Fluid dynamics scientists beware, a new robot on the scene may replace you. Alternatively, another perspective is that this robotic system will hugely assist scientists in that field. Researchers from MIT and Brown University in the U. Read More

GAMES of (WRJ) - goal collect/search insanely great pack of playing cards

- how would world be more optimistic & sustainable if everyone you trust had access to alumni of WRJ Jack Ma

info on playing the GAMES Linkedin Unwomens  (Washington DC Baltimore Glasgow Changsha Beijing Tokyo Vienna Boston)

Family Foundation Norman Macrae, Japen Order of Rising Sun. UK CBE, The Economist tech and end poverty sub-editor


Whats most valuable genre 60 years of public broadcasting could help millennials mobilise eg BBC’s 7 world's one planet -

october 2018 series explores your contients most diverse stories following blue ocean 2 - exploring oceans- over one billion mobile people shared attenboroughs viral message platsic is choking fish - if kennedy was around in 2020s -w ould he launch 10000 youth netwirks on mother earths greatest climate races? -related is nkk most purposeful public broadcaster- can the olympics broaden its celebration of youth;'s greatest heroes and how the market for fahions shares value between priducers, wearers and go-betweens

JF Kennedy

Whats most exciting Moon Race (MR) since first moon race – definition MR= 10000 youth freed to network round achieving one defined heroic goal 
 thegames1.jpgGordon Moore  Von neumann Deming realted toyota way - abdul latif 


2025Gs.JPG news2025.JPG

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welcome to

 Pope Francis- what if every leader loved as diversely different people as pope francis - eg we love eu's youth, we love china and japan, we love un, we love latin america,we love italy and all med sea facing nations ... schwarzman-

how to design 2020s (decade of 5g-AI) with  most collaborative global alumni scholars of sdg generation growing one year graduate program?

 japans richest man is founder of uniqlo fashions retailing- can he help 

tokyo-beijing-paris change value chain of garments that female worlers

sustain a decent living 

Ka-shing hong kongs richest ma- has an extraordinary foundation and university - the future of hong kong will be absoluitely brillaints once its found its ciotizens map to sdg world trade- hong kong can lead the permier league of suoercities with singapore that make the most of 5g to humanise ai and live upo to the vision for education of both the yidan prize (tencent hk) and jack ma -hk is alibaba's favorite space for finacing  mamohan singh's 1950s thesis at corpus christi cambridge- how to desin nation so as no0t to externalise risk either on neighpouring nations nor underclasses inside nation - transprency note tutored by alumni of keynes few yeras after my father stidied at corpus under keynes-singh later he,ped india chnage its world trade policyy from 1996keynes BloombergGuterres &  Romano Prodi Jean Monnet


tokyo choice Dakh-D  boston choice Silk Road E by Yo Yo Ma

 Fazle Abed

How’d you link

largest NGO partners through changing world of 1970s to 2020s to scale finance and livelihood edu for bottom billion asian girls related yunus & yunus

 Jack Ma

Starting 2000 how design ecommerce & fintech maximise livelihoods half billion people who leap from little mobility (no phones) to smart phones and worlds most effective public transport for trade and travel;

 Jeff Bezos

 Serge Brin

& Robin Li 

& Kai Fu-Lee 

 Larry Brilliant related farmer jim kim ophelia dahl mccormack Pony Ma Nilekani Ibrahim Sheikha  Moza & Quuen Rania

 Neville Williams

related ashde and royal geo society including michael palin 

 Lee Kuan Yew related mahbubani

 Japan Emperor & Prince Charles

related keiretsu and chaebol 

Gandhi: 58 years before Japan and UK 1964 agreemnet to renew eusaian nations their colonial eras had empired pover- gandhi started the movement out of india and sout africa asking bar of ,ongon lawyers how could they live with rules that trappend indian and afrtican people in [overty-transoarency note maternal gradad sir kenneth kemp meidted gaandhi 25 years as chief justice mubai befire writing up leagalese for india;s indepenence- so gandhi special favorite in our GAMES Masa Son Jerry Yang Soros Mandela Gorbachev Kagame Ray Andersen
 Deng Borlaug - food secuity for billion poorest vilagers with new crop science applied to rice since 1970s as first of 5 great collaborations between women of south china and bangladesh -related paul polak ck prahald james grant unicef leader who championed oral rehydration as part of china and bangaldesh womens 2nd great colaboration- barefoot doctors building rural health servoces- now one of the elading colleges at brac university  =related linda twist hunger project  ban ki-moon since 2016 leveraging world of connections he made at un in some of the most urgently needed sdg huibs- from launching brac university into 2020s to ethics directir of value of sponsors of olympics bridging tokyio 2020 beijing 2022 paris 2024 and even Los Angelees 2028

 Chen Jining

Yuriko Koike 

 QuadirsMrs Xi  Case realted leonsis 1776 hub  Steve Jobs Ren Zengfei
 Schwab  Olsen Tim Berners Lee realted mit negrpronte joi ito Torvaulds Gates Jin & Jin Will Shakespeare

 Harrison Owen

related meg wheatley ackoff maharishi


James Wilson Adam Smith & James Watt


 chapter 6 


As we enter 2020s there is so much work to be done foe evry community to be a thriving plave to be born that simply put any place that syas it canat afford livgelihoods for any youth who wants to work hartd has got education or banking wrong or both or has been put in the middle of wars or climat crsises that the inetrnational community needs to take responsibility for if the united nations sdgs are to be mo0re than chat

The fact that media did not work tigether as mass new media became as scaleable as mass media is amedia crosis- it does not negate our 1984 prediction chapter 6 that 30000 microfracises need to be entrepreneurually discovered and celebrated. 



Recommendation from chapter 6 of 2025 Report: 30000 microfranchises need to be entrepreneurually innovated and valued if humans to be sustainable

BRAC WRJ Fazle Abed  shows massive microfranchising is possible - depending how you count things we would say that brac (with some pluses and minuses from alumni of yunus & yunus) has contributed 1000 of 30000 solutions needed, and continues to be the world bast partnership centre of gravity for any tech wizards concerned with the most extreme changes Asian rural villages face. Tech wizards linking parts of brac's progress towards 2020 are Quadirs incuding MIT and Legatum Dubai, and Geoge Soros and Nick Hughes (formerly Mpesa), GatesJack Ma, and from nov 2019 whomever joins brac U as partner as well as new connections from yidanprize by co-founder of Tne Cent (founder Pony Ma)

end extreme village poverty the brac way includes:bank for billion poorest; identify replicable village/community microfranchises; begin with franchise designed round 10 most basic killer illnesses of infants and mothers that can be prevented with knowledge and or minimum costs of cure; add in food security franchises; maximise community's own capacity/disaster resiliency

it has taken 50 years to work out both pre and post digital ways of sustaining finance and evolving skills education so thar rural bangladesh is developed by village families led by women; the whole model (as a total economic framework) has not been applied anywhere else except in overlapping parts of china; NB most village communities in south asia have common deep chalenges - health, food security. disaster relief;

whats not common is the infrastructure to world trade is reaching southern rural chinese but not bangladesh-trassparent belt road mapping is critical to bangladesh

in any country that is into 2nd generation effects,  different challenge emerges among children of village mothers who move to the city; eg in bangaldesh skill upgrades city women need include training to stay uptodate with textiles work the main export sector -

brac has always designed economic transformation round 4 levels of value chain: 1 village ,200000 villages national market leaders global market leadership selectively by sector and window of opportuni9ty; sir fazle was able to do thns by using his former career connections as east pakstan of shell oil multinational; today brac is the world's largest ngo partnership and brac university has been relaunched by ban ki9-moon (nov 2019) so that the knowhow brac has can be more readily transfreed to other places- currently it has national partners in about 12 muslim countries outside bangladesh 

From, when i passed my 11 plus in 1962 dad Norman Macrae gave me an innovative series of gifts:
a pocket calculator he had just bought in tokyo- the first of 100 humanising AI debates (later called Entrepreneurial Revolution) he rehearsed with me and readers of The Economist- what would happen to engineers and statistics and communities everywhere if every teacher and kid had a calculator instead of a slide rule 
of course Kennedy began every ai race 2 years earlier: what if putting around 10000 young brains and tech together can land on the moon-
aren't these most exciting times to be alive: will we value choose goals that sustain all our families's childrens now- and let teachers and kids just network it
-show me don't examine me - humanising ai should be the happiest freedom ever to unite 8 billion peoples - 
On my 11th birthday i also met the BBC tv presenter David Attenborough, I was in the same class as his son-what happened to tv/massive media became my life's research as a statistician (MA corpus christi cambridge 1973)..
'We've stolen our children's future,' says Jane Goodall, 'and we're still stealing it.' From disappearing species to plastic . 
To celebrate the 10th passing of dad in 2020 we invite you to join the Games of - if you could play with 54 playing cards
whose knowhow alumni can teachers and kids be linking in now? dc novice at whatsapp and wechat +1 240 316 8157

join alumni of 50 years of world trade mapping round humans goal 1 end systemic poverty: 2018 end year celebration 2 Dec 2018 Hong Kong side-event of ten cent /yidan celebration world reocrd jobs creator Sir Fazle Abed- number 1 valuing livelihood education girls following soft launch of Brac University 2.0 dhaka 22 nov : ban ki9-moon & ...

goal001.JPG  13  4

Entrepreneurial Revolution 1957-1970

 purposeful hubs: 10000 youth moon racesKennedy -what if 2020s top 100 unicorns matched planet earth's most human racesfacilitating world economics of  4 hemisphere 4 industrial revolutions schwab S-N bottom up purpose of peer to peer grassroots networks 200k village hubs -fazle abed part 1
 whole truth purpose of broadcasting - attenborough leapfrog purpose of 2030-1970 -5G 4 3 2 1 0G decades - gordon moore  query expoential risks and opps will multiplyng 100 times more tech every decadeS-N mapping purpose of loving each other's country's healthy communities - brilliant
 purpose of coms and programmable comps - von neumann E-Wroyal families celebrations of youth and satellite communications uk and japan royals tokyo olympics 1964 E-W purpose of radically better engineering without borders including boats & trains & microelectronics- deming

imagine its 1970 -which education future would you like to explore next

Asian 0G-1G 70s & 80s to 95

Western 0G-1G 70s & 80s

worldwide 5G 

Asian & Southern 4G-3G 

Western 2G-3G 


asian & southern 70s/80s

 Paulo Freire with Gandhi- Montessori- dna celebrated by partbers of fazle abed in empowerment of bottom billion women livelihoods  Romano Prodi -franciscan translator of the economist's entrepreneurial revolution in 1976 and xi jinpings belt road maps needed on attenboroughs 7 continents one planet now as well as whistelblower on EU's serial wrong turns for harmonising mediterrean world and other neighbors eg ukraine Jack Ma Part 1 - china us language explorer and sociietal tour guide
 Adam Smith 225 vs orwell 1984 Deng asked japan to teach china engineering 1978-1990 - see vogelTanaka - kept bridge open china -japan after russian attack china 1968 began china capitalism
 Lee Kuan Yew - grew the happiest 6 million suoerpotb economy yet seen and inspired 10 asean neighbors

keiretsu & chaebol -rising suns needed mixed economist - japan, korea provided maps of how to win-win trade 

 Ka-Shing- his universities remain where to study hk-us-sino relations


 Steve Case online continent USA Soros beyond paper currencies first investi9r in digital fintech for poorest & how walls compound ever greater risks Berners Lee webbed world mit or consiusness world eg damo and other harvard-asia (Vogel)
 Harrison Owen global village facilitation preceding hackathons Gates part 1 language 1 of personal computers PIH - harvard case studies in haiti
 Olsen mini computers

 Jobs part 1 -ecosytem 1 of personal computers 

 media lab - architects mobilise new media designers




 5G for sustainbility goals generation

 Masa Son Guterres Pony Ma with HK Yidan and partners
 founder uniqlo India for sdgs Serge Brin & Robin Li - 2 greatest searchers for big data platforms
 Jack Ma part 2 Fazle abed part 2 melinda with bill gates part 2

also schwazman, bloomberg, bezos musk jerry yang ... kai-fu lee  quadirs  uae royals  pope francis emperor reiwa... africa and women leaders- we have several nominations but dont feel safe to id them until us congress behaves in ways that end fake media and lawyers void of hippocratic oaths



 maps work when bottom up and open

 nature is bottom up and op-en

can we go both pveyomd colonial empires and through series of post industrial revolutions in time

what chnages to western legsialetion (be it corporate chariry or gov) of orbaoisationalpower will be needed 

do we understand hge scale of financial reconciliation - do we agree urgency 75 years - 3 generation s ost exciting time tol e alive

new place models - why not everywher a silicon valley to hub ot of

priority models to icldue globa vilages not just tpo benchmak supercity innovations 

miissing curricula




 maps of where to be born to be free to design future 

keynes last chapter of general theiry of employment moey and iterest explains increasing;y the wordl is ruled by idelogue& economist- this means that economists pose the gratest risk to tghe next geenrations sustaiability unless their traaprnt goal is to end popverty - specifically development economics needs to be that bfryanch of system design so that wherever next goirl or boy is born se has agreat (entrepreneurial) chnace at life 

75 year race to unite nations on sustainable ;post-industrial patheways


rekvant wrj - attenborough tells diversity stiries of contuent islands and oceans tp live on or by-; kennedy the last amerucan president to fully value freedom for the world's peoples not just americans? japan em;peror and prince charels 1964- and finally the 2 islands who had partitioned so much of the old world made freinds and had the opportunity to share new win-win tradees; lee kuan yew -singapoe on the north southe island belt -.


he is arguably the only western bioadcaster to have developed  knowledge without lobbyists or advertisers paying to either distract attention or ven fake the truth-

fortunate places to be born changed radically during 3 different eras of the 2nd millenium

between 1000-1500 the old world which asia conects the contuentes of euroe to kits west and affrica to its south west with the med sea acting as a huge bay was the only known world- peoples productivity did not vary much so the laregst nations in ppulatuon size india and china were the laregst markets; unless you lived near water your chnaces of moving around were not large (horsepower was the most valauble form of overlan trasporations)- there was one market exception - ahuge relay of interconnecting markets and societies "the silk road" stretched all the way from europe to the far eastern coast of china -see eg marco polo for maps and how the far east largely organsid around consciousness cultures where as the empires of europe and middle east were driven by golden rule religions

what happened towards 1500 was bot new world of americas was discovered to the west mainly ny north weste europeans and particularly the island of Britain discovered you could ail round africa and get to asia- over the next 400 years mainly 8 empires emerged- these empoires had coonised (or closed trading routes ) for the vast majority of people, 

americas twice helped end wars that were talking place across the old world- although immediate causes may have been mad leaders eg hiteler ikt was reaisned by probably 7 of the G* empires that wars could only have a chnace of endking if step 1 the empires relaunched from the rubble of war, and as soon as this was successful new maps faciulpaitikng trade across all cluntries and giving assiastece to the newly independent natioms , by the early 1960s g7 nations (exluding eth 8th emiire russia run by stalin) looked ready to design a post-colonial and an increasingly post-industrial world- the one silver lining of the wars was accelerated innovations- better engines, imporoved telecopms incluiomg satellite, and computing - the first inspirational app of that was the moon race= it looked as if no mission would be impoossible renewing planet (even though at the tyome of the moon race more than half the wlorlds peopel still had no access to electrocity grids)


THE GAMES of -choose which 52 leaders knowhow you need to be the sustainability generation
 Hearts love youth (every places: win-win currency) ace fazle abed  :(BRAC):: loveq education :: health community security finance teacher jack ma love q education sports fashions health ecotourism ten cent cofounder yidan celebration of loveq educatorsschwarzman   emperor reiwa new york billionaire invest in freeing health stidents - bloomberg; and langone nyu free medic tuition nyu sheikha moza and queen rania of jordan     
 Diamonds nature blockchains her circular economy-  also please no more blood diamonds or chocolate slave labor ace david attenborough the only broadcaster who truly represented his subjects without fear of commerce or politics now getting billion people to act on natrures most compelling 1-minute demands jin and jin infratructure mapping yo yo ma musicians bridge the world- unite communities in dance and simon cowells bands          

 Clubs- dont beat up the local people nor broadcast riots when peace/truth more fun : what about under 30s supreme court- old people dont need climate justice urgency way youth do- big cities are the world's labs for data needed to humanise AI- we need hong kongers and beijingers to start loving each others youth now! dont let western news media mislead you


ace kennedy- gandhi-montessori-mandela -greta trade agreement between emperor reiwa and uk royal family- way beyond the colonial era trade that 2 islands used  historically to trap a continent in poverty ka-shing hk's wisest and and lee kuan yew (deceased) mahbubani reconciliation kagame- afruca's number 1 teaching hospital with kim and farmer; africas number 1 porta;l for sme world trade - ewtp g20 2016 partners schwab world economic forum  guterres 75th un birthday sept 2020 more important to american and global greams become real than all the politicians in dc eg bezos amazon university: will the real jeff bezos work out what he wants to help amerucan communitiues do now he owns every marketafrica's number 1 servant elader university out if ghana  middle easts number 1 girls and refugess university out of qataar and jordanwhat might dangote do and will jim kim fianly come up 7 no trumps pope francis and servant leaders   
 Spades - humanise AI now we have more exciting tools to mobilise round mother earth than spades ace Masa son jerry yang and kai-fu lee damo partner hubs gordon moore timel.ining sustainability 2030 by which time chips exceed brains in real time analytics RZ ai is statistics -5g can distribute numbers empowerent to every women led village or bottom-up resileint nation brillaint got to map at time when that was most important big data in mobile-universal world previously ended smallpox-shows what doctiors can do when medicine free to study (case detroit 1960, wavy gravy first job 1964harrison owen - real 5000 pepople open spaces come before hackathon ai  keiretsu and chaebol improved capitalism and human innovation beyond big corporate and big gov tata nilekani and india's visions    

headlines fall 2019

UN sept 2019 The world may be ending for a quarter of 200 nations mainly small island nations with large ocean estates-report 

EconomistDiary best summit space discussing this may be apec eg chile 2019-

many islands included in asia pacific nations club- best programming to mobiliise round bbc attenborough 7 worlds one planet from october 2019 


girls economics do the 17 sdgs

 1 poverty-ending bank on girls 

Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, founder and chairperson of BRAC, explains the elements of a program targeting the ultra-poor. One of the ...



does any nation have a financial service system geared to job creation and sustainability as good as BRAC in Bangladesh - anchored by Ultra Plus for 10% poorest in village, linked to brac bank and microfinance +


Views: 66


2 hunger 3 health

 4 education for a living


 transcript hangzhou unesco brac girls schools afghanistan


UNESCO Hangzhou International Congress, "Culture: Key to Sustainable Development", 15-17 May 2013 


 5 gender eq and loveQ





UN sept 2019 The world may be ending for a quarter of 200 nations mainly small island nations with large ocean estates-report 

EconomistDiary best summit space discussing this may be apec eg chile 2019-

many islands included in asia pacific nations club- best programming to mobiliise round bbc attenborough 7 worlds one planet from october 2019 report 1 from 74th united nations General Assembly sept 2019 -thanks to everyone who hosted educationaboveall, led by WRJ Sheikha Moza


together with adam smith scholars in glasgow, i have spent about 18 months of my last 10 years trying to understand what brac did (scaled, transformed) which none of the other microcredit or other womens networks did during the 22 yeras since 1997 when they joined globalsiation annual debates of the worlds's great and the good and the world bank etc- i concluded that everything ever taught and advertised about bangladesh microcredit in usa and west was systemically wrong or historically time warped- sadly this caused most of the major manual microcredits to fail to find the right digital partners- conversely brac's choices of partners is extraordinary 50 year journey starting with james grant UNICEF and chinese rice scientists in the 1970s as well as the calcutta lab that invented oral rehydration

sequencing of partners matters because those who study brac can find totally different livelihood education models (than those formal runs government examine) without which about half a billion women would not have livelihoods - we are not going to achieve any sustainability goals by just funding more of the old education systems that have failed them, and will increasingly inhumanise ai and destroy climate- adam smith made notes on how bri9tish empire education was not designed to achieve yoth's sustainability goals- 260 year of failing to address this is the opposite of smart

when my father norman macrae the economist's end poverty sub-editor died sir fazle abed kindly arranged 2 evening roudtables hosted in 2012 by the japan embassy to explain both sir fazle's work to date and his 2 big next challenges

the first of these challenges finding the partners for digital banking a billion is now well in motion including both bill gates and jack ma as partners- its strange that these 2 people were part of the UN #digital cooperation panel for guterres but this year long process wasnt structured to report what digital can empower poorest women and indeed refugees to do- is there a way to put this right through the UNAI partners

the second of these challenges - building the south and west asia sdgs university that will live up to all of bangladesh's poorest womens networking over the last 50 years even after sir fazle has passed has only just started finding world class partnerships this year - if anyone wants to more know about this i can introduce them to the vice chancellor vincent chang

for those who love deeply experiencing the truth (many cultural and other conflict barriers)  of girl empowered networking - both real in village, virtual and infrastructure mapping - the next celebration of sir fazle is being hosted by the co-founder of the china's and the world's number 1 communications network Tencent - its called the yidan prize 2 december hongkong 2019 - Yidan Prize Foundation

if people are passing through new york or dc always happy to share 10 years of notes on how brac became the world's largest ngo partnership starting with the least money and the most undervalued people in the world which is the situation bangladeshi women found themselves in 1971 when the nation was born

chris macrae

bethesda maryland +1 240 316 8157 a norman macrae foundation project 

student year 19/20 alumnisat newsletter 1 with thanks to inspirational friends in boston- to humanise ai millennials only need one sdg university, the best and freest

you can download this ppt with The Economist's top surveys on what Entrepreneurial Revolution of Sustainability generation and nations will require as well as help vote for top 50 worldrecordjobs creators


nb humans welcome as member of our boston inspired action networks - ask to send you invitation - we dont use ning approval listing as it wasn't designed to test for humans!!

AFORE YE GO - 10 things you can do here student year 2019-2020

1 join our twitter myUNUSlab-tell us if there is a moment your peers can co-create with us - ask for a whatsapp guided tour of out top 100 listings

2 our teams next trip to boston october will catch up with latest world of ezra vogel who has inspired everyone who loves both china and japan youth for over half a century -

3 we also try and drop in on tufts whose arctic circle student networks has no equal in usa

4 we would like to understand if the legatum team who buu8lt bkash as banking for billion poorest is interested in brac university the studies of all tech for the billion poorest and all franciscan true service microfranchises

5 prep your own pack of worldrecirdjobs playing cards - for student union and sdg events wherever millennials sustain communities futures

6 reread my fathers consider japan 1962- of the G8 nations that needed in 1945 to stop world wars with each other- japan took on the role to improve engineering in such a way that two thirds of humans asians would win-win; the europeans were suppose to design west europe not to war and to reconcile over a hundred nations future that had been messed up by colonisation- america took on the jon of being the world cheerleader which it did brilliantly until the death of jfk- boston has always been the hub for entrepreneurs loving each others nations peoples development unlike DC which lost its way after jfk died and west coast usa that had first shot at coding everything but engineering almost zero infrastructure

7 we love to chat to any stuidnet clubs uniting the new schwarzaman coleges www - in particular can we share any news from the dgs segments lof the following events

aug -africa and japan ticad:

sept geneva rehearsal of unga climate summit; new york climate and sdg summit of UNGA

november apec

plus everywhere you can help us reach between now and the tokyo olympics of and

Since the management of life in a global world of markets accelerated -= eg 1984 issue of universal coding languages  led by WRJ Gates of personal computer webs- americans' biggest decision makers every 20 years

-or two and half adminstrations - have issued a valuetrue query - help we know how to do 90 day extraction metrics but is there a second metric/audit of exponential sustainability

related references WRJ:



valuetrue queries happened around 2000 - when all sorts of digital enterprises went from hundred billion dollar valuations to zero - eg enron , worldcom, whole chains of interdependent dotcoms linked by a dream called cluetrain collapsed americas largest accounting firm Andersen was shut down for serially advising firms that fines for misleading numbers would be less than the profit their client boardrooms could make (and anyhow since boards' incentives were paid out short-term if huge profits now were being made why would an MBA care about the company in 5 yeras time- 99% of shareholders would likely be different too in many situations)

so no new metrics of goodwill balancing exponential opportunmity and risk emerged- in fact most research in the genre unseen wealth that had been championed by


brookings in 2000 got unfunded by the incoming administration from texas (later the eu infamously cancelled intanginles research -politicians dont think the public cares - if 3 euro enrins happen in one yera we'll revisit this - when that did happen with subprime 2008 onwards no such admission of what coluld have been saved was politically possible in buissels) 


and of course the 2000s spun other risks - a decade of wars  spun faster than ordinary mortals could keep up with; climate has been exponentially melting down -Gates less than you might notice in 3 years much more than you might expect in 7- other less dramatic but extraordinary risks got ignored- look how many US big box retailers (category leaders from books to tpoys to department stores to ...) thought they had won the war of bricks and clicks only to find they have become an amazon honey trap, and this goes to the soul of how american communities are designed- out goes US driving to the mall culture, in comes potentially shops for fresh food and other immediacy purchases where you live , in comes local delivery logistics algorithms -probably the biggest AI money maker of the 2010s but only because this data was new arising from GPS , smart mobiles, valuing local architecture- and those who got the model working in one supercity could at a click of a button transfer the code to other cities-  

THE SUBPRIME CLIFF suprisingtly there was no call by the obama administration for new metrics and perhaps even more surprisingly the next call was by 150+ us corpoirations turmed to 

reach the news stands at the same time as the French G7 aug 2019 - a signal that the american corporate world was no longer going to let trumps advisers off every hook as america's only chosen on

 Dismal Case of J&J Brand- this used to be the USA's iconic health brand of motherhood and child care - but then it got taken over by a profiteering board probaly installed to handle what had been the underknow connection between talc and substances that appear asebestos-like not ideal for womens hygiene- anyhow this board decided it would play in the opiiod crosis - not with the main customers brand of opiod but with the main ingredient for strongest possible pillmakers- it bought an australian company to make this somethging it could later sell and deny responsibiliuty for- however not only is there no possibility of this ever being the brand mothers trust again but some of these board emmbers should be in jail under any common law jurisdiction representing the people -whether america has such a legal system is still being played out - all very sad really- the capiatlsm that 5% of the wordls people once ispired the world to tradewith is now terminally sick

as far as valuetrue is concerned the simplest maths of goodwill is easy but deeply contextual, diverse even in combinatorial impact

to define: what would each stakholders of productivity (including data platforms) and demand uniquely miss if you ceased to exist? - the problem in modeling an audit of this is it provides oppoiste information from old accounting that separated things

again to simplify in the maths andersen used if eg value of doing business went upo and up even as value/trust of scoety went down to zero then billions + buillions = billions - in out view 

goodwill is a measure of connecytivity between stakeholders- the operand is multiplicative not additive- this means if you reduice truat value of socety to

zeroise : your whole value might suddenly be zero- what's notable is if politicians and hippocratic professions behaved transparently zeroisation would happen every time but the crisis of

valuetrue metrics is not just to  do the audit but  the behavior of the biard who may interpret signals that their organisation is multipying more and more rsiks as needing

a pr campaign to reduce transparency (to be clear the valuetrue board seeks innovation to reduce conflict between the goodwill of your stakeholers)



I have been studying aspects of valuetrue all my lilfe since obtaining a post graduate diploma in statisstics corpus christi college cambridge 1973

while i am happy to share veiws with anyone, I see no need to get into an argument about the maths itself which is very simple if you care to explore it

Inequality Urgent tour of Biarritz G7: links 1 2 =

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All the best to the peoples who gave the world the values of entrepreneurial revolution .My 8 happiest years of work as a diaspora scot were in Paris of the 1980s in partnership with MIT technologists in Boston so I would be delighted if french miracles happen but forewarned is forearmed washington dc whatapp volunteer for NY Broadway's sister supercities in Asia +1 240 316 8157 Inclusion in G7 -  engagement groups: (Youth 7), (Women 7), (Civil7); (Labour 7); employers (Business 7); think Tanks (Think tanks 7); (Science 7); countries with big visions:

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Nonetheless, Macron's vision of himself will be tested this weekend in Biarritz like never before or again. Remember he was the leader who leapt beyond France's bipolar parties with 2 youthful questions- can we intrapreneurially reform so we are not the most expensive place in the world to appoint full time employees? can we at least in former french colonies empower sdgs. Having seen how Trudeau was slaughtered by trump at canada's G7 for engaging in not dissimilar priorities Macron has tried to introduce diversity with additional guest nations and multilateral institutions. As Einstein would say it would be crazy to think trump will let this happen - the weekend will be about what will france give trump, what will germany give trump what will the EU give trump and so on down the G7 line.

We can guess what will happen. Japan's abe will with extreme politeness indicate Japan has already hosted Trump individually the first to meet the new emperor, and clarified this nations busy diary of worldwide processes: next week its 31st year of listening to Africa TICAD, Japan will help the UN sdg summit where it has relevance insights such as Africa, its promises as part of its Emperor's new era to invite every kind of artistic youth to celebrate olympics and musicforsdgs and society5.0, it has announced the osaka track of how do nations share big data and it has the world leading ai investment partnerships, Japan will continue the G20 relay handover sandwiched between the future of saudi arabia and the history of argentina, japan looks forward to chile hosting at asean a lot of discussions the frail argentina economy could not at its G20, of course if trump wants to share next steps on north korea with abe this is heroically important but otherwise Japan has more than a full plate of commitments to honor 2019-2020.

And now we can start to see the true problem of the Biarritz weekend. Italy may not even have a leaders at the weekend, a post-merkel germany hasnt yet a clear idea of what it aims to do in the decade when human and machine intelligence leaps and probably feels at home with swiss ideas out of geneva and the world economic forum, Boris if he is smart will avoid substance but maximise bonomie through the weekend with the exception of Japan where there are lots of potential win-wins a Queendom could rebuild just as prince charles did at the tokyo olympics of 1964, so Trump is likely to laser in on the french who are after all spending the greatest nation's greatest man's expensive time. This is not the same greatness as JFK who with miniscule technology inspired a generation with the moon race and whose foreign policy was never happier than ich bin ein berliner. Even though Trump's family tree is German, dont expect of Trump any celebration of another places peoples.

Breaking- sad to hear italy appears without a leader 8/20 -italy's always brought a sense for good cheer (franciscan family and cultural development that france and germany alone cant mediate, thank goodness for japan increasingly the only nation willing to help other nations value what their youth and mothers of the nation need?.......... 5 july education - more talk after france G7 picks from 28-30 Aug Ticad Japan & Africa; late sept UNGA sdg summit; november chile hosts apec

Inequality Urgent tour of Biarritz G7: links 1 2 --- y7 historic d6 World Bank Group (WBG) P, International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Trade Organization (WTO) Director-General Roberto Azevedo, International Labor Organization (ILO) Director-General Guy Ryder, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Secretary-General Angel Gurria and Financial Stability Board (FSB) Chairman Mark Carney .. dev-b E A1 is it too much to hope that the west's six g7 leaders could get ahead of the next tech decade- in 2009 they subprimed and depressed the 2010s a decade that needed to empower youth to create what elders never had the tech to imagine -reread pope francis report on eu at strasbourg ; it wasnt china that took western jobs it was the western g7 leaders in revenge for 9/11 they attacked the then innocent iraq starting a wave of failed states and hugely costly wars. Coming from 5 generations of immigrant diaspora scots, its not my place to ask whether the constitutions of these 6 big nations have any chance of serving what humans need if tech is to exponentially support sustainable communities and youth worldwide

COULD AMERICA BE BANKRUPT BY 2021 -references unseenwealth

20 years late hundred plus ceos agree that those who only audit 90 days monetary extraction are leading the most unsustainable systems/markets ever -Kevin J. Wheeler President & Chief Executive Officer A. O. Smith Corporation Miles D. White Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Abbott Julie Sweet Chief Executive Officer Designate Accenture Carlos Rodriguez President and CEO ADP Mike Burke Chairman and CEO AECOM Andrés Gluski President and CEO The AES Corporation Daniel P. Amos Chairman and CEO Aflac Roger K. Newport Chief Executive Officer AK Steel Corporation Brent Saunders Chairman and CEO Allergan plc John O. Larsen Chairman, President & CEO Alliant Energy Lee Styslinger, III Chairman & CEO Altec, Inc. Jeffrey P. Bezos Founder and Chief Executive Officer Amazon Doug Parker Chairman & CEO American Airlines Nicholas K. Akins Chairman, President and CEO American Electric Power Stephen J. Squeri Chairman and CEO American Express James D. Taiclet Chairman, President and CEO American Tower Corporation James M. Cracchiolo Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Ameriprise Financial Gail Koziara Boudreaux President and CEO Anthem, Inc. Greg Case CEO Aon Tim Cook CEO Apple Eric Foss Chairman, President & CEO Aramark Alan B. Colberg President and CEO Assurant Randall Stephenson Chairman and Chief Executive Officer AT&T Inc. John A. Hayes Chairman, President and CEO Ball Corporation Brian Moynihan Chairman and CEO Bank of America José (Joe) E. Almeida Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Baxter International Inc. Philip Blake President Bayer USA Bayer USA Joe Davis Chairman, North America BCG Brendan P. Bechtel Chairman & CEO Bechtel Group, Inc. Corie Barry Chief Executive Officer Best Buy Co., Inc. Laurence D. Fink Chairman and Chief Executive Officer BlackRock, Inc. Charles W. Scharf Chairman & CEO BNY Mellon Dennis A. Muilenburg Chairman, President & CEO The Boeing Company Frédéric B. Lissalde President and Chief Executive Officer BorgWarner Inc. Robert Dudley Group CEO BP plc Giovanni Caforio Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Bristol-Myers Squibb Maurice R. Greenberg Chairman and CEO C.V. Starr & Co., Inc. Kewsong Lee Co-Chief Executive Officer The Carlyle Group D. James Umpleby III Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Caterpillar, Inc. Robert E. Sulentic President & CEO CBRE Group, Inc. W. Anthony Will President & Chief Executive Officer CF Industries Michael K. Wirth Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Chevron Corporation Evan G. Greenberg Chairman & CEO Chubb David M. Cordani President and Chief Executive Officer Cigna Chuck Robbins Chairman and CEO Cisco Systems, Inc. Michael L. Corbat Chief Executive Officer Citigroup, Inc. Hubertus M. Mühlhäuser Chief Executive Officer CNH Industrial James Quincey Chairman and Chief Executive Officer The Coca-Cola Company Brian Humphries Chief Executive Officer Cognizant Brian L. Roberts Chairman & CEO Comcast Corporation Ryan M. Lance Chairman & CEO ConocoPhillips Company Wendell P. Weeks Chairman, Chief Executive Officer & President Corning Incorporated Tom Linebarger Chairman and CEO Cummins Inc. Larry Merlo President & CEO CVS Health Hal Yoh Chair and CEO Day & Zimmermann Michael S. Dell Chairman and CEO Dell Technologies Punit Renjen Global CEO Deloitte Jim Fitterling Chief Executive Officer Dow Lynn Good Chairman, President & CEO Duke Energy JM Lawrie Chairman, President, and CEO DXC Technology Mark J. Costa Chairman and CEO Eastman Chemical Company Craig Arnold Chairman and CEO EATON Pedro J. Pizarro President & CEO Edison International Darren W. Woods Chairman and CEO Exxon Mobil Corporation Carmine Di Sibio Global Chairman & CEO EY Frederick W. Smith Chairman & CEO FedEx Corporation Gary Norcross Chairman, President & CEO FIS Revathi Advaithi Chief Executive Officer Flex Carlos M. Hernandez Chief Executive Officer Fluor Corporation James P. Hackett President and CEO Ford Motor Company Lachlan K. Murdoch Executive Chairman & CEO Fox Corporation Richard C. Adkerson Vice Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Freeport-McMoRan Inc. Phebe Novakovic Chairman and CEO General Dynamics Corporation Mary Barra Chairman & CEO General Motors Company David M. Solomon Chairman and Chief Executive Officer The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Deanna M. Mulligan President and CEO Guardian Life Insurance Company of America Gerald W. Evans CEO Hanesbrands Inc. Dinesh C. Paliwal President and Chief Executive Officer HARMAN International Steven R. Swartz President and CEO HEARST Corporation Craig Menear Chairman, CEO and President The Home Depot Darius Adamczyk Chairman and CEO Honeywell Mike Petters President and Chief Executive Officer Huntington Ingalls Industries Ginni Rometty Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer IBM Corporation Charles Phillips Chief Executive Officer Infor Mark S. Sutton Chairman and CEO International Paper Co. Michael I. Roth Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Interpublic Group Linda H. Apsey President & CEO ITC Holdings Corp. Steve Demetriou Chair and CEO Jacobs Samuel R. Allen Chairman and CEO John Deere Alex Gorsky Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Johnson & Johnson George R. Oliver Chairman and CEO Johnson Controls Jamie Dimon Chairman and CEO JPMorgan Chase & Co. Beth E. Mooney Chairman & CEO KeyCorp Bruce E. Grewcock CEO and Chairman of the Board Kiewit Corporation Lynne M. Doughtie Chairman and CEO KPMG LLP William M. Brown Chairman & Chief Executive Officer L3Harris Technologies, Inc. Beth E. Ford President and CEO Land O'Lakes, Inc. Roger A. Krone Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Leidos Stuart Miller Executive Chairman Lennar Corporation Marillyn A. Hewson Chairman, President and CEO Lockheed Martin Corporation Bhavesh V. (Bob) Patel Chief Executive Officer LyondellBasell Industries Jeff Gennette Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Macy’s, Inc. Mark Trudeau President and CEO Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Lee M. Tillman Chairman, President and CEO Marathon Oil Corporation Gary R. Heminger Chairman and CEO Marathon Petroleum Corporation Arne M. Sorenson President and Chief Executive Officer Marriott International, Inc. Roger W. Crandall Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer MassMutual Ajay Banga President & CEO Mastercard Lawrence E. Kurzius Chairman, President and CEO McCormick and Company, Inc. Brian Tyler Chief Executive Officer McKesson Corporation Omar Ishrak Chairman & CEO Medtronic plc Michel Khalaf President & Chief Executive Officer MetLife Sanjay Mehrotra President & CEO Micron Technology Ken Moelis Chairman & CEO Moelis & Company James P. Gorman Chairman & CEO Morgan Stanley Greg Brown Chairman & CEO Motorola Solutions Adena T. Friedman President and CEO Nasdaq Thomas C. Nelson Chairman, President & CEO National Gypsum Company Ted Mathas Chairman, President and CEO New York Life Insurance Co. David L. Stover Chairman and CEO Noble Energy, Inc. Kathy Warden Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President Northrop Grumman Corporation Steve Fisher President & CEO Novelis Mauricio Gutierrez President & CEO NRG Energy, Inc. Safra Catz CEO Oracle Brian Chambers President and Chief Executive Officer Owens Corning Ramon Laguarta Chairman and CEO PepsiCo Dr. Albert Bourla Chief Executive Officer Pfizer Inc. Greg C. Garland Chairman and CEO Phillips 66 Marc B. Lautenbach President and Chief Executive Officer Pitney Bowes Daniel J. Houston Chairman, President and CEO Principal David S. Taylor Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer The Procter & Gamble Company Tricia Griffith President & CEO Progressive Corporation Bob Moritz Chairman PwC Steve Mollenkopf Chief Executive Officer Qualcomm Incorporated Earl C. Austin, Jr. President and Chief Executive Officer Quanta Services Thomas A. Kennedy Chairman & CEO Raytheon Company Blake D. Moret Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Rockwell Automation Douglas L. Peterson President and CEO S&P Global Keith Block Co-CEO Salesforce Bill McDermott Chief Executive Officer SAP Jim Goodnight CEO SAS Institute Tamara L. Lundgren President and Chief Executive Officer Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc. Jeffrey W. Martin Chairman & CEO Sempra Energy Lisa Davis CEO Siemens Corporation USA Egon Durban Silver Lake Thomas A. Fanning Chairman, President and CEO Southern Company James M. Loree President & Chief Executive Officer Stanley Black & Decker James P. Keane President and CEO Steelcase Inc. Kevin Lobo Chairman & CEO Stryker John F. Fish Chairman & CEO Suffolk Brian Cornell Chairman & CEO Target Russell K. Girling President and Chief Executive Officer TC Energy LeRoy T. Carlson, Jr. CEO Telephone & Data Systems, Inc. Richard K. Templeton Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Texas Instruments Incorporated Rob Speyer President & CEO Tishman Speyer Alan D. Schnitzer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer The Travelers Companies Inc. M. Troy Woods Chairman, President & CEO TSYS Peter J. Davoren President & CEO Turner Construction Co. Lance M. Fritz Chairman, President & CEO Union Pacific Oscar Munoz Chief Executive Officer United Airlines Gregory J. Hayes Chairman & CEO United Technologies Corporation David Abney Chairman and Chief Executive Officer UPS Stuart Parker CEO USAA Mortimer J. Buckley Chairman & CEO Vanguard Scott G. Stephenson Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Verisk Analytics Alfred F. Kelly, Jr. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Visa Inc. Robert F. Smith Founder, Chairman and CEO Vista Equity Partners Curt Morgan President & CEO Vistra Energy Stefano Pessina Executive Vice Chairman and CEO Walgreens Boots Alliance Doug McMillon President and CEO Walmart, Inc. John J. Engel Chairman, President and CEO WESCO International, Inc. John F. Barrett Chairman, President & CEO Western & Southern Financial Group Hikmet Ersek Chief Executive Officer Western Union Marc Bitzer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Whirlpool Corporation Abidali Z. Neemuchwala CEO & Managing Director Wipro Limited Michael J. Kasbar Chairman, President and CEO World Fuel Services Corporation Jim Kavanaugh CEO World Wide Technology John Visentin Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Xerox Corporation Patrick Decker President and CEO Xylem Inc. Anders Gustafsson Chief Executive Officer Zebra Technologies Corporation Michael Roman Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer 3M



Educators you have a problem - you are destroying childrens livelihoods unelss you are able to mzp

which are the world least sustainable organsations and what to do about this

Entrepreneurial Revolution research published in The Economist 1976 audits

 2 of the 3 weathsiet nations as not sustainabe and spiralling less so

USA it is well known that american use many times mtre carbon and plastic than anyone else- if they are never going to take lead in turning round humans cant sustain the planet- it is possible that the arctic circle countries may together hold the key to human sustainability but again that wont happen while america doesnt start the positive waves rolling; on top of this trump's rule is doing exactly the opposite of what experienced people recommended he doing in west east relationships) this will boomerang back to make americas (5% of the peoples) the least trusted nation (among the majority of humans who live in asia)- hardly the goodwill position wise in an era of ever more connectivity

germany has fixed the euro so every other country subdsises it; this may have made sense when tghe berlin wall fell but diesnt ow germany is far the strongest economy - on top of that germany was a majpor culprit in subprime and then punished european youth with austerity - the exactly wrong policy; on top of that germany is terrifyingly careless with EU borders; it was never going to help ukraine as it depmds on russsian energy- not having any borders with the med sea it has blindly multiplied every southrn europe, mid east and african proble the eu could have helped with 

90% of top 100 western corporations as not sustainable and gettig less so 

back in 1999 it was discovered that big corporates are blind to measuring trust which exponentially matters more than extracting from everyone every quatter- the book "end of accounting" makes a 20 yesr update on the chaos caused by those who pretend big corporations are e,ading humanity back to sustainabity

if you want to audit a market sectir to see if its largest players are usng their sepcific skils to help or destroy sustainability email me chris.macrae@yahoo.cio.uki  

 8 of 10 of biog not for profits as not sustainable


 Do youknow that more human and social development is now possible in the next decade than the whole of history? see macrae family's Entrepreneurial Revolution 1984 fieldbook based on 20 yeras of leadership surveys out of The Economist starting with Japan 1962: 2020's will be most exciting times to be alive if we transform education and design 3 billion new jobs renewing community, planet and applying leapfrog tech to maximise local secirity and valueHow did Japan's Masa Son become one of the sustainability generation's top 10 hackhikers guides to the galaxy? Errors are solely those of - tell me what to edit. Son-San understood how Gordon Moore's law started up silicon valley and became storyteller of japan doing like wise. He's been mapping back when would the silicon chip brain of the computer exceed that of the human brain and when would mobile connectivity linkin thousands of times more machine brains than humans. He and moore agreed on 2020 as the make or break decade of every way that smart cities, youth and artificial; intelligence can win the race to end poverty and support girl empowermet networks putwit and outlast big brother rulers like Donald Trump. Son like Bill Gates first banked on coders asking what sorts of software to use as personal computer networking took over from big machines? Then he leapt ahead of early web start ups (which had become an American startup game) by timing when to get a mobile licence for Japan? He continued to spot youth leaders of the future investing in jack ma and helping unite usa-china, taiwan and japanese worlds with the help of jerry yang founder of yahoo, scout of stanford and silicon valley. Next at the heart of he's invested in we- work hubs -the favorite spaces of communities who love technologists exploring every market's greatest intergenerational purpose not just driven by vulture capitalists extraction of money every 90 days. Son-san dreamed of webbing virtual and real words to be more than just making the world's 10 wealthiest men have more voice than the 3 billion poorest people. You might have thought that the west would learnt from 2 world wars were fought to end the extreme ineqialitues that 400 years of colonail behaviours including slave trading had spun- but apparently not.  Only the East decided to trust its families and communities to changing everything educators and youth needs toteach artificial intelligences if we are to continue to thrive at every community on mother nature's earth. Ask yourself is alive and well in Japan (yes), Singapore (yes) Hong Kong (Yes) , S Korea (yes), China (yes), India (could be)- Mr Trump's America - no nay never while he's on tv, Justin Trudeau's Canada not while he abuses one of women word's 10 greatest tech luminaries...All we need now is china and korea to finally forgive japan for war crimes and the east can collaboratively develop every smart city in ts hemisphere to be sustainable and hopefully enough western and southerm youth will linkin time to go green, peaceful and human, not carbon-sick, wea[onised and robotic.



The Collaboration Cafe  

Rachel McCullough-Sanden, Spencer Chiimbwe, and Christopher Macrae are organizers of the Collaboration Cafe  10 years ago &, in association with NormanMacrae (Order or Rising Sun with Gold Bars, Comander British Empire)

Family foundation for goodiwll media, a coopertative of student journalists of how to celebrate ending poverty, 

invite millennials and those who wish to invest and support them become the sustainability goals generation t help develop 33 valuetrue maps homework for march 2019 - who do you most want to design worldwide curricula of #digitalcooperation - attend un webinar 4 march monday morning new york time - help assemble twitter lists of who to learn with-linkin top 11 network guides on road to jack ma and tokyo olympics summer 2020

 List members @jimyongkim @UNSGdigicoop An independent panel of 20 experts convened by the UN Secretary-General to advance a dialogue on strengthening international cooperation in the digital age including Jack Ma Foundation charitable organization established in 2014 by Jack Ma, Executive Chairman of Alibaba Group. António Guterres Verified account of Secretary-General of the @UN António Guterres. vinton g cerf with tbl father of internet.. with.@melindagates Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, businesswoman, and mother. Dedicated to helping all people lead healthy, productive lives with Korea's AI inspiration Soowon Sophie Ohm with Amandeep Gill -project timekeeper : Digital, Diplomacy, Disarmament, International Learning. Executive Director of Sectt of UNSG

11 concern markets whose purposes mater most

11 concerning technology which between 2020-2025 will help people innovate more tha the whole world up to 2020 

and 11 inclusive trading maps- if you think we have left someting out- we are here to learn

- norman macrae family -scottish and womens economics association , likedin UNwomens, 

co-publisher with adam smith scholars of the womens journal of social business,

co-author , linkedin Unwomens, twitter @Obamauni - top 11 list searches clss of 2018-19 

linkedin UNwomens, twitter @obamauni top 11 lists of class 2018-19 

11 concern markets whose purposes mater most

11 concerning technology which between 2020-2025 will help people innovate more tha the whole world up to 2020 

and 11 inclusive trading maps- if you think we have left someting out- we are here to learn

- norman macrae family -scottish and womens economics association , likedin UNwomens, 

co-publisher with adam smith scholars of the womens journal of social business,

co-author , linkedin Unwomens, twitter @Obamauni - top 11 list searches clss of 2018-19 

linkedin UNwomens, twitter @obamauni top 11 lists of class 2018-19 

 purpose of market? because of diverse needs we start with what happy peoples dont wantby 2025 there wull be millions times moo0re  compoure brainpower- how to we design this as best not wors of times  
0 tech in everything your livelihood learns and apps 0 AI & 0 from and to 15 neighbors of china
1  finance services -no subprime! no trust losses or traps 1 G5 &

 1 from japan (and tech far east) to NW: Euro, UK, USA

1.1 other asean pacific  

 2 non-edible goods people make and sell- dont want to own anything that has impoverished any maker 2 Biotech & 2 from and to the half of world girls depending on asia's coastal belts and often last to get tech
 3 services as lifelong learner and teacher in community 3 Cyber & 11 arctic circle designed to maximis includion of russian people as well as solve climate
 4 food and water security services- don’t want food water or energy that

don’t want lack of local access nor food water or energy that makes my family ill or is not accessible affordably

 4 IOT including drones 7 muslim med- connecting asian gulf, africa med and south europe med as far as amrco polo's italy
5 health and safety secutity services -affordability & access dont want family member ir anyine to die before their time 5 Augmented senses -some call virtual reality 5 rich europe and east europe
 energy and waste services- dont want to be tolld my gen cant transform to 100% renewable services i- dont want energy muddled up with walled in politicians power games,  6 3d printing br6 rich america
 home - dont want any abuse of anyone- space for family and community to develop 7 big data small platforms including clouds br10 latin america
 transportation- dont want to be exhausted getting to and from work- dont want any community excluded from trade 8 blockchains  and/ot value chains where every cost is seen by everyone who wants tobr 9 africa
 local participation sports, arts, fashions   
 media - dont want fake, addictive or irrelevant media or mediator   wish to congratulate Time's Husbands  WA LONE AND KYAW SOE OO & Wives of the Year #TheEconomist #BR1 #BR2

welcome to & co-exploration by #TheEconomist linkedin UNwomens  -  DC whatsapp+1 240 316 8157 

--thanks to friends of 50 years of transforming education round jobs curriculum of Entrepreneurial Revolution

aibeltroad.jpgsummit AI NY1 ; China AI1        views - finland  worldbank

View Tweet activity 

guides welcome to entrepreneurial revolution's and world record jobs favorite tours of Beijing:

  •  tsinghua open source youth and tech ambassadors of sustainability generation
  • beijing normal world class curricula of 21st c early girlshood education; 
  • silicon futong; 
  • aiib bankers for sustaianbility world series - 16 beijing-17korea-18 mumbai-19luxembourg; 
  • geneva-china partnership hubs in cooperation in digital tech revolution to 2025_ wef's sister cities of industrial revolution 4 (geneva beijing tokyo san francisco) ; jack ma's cross riads between WEN, DAMO, UN-DC-UNCTAD-VALUING YOUTH-OLympics: tokyo, Beijing, Paris, LA
  • mapmakers of top 13 sustainability world trade Belt Roads
  • cgtn's epicentre of wise womens journalism - TW, XL ...
  • 21st C education-for-youth livelihhods- global summit partners eg WISE@Beijing including first 6 laureates Fazle Abed &...
further references rsvp Linkedin UNwomens - ;; worldrecordjobs searches; youth journalists for humanity alumni of;,,; - #TheEconomist............................................................  

 aipart.JPGCurrent Text of The AI Bill 115th Congress USA Sponsor:Rep. Delaney, John K. [D-MD-6] (Introduced 12/12/2017)Committees:House - Energy and Commerce; Science, Space, and Technology; Education and the Workforce; Foreign Affairs; Judiciary; Oversight and Government ReformLatest Action:House - 05/22/2018 Referred to the Subcommittee on Research and Technology.  (All ActionsThis bill has the status Introduced Subject — Policy Area: Science, Technology, Communications Text: H.R.4625 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)  -extracts follow below - whole Text available as:XML/HTMLXML/HTML (new window)TXTPDF (PDF provides a complete and accurate display of this text.) 

A BILL To require the Secretary of Commerce to establish the Federal Advisory Committee on the Development and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence, and for other purposes.  SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the “Fundamentally Understanding The Usability and Realistic Evolution of Artificial Intelligence Act of 2017” or the “FUTURE of Artificial Intelligence Act of 2017”.

It is the sense of Congress that— (1) understanding and preparing for the ongoing development of artificial intelligence is critical to the economic prosperity and social stability of the United States; (2) as artificial intelligence evolves, it can greatly benefit society by powering the information economy, fostering better informed decisions and helping unlock answers to questions that, as of the date of the enactment of this Act, are unanswerable; (3) for the reasons set forth in paragraph (2) it's beneficial to better understand artificial intelligence and foster the development of artificial intelligence in a manner that maximizes its benefit to society; and (4) it is critical that the priorities of the advisory committee established under section 4(a)(1) include developing guidance or recommendations—

(A) to promote a climate of investment and innovation to ensure the global competitiveness of the United States;

(B) to optimize the development of artificial intelligence to address the potential growth, restructuring, or other changes in the United States workforce that results from the development of artificial intelligence; (C) to promote and support the unbiased development and application of artificial intelligence; and (D) to protect the privacy rights of individuals.

SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS(a) In General.—Except as provided in subsection (b), in this Act:(1) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.—The term “artificial intelligence” includes the following:(A) Any artificial systems that perform tasks under varying and unpredictable circumstances, without significant human oversight, or that can learn from their experience and improve their performance. Such systems may be developed in computer software, physical hardware, or other contexts not yet contemplated. They may solve tasks requiring human-like perception, cognition, planning, learning, communication, or physical action. In general, the more human-like the system within the context of its tasks, the more it can be said to use artificial intelligence. (B) Systems that think like humans, such as cognitive architectures and neural networks. (C) Systems that act like humans, such as systems that can pass the Turing test or other comparable test via natural language processing, knowledge representation, automated reasoning, and learning. (D) A set of techniques, including machine learning, that seek to approximate some cognitive task. (E) Systems that act rationally, such as intelligent software agents and embodied robots that achieve goals via perception, planning, reasoning, learning, communicating, decision making, and acting. (2) ARTIFICIAL GENERAL INTELLIGENCE.—The term “artificial general intelligence” means a notional future artificial intelligence system that exhibits apparently intelligent behavior at least as advanced as a person across the range of cognitive, emotional, and social behaviors.(3) NARROW ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.—The term “narrow artificial intelligence” means an artificial intelligence system that addresses specific application areas such as playing strategic games, language translation, self-driving vehicles, and image recognition. SEC. 4. ESTABLISHMENT OF FEDERAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.Purposes Of The Advisory Committee.—(1) ADVICE.—The Advisory Committee shall provide advice to the Secretary on matters relating to the development of artificial general intelligence and narrow artificial intelligence, including on the following as they relate to artificial intelligence:(A) The competitiveness of the United States, including matters relating to the promotion of public and private sector investment and innovation into the development of artificial intelligence.(B) Workforce, including matters relating to the potential for using artificial intelligence for rapid retraining of workers, due to the possible effect of technological displacement.(C) Education, including matters relating to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education to prepare the United States workforce as the needs of employers change.(D) Ethics training and development for technologists working on artificial intelligence.(E) Matters relating to open sharing of data and the open sharing of research on artificial intelligence.(F) International cooperation and competitiveness, including matters relating to the competitive international landscape for artificial intelligence-related industries.(G) Accountability and legal rights, including matters relating to the responsibility for any violations of laws by an artificial intelligence system and the compatibility of international regulations.(H) Matters relating to machine learning bias through core cultural and societal norms.(I) Matters relating to how artificial intelligence can serve or enhance opportunities in rural communities.(J) Government efficiency, including matters relating to how to promote cost saving and streamline operations.

(2) STUDY.—The Advisory Committee shall study and assess the following: (A) How to create a climate for public and private sector investment and innovation in artificial intelligence. (B) The possible benefits and effects that the development of artificial intelligence may have on the economy, workforce, and competitiveness of the United States. (C) Whether and how networked, automated, artificial intelligence applications and robotic devices will displace or create jobs and how any job related gains relating to artificial intelligence can be maximized. (D) How bias can be identified and eliminated in the development of artificial intelligence and in the algorithms that support them, including with respect to the following: (i) The selection and processing of data used to train artificial intelligence. (ii) Diversity in the development of artificial intelligence. (iii) The ways and places the systems are deployed and the potential harmful outcomes. (E) Whether and how to incorporate ethical standards in the development and implementation of artificial intelligence. (F) How the Federal Government can encourage technological progress in implementation of artificial intelligence that benefits the full spectrum of social and economic classes. (G) How the privacy rights of individuals are or will be affected by technological innovation relating to artificial intelligence. (H) Whether technological advancements in artificial intelligence have or will outpace the legal and regulatory regimes implemented to protect consumers. (I) How existing laws, including those concerning data access and privacy, should be modernized to enable the potential of artificial intelligence. (J) How the Federal Government utilizes artificial intelligence to handle large or complex data sets.(K) How ongoing dialogues and consultations with multi-stakeholder groups can maximize the potential of artificial intelligence and further development of artificial intelligence technologies that can benefit everyone inclusively. (L) How the development of artificial intelligence can affect cost savings and streamline operations in various areas of government operations, including health care, cybersecurity, infrastructure, and disaster recovery. (M) Such other matters as the Advisory Committee considers appropriate.Report Due Dtae- end JUne 2019 latest. 

16 AIs India surveys public on " AI & Billion person digital ID, &healthcare, accessibity tech ie aid for differently abled, &education, &fintech, &agri/food processing, & manufacturing, &retail/customer management, &entrepreneurship, &environment, public utility services, &human-robot interaction,  &security - enablers for tech dev, enablers for entrepreneurship, enablers for product commercialisation, other AI issues

 Update from forthcoming publication of World Record Books of Jobs -according to the hy[pothesis we first ecxplored at time of moon race, we have reached 87-years period'

of accelerating through 1000-2000 moore technolgy connections- for world frreocrs jobs cfreatirs today iot seems that competence to big data analyse and premission to

access relevant databanks will be key- here are 40 world record jobs creatrs chiosen with Human AI data networks and digital cooperation potential in mind 


from south asia - with one quarter of world population and need to innovate girl

empowered solutions from bottom- in numerical and goal 1-5 terms linking alumni of these WRJC is critical - to resolve many of the world's most extreme development challenges 

Fazle Abed - NPR estimates brac's livelihood education has cfreated over 150 million jobs among poorest village mothers and thius isnt couning which may be cashless banking's leap to a billion poorest women now that brac the wprlds largest ngo partnership has seen jack ma take 20% of bkash as well as returing full time to educatiuon spet 2019 with goal of being oe of top 3 educational revolutionaries 

no databank relevant for sustainbility goals matches that Nilekani has built with ovefr a billion  peoples digital ID in INdia;  this project was started over a decade ago with personal supplor of the late graat chmapion of youth - india's chioef scientist kalam- bot NIlekani and Kalam wrote 2020 books at start of 2000s- kalam went further and told students to get ready to tear up any curriculum which was not sustainable

Muhammad Yunus played role of greatest modern dreamer of end poverty - now we have over 1000 times tech to leapfrog his dreams of eg how bangaldesh could grow up wiuth giants of India and China are worth revisiting- yunus loves tech brainstroming but his business models dont sustain the patience to collect big data- findings our avialable at journal of social business edited by adam smith scolars out of Glasgow University

paul polak's life work for the bottim up mainly in sout asioa is hroic too- this octagenerain has 10 bottom=up mulytintaionals he dreams of designing with partners each ti sevre a bottom billion- the point is that bottoim billion need markets with smart local mixes - no point in tv ads when ajority of extreme poor dont have electorcity yet 

manmohan singh- finally steered India towards world market place in early 1990s resulting in exponential growth; was tutored by Keynes main disciples at corpus christi cambridge early 1950s; india's relationships with china through the age of acclerating up to 4000 t6mes more tech will be critical 

maharishi's spiritual curricula has had significant imoact around the world wherever youth heave needed help in developing self-confidence and consciousness- 

amma's movements in kerala are extraoridnary in lifting up over 10 million people's communal spirit and her partnership with the UNAI linking in many of the world's nanotech experts to apps tackling vilage poverty is important to benchmark 



from the west G7 (excluding Japan) Amazon's Jeff Bezos now has 3 citioes to hub out of to linkin all his interests- probaly no alumkni netywork is more important to Amereica's AI futures than that of Bezos

Its interesting to see who Bezos linkin most to now  he has 3 back from futiure supercities to connect through and access to both East and West Coatal Belts of Ameruca- his old friend Leonsis is deeply concerned trhat USA join the world with supoercity benchmarks as our his partners at revolution including aiol's steve case and special connectiosn with 1776's hub through criystal city dc ny brooklyn and dubai

witho the quadits- us hq in boston mit and harvard, timing of acquiring vilage mobile phones for the poorest wouldnt have happened- now would the emergence of with worldwide tech support including ,pesa's electronic engineer in chief 

of course embedded in MIT is time n=berners lee- the father of the www is for everyone 

paul rose and michael palin as bbc broadcatsers tell the truth about climate and the difficulties of eg reconciling the  bodres that over 4 centuries of colonisation by britiosh empoire spun

from China and Eastern coatal belt where another quarter of world live mainky in China 

Jack Ma - you cant really choose to separtae ;libaba from the BAT fopunders nor of HUaawei and the 2 x-facturs Xi Jinping, and founder of Xaiomi - but tost6art with jack ma's redesign of global value chaineto include SME are by defiition applicanle round the world of youth jobs and sustainability 

Lee Kuan Yew the father of singapore is another late grea- most of his work is now chsmpioned by Mahbubani until recently chairman of the  National U of Sing[pore- two special values of Lee to study with his alumni- how did singapore get housing right for all its people and bechmark joy of each potehrs cultures 


Breaking 12/12.18 Is a technology world war between east and west truly necessary and if so does the west truly want donald trump to lead its moves?

  1. Donald Trump says he could intervene in Huawei case ...

    4 hours ago · President Donald Trump has said he would consider intervening in the case againstHuawei executive Meng Wanzhou if it would be in the interest …

  2. Huawei CFO arrestTrump could intervene if it helps US ...


    11 hours ago · U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would intervene in the JusticeDepartment's case against a top executive at China's Huawei Technologies if it would serve nationalsecurity interests ...

  3. ExclusiveTrump says he could intervene in U.Scase ...

    U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would intervene in the Justice Department's caseagainst a top executive at China's Huawei Technologies [HWT.UL] if it would serve national security ...

  4. Huawei CFO Wanzhou Meng Arrest Threatens Trump-Xi …

    Dec 06, 2018 · On the same day Donald Trump and Xi Jinping struck a trade war truce in Argentina, some 7,000 miles away Canadian authorities made an arrest that now threatens to …

  6. Can the Arrest of Huawei Executive Upend Trump's China ...

    Dec 06, 2018 · On the same day Donald Trump and Xi Jinping struck a trade war truce Canadianauthorities arrested Huawei executive Wanzhou Meng. How the Arrest of a High-Profile HuaweiExecutive Could Upend ...

  7. China suggests Trump 'can use Huaweiafter iPhone tapping ...


    Hua's comment is pointed since Chinese device maker Huawei, whose Mate 20 Pro arrived in Europelast week, has long dealt with security concerns regarding ties to China's communist government.

  9. Can Huawei’s founder Ren Zhengfeiwho survived a famine ...

    South China Morning Post

    2 days ago · Hardliners in Donald Trump’s administration are especially keen to prevent Huawei fromsupplying wireless carriers as they upgrade to 5G, a next-generation technology expected to …

  10. USChina trade warHuawei CFO arrest proves Trump battle ...

    The arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou is a clear example that President Donald Trump's trade waris more than just tariffs and the trade deficit.

    • messing with a fifth of the world development hero is the end of the rest of the world's attraction to the American Dream. For those who understand that telephone markets only came to China in the 1990s, it is clear that Huawei is the heartland development brand unlike any other-
dec 2018-in what is turning out to be saddest month world class brands journalists have ever cooresponded- a story of hope- 9 years ago at MIT summit convened by th 1996 mobile entrepreneurial revolution family (Quadirs) I spent a day with 2 extraordinary female spakers- one the former president of ecuador - the othe nigeria's 25 year old founder of country's flying doctor service- read her new book on sorting out Nigeria's health service  votes on blogs from scottish heartland of freedom and happiness urgently welcomed:: unfinished journey through korea & nigeria 

 To ask canada to help attack (seek to publicly humiliate) the founding family of Huawei is the most stupid thing trump or any 21st C American adninstration could do short of starting nuclear war. As timelined by The Economist curriculum of Entrepreneurial Revolution started at time of moon race, 2016-2023 is Death of Distance's era of being 1000-2000 more interconnected by tech than 1946 (whose constitutional thinking Washington DC seems to be timewarped in) To better appreciate telecom's core role in ending poverty between 1990 and 2010 across the whole south and east cloastal belts of Asia consider Bangladesh - excerpt (with special thanks to adam smith scholars and their journal of social business - launched out of Glasgow Universityu as Nobel Laureate Muhmmas Yunus 70th birthday wish)

Experments in Bangladesh in 1996 on how mobile telecoms could end poverty were a world first -even ahead of what the Chinese knew how to do That is because it would appear that the first personal phone market in China began in 1992 and was briefly fixed line but the technolgy of mobile came in time for wealthier coastal parts of China to leap almost straight to mobile. Global providers raced for huge contracts in these most profitable rgions if China. It was left mainly to the heroic Huawei to help poorer inland regions of China linked into telecoms too.   


EconomistDiary DigitalCooperation My father and i have been journalising world class entrepreneurs over 60 years. Our criteria- massively improving the human lot.  Gandhi, Mandela, Florence Nightingale, Marie Curie, Maria Montesori, John Von Neuman, Deming, Borlaug, Freire, Fazle Abed, Jack Ma, Lee Kuan Yew- entrepreneurs multiplies value and livelihoods and so scale goodwill worlwide - their creativity transcends nations both locally and in 21stC at digital speed of webs. We ordinary people in USA - parents , teachers, children cannot claim USA or any G7 nation truly values entrepreneurs while Mr Trump attacks world class entrepreneurs. December 6's case of Ren Zhengfei family crosses a red line- how did american media, policy leadership and jobs education get to this?... at a time when sustainability's final exam as Buckie called IT will determine extinction or children everywhere being first sustainability generation ..sources on huawei include Edward Tse original 5 chinatech disruptors: Alibaba Baidu Tencent Huawei Lenovo
in 25 years Huawei went from 5600 dollars of personal savings to a private company that has taken over number 1 in telecoms network equipment from swedens ericsson. in 1992 china embarked on massive telecoms -from a country that previously had no private telephone lines- the big winners were the global equipment makers siemens motorola nortel nokia ericsson-they had huge customers in big telecom providers china telecom china mobile china unicom to rich coastal citiesshenzen-based huawei focused on being a provider to poorer inland regions -lower cost, always aiming for higher quality and more customisation however small the client were its service hallmarks..

From Beijing Entrepreneurial Revolution tour 9 , sustainability and world's favorite uni tsinghua x-elerator helped us learn about arctic belt cooperation  1ckgsb helped us understand commonwealth, UN and chinese views of valuing women ;we were given an extraordinary tour of China-American tech and arts startup culture in the middle ofWhatever happened to Beijing hutongs; our sino-india club brainstorm focused on what will happen next to Nilekani's billion person digital id - tech rebooting india

we started homework on Beijing Normal's massive attempts to make 2019 china's year of early childhood education the way girls would edit articfial intelligence teachers assistants - noting that this begins with AIcurriculum in all of china's primary schools

- join on us on our next search of beijing late january 2019 or if you can help us with our new year dream free Ms Huawei  positive ideas always welcome Washington DC  
What ever happened to Aden?  Through its history, the port of Aden had been important. As a part of the British Empire, it was even more so, for that Aden was situated about equidistant from the Suez Canal, Egypt; Mumbai, India; and the British protectorate of Zanzibar in eastern Africa. In 1937, the port of Aden was made a Crown Colony of its own. During WW2, the British Forces Aden controlled all military forces located in Aden, which was primarily aerial in nature. During the war, the No. 8 Squadron RAF, flying Blenheim light bombers, conducted anti-submarine warfare out of Aden, while supported by units flying various aircraft, including Hurricane fighters, Catalina seaplanes, Gladiator biplanes (for meteorological observation missions), etc. After the war, the port continued to thrive, becoming one of the busiest seaports in the world. In 1959, states within the Aden Protectorate began organizing under the name of Federation of Arab Emirates of the South. In 1962, the Crown Colony of Aden joined the federation. In 1967, the federation became the sovereign the People's Republic of South Yemen.

Urgent Agenda Beijing strategic cooperation week 20-27 November

Progress Best news of October-November for under 30s livelihoods as sustainability generation

Geneva Belt Road (UNCTAD Digital Cooperation    ITU  IR4-WEF)

Shanghai Belt Road- world's first Import Summit  1

Philippines Belt Road -29 MOU strategic cooperation with China -nb 51 talk innovating 10 times more economic english with filipinos

Liechtenstien and Blockchain Belt Road - Blockchain Law  - ref 1

Arctic Belt Road Tsinghua district student networks update ThinkinChina 20 November  -host Tsinghua X

Rwanda - africa's first in world EWTP 

Bangladesh Valuing GIrls Belt Road-Adam Smith Glasgow Scholars Journal of New Economics Special Issue on Sir Fazle Abed's top cooperations of first 43 years of brac as largest NGO partnershop including Bkash-Jack Ma since summer 2018 

 queries welcome year 50 of Entrepereneurial Revolution coooeration 4000 moore tech

started by The Economist's Norman Macrae - year 56 of consider far east as epicentre of sustainability 21st C 

these are the most exciting times to be alive macrae family are grateful beyond words for optimism remembramnces including - BRAC & Japan Embassy 2012, Baroness Hogg, Glasgow U launch journal youth economics 2010 and 2018, South Afruca's Free University 2012 ...

edutech 2019-20  

025 report - last 7 years to global sustainability


Eastern hempishere has developed over 2 billion people out of poverty- to see how engineers and lifelong students and educators celebrate this: map 4 #BRI trading routes;

  • #BR2 where half world lives
  • #BR0 where one nation invested 21st C in railways and supercities shared economies
  • #BR1 how shipping maps connect 90% of world trade
  • #BR3 what to do with the poreviously uninhabitable land of the (old) world's main continental mass
to  celebrate what youth needs to value next with tech help 9 other #BR trading routes linkin 

selection of AI in education

squirrel summit shanghai nov 



4000 moore TECH, Humans train Artificials or vice versa: Sustainability of youth = changing education -help search 50 ways with special thanks to alumni of female entrepreneurial revolution's jack ma * antonio guterres* sir fazle abed * xi jinping

 LoveQ - jack ma values exponential progression of IQ, EQ, LQ- quotients of intelligence emotion and love- if next girl born is to have fair chance of a happy life we need loveq rising up round every community and school- coach kids on how to open space before they start adolescence.. moore on eq and lq in education replacing the empire's selection of 11 year olds as admin rulers in days of millions times less communications tech  Exponential Timelines- 50 years ago inspired by Moon race Entrepreneurial Revolution curriculum founded in The Economist to question lievlihood sustainability of over 4000 times moore communications tech 2030 versus 1946 (Moores law doubling social consequences every 7 years). 34 Years ago (1984 at about 11 times moore) ERworld first started asking leaders how to design the 3 billion new livelihoods shown what every child needs to explore through curriculum of markets: in search of new silk roads- by the time keynes was wring on employment in the 1930s: the possibilities of any places children were expoentially locked in by rules old economists had scribbled (and lawyers made most money making tyhe big bigger!) -moore 


2020s most exciting times to be alive if everyone is lifelong tecaher and student 

Bridging e-edu with ecommerce and e-finance- which of the 2 richest market makers is helping develop children more bezos withhq2 leaving virginiua tech to build him an innovation campus or jack ma who's building a new university with 100 scholarship branches chosen by the UN's need for sdg community coders of big data small  jack ma with 30 national leaders edu commission 2016 - there's never enough money to invest in education but even more urgent now- half of youth everywhere will be unexmloyable unless we design livelihood training beyond the classroom - more on how Top 10 missing curricula eg self-serve health, other 20 largest market's categories valuetrue purpose. 4 most valuable languages for worldwide youth to share, how to celebrate arts out of any place youth hub, supercity and top 13 sustinability world trade Belt Roads- why and how did they go missing- eg because half most valuable info newly innovated over next 5 years? how will youth web them - eg understand main beyind classroom cooperations -moore debate sustainability goals consequences of  the 7 biggest tech wonders of 1000-2000 times moore to 2023 (eg blockchain, AI in classroom and every public space, what billion person datasets can do for sme value chains, how does wearning sensors change peoples safety, nature's climate and what matching infrastructure will eg make guns irrelevant,,, and 7 biggest wonders of 2000-4000 ties moore  Having designed sustainable livelihoods around million poorest village women focused on building a last mile health and food security service, the women asked sir fazle abed to build over 60000 schools- have you ever studied with alumni of the inaugural education laureate selctted by sheikha moza and womens un eminent panel reference: Up & Out of Poverty: Xi JInping spent his last years as a teenager experimenting with high school education in a remote village- as an undergraduate he was asked to help tsinghua design their curriculum of village education by 1988 he was publishing solutions to out of poverty. China aims to be everywhere's benchmar of muhamad yunus race to poverty museum. The only western parallel we know of is when Paul Farmer and Jim Kim were students contributing cases to Harvrads course on medical anthroplogy.Since 1988 Tsinghua has become the world's furst open university of servant leadders of sustainability. Its graduates lead the way in serving china- spending a year in rural areas reporting what tech apps are needed next. Today the largest tech entrepreneur suburb in world (epicentre of china's 5 million start ups hubs next to Tsinghua's main gate) -if MIT tours offfer a square mile of futures of business and society, Tsingua offers 10 times moore. Not surprising as China has half a billion under 30's livelihoods to sustain, USA about 5 times less   moore on 50 ways to change education so that uner 30s co-create 3 billion new jobs renewing community, renewing planet, celebrating how 4000 times moore communications tech shares economic and social wellbeing for all.      


Valuing sustainability is the hardest urgent challenge rulers of large organisations ever face. One English-speaking ruler faced up to this with mighty courage- 7 quarters of a century ago in 1843...

Previously when a messenger says: dear ruler- did you know your organisation's constitution is starving millions of people to death - the ruler's reply: silence! off with your head. ..Instead in 1843 queen victoria did something truly innovative

she said to him : how's that? he said to her - the majority of your parliamentary members have passed the landowners law that corn must never be sold at less than a fixed price- they would rather burn the excess corn than save a million starving people in ireland

she said to him - will you start a weekly magazine questioning this? he said to her - if i may call it The Economist

the consequence was: the corn laws were repealed but not in time to prevent 150 years of terror  permeating the waves between two islands: england (sometimes called Britain) and ireland

part 2 : later james said - what about India mam? did you know that Empire has decimated (reduced by tenfold) the livelihood potential of the people who share the South Asian coastal belt

victioria said- go and re-bank the commonwealth - James started up the the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China and then his "bridge too far": in 1860 he located to India where he died 9 month after reaching calcutta of diarrhea- it took another 120 years before girls in bangaldesh were empowered by sur fazle abed to build a rural natiion round a health service that ended diarrhea and vilage enetrepreneur netwiorks that ended starvation; also in one last dismal thrust England demand China accept opium as a currency for trading silks and species; the Chinese preferred to close out world trade for over a century than to be addicted and empired over; at the time of the race to the moon this fifth of the world's people decided it was time to try and start up new world trade routes- The Economist of 1977 was the first English speaking media to than them for daring to explore the 4 E's even if this meant that education would need to be led by women holding up half the sky, turning communities bottom-up and  questioning future-boundaries (not outside the box - rather there is no box) instead of backward referential man's image of perfection however wrong, instead of mothervearth's love and opennes however vaguely right freedom needs to be

Back in London James' son walter bagehot changed the british constitution and started innovating currencies but not in time to prevent 2 world wars being fought over the need to end the mercatile era of colonisation

part 3 what if sustainability now depends on all educators freeing youth to speak 4 languages and translating the meaning of the four e-words through big data anlysis that6 is small enough for communities to map with

the languages being chiense english moither tongue and coding

the e words being 1) e- 2) exponential 3) economics 4) entrepreneur

consider the french word entreprneur - it was coined after the last time that any european peoples reversed the royal maxim - the revolution: cut off their heads in france meant guilotining heads of the royal family who were ruling over all the nation's productuive assets- the word entrepreneur wss coined by french economist JB Say who wanted to help his and other societies search for a better way of innovating productive human sustainability than cutting off heads- in this search, French Entrepreneurial Empowerment was inspired by james wilson as he had previously been inspired by Scot6 adam smith whose writings  from 1748 started with an inconveneont question - why is English-speaking empire designing education so that youth are forbidden to question sustainabilty's most urgent challenges? 

If James could edit the sustainability goals of nations today - what would he do?

he might back UN leader Antonio Guterres' urgency in saying there are only 12 class years left to 2030s deadline- what will be the most exciting new studies of 2018-2019-one o'clock rock - Time for DC : Digital Cooperation inaugural guest teacher appearances by Melinda Gates and Jank Maa- wherever nations UNIte, wherever youth alumni linkin to AlibabaUNI, and who know maybe even DC's and NY's AmazonUNI

1 don't let us ever forget what women entrepreneurs of south asia did to built a nation round since 1971 (the poorest ever beginning to a top 10 nation in terms of population size)

2 let young people be alumni of the most energised explorers of the 4 e's that jack ma cheerleads

3 if educators are going to help the under 30s speak sustainbility's 4 languages lets help xi jinping start up around 13 maps - the neighbors around china - starting from the old world's east- the traders with america start from the new world's west - anyone else stuck in between such as those in the arctic circle, refugees of the med sea, continents that have been most isolated until the era of 4000 times moore communication technology 2030 versus 1946 - June 2019 will #BR5 Luxembourg Royal family do the right thing when AIIB brings 100 banking delegations to town? - and other cooperation/education SD opportunies of 2018-19 


 Although it sounds nice to say that the Chinese were stimulated by the moon landing to design capialism's happiest 21st C societies to replace a dismal communism- in the 1960s a famine killed up to 10% of Chinese mothers and children- from the scary cultural revolution that followed a Confucian miracle emerged- China became the first nation in the world to declare women hold up half the sky- goals 1,2,5 triangularise China's last quarter of the 20th C- end poverty, end famine, celebrate community economies that value girls development and productivity as much as boys. By accident or design China's one-child policy embedded this social fabric. When girls global village networking empowers the races to end poverty and famine, they demand to be involved in developing last mile markets of health and livelihood education. This is not just a Chinese Confician lesson, Bangladesh's Muslim mothers have networked around the same 5 goal compass from 1971-1996 with no electricity and no telecommunxayoons in the villages to a parallel mobile revolution from 1996. Will today's half of the world aged under 30 be served by education systems that map the extraodrinary amont of intergenerational trust and hard work that values sustainability as the most exciting of all human races. Will this new media truth rise out of celebrities and celebrations of the New Olympics Series 2020 Tokyo 2022 beijing 2024 Paris.. 2028 LA? map top 13 sdgworld trade routes inside china, 1 East-Belt, 
2 South-Belt; 3NorthBelt 

4 centre eurasia &E.Euro; 5WEuro 6 N.Am; 7 MidEast8MedSea 9Africa 10LatinAm11 Arctic Circle 12UN-urgent.. 



Part 1 - is this the most exciting story every told

 BRAC (1972-2018)  46 Years of Empowering the world’s poorest village women to build 8th most populous nation and world’s largest NGO

Around BRAC Fazle Abed has redesigned 4 levels of market value chains round women-owned family businesses and small enterprises

  • One rural region
  • 200000 villages of the rural nation -eg building the last mile health service
  • National market leadership – eg being nation’s market leader in poultry
  • Globally – eg redesigning global aid around 2 models – some people now call these models social business and give directly

Context between 1970-1974 BRAC and Bangladesh rural people faced 3 life-threatening and nation-destroying challenges-in-one:

  • The war of independence which destroyed infrastructure and caused a lot of internal migration
  • A cyclone that killed half a million people
  • A famine which killed one million people


ABOUT ValueTrue - What are the goals of The Economist. With Glasgow U's scholars, we try to explore Scot Adam Smith's 2 main goals. In 2018, his alumni network's action learning curve is 260 years long (never more critical if sustainability of youth is the purpose of parenting and community)

  • end systemised poverty - eg end slavery, colonization, treating any demographic as an underclass be they women, youth, someone of another skin ..
  • bottom-up "mapping" of how trade and markets scale exponentially : up if multiplying trus-flowst of all who produce and demand over time, down (collapsing) otherwise 
We also explore why Adam would reject Nobel search for world's best Economist- he would have begun seeking a micro-entrepreneurially trusted "systems" economist by market: eg health, food, nations/places, arts, university. NB he agonised over the faulty purpose of university mastered/ administered by the English. 

sneak preview of papers selected by adam smith

scholars celebrating how bangladesh was developed by women

 BRAC : The Citizen-Building Network

celebrating International Poverty Reduction Center in China 

 eeking health transition in ... - The Lancet

Humanity's Happiest Half Century? In the 50 years since moon landing the 2 happiest innovations advancing the human lot are:

tech of human connections has increased to over 1000 times moore than 1946 

Eastern hempishere has developed over 2 billion people out of poverty- to see how engineers and lifelong students and educators celebrate this: map 4 #BRI trading routes;

  • #BR2 where half world lives
  • #BR0 where one nation invested 21st C in railways and supercities shared economies
  • #BR1 how shipping maps connect 90% of world trade
  • #BR3 what to do with the poreviously uninhabitable land of the (old) world's main continental mass

to  celebrate what youth needs to value next with tech help 9 other @BR trading routes linkin girls shared treasure maps rsvp 

 university students' 7 most valued reports 2018-2019

rsvp to nominate 

related Paradox Francis 

FR-youth nets 1 

FINtrue youth curricula 1 2  3 4

she told me more data has been collected in last 2 years
than the rest of human history-
i asked if i could help


 we were told un eminent finance report would be big - here it is released oct 2018  its authors nb zm fintechlab

prep for report included stanford roundtable listed


  • Marc Andreessen, & Alex Rampell Partner of Andreessen and Horowitz
  • Susan Athey, Professor of Economics at Stanford University, Founder of Empirical Economics Group at Microsoft; Board of Directors, Ripple


  • Fei-Fei Li, Associate Professor at Stanford University, Director of Stanford AI Lab; Chief Scientist Google Cloud AI/ML
  • Anish Shah, Group President of Strategy at Mahindra Group
  • David Wehner, Chief Financial Officer at Facebook


  • Lucy Shapiro, Professor of Developmental Biology, Stanford Medical School
  • Victor Dzau, President, National Academy of Medicine


  • George Shultz, Hoover Institution, Former U.S. Secretary of State, Treasury, Labour
  • David Mulford, Former U.S. Ambassador to India, Under Secretary of U.S. Treasury, Vice- Chair Credit Suisse Intl
DC delight
 In spite of being an optimist
i had almost given up being nicely surprised in Dc.
This blochchain report issued ict 2018 is an exception-
it leads to 10 non coin movement of Blockchain youth can map.
Now that world benchmark for coining blockchains has been demonstrated by Lichenstiein's law-
its certainly best if US legislators are removed from this curriculum.
Note few things are causing more of a braindrain than preventing coders to blockchain... countries that want to attract blockchain coders would appear to include we believe (blog) the un digital cooperation report due march 2019 is the most important report for young people everywhere racing to connect 4000 times more tech than 1946-tech has reached a stage of collaborative impact that we all need to share in views of people like jack ma, melinda gates and others these updates link will tourism become the sustainabity's generation boggest market -eg is airbnb just a first example of world cittizens shared economics

Governments and Investors Share Knowledge on Tourism Technology at UNWTO/WTM Ministers’ Summit

Madrid, Spain, 7 November 2018 – The UNWTO/WTM Ministers’ Summit, held yesterday by World Travel Market and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), was well received by participants from government and the private sector for its more dynamic new format leading to more concrete takeaways around this year’s theme: Investment in Tourism Technology.

This year, the UNWTO/WTM Ministers’ Summit held at World Travel Market, one of the world's biggest tourism trade show (6 November 2018), focused on investment in tourism technology with a novel format. For the first time the summit featured a panel of private sector leaders alongside a panel of ministers, sparking an open and useful exchange of ideas and opinions on how to channel private capital into innovative tourism technologies.

This meant that tourism ministers and high-level representatives from countries including Bahrain, Bulgaria, Egypt, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Portugal, Romania, South Africa, Uganda, Uruguay and the UK were able to directly reflect on and respond to the opinions voiced by the leading tourism and technology investment funds involved in the panel, such as Alibaba Capital Partners, Atomico and Vynn Capital.

“Without the support of the key tourism stakeholders, notably governments, corporations and investors, development and implementation of innovative products is not possible. Today’s discussions shed light on the influential role of both sectors as well as the need for stronger public-private partnerships”, said UNWTO Deputy Secretary-General Jaime Cabal opening the event.

A common sentiment amongst the panel of private sector entrepreneurs was that disruption leads change in the tourism sector, but regulation can be preventative to obtaining the attractive investment conditions needed to support disruptive new business ventures. It was suggested that regulation should be fixed in order to give clear guidelines to investors who wish to put private capital into new technology.

Several technology investors highlighted the need to narrow the opportunity cost and clear up the governance barriers for innovation in tourism. “It needs to be easy for start-ups to grow and expand – if rules change too quickly, investors will hesitate to invest,” Katherine Grass of Thayer Ventures told ministers.

Lio Chen, Managing Director at the Travel & Hospitality Center of Innovation at venture capital firm Plug and Play, called for larger technology companies to engage with start-ups to boost ideas, human resources and investment. “I ask ministers to incentivize the top five corporations in their country to work with start-ups and foster innovation,” he said.

On the subject of regulation, Michael Ellis, UK Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Arts, Heritage and Tourism, said: “It’s a question of balance, and it’s a challenge to get that right, especially in technology.” He also urged ministers to boost sustainability and help tackle the world’s climate-related problems, such as rising carbon emissions.

Education was also highlighted as an element making investments more attractive. “Education allows technology to root into societies and contribute to making tourism more inclusive for communities,” said Benjamin Liberoff, Vice-Minister of Tourism of Uruguay.

“We have brought the public and private sector together in a unique format, and hope it will deliver real change in the sector. As tourism grows, then technology will play a key role,” said Simon Press, Senior Exhibitions Director of WTM London.

Moderated by Richard Quest of CNN International, the summit contributed to UNWTO’s ongoing priority to place tourism at the centre of the global innovation agenda.


Useful links:

UNWTO/WTC Ministerial Summit website

World Travel Market website

Pictures UNWTO & WTM Ministers' Summit



UNWTO Communications Department

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mapping what wuill happen next around

#BR0 the fitthof people who invested most in railways and shared supercities

................................................................................#BR1the greatest engineers to ever share a continent's coastal belt and surrounding islands

#BR2 two fifths of the world's people who share the east and south coastal belts of EurASIA

#BR3 the people resourced with half of the land of the world's largest continent

#BR5 the old north west europeans

#BR4 the new south east europeans 

#BR6 inside ameicas- the politically most infarstructure messed up continent

#BR7  the opportunity and threats of being most responsible for both the world's oil and its deserts

#BR8 can the unhappiest sea of the turn of the millnnium once again become the happiest sea of marco p[olo times 

#BR9 whither young afriica

#BR10 whither latin people's new world

#BR11 whither the arctic circle

#BR12 whitherevery other bordrer crisis the United Nations and nature most needs 8 billion humans to cooperatively help with linking in ValueTrue world trade mapping

- over 90% of world trade of goods is shipped - so wherever you live which superport do your peoples have access to is a critical question

Planes are lest economical and least ecological but relevant to luxury markets where produce is perishable  as well as to special value markets eg tourism

At one time car motor roads were the more economical of overland transporation across large continents but now fast trains are

Given these truths #BR0 China is the most economically designed large geograpghical market for 21sst C trading goods and USA the least 

 However most of the value of the sustainability goals generatuion depends on mobiulising universla apps - ie distributing learning not physoical goods- and most sdgoals

depend on replication of solutions across (borderless) communities. By which we mean  the need to share solution between communities is dependent on many urgency variables with nation that the community is in being just one variable 


linkinto discuss how to write letter loving esch others countries across 13 Belt Road Imagineer Trading Routes and other missing curricula of, and 
whatsapp DC formal-informal hotline +1 240 316 8157 

Part 2 of most exciting story ever told:

In Bangladesh 1971, rural means without access to electricity grids or other infrastructure. Peculiarly it usually doesnt mean isolated as Bangladesh is the most densely populate nation on the planet. Up to 90% of village mothers were illiterate, so BRAC also was the core network in the middle of intergenerational progress of girls from village mothers to citizens who eg worked the second biggest but lowly paid garments market. A nation with no trade in 1971 now has 3 main export markets : garments, agriculture, remittances. It also has curricula of girl networks who innovate some of the greatest sdg challenges ever faced.


IN 1972 Fazle Abed (previously Shell’s national CEO) went to live in a rural region. He identified over 30 solutions villagers needed to survive. BRAC for example became the nation’s lab for applying the green revolution to rice science.  Sir Fazle grouped solutions into two kinds:

1 Those that could turn charity into a sustainable village business mocrofranchise- so eg village mothers shown how to apply the new rice science could now sustain family size businesses around husking rice whilst also being the solution to ending famine. This was one of 3 times (1072, 1996, 2018) when China and BRAC extreme development innovations-needs were interconnected – ultimately the half of te world’s people living around Eurasia’s east and southern coastal belts have similar extreme sustainability challenges to resolve

2 Those that involved demonstrating action learning – eg training  every village mother to apply oral rehydration – thereby saving one in 4 infants who would otherwise have died of diarrhea. In this case UNICEF became BRAC’s give directly partner in taking this training across 200000 villages. Long-term give directly models are as integral as social businesses in making brac the one-stop knowledge and trust epicenter of village mothers. Today the world’s number 1 experts in diarrhea are resident at brac university’s James Grant School of public medicine 


 6 sister cities valuing youth sustainability - Geneva, Luxembourg, Dhaka, DelhiBeijing, Hangzhou guided tour queries/diaries
-triangular mapping class 018-019 (1'oclock sustainability rock- last 12 years 4000 times moore digital tech can save our species from extinction)


Which are the most vital new findings of 2018-2019 for every student or investor in sustainability generation? Jack Ma & Fazle Abed voted top 2 World Record Jobs Creators thru e500-e1500 Moore tech

-from volunteer blog -  nomination 1 proposed by UN leader Antonio Guterres-
lead edited by Jack Ma, Melinda Gates - 20 expert friends of Guterres- DIGITAL COOPERATION- reporting date march 2019- rest of of UN year ending summer 2019 includes
  • 100 nations leaders: April 2019 at Beijing Belt Road 2  chief host Xi Jinping-
  • 100 banking delegations chief host luxembourg- network AIIB -chinese-speaking leaders pres jin, english-speaking leaders daughter jin at LSE, sir danny alexander, lord stern lse
related small neighbor nations to eu are using agile advantages of legislatirure to develop world's best blockchain law eg Lictenstein -ref unctadLict - this will destr\oy euro within 30 months 

 Part 3 of most exciting story ever told

After Fazle Abed‘s 7 years in one region, the main challenge was to choose both the first give directly and the first social business to replicate through 200000 villages. It turned out that a cluster of health service and last mile agriculture market solutions all replicated win-wins. Microfinance plus was designed as a system to connect this 200000 village replication. NB microfinance was never about loans separated from empowering village mothers to run microfranchises. It was BRAC’s responsibility to redesign the value chains so that the mothers had village markets which were also the solutions to the nation’s sustainability challenges

When you track BRAC’s market interventions. It is essential to understand that the first 25 years of village networking were person to person – no electricity meant no telecommunications. From 1996 Bangladesh became one of the rural nations to attract first technology partners both in mobile and in microsolar.

All of these market sector value chains have gained from BRAC innovations. When , how and with which partners takes some searching which is sometimes most simply accelerated by direct interviews with Sir Fazle Abed. (Not surprisingly these markets map the whole compass of SDGs 1 to 6 as far as extreme rural poverty alleviation and culture challenges impact Rural Asian around the Southern Coastal Belt- most typically latitude 0 to 30 )

Last mile food security markets/ agriculture -nation leading markets in poultry and dairy

Last mile finance markets -nation leading bank for smes- world leading cashless banking model, and diaspora remittance markets

Last mile health markets- Bangladesh’s rural health service, and with eg George Soros, Paul Farmer and Jim Kim leader in solutions to infectious diseases including MDR Tuberculosis

Village livelihood education markets both for adults and children

Crafts and silks markets

The world’s number 1 NGO partnership specializing in the most extreme challenges girls and mothers face as being sustainability goals deepest cultural solution connectors

Digital leapfrog partnerships – bottom billion women most need 

2017-2018 jack ma starts coverting his life from ecommerce guru back to educator of worldwide youth's livelihoods



 Jack Ma: Education is the biggest challenge

73K views5 months ago

ALI education news from china - in englishchinese
everything we teach from last 200 years machines can do better- we now need to teach creativity machines cant do because they have chips and people have hearts

jack ma trains 3000 place commectors at a time - see eg canada's
jack works for unctad (their lead ambassador for jobsd creating youthTECH) - every 6 months or so he visists african or asian countruies and pichs 20 tech entreprenmurs for personal 154 fday training at alibaba hq

jack is china's education commissioner in 40 ledaers network hosted by un envoy for education gordon brown 

Context- 2018-2019: 1.o'clock on sustainability goals last 12 student and Un years- this is also the year World Record Jobs Creator Jack Ma transitions back to education- while his work on digital cooperation platforms of ecommerce alibaba and efuinance- ant finance (formerly alipay) is well known, we are hopeful; that digital cooperation will included massive new clues on edutech- towards this understanding we welcome news on what the 7 most different serached of future oif education may be:


jack ma survey at 7 futures of education --how can jack ma alumni most help youth develop the sustainability goa;ls generation through thriving livelihoods across every community-economics map?
-big data small coders university- see alibaba global business school- search student scouts for jack ma eg head of unctad
village and disadvantaged schools- see jack ma foundation rural china- note his gifts to eg queen rania jordan education.
see digital cooperation report- make this main stdent discuss of year 19-20- note how it conects with 100 national leaders commitemnet to digotal belt roads
follow up jack ma desire to support teachers and institutions interested in loveq - this is the most positive end of emotional and teamworking skils opposites to what iq used to measure
look at jack ma's parthers in how will tech chnage the next 7 years - see his damo networ; searchg related hubs such as web industrial revolution 4 in sf beijing, tokyo- make list of top 7 tech chnages as we go from 100 to 4000 more tech- AI& humanI; g5; big data smal platforms eg india bilion person digitsl id; internet of things; blockchain - see 3 weeks of future of IT dialogue hosted by UN head of ITU- dubai nov 2018- see connections other un teams reporting back to guteers including unhabitat, women at unga, realuch un-academic impact
helping chnage value chains so every community has thriving yout livelihoods and self-suffiency on sustainability goals- see ma relationship with bkash- look at this partnerships with sme value chain research eg at tsinghua
-celebrations across every belt road where youth can connect cultures and host expos of community for all events- see expo associated with jack ma raids to olympics: korea 018 .tokyo 020 beiking 022 paris 024 la 028- link japan g20 with netwoirks jack ma started in prep for hangzhou g20 in 2016- the fiurst time 20 national leaders had discussed sdgs- also lonk with jack ma club in beijing where 50 big business leaders report what purspoe their industry sectir can mo0st help sustainability youth with

official jack ma bio fro help youth develop Jack Ma founded Alibaba Group in 1999. He has served as Alibaba’s executive chairman since May 2013, and previously as chairman and chief executive officer. Jack is also the founder of the Zhejiang-based Jack Ma Foundation.pfficial bio Jack founded Alibaba based on the belief that the Internet could democratize the playing field for all types of businesses, particularly small businesses. This tenet continues to underpin his vision for Alibaba, both in China and around the world.

In September 2016, Jack was named special adviser of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) for Youth Entrepreneurship and Small Business. He also served as chair of the 2016 B20 Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Development Taskforce, where he called for the establishment of an Electronic World Trade Platform (eWTP), an internet-based trading platform to help bring small businesses into the global economy and make it easier for them to expand trading capabilities worldwide.

Jack currently serves on the Board of SoftBank Group Corp., a Japanese corporation listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. He is also a member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum, a member of the Board of the Breakthrough Energy Ventures, chairman of the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, and chairman of the China Entrepreneur Club. In January 2016, he was named a Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) advocate by the United Nations.

Jack graduated from Hangzhou Teacher’s Institute with a major in English language education................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

.official bio melinda gates: Philanthropist Melinda Gates has dedicated her life to achieving transformational improvements in the health and prosperity of families, communities and societies. Core to her work is empowering women and girls to help them realize their full potential. As co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Melinda shapes and approves strategies, reviews results, and sets the overall direction of the world’s largest private foundation.

In 2015, Melinda created Pivotal Ventures, an investment and incubation company that enables her to bring together other new and emerging strands of her advocacy and philanthropic work focused in the US. Melinda received a bachelor’s degree from Duke and an MBA from Duke’s Fuqua School. After joining Microsoft Corp. in 1987, she helped develop many of the company’s multimedia products. In 1996, Melinda left Microsoft to focus on her philanthropic work and family.

.Amandeep Singh Gill is India’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva. He joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1992. Apart from headquarters, he has served abroad at the Indian Missions in Tehran, Colombo and Geneva. From 2013-2016, he served as Head of the Disarmament and International Security Affairs Division in the Ministry of External Affairs. In 2017, he helped set up the National Task Force on Artificial Intelligence for India’s Economic Transformation.



Amandeep Gill is currently Chair of the Group of Governmental Experts of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) on emerging technologies in the area of lethal autonomous weapon systems. He serves on the UN Secretary General’s Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters.

.Sophie received her Master’s degree in Finance from HEC Paris. After graduating, she worked at Oliver Wyman Financial Services as a consultant, and then moved to AXA, where she got the idea of using big data and machine learning to help financial companies give better credit scores. Based on this idea, she founded Solidware, who provides Machine Learning-based predictive analysis solutions to large financial institutions around the world. After her successful exit, she turned her frustration with complicated and inefficient digital marketing into a vision for what became Adriel....Vinton G. Cerf is vice president and Chief Internet Evangelist for Google. He contributes to global policy development and continued spread of the Internet. Widely known as one of the “Fathers of the Internet,” Cerf is the co-designer of the TCP/IP protocols and the architecture of the Internet. He has served in executive positions at MCI, the Corporation for National Research Initiatives and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and on the faculty of Stanford University.

Vint Cerf served as chairman of the board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) from 2000-2007 and has been a Visiting Scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory since 1998. Cerf served as founding president of the Internet Society (ISOC) from 1992-1995. Cerf is a Foreign Member of the British Royal Society and Swedish Academy of Engineering, and Fellow of IEEE, ACM, and American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the International Engineering Consortium, the Computer History Museum, the British Computer Society, the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists, the Worshipful Company of Stationers and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. He has served as President of the Association for Computing Machinery, chairman of the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) and completed a term as Chairman of the Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology for the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. President Obama appointed him to the National Science Board in 2012.

Cerf is a recipient of numerous awards and commendations in connection with his work on the Internet, including the US Presidential Medal of Freedom, US National Medal of Technology, the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, the Prince of Asturias Award, the Tunisian National Medal of Science, the Japan Prize, the Charles Stark Draper award, the ACM Turing Award, the Franklin Medal, Officer of the Legion d’Honneur and 29 honorary degrees. In December 1994, People magazine identified Cerf as one of that year’s “25 Most Intriguing People.”

Sophia, a well-known humanoid robot named the world’s first United Nations Innovation Champion by the United Nations ... 
who's open sourcing what 

 baidu open sources AV?


Baidu is leading China's autonomous efforts, but when it comes to the tech, the company is 3-4 years behind Waymo. To catch up, Baidu launched an open-source development program called Apollo that executives say will become the “Android” of autonomous vehicles.

  • Apollo has already attracted more than 100 partners, including blue chippers like Microsoft, Nvidia, Intel, Mercedes-Benz and NXP.
  • The Chinese government's friendly regulatory approach to AI enables the collection of troves of data that are crucial inputs into algorithms at the heart of autonomous technology. (The
    •  approach also may allow for greater surveillance in the country.)
  • China is building a brand new city near Beijing called Xiongan that will feature high-tech infrastructure that allows autonomous cars to “talk to” their surroundings and other vehicles. Xiongan could be China’s blueprint for other key cities. 

     BR6 has america lost it - part 10


    part 1-9 

welcome to digital silk road plus 6 youth Belt Road Maps ... Changing Education - the most exciting times to parent or grow up sustainably. Our old versions: EW , AU can web maximise sme value and job creating education? -help welcomed in compiling top 100 alumni networks of -UNited fintech & edutech & 17 goals-- notes on china's greatest educators ggv podcast limebike.. sinica -notes who's helping jos number 1 educator? Kenyann, Bangla girls Tsinghua, olympians-for-all, IR4-forhumans - rsvp

official alibaba (also notable apps - eg missing children )
*taobao university up to 100 million alumni in China - received training on how to taobao; as of 2017 established 1311 taobao e-commerce villages
*Damo Academy 1 2 started with 15 billion dollar investment by jack ma's as intercity top notch research on humanising livelihood advantages of major components of Industrial Rev 4 such as AI, blockchain, internet of things .. related IR4 at world economic forum: san francisco hub; wef summer china summoit
*gateway17 ma's 3000 citizens and leaders one day masterclass in ecommerce
*ma's personal mentoring (aka efounders) of first 100 entrepreneur chorts chosen with unctad and developing nations that have asked jack ma to help
+Aliresearch 1 tsinghua alumni network of Ying Lowrey's SME curriculum aligned to AliBaba model
Podcast Ant Finance

*hong kong 100 million dollar youth entrepreneur fund: AI webs 1 2 : Jumpstarter competition.-see also hk youth entreprenur curricula YFS & MIT -- taiwan ma entrepreneur fund
*alibaba entrepreneur fund
*poverty funds 1 :: blockchain research china poverty association 1 - alibaba 0.3 revenue to green foundation 1
Breaking news 1 from

jack ma- when i first studied (e)commerce in states i was surprised to find that each market was dominated by 2 or 3 manufacturers- i decided to design china ecommerce to maxise small enterprise suppliers and local jobs

.ying lowrey is tsinghua's professor of small enterprises- her book alibaba way is eyeopening:

foreword by nobel economist edmund phelps, columbia....Alibaba uses information technology to enable mass innovation to flourish.and to improve the lives of the people

related tsinghua - innovation events
lowrey beijing coorindtaor of aliresearch whose dean at hq is Hongbing Gao
.partners of ma &
*jack ma chairs cen 1- 2 = china's 50 most respomnsible businessmen - search curricula funds etc - location close to tsingua beijng

example founder of shanghai conglomerate fosun actively celebrates CEN, and partners in one of Jack Ma's universities at hangzhou and supports new york greatest yoth-led arts movement

co-sponsor: wise@beijing: Zhejiang Zhipu Foundation Founded by the six founding members of Alibaba Group, Zhejiang Zhipu Foundation supports rural education and promotes healthy and sustainable relationship between human and the society, as well as between human and the nature.
Guterres UN Digital Cooperation Panel #DigitalCooperation
The Panel is expected to raise awareness about the transformative impact of digital technologies across society and the economy, and contribute to the broader public debate on how to ensure a safe and inclusive digital future for all, taking into account relevant human rights norms.

Panel Members


Panel members

  • Mohammed Al Gergawi (UAE), Minister of Cabinet Affairs and the Future, UAE
  • Yuichiro Anzai (Japan), Senior Advisor and Director of Center for Science Information Analysis, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  • Nikolai Astrup (Norway), Minister of International Development, Norway
  • Vinton Cerf (USA), Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google
  • Fadi Chehadé (USA), Partner at ABRY Partners
  • Isabel Guerrero Pulgar (Chile), Director, IMAGO Global Grassroots and Lecturer, Harvard Kennedy School
  • Marina Kaljurand (Estonia), Chair of the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace
  • Bogolo Kenewendo (Botswana), Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry, Botswana
  • Akaliza Keza Ntwari (Rwanda), ICT advocate and entrepreneur
  • Marina Kolesnik (Russian Federation), senior executive, entrepreneur and WEF Young Global Leader
  • Doris Leuthard (Switzerland), Head of the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications, Switzerland
  • Cathy Mulligan (United Kingdom), Co-Director of Imperial College Centre for Cryptocurrency
  • Edson Prestes (Brazil), Professor, Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Kira Radinsky (Israel), Director of Data Science, eBay
  • Nanjira Sambuli (Kenya), Digital Equality Advocacy Manager, World Wide Web Foundation
  • Sophie Soowon Eom (Republic of Korea), Founder of Adriel AI and Solidware
  • Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah (Australia), Secretary General, CIVICUS
  • Jean Tirole (France), Chairman of the Toulouse School of Economics and the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse
The deliberations of the Panel will be supported by a small secretariat, co-led by:
  • Amandeep Singh Gill (India), Executive Director, Secretariat of the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation (ex officio)
  • Jovan Kurbalija, (Serbia), Executive Director, Secretariat of the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation (ex officio)
  • Patrick Bolton, Barbara and David Zalaznick Professor of Business, Columbia Business School
  • Markus Brunnermeier, Edwards S. Sanford Professor of Economics, Princeton University
  • Bengt Holmstrom, 2016 Nobel Laureate, Paul A. Samuelson Professor of Economics, MIT
  • Lars Peter Hansen, 2013 Nobel Laureate, David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor in Economics, Statistics, Booth School of Business & The College, University of Chicago
  • Preston McAfee, Most Recently Served as Chief Economist and Corp VP at Microsoft
  • Christopher Pissarides, 2010 Nobel Laureate, Regius Professor of Economics, LSE
  • Yingyi Qian, Distinguished Professor and Dean of School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
  • Alvin Roth, 2012 Nobel Laureate, The Craig and Susan McCaw Professor of Economics, Stanford University
  • Thomas Sargent, 2011 Nobel Laureate, W.R. Berkley Professor of Economics and Business, New York University
  • Michael Spence, 2001 Nobel Laureate, William R. Berkley Professor in Economics & Business, NYU Stern
  • Steve Tadelis, Professor of Economics, Business and Public Policy, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley
  • Neng Wang, Chong Khoon Lin Professor of Real Estate & Professor of Finance, Columbia Business School
  • Shangjin Wei, Professor of Finance and Economics, Professor of International Affairs, and N.T. Wang Professor of Chinese Business and Economy, Columbia University
  • Wei Xiong, Trumbull-Adams Professor of Finance, Princeton University
  • Chenggang Xu, Quoin Professor in Economic Development, University of Hong Kong, Professor of Economics, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
the wicked problem of missing curricula youth most need- as jack says this is a huge problem; correspondence case posted may 2018: moreover we have atended many world bank youth summits where missing curricula have been pitched and everyone cheered the value but getiing each different nation to newly cetrtify suc new learning is a fools erand
-here part of a specific example- do you know a missing peer to peer curricula that needs similar linking in

I am staying at brac in bangaldesh my favorite girls education network in the world as well as largest ngo in wortld and partnership networkwe will see dean of james grant school of public health at brac university tomorrow- do you still have any message you wanted passed to brac about the peer to peer adolescent health program you and lancet have been building? we are mainly working with brac's overall education director as specified directly by sir fazle abed when i met him in qatar 2017 - sir fazle kindly gave a lot of his time to remembrance parties of my dad norman macrae at the japan embassy in dhaka in 2012more generally brac and jack ma started fin tech partnership earlier this month with brac's BkashSMS in bangladesh but for s asia (the whole 2 billion of china's neigbors particularly poorest girls on china south and south westren borders), for sustainabiliuty generation to scale and gain from these 2 superstars we believe partnering relations will broaden into looking at skills education ; we will be trying to form team both on bangladesh and china side to monitor this however fast or slow it goesmostofa has been working on bangladesh side for very long time- he also worked with modjtabia sadria then at aga khan in london while they were in london at time muhammad yunus was at his social business peak ; i believe modjtabia is now back in iran after some years with paul at monash? ( i didnt get to pauls grn summit in jordan 2006; i believe sadria did; i note that jack ma just made donation to queen of jordans education fund)

we are trying to invite any university student to form a club to see where is the nexus between what students most want to study practically and training that sir fazle and jack ma could mooc or otherwise maximally distribute to benefit livelihoods- togther the names of jack ma and sir fazle can be a top 100 web and top 1 web for open action learning- in branding terms this is easy as long as we quickly get all best friends of ma and abed signed up at one launch summit blessed by china and on the road to ma's sponsorship of huge expo at tokyo olympics

after 8 visits to beijing i am reasonably confident that we can get as much additional support as we want from tsinghua university in beijing (over there they know thgere are half a billion undre 30s and that china cant afford any youth left legless by mismatch between jobs and what colleges like examining-- ) additionally tsinghua with aiib is heavily into belt road pitches to india this year so education can be 2 for 1 so to speak
as long as both jack ma and sir fazle have approved a subject area as being one that needs development in this type 2 pee to peer or apprentice mode i believe we can help scale missing curricula

as you think you know i first met pauil komesdroff in 2004- i love everything he was trying to create volunteer expereinces abroad around monash and medics and cultural/arts translators;I hope we can find the right way to linkin monash as this idea gains momentum

The last 12 years of designing human sustainability are the most exciting times to be alive. 

World Record Jobs Creators

Practice connectors of SDGs  sir fazle abed  : jack ma : nilekani -
world's top 3 building markets sustaining the billion poorest women-
-add to survey rsvp Norman Macrae Family Foundation

Place leaders debates of beyond colonial world trade mapping :

Xi Jinping, Antonio Guterres, JYK(Jim Yong Kim}, Moon Jae-In, Jin Liqun ,

prince charles, pope francis, justin trudeau, Queen Rania 

Diary: Valuing economies of:  youth women refugee 



Humanising AI and 4 Industrial Reviolutions

Billion person data apps sme value chains 

Goodwill blockchains 

Livelihood education

Mediatrue Search 30000 microfranchises

Best double-system model of
Entrepreneurial Revoliution year 50
& Economist Year 175:
social business & give directly used to design
most pro-poor markets in Bangladesh 

Purposes of market value chains - to value
communities get more sustainable or big get bigger -what can you do tho prevent Keynes fear that 90% of economits would be hored to make markets more costly and risky? -reference last chapter General Theory of money, interest & employment

50 Shades of Green 

Unless basic health and safety markets are getting 10 times less costly something's wrong with how we are using communications & tech

The Economist. Saturday, 28 April 1984. pages 23,24. Vol 291, issue 7339.

updates at 

 More lower down


Not only because for every mum and dad they will determine whether there is a future of our children's children .

But also digital transformations in trade needed to be designed in sync with pre-digital investments. Strangely USA and other big western nations were not designed (by academics, lawyers, politicains, media or busniessmen) to do this- the soc-called dotcom era at the turn of the century was presented by old strategists as a war between giant bricks (asset heavy in pre-digital) and clicks (digital wizards).For proof of a decade of totally false economics note how almost every major retails sector in USA has seen those biggest 20th c retailers who were short-term in their clicks strategy face destruction in the 2010s. more footnoted

The future of womankind and mankind is being compounded by history of 2030 versus 1946  is patterned by at least 3 trends worldwide:

  • going post-colonial - a challenge that was vital but needed far more collaborative mapping that the way it has actually been managed
  • going post carbon-  a challenge that neitger the heaviest users nor the heaviest suppliers of carbon have shared truly with our human race and whether mother earth sees us as the next dodo
  • 4000 fold more digital technology - in the most advanced countries doubling tech started every 7 years since 1946-  ny 1967, after 3 doublings ie 8 times moore tech advanced nations were using mix of human and machine intelligence to race to the moon- so imagine what 4000 times more tech will do , and imagine how sustainbility depends on converging the knowhow of the half of the world aged under 30 especially where they cam from a place that didnt smoothly double but has leaped  -we love hearing about leaps for the human lot washington dc whatsapp hotline 240 316 8157

 Below we take a very quick tour of 13 regions where collaboration debates in sustainability may need different shades of green as well as tech leapfroging - and theninvite you to join a search -

  •  for world record job creators these are leaders who openly invite massive alumni to share in benchmarking a solution- this involves massively redesigned livelihood education of teachers and students alike -it needs outside classroom experiementation if future coders amd past societies are to know each other- there is no time to develop a perfect theory before we all just hack it- the good thing is now we are universally mobile connected- apps can empower such joint hacking by and for  the people in most need not just the biggest producers
  • who's humaniising the component technologies of going 1000 to 4000 moore- thats where we are on both technology accelerating curve and sustainnabiloity tipping points whoch are accelerating up or down- we are talking about technolgies liek blockchain- that desreve very bad press where misuded but need the world's most tansparent collaborations now in sustaianbility goals are to be our purpose
  • valuing puposefully market and contexual challenges- when you think about it tech's most exciting applications have emerged as partnerships with those poorest societies (and underclasses including women in many cultures) that had been left out of industrial connections- village mpothers who had no electricity have made some of the meoyts life-shaping apps of both mobile and solar- in other words the most valuable purposes markets cannext  serve involve celebrating big data small not big data big tech wizards

more==  Ironically big western vested interests in USA and the EU have  hired macroeconomic guns to rig the banking sector -instead of failing those big banking bricks that subprimed the world they habe powered them to destrloy other sectors even faster. To do this media and academic sectirs were faked instead of failed. In every instance its youth's futures who have paid the piper, see eg pope francis chastising the elders of European Parliament whi have looked after their vetsed interests like pensions and soaring health insurances like there is no tomoorow. In that their behaviours show a maddening logic- if you don not expoenetiallly value the day after tomorrow then indeed it wont exist as far as species "human being" goes. Tick Tock. invites you to treasure sustainability world trades top 12 livelihood maps; 

help map Entreprejurial REvolution and livelihood connectors mapping sustainability world's trades top 12 routes to and from China #BR0  eg #BR2 south asia- between s asia and china half the world's live - no sustainability without solutions for their poorest women- top WRJC - Womens largest NGO led by sir fazle abed ; world's largest digita id led by India's nilekani- others to study ganghi46#br11 arctic circledeceased and j.gandhi schools; paul polak; quadirs with BR6; sal khan with #BR6- more... #BR12 UN Guterres overall leader , UNCTAD :KituyiMs Espinosa G leader UNGA 18-19Ms Sharif  unhabitat - on secondment jack ma and melinda gates ...#BR1 East and South of China is where post colonial world trfrade began with japan, s korea, china daispora superports study deming deceased lee kuan yew decesed , Singapore's Mahbubai, leader of japan's soft bank, Moon Jae-in #BR3 North and West of China makes up most of Eursia's land- muny peoples are either land blocked or ice blocked study sco as amazing cluster nations summit- guest study michael palin; gorbachev-soros but not thiose who hang rights movements above improving clean trade, #BR4 East europe study blockchain law, unga head 2017-2018 Lajcak- Walesa, Maria Novak#BR5 w europe study pope francis, prince charles, schwab, Torvald soros economics movements #BR 6 n america study kissinger, trudeau --Moore- Barrett, BernersLee &MIT, Musk, Williams, Bezos : more including bezos and yan and foounding arts leaders of c100 and monica yunus, jim kim and lary brilaint#BR 7 study leader of dubai, sheika moza of qatar, quuen of jordan, founders of abdul latif  #BR9 africa studymandela decesaed and what remains of his free university, ingrid munro and what hapened in kenya and reconnected with jack ma both through bangladesh and unctad with support from Kagame founders of ihun & ushahidi#BR8 med sea #BR10 america south/central study paulo freire deceased #BR11 Arctic Crcle invite you to explore how to end 3 dimensions of fake media:

media 3 All over the world, women neither feel, nor tuly are, as safe and free/1776/happy as men. This cultural problem has different causes in every place from big city to vilage without elevtricity. If Americans have learnt one thing in 2018 it is fix the justice of our own culture's truth in valuing women before bossing other peoples places. There is no corner of the earth where gender-law is 100% right (apart possibly the north pole at the epicentre of the Arctic Belt) but if you are a rich developed nation, for the sake of all the world's children please put your own house in order first- and of course support this year's head of the UN #BR12 General Assembly a woman from Ecuador who has promised that at least inside her assembly women and men behaviour will be valued as equal 

2 All over the world family loving peoples must end politicans who ask to be voted for around short-term infighting and big vested interests.

What sustains our children's futire is voting driven by opposite sorts of realities -eg is there any nation whose politicians are yet making health affordably better for all. If so how do we celebrate their lifelong achievements in mediatong such a wonderful social servioce- and if eg education is not designed to learn from such examples anywhere that is pioneering this now the technology empowers us to learn by action networking and big data small superapping- AMEN change the education as well as the political processes and the fake media. NOW befire sustainability's clock strikes 12 in 2030

 1 This website is mainly concerned with a 3rd fake media challenge : world trade mapping though such maps cant be made without everyone valuing 1 and 2. 

Start with a simple truth- in the 21st century , over 90% of world trade is shipped.  If you thought planes were more imporant- yes they do rich peoples markets but thats all. They cant cope democratically with the bulk of trade either physically or ecologically.  What teachers and children and community leaders need to do is get out a map of the continent (or isle) they live on and ask questions which burst through fake market media. Hete are some examples of Belt Road Imagineering. If you live in landlocked nation, do you have good neighbour relations sufficient to share a superport and design container railway corridors so that all your peoples can trade equally. Dare to leartn from histiry's biggest mistakes - understanding that as recently as 1946 ther was 1000 tikmes less communications tech today- so oftentimes place leaders didnt know better than paper based boks, laws wriiten in stone age mindset . One of the most important world future questions you can ask relentlessly: is which were the 8 richest nations at the start of the 20th century and how had they get so messed up that half a century of wars spiraled. I am a Diaspora Scot. If there is one thing I know it is that English speaking history of where the human race was at start of 20th centiry was never taught truly by any grade of our education system : not at first grade, not at12t,h not the top professor of economic history with perhaps the one exception of Keynes who became hated by every other 20th C economics professor for defing the hipocratic oath of professions as compunding the end of poverty as goal 1. Educators were NOT given freedom of speech to open space for children to question: how England (and everyione who thinks mainkly in the English language including 90% of scientists up to world war 2 who were 99% men) dismally grew rich by coolnisisng quarter of the people in the world who lived in south asia and closing down the world trade of another quarter of the people who lived in china or close to its borders. In 1860, English shipping that dominated the far east made china the dirtiest currency propistion ever. You will get opium for the silks and spices we want to trade from you. What hapened next is that China preferred to close its quarter of the people down from world trade. This also weakened China which started finding its coastlines and Korea's colonised by the Japanese.


If educators are to tell the truth about 20th century's world wars: they were caused by the developed nations in Eurasia. USA and canada who had prevously focused on developing their own conitinent generously steeped in between 1900 and 1950 to save humanity from total destruction. In spite of England having started the industrial revolution, Englands professors had always disliked engineers too dirty and working class for high minded people. So what happened in 1946 is peculiar - British leaders stopped training engineers completely whilst also running out of its Empire responsibilities as fast as possible. While it was certainly time to celebrate independence doing so by helping with engineering would have been most useful. The Japanese as the losers of world war 2 followed an opposite course- they develooped the world's best engineers. The Koreans wanted nothing from the Japanese other than being better engineers than them. The Diaspora Chinese in what were to become the great island suoerports took what they liked best of 1 engineering, 2 trading, 3 getting back confidence of an indomiitable chinese spirit which had always been pretty good for world trade (eg the silk road) until 1500 whence English mercatile colonisation expoenentially depressed livelihhods of all on the southern and eastern coast of asia, If we dare to accept this history then the good news journalised over 40 years by The Economist's end povert sub-editor was within the quarter of a century aftter ww2 the japanese became the 2nd biggest economic power delivering super advances in electronic , ciivil and shipping/container engineering which S Korea also made its business to learn. The diaspora chinese developed the greatest trading belt so that east-west hemisphere trade around these great new innovations could flow. Get out a map of this oriental coastal belt- make a straight line from japan to south korea onward via taiwan and hong kong to singapore. To go west every shipping trade had to pass through the straits that Singapore now watched over. To do this singapore needed to become the most multicultirally safe city the trading world had ever dared to imagine, as well as invite all of asean's biggest investors who wanted security above creed. Back in mainland China the peoples suddenly saw the last thing in the world they needed was stalin's communism, they needed the chinese diaspora's trading joys. The cultural revolution was sudden violent unfair but it did promise one vision that the family loving chinese agred to hold to future account- women hold up half the sky.  Since the Chinese Diaspora were by now the third richest investment network in the world, a fifth of the world peoples were suddenly freed to linkin worldwide. (In a peculiar twist they were to invest all their future security at the time of digital revolution on one child per family. That is how a nation with no non-state businesses in 1975 suddenly celebrated millions of startups a year during the first year of the UN sustainabiluty goals. The Chinese have to invent worldwide youth livelihood education to survive,

Looking back with hindsight : the whole coastal belt from Beijing south to around latitude 20 then veering west at hong kiong before china turns into the asian peninsula blocking shipping until you have reached singapore was an open playbook for designing superports. So this is how the far east reconfigured all its suercities to be ready for 21st centuiry world trade while every other conteinental space on earth was locked into increasingly fake media and politicians/academics who had next to zero future expertsie in worldwide trade mapping. It doesnt matter what you call this mapping ( Belt Road makes litreral sense if you value the commons of how 90% of trade will be mobilised) but the architecture of your shippjng, citiies, villages and your suoerrailways is critical for social and economic growth- the mapping of your planes and roads secondary for the vast majority of 21st C lives. Its a very good thing for sustainability goals that Xi Jinping is offering to debate this with any cluster of national leaders (see what happens at the next bianniual meetoing April 2019); that guterres uses similar logic to ask how can we stop borders being the world's greatest risks and what are the cooperation opportunities for digital youth (see next repiort by Melinda Gates and Jack Ma March 2019); and meanhwile the world top digital commerce and educationalists and sustainable youth has a first chance to chat to jack ma at hangzhou g20 and get a great chance to talked to the redesigned educator jack ma at all upcoming olympics (Korean 2018) Tokyo 2020; Beijing 2022, Paris 2024). Lets hope that English speaking princes are joined by Luxembourg's ) as smart at celebrating sustainability trade's new new world as Charles was in 1964.

Well ok maybe that is the bias of a diaspora scot speaking - we just love to see people/in every community improving sustainbily all over the world, That is because colonisation of ur nation from 1700 spawned the consequence that more of us Scots live worldwide than on our own mother land. Yes in 2018 we do feel particylarly homeless as britain exits europe and scoltand asks can we stay in every country. We are only sme networkers- we have never tried to harm any big nations' largets industry players with the exception of arms where we recommend bagpipes as a far greater detrrent,. We believe SME markets are what sustains family loving economies so that every locality can grow youth who serve local while thinking global; we hope these will be the free markets that women and future justice votes for even if that means restructuring very media baron old and new; and three cheers for jack ma's idea that the most joyful soicial markets health, arts, education need to be designed by worldwide youth not siloised elders sitting in their ivory towers nor their supreme courts nor courting iversexed media barons

BACK TO THE SPACE RACE ON EARTH . with thanks to Yoko Ono

If we were vaguely right intsead of ;precisely wrong in assessing how the future of the world was being reborn in the 1960s, we need to leep asking what was and will be happening to each G7/8country. We have seen how Japan @G2 whilst still the war tlke enemy had ebooted the far east. Kennedy @G1 had excitred the world with the vision that man and computing can blend intelligencws to race to the moon as well as popping in to W Germany with Iche been ein berliner- sadly he didnt get to see the wonders of his own goal blossoming, with his assination in 1963,. G007 Prince Charles attended the Tpkyo Olympics and became the first Euroipean to admit that Europe now needed trade with Japan far more than Japan would ever need the Euro. To Akio Morita Charles said if you are inward investing in Europe remember my country wales first- so to speak Britian and Japan first to bond unruling the waves .

These are the most exciting times to be alive as primarily 3 generations choose whether to invest in worldwide youth as first sustainability generation

 which 20 markets purpose (true or fake) will determine if the half of our species under 30s are sustainable media true or fake 




9961.JPG  which are the premier lueague of cities linking worldwise sustainability gilas of youth and whichcities should be demoted from any curricula taught to youth over last decade of sustainabilty world possible -n if you dont want ti whatsaoo with vauetrue at 240316 8157 whynot sunbit cases to head if unhabitat- her deadline is march 2019 for publishing this report to laucn 2020s un  who has designed health servioce so that as may as posiblbabies live to 65 and contrute to their natin;s devloment and who has desugned the pposite health sector- why mt let poe fracus help map the answer if yo0u dint know lawyers oro girls or elerly male raists (eg oxfam haiti or the estermes of us congress who claim taht america depends on which 15 year old boy or girl to believe- honestly both are not people i would elect as ruing the country and i dont tuink they would want their 15 yera old selces to do so either)  nig vaks who have subprimed youth out of eustence or the opposie fintech educatirfs who cafre morae about their monopolies to certify or those who realise that the amlounf=t of work milennials need to do to save our species is hugethose who are addiucted tio chociolarte of cafe society or thise who care whather the cop farers get 1% or 4% of the total value chain -nb usaid still gasnt made cist iof siuch value chains transparent 10 year after obam promised he would make that happen  what is the purspoe of arms- t increas peac or to incraese wars whats the purspoe of energy7 - to make our choldrns lot better or wiorse             

Valuetrue explores the Moore Law Hypothesis that technology has been doubling the value of community- social enterprising worldwide trade mapping every 7 years since 1946- if correct that means that during the sustainability goals era 2015-2030 we the peoples need to help our under 30s navigate an era of 1028-4056 more digital connectivity; 50 years ago, the moon landing caused The Economist's readers to be one of the first networks to debate this timeline also dubbed Entrepreneurial Revolution by The Economist's end-poverty sub-editor Norman Macrae.
  1946-19531953-1960  1960-1967 1967-1974 1974-1981 1981-1988 1988-1995 1995-20022002-2009 2009-2016 2016-2023    

 2016-2023 These are the most exciting times to be alive- 3 generations : grandparents, parents, youth will decide future of our species- deadline 2030

where we are now in 2018?

 All to play for around 13  Maps of Belts (Coastline), Roads (Continent Overalnd) - example half the world people need to blend digital cooperation networks of digital wizards like Jack Ma and heroic women empowered village networking eg Sir Fazle Abed who connects the largest and most collaborative NGO partnership BRAC. These leaders' half century of loving human development can be amplified by 10+ years of identifying a billion people social prioriities across Indian by tech geniius Nilekani. Click to the corridor map #BRO-#BR2 or unite  the world in wishing peace comes to N Korea's people locked into middle of 3 neihbors China #BR0, #BR3 Russia and #BR1 east asean including the enginnering genii of Jaoan and S korea, ..further south on the SE ASia peninsular: singapore continues to be worlds cultura fusion  jewel in the criown and the most intelligent isle -when you look at nations clustered around other shipping bottlenecks of suez and panama - why cant the singapore way apply?

Intel and other tech luminaries say that G5 will mean that by 2025 the world 7.5 billion intelligent humans will be surrounded by an order of magnitude more intelligent machines- will that race work out well for humans? - IR4 hubs of WEF are so far localed in Tokyo Beijing and the valley 

Do humans share enough good spirits to leap from old fears to new courage?


Von-Neumann - programable computer open sourced

as a sub-editor of the 1990s biography of Jon Veu Neumann, chris macrae believes that JvN would have championed the following true media alert 

sustainability literacy will require sea-change in education including teachers as well as students exploring previously missing curricula such as who designs the future?

Jack Ma: Trade War Could Last For 20 Years 马云: 中美 

according to keynes (last chapter of general theory of money, interest, employment -- elderly academic macroeconomists are youth's greatest threat- wherever they (are hired by vested interests or people who hate innovation for the public good)- mathematically it is evident that only only economists have the (unseen weslth) power to exponentially lock in what is socially possible for next generation- let's try unlock how history's future can be joyfully entrusted to micro-designers- eg see 1981=1988 for the most economical health system ever designed by one of the 10 most populous nations or see  2009 onwards between digital finaciers of the poorest vesrus big subprme bankers


 American Deming brings quality enginnering systems start to rebuild Japan and Oriental world trade around post colonial win-win development goals

 American dream peaks with eg JFK announces moon race as visible test oif best of wht computer and man inteligence can do- uniquely in america about 10000 brains are assigned to this one goal freed from silos of corporate, government, nogov. This event causes 25 year debate if this time line to be chereld by The Economists end-poverty sub-editior whose annual surveys visit nations in different hemeisphers asking how can we the worldwide peopels helop each other in a "death of distance" and digitally borderless world

World sees the new Japana at the Rokyo Oly;pica at 1964 and Prince Chareks leads rush of European companies to invite Japan (Sony) to invest in quality manufactiring in Europe. 

 Bangladesh starts up BRAC villages labs for realising dreams of world poorest village women in 1972 around former national chairman of Shell Oil - Sir Fazle Abed BRAC. In 1974 US trained macroeconomist Dr Yunus tears uo the text books and asks his most loyal students including Nurjahan Begum to start a 9 year experiment which becomes Grameen Bank by national ordinance in 1983



China opens up youth dreams of coming back to world trade after over 110 years of being firced to close its gatweays to the world by the British proposition that opium be a currency for valuing global popularity of spices, and artistic silks and pottery. Keysian village economiics is innovated in both Bangaldesh and China around markets fir rice and barefoot health services. A post-modern interpreation of Cobfucius integrated a priority of valuing that girls hold up as much of the sky as boys. (Ironically the hemisphere where lack of electricity grids had valued male power over female as one consequence of how the west roolled out industrail revolutiin embedded me-too movements front and centre into what China and world economic form now calls the 4 industrial revolutions of 1970s-2025 

By 1974 Japan has risen to 2nd largest economy- South Korea is replicating many of Japans enginnering leaps;  

 BRAC bottom-up girl empowered vilage economics transforms 2 models of westren aid - either turn scale goal of charitable partershop througj auditing postive income or give diurectly to obesreving specific scaling olution such as peer to poeer training if everyu vilage mother in oral rehydration(reason save lives of one in four infants previously dying of diarrhea)

Hangzhou is designated a first tourist town. THe pre-teen Jack Ma teaches himselgf and peers engliksh so as to start a toutris guikde business inpired by his Geography teacher that this outside bthe calssrom process would be the most fun way to study the rest of the world (not in 1974 no such global geography curriculum could be studeid in a normal school). Later in 2016, Jack was to annouce at the UN education commision hosted by envoy Gordon Brown: that half of youth would be unemployable unless education was transformed itside the classroom. He would put his life expereince where his mouth was from 2019. The next day he was elected by UBCATD to lead their Youth Entrepreneur-livelihood partnerships 

From 1976 China's first non-state busienss designed round invitation to Diaspora to be billion dollar inward investors . Villagers freed by advance in rice science (green revolution from eg American Borlaug) 

BRAC girl empowerment scales health and agricultural microfranchises from one to 200000 vilages inspiring in 1983 a national ordinance to celebrate a bank for poor rural women called grameen. NB the constitution of grameen was compliacted - its blend of wonnership by poorest vilagers and goivernment applied to vilage development only something very different from the national ngo partnership constitution of BRAC. 

While Paul Farmer and Jim Kim help Harvard redeaign its course on anthroplogy of medicine around living cases in Haita, the 15 year old Xi Jinping is asked to finish hi school in remote vilages and take that expereince to Tsinghua which is being redesigned as the university of public service and future technology. From 1988 a second wave of Chiense corporations is introduced around suoer-regions. Jinpings eassys out of poverty start to appear in 1988 as he is assigned rural revitalisation of a provinec adjave to the then undeveloped future city Shanghai 

While Grameen circles of 60 women chnsats vilagers 16 decision cultural vision of women building a rural nation, brac delivers village mothers dreams round 40000 informal primary schools each pupiled with about 60% girls. Before presidency the Clintons visit Yunus and join the movement that new  grameen internationa organsiations be set up. By law these cannot use Bangaldeshi funds so both Grameen Trust (led by Yunus elder mentor Latifee) and Foundation (based in DC) become mainly American-funded  advocacy networks which also start intern-ficused Grameen Dialogues.

After Jak Ma first visit ti USA in 1994 - he commits to 25 yeras of exploiring how thw workdwide web can be inyriduced ti chian to sustaina livelihoods. He becomes the epicentre of big data small platform designs which take 14 years to fully develo for a combination of reasons; extrenal angel invetsirs need to be found as china has no constitution for internet corporate, mobile infrastructure needs to gain nationwide availability- more at 2008  

1996 Leapfrog experiments in both mobile and solar start in both Bangladesh and China 

A partnership including george soros, MIT-Legatum (Quadir brithers), Telenor, and Yunus get Bangaldesh' s first mobile licence. The parters soon dusagree on startegy but what haoens is Bangaldesh's larest coirpoiration is born with about a third of its dividends assigned to developing grameen bank members. The Clintons and Sapins queen sifia ask Yunus ti jeynite an annula summit - microcreditsummit

BRAC does something completely differenet as technology starts to  modernise Dhaka. It races ti become a leading national bank so that SMEs are repersented in the capiatls finacnial instutions. It also starts a university and turns its bih=ggest vilage value chains - eg putry and dauiry into nation leading enterpsrsies - polutry is for example stafeed by over a million vilagers! ONce tehse national foundatins afre secured BRAC selectively goes internatunal aiming to find one hi-tech or finacial partner most interested in each new nation entered

 Yunus becoes world famous but this also causes politucal difficultues back in Dhaka. Many of the origjunal tech partbers of Yunus start to quietly braisto a digital bank a billion fintech solution with BRAC

2008 the year of subprime and of sart phone launch:

Jack Ma has timed the development of Alipay  and Taobao/alibaba perfectly becoming one of the 3 digital corporate ecosystems offiicially accepted by China -the first time private companies have been alowed to use media to scale

Xi Jinpings place based responsibilities start to include Shanghai as well as its neighboring prvovinces. He is being asked to devekop a national pan in case he is elected leader. In JInpings mind tow things are absolutely essential. Half a billion youth will need great liveklihoods- they are elders socil secutiry system as well as China's Dream. His work has helped end poverty in rural provinces close to China's golden caostaline- but ending poverty now requires building relationships with poorest neihbors whose place strategies can collaboratively gain on both sides of bordre only if new infrastructure invetesnt banking and digital startups mobilise 21st China


 Brac succeds in develooing fiontech for the poor around bkash and beoming te worlds largest NGO partershiop. WISE elects sur fazle abeds knowhow of women empowerrtment as the first education laureate.

Xi Jinping and Jack Ma and Tsinghua all continue win-win upward goals for sustaining china and worldwide youth

The UN launches sustainability goals. China G20 is the furst G20 to brfainstorm how could 20 natuosn embrace goals and teh era og 1000-2000 times more coms tech. With Guterres appointed heaad of the UN, it looks as if the twon thirds of the world citizens wholive in the East are ready to scale vilage woemn and youth empowered livelihoods of the sustainability genartion but which members of the G7 will join in mapping this, and could peace dividennds become part of the as yet missing funds for scaling sustainability goals across every community and racing to go as green as mother earth demands - help us search fpr more at

incuding selected archives of BRAC's Sir Fazle Abed 

 All to play for around 13 Belt Riad Maps with digiyal cooperation netwirks of Jack Ma, Sir Fazle Abe Nilekani looking very exciting on the corridir #BRO-#BR2, the world wishing peace comes to where N Korea is piggy in middle of 3 neihbors China #BR0. #BR1 est asean including the enginnering genii of oan and S korea, .. singapore continues ti be worlds jewel in the criown as an intelligent isle -when you look at nations clustered around other shipping bottlenecks of suez and panama - the way singporae has navigated the future demands 5 gold stars

people say that g5 will mean that by 2025 the workd 7 .5 billion intelligent hjmans will be surrounded by an order of magnitide more intelligent machines- will that race work out well for humans - IR4 hubs of WEF are so far localed in Tokyo Beijing and the valley 

Back before 1946 system desufhed we study most in west include Keynes Einstein, Walter Bagehit , James Wilsn and Adam Smjith- this reflects the bais of Scottish Diaspora editirs among but we are hear to learn any model that sees families and micro economic unit iof sustaining social world trade and celebrating birth if guilrs and boys futures everywhere at the same time   

Valuetrue explores the Moore Law Hypothesis that technology has been doubling the value of community- enterprising economic mapping every 7 years since 1946- if correct that means that during the sustainability goals era 2015-2030 we the peoples need to help our under 30s navigate an era of 1028-4056 more digital connectivity;  50 years ago, the moon landing caused The Economist's readers to be one of the first networls to debate this timeline also dubbed Entreprejneurial Revolution by The Economist's end-poverty sub-editor Norman Macrae. Norman's case log of systems was influenced by what we may call 6 exponential schools of valuing intergenerational develoment: MAbcde - M=Moore; A=Adam Smith since 1748, B=Bangladesh womjen vilagers since 1972, C=China since early 1970s D=Deming (Japan) rising since about 1955,  E=the education of the unique cluster of mathematical jewish immigrants to America from Prussiona-Austrian most famously identified in the pre-digital systems mapping od Einstein and the first digital mapping of Von neumann the father of the programable computer. Some dates on conception of a world cahing idea are approximate. Note ,pst leap forwards in social technolgy took at least 7 yeras of hubbing a cluster of "Micr" community experiments before capiatalising on massive forward movement. This oofers a reason for optimisim that mkillennials maybe invested in  through the 1920s unite the world of nation, cities and vilages onto sustainable orbits by 2030. Hpwever this will require elders to confront that neither financial oir econmic models of globalisation are yet directed sustainably and that is why explorers of digital cooperation (see UN report March 2019), industrial revolution 4 hubs (WEF @Tokyo, @Beijing , @San Francisco) including eg how g5 is designed are critical as are eg explorers of how to use India's Billion Person Universal identity led by Indial's technolgist Nilekani but culturally backed by India's greatest architect of youth dreams - the late great President Kalam 

7:41 UN searches for what to do about humanity's greatest goals have next to no funding





 for sustainability student union clubs 2018-2019 (golden oldie collaboration cafe  1 2 3 resource for 10000 students of dr yunus 2008-9) last few dvds available on request imagineer 4000+more tech mobilised by peoples out of #BR0 China, #BR2 S Asia, #BR1 Mynamar & Asean, #BR11 Arctic Circle, #BR9 Africa

#BR8 med sea nations #BR7 Mid East #BR5 w.europe  #BR10 LatinAM #BR6 N America #BR3 Russia #BR4 E.Europe BR12=BRUN  .. 1

 ma maps 13 Belt Roadsspecies 20% china   #BR0   Beijing Hangzhou ShanghaiHK/Shenzen other supercities  #BR9   Africa worlds leading belt #BR1 E.Asia Mynamar & Asean Singapore Korea Japan Taiwan Malaysia Indonesia species 20% #BR2 S Asia Bangladesh IndiaPakistan ...          
 guterres maps 13 Belt Roadspecies 20%china  #BR0   #BR9 Africaworld leading belt   #BR1 Mynamar & Asean  species 20%  #BR2 S Asia#BR3  sept 2018 great to see putin, abe and jinping multiplying livelihoods out of big V          



#BR0 #theeconomist oct 1 sees 6 days of questioning future of education :jack ma year away from youth livelihood revolution- shall we map 5 different curricula from girl empowerment south asia to what to do with trump-elders who have given up on youth


 996 and other pods 1 2 3- click pic996.JPG


 holding up half sky: what Girls and Goals worldwide solutions are now being replicated wherever economics loves peoples? eg cashless banking for 2 billion poorest linked to women villagers microfranchises and/or taobao ecommerce  

Tomorrow's Chinese have doubly good fortune- they know its women's skills who will determine sustainability of our planet, and in their near neighbor Bangladesh the most extraordinary womens leapfroging innovations have webbed since 1996 around mobile and solar and any tech that values local cooperation so families can thrive. Bangladesh also has the most underused coastline in the whole of Eurasia... 

BRUN (aka BR12) what are the most urgent new reports, deadline, launchspaces -eg thank UN's Guterres who has asked jack ma and melinda gates to lead report on Digital Cooperation publication march 2019 in time for most collaborative development banking summits ever helpd

 who by region is trusted by youth to share good news and make time to practice just doing it - for example 13 rwgions of from arctic circle to med sea to n and south americas to china to s asia to asean to russia to africa ...

here are some podcasts on digital cases frm BR0 China : Ant Financial (Alibaba's bigger sister?)  Xaomi still the apple of china?

if there were 5 world record livelihood creators of 2018-2019 that every teacher and student needs to be linked into as alumni - who?  what are the processes for turning news of leadership advances ionto learning modules youth can action wherever girl empowerment or other urgent challenges need loca POP now

 rsvp - questions? events eg digital china searches girl empowered bangadesh oct 1-6; Diary43 weeks prep

download linked maps

welcome to top 5 tour for student union clubs 2018-2019 and leadership summits concerned with 300 trillion dollar investments in sustainability goal generation

you can download slides here - especially relevant for slide 4 which clicks to over 20 microEconomist surveys on peoples and women empowerment can help each other's nations/communities sustainability goals

best news from class 2017-2018 jack ma found bangladesh gateway to 3 billion peoples shared prosperity ; melinda and jack reporting on digital cooperation solutions to UN Guterres by march 2019 to be shared across 12 regions May 2019


?slide 1: how did worldwide development get so close to destroying sustainability of communities/families- american aid was extraordinary after world war 2 up to close to the moon landing but westren g7 legal and finacial and education models never understood aid from bottom up needed to chnage -how particularly to resolve cultural conflicts and 400 years of british empire destroying multi-win world trade routes- in the middle of millennioum 2 economies in the old world of eurasia and africa were roughly proportionate to population size then mercantile (eg slavemaking too) empire ruling the waves colonised india and closed down china (britian tried to make opium the official currency of trade which china wisely refused from 1860 scarifucing its peoples trade in world market for over 100 years); it took a nation like bangladesh with absolutely nothing in 1971 to innovate how could village women build sustainable goals driven economies; and a summary of how sir fazle abed BRAC (womens world record job creator) mapped theese networking solutions in pre-digital age  



? slide 2 see the joy of bottom-up microentrepreurial revolution : sir fazle spent 7 years testing development solutions in one compact rural area where million people had died; solutions were needed to 5 sustainbility goals in one- end poverty, end starvation, end ill health, end women having neither respect nor productive role (other than having more than 10 babies from adolescence on), end generations of illietracy and no hope for parents that their children's lives could be better; you can see how exciting girl empowered village clubs had become by 1979 in the one region brac had lived and learned in- it was time to scale all these solutions through grassroots networks across the rural nation of 200000 villages -spaces with no electricity and through which peer to peer education was critical as were microfrachises that gave village mothers postive income capabilities not charity, purposeful value chains they built and celebrated with love, courage and bottom-up prioritisation of financing


?slide 3: search for any chance of starting up a new century by truly valuing the half of the world aged under 30 especially girls quarter of mother earth: while big banking's subprime decade tried to takeover bangladesh hi-trust models with hi-tech, kenya added some magically needed diversity to livelihood economics  and AfroAsian fusion of edutech- with ushahidi it empowered coding Ihubs of disadvantaged boys and girls, hosted sustainbility hackathons, brought slum bankers to coach wall street's jp morgan --and as dr yunus took on the noise and political jealousies of being a nobel peace laureate- the most brilliant fintech coding in mp3 was tested at mpesa, and later relayed through boston's MIT and dubai's legatum to BRAC which had now becoming the world's largest and most collaborative ngo network -as china raced to develop ant finance and the 4 greatest communal innovations of the 2010s was born to be the worlds largest cashless bank

 breaking news BR9 africa

BRICS joburg

jinping chairs  beijing sept 3-4 China-Africa coop summit


 top4.jpgx top5.jpgx

 ? annotation suggest what girl empowerment students might see first in ecah part of the tour

if you need more information on understanding a particular slide ask washington dc whats app 1 240 316 8157 - we always donate first hour to anyone seriously curious - after which we need to work out if we have any neworking connections that can help sustain each other 

click here to download BRACwomen slides

BR2 download pictures of nilekani reboot india billion person id

 #BR1 Until recently Mahbubani was dean of Singapore's nationa university- the smartest educational isle in the world with extroarinary rise in living standards since independence. Two bhooks help bridge East & West- Can Asians think? (why should the east where two thirds of humans live be modest about demanding its youth linking the sustainability generation- has the west lost it? (has western media been lying to its youth for decades? 

Coming soon #BR1

Moon Jae-IN founder of softbank Leader of UNHABITAT and many more 


Simplest ideas if your children are to be the sustainability generation : from Franciscan West and South, and Confucian East only urgent goodwill mapping can sustain we the peoples of Mother Earth


 sbr.jpg These are the most exciting times to be alive- what we as parents and youth connect will determine if our species thrives or goes the way of the dodo

There is so much urgent work to be done that any place that says it cant afford to put all of its youth to valuable work has something very wrong with its banking or its education or both

 Its fascinating that these sustainability pattern rules apply if you study how the world poorest village girls in pre-digital era developed a nation or if you apply it to those digital wizards whose goal is to maximise human livelihoods and sustainability generation

 The good news is that over 80% of all future livelihoods are not competitive. Thats' because community need to optimise their own local capacities to serve each others members- this is not what the mass manufacturing age was built in nor is what the age of empires colonising other peoples was built on. That is good news as long as we can end false media and sad politicians and arrogant academics telling us we are in a competitive race with other nations 

 Communities now need everyone to be free to be a banker, a skills learner and a skill coach at diferent stages of life.

 It is now absurd to say you should only learn between 0 and 15; or that some people are educatods and others are not. What a community needs is never to lose a skill that maybe valuable- skilled people should be rewarded to peer to peer train- the idea of the only education is classroom teaching will definitely end our species. Equally terrifying is anyone who says banking is not a literacy- tehse days mobile credit points not paper cash may be what communities bank with 

Exponentially human relationship systems  are always prone to tipping opportunity (growth for all) and threat (colaspe for all)- whats different is since 1946 we have invested in mobilising over 1000 times more connectivity- we've just reached the stage where life saving info can be app'd all round the world- digitally the marginal cost of developing an app for 1 person and a billion persons is almost the same 

 In the very few sectors where huge organsiations are needed by all means discuss protection (or a multi-nation ownership) transparently but never ever block any people;s free trade of safe goods between small enterprises.

Look first at spirit of BRAC Bangaldesh girl empowerent 1972-1996 with no electricity - then with some tech parthers from 1996

and/or look at for example how alibaba has evolved as a benchmark case of using digital to create livelihoods.

Note how they both need each other to take their founders dreams to the next stage .

Join week long dialogue in dhaka sept 30 to oct 6 2018 - if you have crucial connections with sustainability or future if girls

changing value chains around small enterprises in assocation with publsjers of the games of world record jobs creation

..................BRAC 1 2 is now in its 47th year- its redesigned all of these markets so that family size enterprises of poorest vilagers can thrive and girls empower the nation's sustainability

market first hub -rural space where million had died- community livelihood training 

change model of aid

bottom-up disaster & development


 livelihood education for all- related debates  barefoot lawyers- land and dwelling rightsbuild health service  of rural nationbank for rural livelihoods 

agricultural microfranchises

food security 


 childrens village schools 7-11


girls scholars club pref op poor virtual market channels nations total financial system nation leading enterprises connect microfranchises  connecting all supply and demand chains round smesuniversity international partnership consultancy collaboration supercity- eg shared economy, fit of national regions with ecaach other and trading neighbors 

fintech of world's number 1 cashless bank 


tech for all -start up ecosystems ? microedusummit-livelihoods skills of sdg girls and  green energyheroes of media reality sdg zones 300 tn dollar asset bridge 

 tourism beyond classroom

10 times less cost language 

what is open source ai additive and other new engineering and vilage-suoercity young ptrofessions without bordeers 4 hemisphere thinktanks = app ecosystems for every girl can startup
 female villagers build 8th biggest nation -pre-digital in a brac village the three in goal is to make everyone a lifelong learner, teacher and banker- the consequence is that brac's type 2 education model of livehood education is unlike any other education system- if you have studied sir fazle abed as an education laurete you can see different opportunities for any sustainbiliuty goal challenged community than if you havent to see the entrepreneuraul revolution of aid that brac pioneered from bottup look at the variuous practice areas tabulated- the building iof a rural health service being brac's first mnassive profftesting of bith conditioanl cash transfer and the soacil bsuienss odel - see more our 1984 book explains why final 15 years of sustainability  CAN be most exciting time to be alive but only if everyone is a lifelong learner and teacher- sir fazle abed is one of top 2 livelihood educators from 33 yeras of searching - USA's Nation Public Radion explains how brac as world largest ngo has impacted 150 million or more livelihoods of poorest during its first 47 years as livelihood educatoion network  It was critical for brac to choose which goal area to scale first across the rural nation from the bank of solutions it had developed during 7 yreas of living and elarning in around one rural lab. Infant health was chisen because what cpuld be better than saving a quarter of infants lives with a solution requiring naternal learning but no more cost than oral rehydration's mixing of boiled water, sugar and salts. There were also huge cultural imoacts by choosing OR as brac's firsta nationion wide donor soloution and para health netwirkers as its first 200000 microlan-micrfranchise- more x x x X both fit gov exam and missing eg fin loit x    

 why not only one Global Uni of Pverty and sdgs - with updated best cases open access

partnering unis could include tsinghua, brac, mit maharishi , whole colection of new uni jack ma started

who are jack's main scouts - eg yang AI stabford-has full link between jack and UNAI hub oartners been made including refugee learning educationaboveall shikha moza- connection moxa. wise, un eminent, refugee, women empowerment 2022 world cub but nmeeds helpo naigtae uae politiccs= already well connecetd queen of hjordan

most unis never designed to value youth livelihoods- how do innovate the few that do 

 part 2 partership digital female villagers in brac's and girl empowered networking world education is the multipler of knowledge economies; it needs to be there to open source end poverty solutions in each next chnage towards kindustrial revolution 4 or however you vision the destiny of 4000 times more tech connectivity 2030 versus 1946  Jach ma's income generation from pre-teens to 29 involved english language self-learning and peer to peer teachnng of Englosh and being the tourist guides and translation service for the town of hangzhou- back in 1290 the town world traveler marco polo called the greatest market town in the world perhaps cos he was governor for 3 years , AND perhaps cos of its fortunate location as china terminal to the silk roads world trades across eusrasaia and through to all med sea facing nations- then the hapoest trading sea in the world uniting the diversity of europe, n africa and middle east         x X  X X  X  x         
 ALI digital part 1 commerceBig-Small:  however brilliant your fintech or other tech if you dont have trust-permissions to very poorest- you will never solve hardest end poverty or other 17 goal chalenges- no0t brac's 4 level of market maaking: one vilage, nationwide rural ie 200000 vilages, national, worldwide 

 on jack ma's first trip to usa (seattle 1994) he experienced the web - unknown in china he commits the rest of his life to using www to jobs and livelihoods create - soon he was noticing that us ecommerce didnt live up to empowering SMEs at all in spite of the youthful enthusiasm then chartered as

what can livelihood creation networks of the world's number 1 ecommerce and sme financial platforms sustain 


   X X X    1994 on first visit to usa. ma asks how to create livelihoods with www in china and how to design e-channels around smes- noting us digital partners with biggest X X


for 3000 person masterclass training on how to design supply chinas around sme world: understand taobao universitydeveklopment of vilagers value chains including 40000? local stars modeling cottage fashions- with up to 700 million middle class consumers to develop, jack ma beleives in training msart customes who understand value chain costs and support smll enterprsues as lifeblood og nation and youth co-creativity 

why shouldnt sme's share a world trade platform- Ma's launches EWTP after year of research with civil society as part of his contribution to Hangzhou staging China g20 in 2016 and seizing opportunities of linking in first g20 of the sustainability goals era 

 X   x           
 ALI digital part2 big data small-world happiness platforms -sdg youth heroes   and as jack looks for the geatest livelihood education partbers what could happen as alumni and freidnbs of sir fazle and jack ma linkin  X               X

 jack ma clarifies that commerce can reach one clusters of markets -

Jack Ma clarifies that commerce can only reach some markets – financial or where supply & demand chains of where people historically “shopped” He’ll help youth (and their parents and other investors) celebrate a different platform to reach happiness service markets like livelihoods education, Health, greening communities, safety and open spaces, arts fashions and who to celebrate, TRUE media 

 he invites leaders to partner olympics to chnage value chain of celbrities 



Pope Francis : the vaticans a model of an annual expo of worlds community builders with youth  every space Belt Road newly bridges on land- start twin nations youth hub celebrations - eg silk road arts networks and silk road chambers of commerce in over 70 countries

UN- which will be first sdg economic zone that wall street 300 trillions rates as AAA? how does eg coomunity-wide participation in sports empower youth to be community's main safety networks in mobile age- cf kenya ushahidi first big app helped youth prevent election riots - in university suburbs of beijing there is a resident local;police station every 1000 metres which also serves as community info center; one of koreas leading abilities is to build half million people new towns or new suburbs which are safest in world but at cost of zero public privacy outside- one of ways china is uniting african leadership is how future of g5 and mobile cameras designed into safety of cities


 X X x X    
ALI  digital part 3 - humanising back from future searches ir4                  

 x damo

didital coop un report - gates/ma

unhabitat 2020s cies cas dealines march 2019

-ihub kenya - africa wide hiubs- hackathos-ushahidi- link iadb

boston ecisystem

chia ecosystem 5 million startups 2017

1776, 500 women- spec fior city capable of histing amazon hq2 

       X x x X
 sdg mapping clusters of nations leaders- new win-win world trade routes                             
 cultures and alumni of spirit and servant leaders                             

 eg last 2 rows are waht mixture of access of guterres jinping and pope francis can do- all have sysnergetic permissions to unite investments and goals of more than one fifth of the world peoples


what happened in 84 years since 1946 - lets look at 7 year exponentials- every places experience varies - tell us yours

Map with Belt Road Imagineers :where do you want to partner in sustaining world

overall over 4000 times (2**12) mobilisiation of connectivity between peoples lives

2030 sees the last 2 7 year dashes to sustainabilty goals

Our search for top 50 World Record Jobs Creators 


2016-2023 china's Ma and bangladesh's Fa linkin fintech to sustain

livelihoods of bottom billion women sino-south asia BR0-2 nearly half of world pop 

bankers 300 trillion dollar of most liquid fiance not yet mappd by sdg development zones- 

can this be fixed by guterres-gates-ma digital cooperation repirting hub deadline marc 2019 

the raid to the maolympics needs to unite every country east of china and ideally every country's youth in veleiving they can unite the sustainabilouty generation 


 67-74 : 71 consider bangladesh last nation on eurasian contimet to be free after 400+ years of brutish empiire..........................................................................................

72 with no taxes city government leaves rural girls to build their own banks, health servuces, food and disaster security

-miraculously thet transform business and social models of aid - social busienss and conditional cash transfer 

-early vilage solutions rice science to end famine, last mile health service networkers shared nprth oif the border with

China- the nation that withdrew its fifth of the world's popukation from trade in 1860 because it couldnt accept UK currency of opium;

Both bangladesh and china understand that moieter tonmother netwirking of oral rehydration can save third of infants from dying-

albeity 110 years too late to save queen victiria's missionary james wilson (founder of the economist, and grandad of changing

british constitution from colnisation to commonwealth)- later called women empowerment both nations trandform their peopels around valueing women hold up half the sky ......................................

60-67 the increasing probabiluty thah man can land on the moon is the last time the whole world has been united in nothing is now impossible if we connect technolgy in bodreless ways to share life critical info - The Economist rejoices that Japan and korea have been rebooted thans to american generosity- and brilaint civil and electronic engineers have changed the east's role in the world for ever and a day- call tguis the beginning of Entreprehneurial Revolution provided you are happy with the indea that something aint right with economics until the potetial of every family as fundamental economic unit is valued transarently - if this means remapping value chains bottom-uo and wthy 100% cost and conflict transparency then so be it' as the east and souther people catch up wuith the G7 nobody needs to get poorer but the west must chnage its education ssyetms and if this menas redistributing wealth and community safety in places like USA then amen; now we see how fast japanese bullet trains can go the us will need to bite the bullet, it has overimvested in Toads of cars and underinvetsed in contiunent wide roads of trains; and thsi will require states to work out how to colabkirate in new clusters- trade will nkit be what congress can effuciently preside over ; vested interest lobbies have always been the lurking enemy iof demicratic peoples- how will DC politicains and us media face up to this communicatiosn crisis grounded on earth 81-88 the big computer starts to be replaaced by the pc; its is now predicatable the berlin wall will fall this decade- are us and russia ready to join firces in dismantling rival dictsors the two spread across neigboring antions on all of erath's contimets - the web is comng aha aha 88-95 microsoft almost didnt see the web being critical to all oersional computer users, and may not yet understand serial revolution towards mobile - 

 95-02 usa leads the web into commerce but the infrastructure remains too clunky with result taht thosuands of western dot coms go under- the wrog lesson is learnt as us fintech goes big brother ; if me too movemnts hadnt taken another 20 years to surface in westrn media maybe clintion would have monica's and gore would have greened want bush recarbonised

in any event silicon vallet=ys view of what digital media to develop becomes the exact opposite of what chinas tech people who visit usa love to create with 

02-09 as the west drowns in big fintecg, china starts to get the alibaba spirit if only becaause it doesn want all of its ecosystems invested in by japanese -      


 14 surveys on loving global peoples -dowload map linking Entrepreneurial Revolution through 12 global peoples surveys by The Economist's end-pverty sub-editor Norman Macrae


About Norman Macrae....Apart from fighting the pressures on fake newscasting my understanding of my father’s 40 years of work as The Economist’s sub-editor of end poverty is -continued


Norman Mactrae's Entrepreneurual Revolution Genre started at THe Economist celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2018- 

our main youth journalism celebration of thei wil;l be dhaka sept 30 to Oct 6 -we hope to protype belt rioad quizzes studnet union clubs can start viralising out of the regions mapped above- now that both the most economic and ecologucal distribtion of goods worldwide is containerisation by boat and rail- where would locations map across whole contients:

superport belts

overland (railRoads) - nb where you starighluline connect can be used for energy and water pipes, telecom cables, roads for autos as well as trains- trains can be in 2 modes -freight these doint have to be fast but they need to linkin everywhere- human fast- if supersonic travel is ever a mass service it will be gtrain engineered  

once 5th grade teachers belt rioad quizzes are remapping cultural historiues and geographires, natures will need to collaboirate in new clusters- eg there will never be peace until landlocked nations surrounded by hostile neigbirs our histories; internally in nations with a fiuft of the world people such as china and idai- suoercities will be responsible for ending 3 extrenalisaations: first rural & urbal; 2nd nations sharing belt road route with our city (no more extrenalisation at boders) 3rd within city no more subprime and no more slums

we hope to undersand exhnages between eg dhaka and tsinghua and hangzhou if gorls empowerment fintech and edutech is to colabiratively support all under 30's sustainabiliyty goals and end underemployment given how much work we now have to do if every community is to linkin with sustainability 


Inspired by the moonlanding. ER questioned what if communicats tech doubles every 7 years from 1946 to 2030:

2*12 is over 4000 times more communications etch - a wholly different plabet for 8.5 bi;llion peoples to linkin 2030 versus the 2.5 billion of 1946

ultimately the imminent moon landing briefly waved optismitic revolution debates around the world- the pop debate across latin eamerica practose most of all by paul freire in education and fransciscan views of community- grounded professionals- ironically as a few people raced to moon maxisiming coputing and human connectivity, up to half still had no electroicity grds- lieky the moon landing inspired the fifths of the world's people in china to sustain theri cultiral revoltion - horrific as it may vhave been to live through at least 2 values were right: we need agrarian keynsianism to stop a tenth of our people dying ftrom famione- and we need to value female economic impacts on societies'ssustainability as much as male (women hold up haf the sky) - see this 1977 survey

SWOT expoential opportunities and risks of adam smith market goodwill : 1946-1967 what can we action learn up to 1967 (post) industrial revpoluion 1 back from future of IR 4 3 2SWOT 1967- 1988 whay can we action learn network up to 1988 back from the future of ir4,3 and whether little sister sustainability or big brother collapse is end gale of global village era; what will happen as partnership netorks system**N not individual organsiations scale what human livelihoods are possible 1988-2009- what can we learn up to 2009 and map back ir42009-2030 "the most exciting times to be alive did we mediate goals so all our chikdrens children will thrive around mother earth or have we failed bukies final examination on space ship earth (heading irreversibly to depletion oir extinction of our species)

 17 sdgs is nice but the human brain isnt designed to recall 17 goals and even if you do require this learnt by heart- 17 combinatirial meanings has no chance of uniting 2 or more people in enough mutual collabiratioin over priorities

we are looking at 3 main appriaches- factor analyse goals - from 2  up - eg the last ch;pater of keynes general theory of money, interest and employment did a good job of explaining 2 meta goals as end poverty and improve youth livelihood oportunity out of every community (ie space where youth grow)

are the 17 goals mixong 4 apples and pears - see right side columns

can ai teachers assistat robots redesign disciplines and curricula while valuing 17 goal combinations and understanding diveristy of locakl contexts in ways we should never have been asking stsuddnets or teachers let alone journalists to scale 

 maybe there are keyunes s main goals and these need to be ,multiplied by 2 main 4000 fold chnages in invetsmnt - see next colum the two chnages 2030 versus 1946 needed to naiviage 4000 fold more time money spent on communications tech and going green since planet cant sustain 8.5 billion people with carbon energy chnage national and subnation constitions - from law to public service to valuation maths - to be aligned with natures system design - these are bottom-up nand open- if you dont like tehse 2 tersm try einsteains or von neumanns bot argued that netwirk age would need recusrive innovation revolutuons to move our species into celebrating milennials youth as firts emerging sustainability generation we need super-nation solution - belt roads offer a map- but equally people like francis xi and guterres each have responsibility for at least a fifthj of the world's peopkes and understand a massive cooperation is needed among their under 30s and each othgers; see also guterres request that digita coop panel headed by jack ma and melinda gates reports by march in 2019 in time to be in goodie bak of every bational and other leaders attending Belt Riad 2 - beijing May 2019- linkin with other events where clusters of national elkaders meet, and issue not just pr setatements but modules of new action learning curricula fir 5th grade teachers and students up

rsvp wanted co-editors of the world record book of jobs creators- you should love travel guides

and be curious why jobs creation not in compass of Guiness Book of records -more  it helps to have youth's love other peoples nations/cultures/arts = Olympics spirit

economics means many things - here we focus only on that branch of keynsian economics mapping exponentials locking in what futures a place's next generation will be permitted

eg 1 what future is possible for world's poorest billion girls - out of bangladesh- friends of Sir Fazle Abed and wherever largest nogo brac is valued by partners  (eg jack ma melinda and bill gates, mit legatum, mastercard foundation, george soros, ...) 

eg 2 economies where the mass thrives, does no evil to ;poorest- east belt road economy since 1950 

eg 3 changing value chain of sports and SDGirls  - see also and


example of top events in diary of sustainability world's record jobs creators 

Extracts from Youth Sustainability’s most urgent Collaborations

Tokyo Olympics

July 2020

Type 2 markets –community build – health arts fashions green  livelihood education

Jack Ma Order Rising Sun Alumni EmbassiesBRI1.1

BRI 2 Beijing May 2019

From top down infrastructure to bottom up new sgd zones at borders and youth language etc celebrations

Xi and 100 Leaders of top 100 sustainability nations- by BRI Map 1-11 – and nation clusters eg SCO and new banking partnerships- what most urgent to g185 that G7 didnt develop

March19 report at UN Digital Coop lead authors Ma , Gates…

From fintech to edutech to every sme market and youth .livelihood tech- related livelihood report – world bank world development report 2019


March 19Last submissions for UN report 2020 supercity and other leagues

Nb who leads each region interest – UNH led out of korea but now by asian director general former mayor penang; large latin america secretariat a region with most examples of social mayors networks; china is case of fifth of world peoples with super collab cities well mapped – no other fifth of world population comes close- eu disbanded its knowledge cities eg barcelona rome circa 2005; states constitution blocks effective twin cities. New head of UNGSA from Ecuador which also hosted 2017 goal 11 update summit and links to Rosalia

Leonsis one model makes sense for usa and could combine amazon hq if comes to dc region; understanding eg which city network lead climate is one thing t track’ also which cities have new universities linked into both Alibaba global business school and Tsinghua (or other universities nearly free  for training public servant eladers0

Argentina G20 Nov 2018

Shanghai N2018 import expo


UNCTAD summit 22-26 Oct2016 geneva 

Indonesia Oct 2018 Eorld Bank

LatinAm at crossroad- missed chance of brazil showing hemispheres lead; will argentina miss chance of Franciscan lead; as trump forces mexico to superport with china which latin am nations will Road in with mexico?  -see also supercity opportunities to influence unhabitat 2020 report deadline march 2019

(nilekani has west lost it published)

UNCTAD program 

World bank Indonesia summit builds on asean tpp harmony space- shows off billion dollar end slum project; publish livelihoods report ….



BRAC AND MA alumni meet

Include round up of all s asia events and debate is nilekani main target partner in india of brac and ma


September UN start of week

Starts of September



BRICS summit south africa


 IYLA at world bank 10 August

 Last year:


The Youth to Youth (Y2Y) community is a network of employees from the World Bank Group that brings innovative ideas and perspectives into the WBG operations by engaging, inspiring, and empowering youth in development. At the World Bank Board Room, IYLA delegates learn about the history of the World Bank and interact with senior WBG employees on a panel focused on social entrepreneurship.


The Global Youth Summit at the World Bank is a one-day summit held in the Preston Auditorium that brings together hundreds of passionate young leaders from all over the world residing in the nearby community. The Summit features interactive panel discussions with influential leaders in entrepreneurship and service, networking opportunities, and a workshop centered around the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



 world record jobs creators (WRJC) top 5 

 Sir Fazle Abed Jack Ma

 Xi Jinping

Benchmark sustainability trade with 100 nations 

 Antonio Guterres - Relaunch UNPop1 Pope Francis up to 1500 Franciscans were Europe's main belt road explorers- they planted clare health and nature networks wherever they could.Their branch of cathololism believed that the greatestest profesisonal world offered servant leaderhsip "Preferential Option Poorest". They helped  ,ake med sea facing nations the happiest of coastal belts - the exact opposite of today where the med sea is awash with refugees. To Fraciscans the Silk Road isnt just Marco Pole's tour where East meets West its the  benchmark for every interbational mission
 F1 consequences of poorest village girls building world's first bottom-up network for disasetr relief, development, resilience, safety  from broken old aid to youth can yg1 M1 be first to e-commerce for smes and own mobile fimancefor the smallest big data can map X1 every continent's maps of win-win trade for the peoples- coastal BELTS superports, ROADS (grid across continent supoerrails, green energy/water pipes, digital cables), biannual summit beijing next  May 2018 -see U1  17 sdgs access 300 trillion dollars of most liquid assets eg june 2018 summit convened by head of unga 2017-2018 Tme decade of the moon landing stimulated many continent-wide deabtes on future missions possible.  Latin americans clarified franciscans were the ideol0gy they most wanted- paule friere translated that into community learning greatest model- adapted by bangaldeshi muslim brac-and in essnce all girl empowerment movements that we can search - from 1970s
 F2 type 2 education - livelihood for all -when everyone in community is teacher and learner of life saving shills M2 EWTP Ma spent much of 2016 helping citizens plant SME solutions at China G20- first to celebrate UN's relaunch round 17 SDGs- EWTP platforms worldwide small enterprsies so they are freed from trade disputes of big industry

X2 smart sister cities - citys as labs ofr repliocable social solutions all citiznes needs ti be fuffiled;

china internal belt road already organised like that - every time an international belt road bridges 2 nations- celebrate youth on both sides of borsder- best internation support eg jim kim on smart citioes and health services - china clarifies which market purspoes are critical socialy to youth's dreams- also elders dependent on youth's livelihoods not so much governent security nets

 U2 preferential solutions at borders for refugees 3 worldwide sustainability investment netorks now led by Fransciacana are BRAC. World Bank and  relaunch of UN by Antonio Guterres. During jim kim's first year he visited pope francis and started a cultutral cooperation agreement
 centl.jpg centn.jpg 
 F3 Mothers -be your own last mile health service- 100 times more economical foundations than western health ever conceived- better yet design new economic models of socaial business and give directly through big data small - yg4 from expensive experts to local sufficency M3 society's most life critiical markets could be happiest ones- celebrate communities expo for all  18 korea 20 Tokyo 22 Beijing 24 Paris linkin to world peace dividends series of youth as sustainability generation X3 projects from new development banking or other tgrasformatuon ns of finance- fintech, blockchain , 300 tn dolar access U3 Digital cooperation panel led by jack ma and melnda gates- first report March 2019 - before BRI 2 Beijing May 2019 rome is the epiecentre of peace, green and cultural networks - the latter will soon have a non-religious hopme too- a new underground colliseum is being excavated to house this



 F4 be the bottom bilions financial service (at brac as social busienss microfranchises replaced aid, brac also became the finacier of the microfrachisee)

brac also made sure it matched every need so - as second generation grameen gorld moves to the cities- brac bank was opened - back in the vilages the ultra poorest were given a resource so that they cpould gradiate into microifiace +; brac's loverall maret leadership of agricultoral marjets such as polutry, and dairy led into mercant finaance .. 



 M4 partner gorls in banking for 2 billion unbanked


- and understand the purpose they design into digitising every market


 X4 learning specific urgent issues with 15 neighbors- invisible hand of neighors relations- nlote qadrants: what s asia most wants win-win dev with different from stans of west chima - different from russia and polar belt- different from peace with kreas and japan- diferent with asean... note aslo where neighnors start worldwide route- ge experiment with pakistan gwadar port through guld suez- both to med and to east africa at djibouti.. also cluseters of 5 nations - eg biggest developing nations ( by population, kand size, or financial growth) each clisetr ha rent need than eg G7 U4 Unctad with jack ma mentoring UN choice of tech wizards by deve,oping country althopugh the boder troubles bteew latin america and usa have never let latin america develop franscican belt road infrastructure- its now got as many colabiration cities patticipating in unhabotal goals newtorks as anywhere- and it should be surprising that almopst evry latin amerucan leader bow apears to have positive tarding reletaionship with china's xi jinping - and contribute to many of the wprldwide summits- seeing what argentina g20 can do could be the highlight of 2018's sustainability goals alumni
F5 Be your own farmers markets- thank crop scientists who design value chains of agriculture and water so that vilages are food and dring secure sdg 2 - celebrate partnershops with those bring transparency to face thai medical world's greatest experts don't have the reach to stop stunting during forst 1000 days- only communities of mothers/parnets canM5 DAMO - invest everything you can on R&D of HUMANtech's next 7 years (back from future of Industrial Revolution 4) - AI etc - so that it empowers girls livelihoods-value new openess of universal mobile connectivity  end professioanl monopolies/silos : respect nature's pattern : not just outside the box but there is no box x5 50 thinktanks for mother earth space race- up to 1000 brains not siloised but in even greater race than when americans sole goal was to get to the moon- china wants to be benchmark eco civilisation by 2050- and to end poverty by 2020- happy to share solutions it finds- sustaionanility goals are collaboration levelihood solutions at community levels - china is digitalising market sectirs around smes and inc,lusive value chaions- dieferent hostiry of asset pwnership - race tp million startups in 2017- 10 yera later mobilisation lof web round smart phnes- education for livelihood seen as main transfromational chalenge of xi's period of eladership- diferet dynamic of what ;pjublic demands- and diferent big bussiness club of what purspoe can we giuve back to china- jack ma's spirit with digital is connected in entrepreneur club of 20 other market elacders; the goal of mapping back indistrial 4 the new technolgies to 2025 is policy-jobs driven not eg wall street profireering driven- oveerall model of pepople=-centgric economy different (role   U5 UNhabitat- ubanising cities- benchmarks ... if you ;isten to lech walesa's experoence he says that he wouldnt have had teh courage or the momentum to make hos dochers sacrifice their livelihoods without pope john paul- dgdansk was a port 85% traing with russia- it only needs a little carefil reflection of eastern euruea's groupraphy (lot of lnd locked nations) to see that the german dominated eu hasnt advanced livelihhods in east europe with the exception of its own unification - ists so heavily dependent on russia for energy that it was never going to support Ukraine; romano prodi's life experience is very interestking- as italain tarnslator of entrepreeurial revolution in 1976 when he ;progressed top ehad the eu he says the timing was dramatic- just when the eu could have been helping africa all the funds went to reunification of gemeny- veruy natural with teh fall of the wall but sinece becomeing the one geate eiro sur[lus nation germany hasnt given bank- all eu nations with a med sea belt will never catch up whike the euro is theere for genarny to get ever stronger
 F6 Mobilise to own every innovation linkedin to banking for the poorest; brac stayed national in bagladesh to 1990s; took time ton open a university- when tech made it relevant to go international it made sure it linked in relittance services, and kept goodwill of both public and private partners that revolutionary opportunity in fintech demands  and be first to finacial Digital leapfrog -  Why not be first to designing girls sdgs economic zones M6 Ma is launching alibaba global business school with UNCTAD whose leadership team  is choosing youth Ma mentors in developing countries- notably big data small wizards, or others taking livehihood education beyone emotial intelliegence to Loveq -more alibabauni.comX6 servant leaders g,lobal university of end p;overty -only need one university the best for students of sustainability geenration - youth frekdnship exchnages - edutech solutions- missing curricula on deman mooced- hostiory of tsinghua university in privatisation's purpose, and in connecting alumni of party as it aims to servant lead U6 turn summit chat into action learning network solutions -where china offers process for doing it celebrate that (eg china ce;ebrated neing foirst g20 integrated all citizen grouos in year long knowledge exchnages - also 6 plus 1; turn media in to investigators of what countries need to ersolve next you might say that farbsciacnas put bottom-up community buoding before all else excpet their cheerful god and chinese put community building cinfucain way before everything else than the chiense dream- since the chiense dream is to be a bencmark for a people-centric eco-civilidatioin of the 21st C, all youth can gain from frinding chia's sharing of sustainability solutions
F7 largest ngo of partnjers- Connect girl's world most collaborative partners as long as always anchored to empowerimg poorest girls ie goal 17 is not PPP but PGP M7 open space parnerships on earth .3% of all alibaba revenue - this years newest opportunity  head of unhabitat arrived in kenya from prior job as mayor of penang- goal 11,12 shared with Paris UNESCO  Nb greening communities is a lead example of Ma's life experience that education must go outside classroom if half of youth employable and millennials to be the S-gen. x7 since 1988 xi's own work search rural mkicrofrancises for replication - out of poverty- parall r fazle abeds but with diferent ytupe of poverty - in chian poverty is remotte rural; in bangladesh rual poverty meand eg no electricity bjut overcrowded; balanced by mrs jinping own passion as celebrity giving back to womens and other community causes  U7 turn UN bottom up - what g188 needs not just bretton woods g7 needs - sdg eminent advisers the paradox lof world war 2 is that it was the gteatest gift by amrica tthe world may ever see; but equally world war 2 should have seen that it also was the turing point in to colnial age wof word trade designed around the g7 getting bbbiger and bigger- today the g7 reprsentas abiuyt 105 of people; the g188 repersents anout 90%; therse will need to be a lot of good faith mediation of new dvelopment banking- in ost cases the investment the g188 re much more aligned with teh sustainability goals than the way the g7 runs the economy- one of the most interesting forum is the g6 plus 1 with fransciscans celebrating more and mlore of the demonstartion projects that China has provided through aiib - eg end slums in indinesia; acroo eurasia eg the china express now connecting 28 countries; with guterres praising chiense summist where action network siu-=olutions emerg (cf what nY UN chata about the Chinese pilot for action)

World Record Book of Jobs Creation - chapter 1 version 7.18

Brand Reality 1999 triple issue journal or marketing managent

Year of the Brand the economist 1988 

brand chartering handbook Economist Intelligence Unit 1995

what's next 2018?

beyond branding 2003

world record book of job creators sino-english edition - in press 
















Entrepreneurial Revolution

- year 50 of debate inspired by
moon landing, first authored
@ The Economist by 
Norman Macrae.
Between 2016 and 1946 the human race
changed more than ever before- we are
now spending 1000+ times more than 1946
on mobile connectivity technologies- apps,
webs, sharing life critical knowhow;
sustainable communities are grounded where
everyone can be a teacher and a student;
monetary models of consuming things are
mathematically and politically wrong now that
most jobs involve growing people; man may now
design globally but mother nature values local
never claim perfection, there's always a more
micro level to model innovation and
expoential opportunities and risks


People whose success was not k-12 classroom based

Jack Ma

BBC Nature's Paul Rose  1 sos

Xi Jinping

Most Gifted people - CK

Most Superstars

Eva Vertes

Johny Von Neumann



People whose brilliant youth networks broke from classrooms


Most girls sustain world networks 

Jim Kim & Paul Farmer........................... 

Diary: linkin (love each others places)

welcome to where people question how quickly our species will become extinct unless we change education- what 21st c generation (kids parent grandparents) need is to spend about half of a lifetime being paid well for hard and decent work;and about half their time learning livelihoods or training (and open sourcing life critical local community connection) for free

Here's our 1984 story and timelines of this consequence of becoming universally mobile: aka The Most EXCITING TIMES TO BE ALIVE 




Billionaires on Artificial Intelligence, AI (Elon Muskof course this means the end of education systems (and pre-digital democracies) that examine children to death...and then cant even connect them with livelihoods,

places youth can no longer be sustained by aid lobbies who fund for any education is better than no education- 

families the world wide need to demand our 1984 vision of lifelong learning 

- freedom will mean some children (once they have demonstrated primary skills) will start eg coding for a living age 11

but also frequently go back (online or offline) to the worlds best universitues ( for free if they code great social innovations) -

freedom will mean that every community needs to be safe and productive for girls the moment of any day that formal edu ends


on moyther earth if could all be childish again and start by loving/trusting all our neighbors

can bring good things unless proven (dy data tracking) not to deserve that credit 


you may feel that our dream is nowhere near happening- well in 2008 few people expected transformtios in fintech;


we re deling with expoentil multiplers; but your feelings may be scarily right-


the evidence i some cuntries are bravely racing to lifelong learning - if you have tghe chnace to do so 

travel between almost any freinds in china and brac in bangaldesh- these are spaces where

girls networks are valued as   



help us celebrate world record jobs creatrs games

game 1 the game of fives

game 2 Belt Road Imagineering & mapping - ending the world of colonisation that excluded most peoples from effective trading grids (electric, superported, suoetrtrained) and added borders that made the race to sustainability of all youth even harder



we suggest above games are joyful ones anyone

and indeed every 5th grade tecaher and stsudents should play

there are also harder games (and maths!) that confront risks and those people who profits from wars or short-term extraction over long-term

  sometimes these games are made harder by do-gooders committed to a singular cause or belief system ; sadly

western mass media has eveolved in ways that has made huge messes of this sort- see for example oxfam that became infested in some countries by paedofile managers and then tried to cover up with the lame excuse that many corporations dont go public with their errors!  aid by rich countries needs examining in 2 ways: why would anyone expect a trickle down model to work, and if in doubt about a solution why not get experts to try it out locally ( americans now live in an absurd situation that their guru experts of foreign assistsance dont test out community solutions in places that inside usa that could also benefit- this is especially true for every edutech model the world now needs to colabirate around)


60 views4 years ago
Astronaut Ron Garan poses massive collaboration challenge ( more )

RENEWING SPACE ON EARTH  freedom will mean clean air clean water everywhere- as well as going beyond carbon this will mean a lot more community-to-community ecotourism or at the very least families swapping (term oryear-long airb&B swaps ) between city and village life depending which stage of work, learning or teaching they are at; freedom will mean ending walls; there is so much space to newly enjoy living in once elon musk's 1000 km/hours supertrains are linked-in -one tunnel connecting north east asia and alaska would mean that both the world's richest hi-tech coastal belts us-west and china-east as well as huge underpoulated regions: canada alaska russia are easily within reach.

This may make the artic university most important of all. How can the good life of eg Finland or Canadians be replicated elsewhere? The Arctic Council is currently the most inetersting colaboration of countries- the only one in which russia america china are win-winning and have abundant natural resources to linki with rest of world; can the polar belt above Eusrasia become a shipping canal ; imagine if the 20th centiries most belligerent suoerpowers needed this to be the 21st C first pioneering collaboration science. The good news is the eursaia polar canal doesnt need washingtn dc or americn science to make it hapen though most of the peopels of Eurasia would happily see Americans join in a route mother nature controls 







Networking Good Neighbors (and happy families)

Think of at least 4 kinds of neighbors and how each offeres wonderful opportuties to win-win

1  physical neigbor win-wins : end refugee problems; imagine a shared desting in starting up new belt roads

world trade map of nations who most want you win-wins -eg every developing country wants girls lift up sky education -which miracles of china and its near neigbor bangladesh have innovated sinec 1970 -while china's main contribution to this is worldwide girls apps bangladesh brac was 1970s

joint innovator of rice science to end famine, oral rehydration as number 1 girls network ever scaled pre-digital, girls build last mile

health services; and thanks to bangaldesh-american dispora, norway , mit, dubai and soros- Banglaseh from 1996 first to leapfrog

with mp2/3 mobile and microsolar; brac has always been about bottom up resiliency- its model of bottom-up disaetr relief and ulltra poor

literally shows how education is critical and oxfam is never where innovations of sustainability go0alos begins or ends


near neighbors were the dsecret to the east's rise and rise going beyond zero-sum colonial economies from japan to south korea and 

via superport trade increasingly operated by china doisapora; the miracle of the 3rd quarter of the 20th c was japan and china diaspora became the

number 2 and 3 financial networks in the world; these newar neighbors designed win-in trades round superports and quality of electronic and civil negineering incluiding worlds fatest trains and supercities connectivies with agrarian keysiansim ; in th emifs 1970s japan knew how to

sustain two to ten times more rice productivity than the erst of asia; sharing tjis with china and bangladesh became the most valuable end famine

curriculum ever; japan in world ar2 had bene the hemisphres main enemy , now it was starting to reconclie for old hostilities in grreat gilrs lift up half the skies ways- the cultural key to the community is everything miracle of both china and bangaldesh; in 2018 the enar neigbors ABC Asean-Bangladshe China is a critica education spacxe: china has enjoyed the graetest inward investment bring hi-tech solutions , bangaldesh has never lost its roots in solving most extreme chalenges of poorest vilage (eg no-electricity) girls 

3 far away neighbors can be great win-wins when they offer diversity opposites- eg a hi-tech advanced compact nation eg singpaore need produce of huge agricultiral coutry with low population density; ruch old peopels economies need health can be youth tech and community for all 10 times more afordable for 90% of services old people need 

4 ulitimately a great belt road unites peopel with smae priritised sustainabbility chalenges- eg poorest rural girls, or thise who can communicate easiets- eg speasking english is still a coders advantage even if it was the same english that destroyed the origina win-win silk road with zero sum coastal tradeloines of south of eurasia explaining majority of world conflicts today; it would be happy if brits entrance to the worldwide econoky in some way brought peace thanks to girls and green and bottom-up networking in which happy failies both win-win education and economic multipluiers ...............................................................................................................................................

types of exchange come in 3 main flows:

perishable (needing fresh delivery within 48 hours or expensive chiled distribution) these can explain luxury trades needinbg air routes or local organic trades (note ed printing mak no longer mean that manufactired foods need large factories)

anything that si not persihable mainly needs a logsitic map of boats and trains and tunells (and then roads and supercity-super-village connectivity; beuase produce is non-persishable planning lean distribution of how much needs to be where 20 days ahead is critical- to test its ability to stay ahead with logisticas and big data small analysis alibaba created the biggest single shopping day on the planet- any belt raod can play

knowhow- this can be 10 times more valuable economy - if we take schools outside the classroom and value those markets like health , greem education , community for all where social value of including everyine and integrating mother nature's diversity comes first; the good enws is expoential risks are minimised by bottom up and open networks (eg those needed for girls to safely lift up half the sky) ..


Belt Road IMAGINE Mapping : to end poverty, zero youth unemployement, youth win-win as sustainability generation
Two main flows to game:
1 mapping good neighbors
2 understanding maps where less than 1% of trdae is in persishable goods and when perishable main value is local
Why China and girls educators sustainable economies
led by bangladesh brac are "open sesame" to BRI (school mba systems)
Why (moon landing IMAGINE) 50 years ago The Economist started search for that momnet in time when edication not economics explained girls and youths world possibles 
CHANGING EDUCATION - Spending 1000 times more on Connectivity Tech 2010s versus 1946
is only WISE if EDUTECH frees 3 billion new jobs of under 30s as the Sustainability Generation's
Little Sister Loveq (Papa Ma's Quotient of Love)

 SMC & ABC: Sustainability's Missing Curricula; How not to kill off 8 billion people: why hundreds of national leaders, women and anyone who speaks English are now thanking ABC (Arctic Bangladesh China) as connectivity's trusted mapmakers of BRI (Belt Road Imagine)CIA: Good news: thanks to Edutech we can now turn missing jobs curricula into 5th grade quizzes practices live by hundreds of thousand 5th grade stidents and teachers every hour; and the new purposes of superstars and world staged events like olympics from 2020 is Community Is All (CIA) expos- help us search for and celebrate joyful local networks such as Sport's Special Olympics, Art's Sing for Hope, Autism's Million Specialists 

 Belt Road IMAGINE 1 2 3 : map how jobs rich education can celebrate youth and sustainable community www


  1. #theeconomist thanks Korea and Moon Jae-in World Record Games of Jobs Creation for the 2 most graceful experiences of life : korean olympics and aiib2017 Jeju entrepreneurial revolution year 50

 Most exciting news of 2017: tech makes it possible for a worldwide class of 100000 5th grade students and teachers to share a live quiz based on knowhow of top 5 world record jobs creators!! Source WISE world series of education laureate summits, delegation china
10 reduce inequality
8 decent work
economic growth
5 gender equality2 zero hunger1 end poverty
11 sustainable cities communities
3 good health wellbeing
14 life below water
6 clean water sanitation
15 life on land
4.9New University
7 affordable clean energy
17 Youth-public-private partnering16 peace, justice13 climate action12 responsible consumption and production9 industry, innovation, infrastructure  
 These are the most exciting times to be alive. Our era is determining whether the human race will survive and thrive. Action the United Nation’s 17 sdgoals and their 2030 timeline. Few if any nation’s education and investment systems are yet geared to help youth accomplish innovations sufficient for people to thrive peacefully out of every community around the globe. There is so much work to be done to live up to these goals. Put it bluntly: there is something wrong with the way we arc connecting/mediatng 1000 times more communications tech now than 1946 wherever there is not enough gainful work for youth.. Education and investment must be changed -fo it now, courageously and lovingly. Join us in examining historic causes of education failure and how acceleration in technology is both worldwide citizens and youth’s last exponential opportunity and risk to generate higher order collaboration and trust-flows than 20th X people ecer knew....................................... 


help guterres stage greatest learning summit ever WISE@UNGA sept 2018- vote for 10 new uni changing education world:

 arcticuni, the shopkeppersU universityofstars, girlsbest, africa's new,  fav alma mater of china's 80 million public servants, the university of travellers, damo academy,, Open Space U, nearly free nursing college  .. 



 join quarter billion girls search: pairing world record job creators across hemispheres. or vote for Dryden - look here,
tell you favorite click - is it  Learning English Pregnancy and NutritionRitalin Self esteem

 are you looking for storytellers - eg  HO & MY mapmakers eg Xi Jinping and Pope Francis Girls as miraculous job creators - sir fazle and  antonio guterres tech ecommerce wizards and youth ambassadors jack ma and  justin trudeau peacemakers moon jae-in and timothy shriver              


Did you miss the 1990s chinese bestseller thelearningweb- wriiten by a new zealand alumni of norman macrae -its the happiest book anyone in 20th C could imagine :: conversely the bad news is that after age 11 , school classrooms are now destroying the youth most likely to make the world sustainable and bring happiness to all..

have a look at new universities (below0 or do some research for yourself- most superstars dont go to classroom schools; most wizard technologists dont - certainly china jack ma didnt - its jack ma who says half of youth will be uneployable by 2030 unless we go beyond the calssroom- there are 2 reasons why endless examination robs children of their unique creativity : 1 empire schools were designed that way to elevate to top of hierarchy bureacucrats not creative people; but also back in 1946 we had 1000 times less communicationsetc technology ; today if you want a perfect examinee you can but a programeed robot; what robots cant do is go out explore mother earth, make her geeen in every diverse way, renew love of family and community - so most of all go look at flow research - genii are those who have chance to maximise time they spend at experiential edge of doing something they uniquely energise -lets turn the dream of empowering every child to flow into reality - if not, youth will not be the sustainability generation; our species will go the way of the dodo- long live world record jobs creators and new uni and community hubs where teens up practice co-creating 

10 most radical new universities - part 1 green future- articuniversity brainstorm.............................................................................

friends of  in my understanding:  finlands biggest new gifts to the world are announced at this dc debrief  min52.15  although timo's talk is hour long if you start at min 52 you can get the 2 minute summary- 

Listen to Global Leaders Forum: Timo Soini, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland by CSIS #np on #SoundCloud

 additional refrence china white paper: polar silk road

ARTIC UNI CONCEPT: ultimate green experiential learning university - eg because the artic communities spend half their year in the dark; its the ultimate community building open space around lifelong learning; it can be a way ahead unting all nations because russia and china  and nordica have to lead it -how can we connect my favorite free girls university( in bangladesh) 1  2  3  4 ) so 23rd is next good date for me. to return to this topic

Jack ma already puts 0.3% of alibaba revenues into a green fund but he has stated he wont be putting all his storytelling behind it to the 2020 olympics (he is sponsoring the next 3 summer olympics- tokyo paris LA, and presumably beijing winter olympics 2022). He doesnt yet understand girls new universities but that will be easy to market now that Guterres is making it the main agenda of united nation general assembly in september; the problem is young people marketing this before this with billion dollar pr budgets try and greenwash. I wish the un (its youth leadership networks not its political congresses) had been relocated to beijing already but i guess that is may 2019's goal

thinking aloud: .Would timo set up a founding council of artic university and send a letter to jack ma asking would him to be a founding trustee. we need some idea of this sort to make sure that artic university is taken seriously this year as a top new university- nordica trust in youth is represented by norways erna solberg on the un eminent committee - how could we find out if timo and erna sail in the same boat; jack ma is also on un eminents but I feel they are as yet very weak on greentech (in terms of knowing where the practical revolutions ar)'  -- in fact blockchain will need to matuire so it can be the key platfrom for green futures markets which leap beyond carbon futures)

my understanding is Beijings leading green thintank was incorporated about 4 years ago into brookings at tsinghua - a partnership with tsinghua is essential for every new university to connect youth belt webs east west and both poles!- one reason being that tsinghua frees students to use its patents for open source futures relevant to win-win sustainability trade across a whole continent or belt road corridor - another reason is that if china is cpc19 empowered by millions of servant leaders networks and blockchians then tsinghua is where the countries 50000 brightest minds a year hub through - and linkin with china 5 million startups a year- why not demand china identify top 20 artic relevant startup-hubs - there is probably already an artic  thinktank-- cheng li maps how all chinathinks connect together as well as whether xi jinping is reaching his end poverty goal by 2020

bob freling team led by nevile williams started the department of energy with president carter in days when it was supposed to be a green thinktank!!

Could we list some ingredients of a totally  new university of artic- if you have any core reads apart from china's policy paper or timos brooking talk please share?

new university is going to be the bigest discussion topic at united nations general assembly sept 2018 - so lets see if we can list a few crazy concepts and work out which national delegations want to front them

mapping polar road belt- if the ice is broken so that there is a north of eurasia sea route one should also assume that the bering staright tunnel connection north east russia and alaska is built

this will also mean the whole coastline north of beijing starts becoming valuable as superports; ie we have a solution to north korea as this now needs to be the space where all long term investments by big business are secure

although this may sound mad prince charles runs a gren thinktank ashden whose directors include coordinators of the royal geographic society and all bbc correspondents of nauire including a guy paul rose who spends half his life on the noth pole and half his life ocean diving-
he never did well at school as the ultimate action man that most of thise who save the biggest green projects will need to be
 there is also our astronaut friend universityofstarsgaran - YouTube

I assume that someone close to elon musl would support artic university but am not expert in green space science so dont know how to hunt out who is the go between with musk; you might have thought branson was also a contender but he is surrounded by so many people who havent helped youth over last 10 years that i no longer feel i want to spend time getting near branson alumni- would love to be proved wrong - the hq of the carbon war room has been in DC fro 10 years now

ian and mostofa know a lot of prince charles supporters /coworkers

chris macrae washington dc norman macrae foundation -futures borderelss youth need if human race is to exist in 2100






3 is it still possible for 2024 to live up to this 1984 goal for changing education (Norman Macrae 1 & Chris Macrae 2024/5 report)


peoplecentredeconomics.JPG follow the Ma: jack has spent since 1994 searching for where big-small chnage will come to chich markets - so fast moving consumer goods chnaged by ecommerce; finance and social sharing markets eg bikes by mobile apps-clouds; furniture by OTO;  jobs education and happiness sectors by 1 refugee and bodrer crossings, 2 expereintial learning olympics and the games of education of youth as sustainability goals generation on every belt road map sex are the moxst exciting times to be alive

help us celebrate belt road intelloigence mapping as a curriculum of all ages uniting sustainability youth and elders  




2 will tech youth help china with its 2 urgent goals- end poverty, peace economic Belt-roads around all its neighbors- at last count, china has 13 separate national neighbors to respect quite a lot of peace-making compared with USA's two

 with your support we aim to linkin - sustainable youth's 7 most valuable stories of 2018 -rsvp new for happy youth jobs 2018 

1 let's start with AIIBnews:  which will be youth's most exciting new development banking partnership of 2018? lots to choose from- my favorite end slums in indonesia is biassed by indonesia being the first asian country i worked in (1983) when Unilever and MIT technologists asked me to test the first regional brand for helping Muslim girls gain confidence (love of) self -update Norman Macrae Foundation project 25000 copies of journal of social business with Adam Smith scholars Glasgow and Nobel Dr Yunus. 

4 Climate Calls: girls world's most creative education networks converge WISE@paris march 2019 after WISE @ UN General Assembly sept 2018  - can they help korea's green big bang invitation aiib2017 unite 2000 place governors in search of curricula graduating the sustainability generation



lets make 2019 great again with belt road forum 2 beijing may 2019 and tokyo g20 reherasal of the communities for all Olympics...........................

...can try and reach in bangladesh and various embassies there that both japan embassy and british have historically let us reach out to in 10 years of trying to connect student networks of both muhammad yunus and sir fazle abed as the 2 greatest girls development networkers in the east

with half a billion dollars of education partnerships formed by theresa may and jinping it may well be that china now trusts british educators on some innovation-tech curricula and platform development including blockchains more than anerican ones -specifically those valuing deeply green or other goals outside trumps belief system- ultimately english, chinese ,coding and mother tongue are the human/cultural ai connections youth will need to process to be the sustainability generation and celebrate knowedge economies with; prince charles remains at epicentre of green tech prizes and his judges went out of their way 3 years ago to include nilekani's networks probably india's epicentre of tech 4 sustainability

last week in hong kong sachs made a big speech about all belt road banking and green investment need to be synchronised  if belt road infrastructure banking is to maximise sustainability consequences as well as peace -  

from all of my fathers lifetime experience I feel very strongly at new borders  bridged by infrastructire we must also connect youth education and technology - this is of course is where jack ma and xi jinping were a perfect fit at china g20 hangzhou in 2016, and which is really the only hope to reverse refugee calamities - when china prepares a summit it seems edutech is included much more than when it isnt as can be seen from my emerging log at

9feb 2018 before my bangladesh trip
i would particlaularly like to check your view on the issue of whether urgency of india and china coming together through the summer summits AIIB SCO and BRICS -if not then, when will modi and jinping connect ? 
there is a level of poverty alleviation that jinping is not experienced in that bangaldesh can mediate between india and china-as early as 2006 there was a very sensible leadership dialogue concerned with valuing girl development out of  bangladesh - how to grow up with the 2 giants india and china - brac (and now amplifued by sheikha moza first ladies =networks) is the education system which lives that dream even in the most brutal regions of geoplitics today

 5 from the late 1990s mandela supported the invention of a virtually free university for the country's hardest working but most disadvantaged students- africa now celebrates 10+ universities prefering to end poverty and 2 related summits wise@accra may 2018 and brics joburg summit sept 2018.. how can student unions of global2.0 join in

&quot;Why I love The Maharishi Institute&quot; WRJC 1.2


6 can you help us develop your nation's story- which age do your peoples want to be in: the industrial age of zero-sum trades and wars over carbon or the post industrial age of growing people and loving nature by mapping win-win trades across nations- Clue: Entrepereneurial Revolution newsletter year 50: clue between 2016 and 1946 over 1000 times more money and people time has been spent on technologies mobilising connectivity between all the worlds youth.. 



7 as a slightly late 175th celebration of James W's founding The Economist:   help us publish sino-english edition of world record book of job creators featuring 200 collaborators such as

E4 WISE Sheikha Moza and 10000 alumni of education laureates 

E2 sir fazle abed - world's number 1 education laureate

E3 jack ma whose humantech is unlike anyone who has ever lived so far

E1 Xi Jnping mapping hi-trust  world trade for peace and sustainability gen

 help search for first use of blockchain to multiply sustainability of all youth not just profit a few bit players - co-blog with us at blockchaincity.netrsvp 

20 years ago the economist started deviating from its first 155 years that Brett's forefathers had founded- we aim to rebrand future of economist through 20 youth co-blogs including - a co-blog offer free rental of a historic month where all references are dated in a common archives space




download josb press club launch

download JOSB 2.3


World Record Book of Job Creation

Join search for world record job creators -eg  

  Antonio Guterres

whatsapp mobile usa 240 316 8157  

Further Exercises - belt road maps. These can be drawn anywhere several nations neighbor with at least one landlocked and historically zero-sum border policies (or worse refugee crises or wars)

identify a superport and railway corrodors which the region could share to groiw win-win trades - note rail and sea offere green and low cost trading routes compared with planes (whise main trading use is for luxury markets only. Once belt road have agreed rail and port links, other pipes (eg energy, telecom, sanitation) can be mapped parallel rto rail belt and roiadways designed around the new world trade routes

example : china's west and various stans are lanlocked; by investing in  land corridor and supoerport of , trading routes with middle east and africa can be opened up doe all enetrprsies small as well as big











































vote for East and West's top jobs creatoirs of 2018-2019 rsvp

 E1 Xi Jinping (Rejuvenation global2.0; world's most transparent maps on win-win trade for allE2 Sir Fazle Abed (world's favorite educator eg empowered girls to resolve poverty's greatest challenges, BRAC & Bkash)  

EE3 Jack Ma leapfrog tech (big data small), ecommerce curriculum as one of china's 4 greatest inventions 1 -IR4  can develop 10 times bigger people-centred economics)  E98 Gandhi & Montessori & Mandela,  E4 Nilekani (bridges to English as 2nd most valuable language in world Modi, Kalam, Singh) W3 Tim Berners Lee (the www , we havent seen it yet- human collaboration can be so much bigger, bridge to any mit lab with human app) W2 Jim Kim being healthcare most courageous public servant leads to being the sanest western voice in world banking and most peace-loving North Korean American; W1Pope Francis 

changing education:: 1984 prediction : old education systems cannot support 4 out of 5 jobs (ie 3 billion new jobs) millennials will need to be the sustainability generation
new year quiz- can you help host the most urgent summits valuing youth that India has ever hosted since grandad sir kenneth kemp scribbled up the legalese of India's Independence? can we map top 7 summits of
how  linkin with top 7 summits valuing sustainability of girls and boys? 
1 India to host 3rd Annual Meeting of Board of Governors of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 
First new development banking summit hosted by India on how sustainability of majority of worlds girls and boys needs bottom up  investment and eduTECH mapping wholly opposite to macroeconomic mediation of US congress and EU bureaucrats 
12-December-2017 18:25 IST

MoU signed between Govt. of India and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to host the meeting at Mumbai on 25-26 June, 2018 

2018 Annual Meeting theme is - Mobilizing Finance for Infrastructure: Innovation and Collaboration. 

India will host the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of AIIB at Mumbai on 25th and 26th June 2018.

The Theme of the Annual Meeting, 2018 will be “Mobilizing Finance for Infrastructure: Innovation and Collaboration”. The Government of India and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Secretariat today signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to delineate the duties and responsibilities of major stakeholders who would be involved in organizing the aforesaid Annual Meeting. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed on behalf of the Government of India by Shri Sameer Kumar Khare, Joint Secretary (Multilateral Institutions Division), Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), M/o Finance and by Mr Danny Alexander, AIIB’s Vice-President and Corporate Secretary on behalf of AIIB. The Signing Ceremony took place at the Ministry of Finance in North Block in New Delhi today in the august presence of Shri Subhash Chandra Garg, Secretary (Economic Affairs) and Dr. M.M. Kutty, Additional Secretary (Economic Affairs) and other senior officers of the Government of India and AIIB. Speaking on the occasion, Shri Subhash Chandra Garg, Secretary, DEA said that it is a significant development that India is to host the 3rd Annual Meeting of AIIB at Mumbai. India is not only one of the founding members of AIIB but is also the 2nd largest shareholder in AIIB.  Shri Garg noted that this international event will provide an excellent opportunity to showcase the strengths of the Indian economy and introduce AIIB members to potential infrastructure investment opportunities in India and Asia.

In his address, Mr. Danny Alexander, Vice President, Corporate Secretary, AIIB, stated that India is central to delivering on the Bank’s mandate to support the sustainable economic development of Asia through investment in Infrastructure. “It is but appropriate that the Annual Meeting is being held in Mumbai, the financial capital of India. We are hoping that discussions in Mumbai will help AIIB to deepen our cooperation with India and to develop our approach for mobilizing more private sector capital for infrastructure in Asia. AIIB will continue to develop the Bank according to “Lean, Clean and Green” core values”, Mr Alexander added. He also said that AIIB looks forward to continuing to work with the Indian Government and India’s business community to further develop solutions to fund vital sustainable infrastructure projects across the country.

Even though the 3rd Annual Meeting of the AIIB will take place on 25th and 26th June, 2018 in Mumbai, the Attendant Meeting of the Board of Directors will take place on 23rd and 24th  June, 2018 and preparatory work and ancillary events will take place from 22nd June, 2018 till 27th June, 2018. The Annual Meeting will bring to Mumbai the delegates from all 80 AIIB Member countries, business leaders, members of civil society organizations and media among others.

Annual Meeting related Seminars would also be organized in some Indian cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore & Vishakhapatnam etc.  prior to the main Annual Meeting. The website will detail out specific information about the forthcoming Annual Meeting. Registration for delegates and media desirous to cover the event will also soon be facilitated. A Special Committee at the level of Secretary, DEA has been constituted for coordinating the matters relating to organizing the 2018 Annual Meeting, with representatives from various Ministries concerned of Govt. of India and Govt. of Maharashtra. The Government of Maharashtra has nominated Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) as the nodal agency for organising the Annual Meeting.

AIIB is a multilateral development bank with a mission to improve social and economic outcomes in Asia and beyond. Headquartered in Beijing, China, AIIB commenced operations in January 2016. The AIIB today also approved a US$335 million loan to finance a 100-percent electric Bangalore Metro Rail—R 6 project.


apart from is youth india's future modi or rahul gandhi?
 here are some agendas that could be discussed in mumbai to understand why they are all possible and relate to changing tech & education across all belt road maps especially india china bangladesh mynamar asean it is necessary to linkin

the other 6 most revolutionary summits
6 wise@ghana ethical youth universities may 2018, 
5 south africa sept mandela/gandhi transparency investors summit in post trumped up world and post zuma-mugabe africas
1 wise@UNGA borders refugees and wars are lost education consequence of big data big outliers - EU and Trump-US 


2 SCO summit qingdao june 2018 russia and china promise india not to worry about pakistan corridor of belt road map to middle east and egypt
3 July Argentina Franciscan and confucian values can be trusted by youth economies to mediate most belt road regions of world

4 Paris March 2019 - now 18 month of  joyful communities for all summits begin including tokyo g20, tokyo alibaba olympics, uae youth expo 

Changing education

There has been a sea-change in the traditional ages on man. Compared with 1974 our children in 2024 generally go out to paid work (especially computer programming work) much earlier, maybe starting at nine, maybe at twelve, and we do not exploit them. But young adults of twenty-three to forty-five stay at home to play much more than in 1974; it is quite usual today for one parent (probably now generally the father, although sometimes the mother) to stay at home during the period when young children are growing up. And today adults of forty-three to ninety-three go back to school - via computerised learning - much more than they did in 1974.

In most of the rich countries in 2024 children are not allowed to leave school until they pass their Preliminary Exam. About 5 per cent of American children passed their exam last year before their eight birthday, but the median age for passing it in 2024 is ten-and-a-half, and remedial education is generally needed if a child has not passed it by the age of fifteen.

A child who passes his Prelim can decide whether to tale a job at once, and take up the remainder of his twelve years of free schooling later; or he can pass on to secondary schooling forthwith, and start to study for his Higher Diploma.

The mode of learning for the under-twelves is nowadays generally computer-generated. The child sits at home or with a group of friends or (more rarely) in an actual, traditional school building. She or he will be in touch with a computer program that has discovered , during a preliminary assessment, her or his individual learning pattern. The computer will decide what next questions to ask or task to set after each response from each child.

A school teacher assessor, who may live half a world away, will generally have been hired, via the voucher system by the family for each individual child. A good assessor will probably have vouchers to monitor the progress of twenty-five individual children, although some parents prefer to employ groups of assessors - one following the child's progress in emotional balance, one in mathematics, one in civilized living, and so on - and these groups band together in telecommuting schools.

Many communities and districts also have on-the-spot 'uncles' and 'aunts'. They monitor childrens' educational performance by browsing through the TC and also run play groups where they meet and get to know the children personally...


While the computer's role in children's education is mainly that of instructor (discovering a child's learning pattern and responding to it) and learning group matcher, its main role in higher education is as a store of knowledge. Although a computer can only know what Man has taught it, it has this huge advantage. No individual man lives or studies long enough to imbibe within himself all the skills and resources that are the product of the millennia of man's quest for knowledge, all the riches and details from man's inheritance of learning passed on from generation to generation. But any computer today can inherit and call up instantly any skill which exists anywhere in the form of a program.

This is why automatically updated databases are today the principal instruments of higher education and academic research. It is difficult for our generation to conceive that only forty years ago our scientists acted as tortoise-like discoverers of knowledge, confined to small and jealous cliques with random and restricted methods of communicating ideas. Down until the 1980s the world has several hundred sepaate cancer research organisations with no central co-ordinating database. 

Norman Macrae

Macrae: he was an elegant writer of original ideas who delighted in paradoxes

welcome to 2018 - 175th year of The Economist severely question top-down empire's biggest decision-makers 



CHINA WANTS ALL UNDER 30S (half a billion who live in China and 3 billion more youth worldwide) - by good fortune green finance mapping is now a lead case- at paris climate concord 200 now 199 nations promised to
"open publish" climate action plans- please tell us if you know where yours is updated -eg are these latest of france , mexico ...


  1. why trust china as global youth friend? famous co-branding example- the olympics chooses china's alibaba (Jack Ma) -tokyo, paris, LA-  as main partner to 2030;
    star is born example: as UN in 2015 launches sustainability goals china asks 80 countries to starts up AIIB as bank actioning green and epace-loving projects and knowhow netowrks
  2. how can real and digital era mapping grounded by  valuation of 17 goals unite nations to co-create livelihoods for all youth to flourish? 
  3. who will be the enemies of this story and what does a young person need to do if surounded by "hostile"adults?   
Cultural recommendation to youth who seek to journalise, mediate or teach each other in this most exciting time to be alive (what?)

 ( - 5 generations of my family tree are diaspora scots- living outside our homeland with deep interpersonal experiences from over half of 20th C nations

we try share happiest news of peoples and places - where this come from eg my 2 grandfather's 4-hemisphere stories
where';s this going eg see how and why Korea's JEJU island invites co-creation of atlas to 2500 economies going zero carbon by 2030; Jeju club of participating
places will start up around economies it is an example of - up to half a million people, geographically positioned so that they must determine their own diverse
livelihods while being part of a bigger picture - the sustainable goals of all koreans, the happy relations they would love to have with all peaceful and safe countries even if you born female and poorest (story korea wold leader in safe community)  breaking news 15 june 2017 
- we are delighted to be told that we are locally ignorant in sense of there being far more happy stories to share)  


file notes shared by youth reporters infrastructure banking -pls note many sources need double verifying

breaking news from 1461 most exciting days of world development by young humans-  15 june 2017 - reporting from korea  -related -


top 10 viewpoints from Korea and celebrating first 18 months of AIIB impact on sustaining citizens and planet

pls tell us if you can host a meetup debating one of these 10 issues or others that can inspire under 30s

1 Korea's President Moon delivers empassioned 15 minutes speech- so glad that this is his first foreign affairs summit since being elected- trusts worldwide history will look back on this as one of Korea's defining moments in supporting 21st C cooperation and sustining all youth - cominhg soon - discuss why proactive infrastucture banking has been at heart of cases where eastern hemisphere has offered world class development models over second half of 20th century ready to inspire all millennials these are greatest times to be alive -more (korea has demonstrated how huge histr impact of aiib summit can be - good to see that 2018 summit will be in mumbai (understaning india's needs for an infrastructure celebration timely before it also chooses what specific orientation g20 in india 2019 will focus)

2 governor of jeju (host location of aiib's first annual summit outside china) explains his people's vision (action networks) to be a zero carbon island- GREEN BIG BANG CLUB invites formation of first 2500 club where mayors of places with up to a million people co-declare their plans (and share solutions) -nb parameters: were' talking about places where geography defines their own destiny even while their peoples belong to a bigger joy (in this case being korean); questions while being a milion people place is probably aboutr the biggest that friends of jeju can so far envision mass flourishing of zero carbon around ;1 what are smallest size of place that can deploy the same model; how can green big bang club both inspire and be inspired by bigger green place models such as supercity benchmarks that eg China is helping the eastern hemisphere and every happy youth  hemisphere explore -more place models korea is sharing with world on how its designed world's safest and happiest new towns 

3 aiib's president explain how goodwill banking models can save the world - in particular you dont need to be the biggest bank but one with the clearest partner multiplying model- in aiib's case why they lead (or partner the world) of banks whose purpose is to be lean, clean, green- more

4 announcing the 80th country to join in co-governing the aiib and thanking xi jinping for inspiring overlapping social world trade platforms to the fuure that all eastern youth and small enterprises can energise and hopefully share with youth from S W and N -more

5 for those concerned that the lost voice of english speakers in optimsitic rational futures of youth's next 3 billion jobs - special shoutouts to sir danny and lord nick - more eg see book why are we waiting; track sterns mandate from aiib to report 15 eminent peoples views at g20 argenina 2018 

6 reviewing what was greatest about paris climate accord- in all but one case every country has started publishing its own maps of what it can promise to commit to - we need an open exchange of what every country needs most urgently from climate, what its spirited people can uniquely lead, and to be sincere in clarifying not just what money is needed but what worldwide change in eg taxation or digotal currency is needed (eg to end subsidies on carbon) and what knowledge is needed to map transparently - eg how can technolgy uniquely save the day if we universally app it now -more 

7 special "Korean Bow" to hundreds  of young graduates who work tirelessly to make summit smooth, timely, and unforgetably joyful - more

8 how can those who helped report the stories live from aiib, korea and jeju sustain them (and future of education) as what the 21st century can be about wherever smart media helps people trust each other's hope to developing a better world by and for all

9 how can we anchor all aiib parterships on inclusion of the poorest -= note the investment triad that some see as challenges but are truly opportunites: go green, link sustainability infsratructire to every action net of 17 sustainability goals, pririoritse leaving no community behind

10 what else?? 


Top stories · 2 hours ago xx




discuss other best reporting spaces for 1 transforming value chain of

1 investment banking 2 education 3 mass media 4 superstar stages eg olympics value chains including futureofbbc 4 digital wizards (eg shoppers markets jack ma ali baba - next report detroit ) 



it could just be that aiib will be the most collaborative investment banking model sustainability ever sees


its starting with projects asian leaders nominate as benchmarks in national energy urgrades and in a few


pivotal cases other infrastucture but how if at all will youth in developent get involved in time to map

what the aiib wants to make transparent locally to globally everywhere belt forum becomes the best news ever broadcast

please note figures quoted are estimated = if you need exact amounts please reconform elsewhere

* denotes project is in first nine appearing in aiib 2016 annual report 


India Power for All Andrha Pradesh 160
*Azerbajan –Trans turkey natural gas pipeline to s.euro customers 600/8.6 billion
Bangladesh Natural Gas Infrsastucture 60/227
*Bangladesh power distribution 165/263
*Pakistan hydropower extension 300/824 (recheck have seen divergent figures)
*Myanmar power plant 20/312

Other Belt
*Pakistan M4 motorway 100/273
*Tajikstan Border Road 27.5/106
*Oman Port 265/353  *plus oman rail 36/60
*Indonesia slum to home for 10 mn people 216/1.7 bn
Indonesia basic infra  100/?200

Indonesia Dam 125/?275  

2016's annual report here confirms in detail the first 9 projects 

What is  and

In May 2017, 29 national leaders - and the heads of UN, world bank, IMF, AIIB ...) launched a new view global2.0. Why? To cooperate in mapping produtive lives of sustainability generations. In China this enterprising guide to 21st C co-creativity is named Belt Road after the most joyful world trade maps of China1.0 Silk Road.


After many centuries of being the Orient's main destination of the Eursaian world trade route (eg search marco polo), China (for its own safety) withdrew behind the Great Wall

- and from the early 1970s China2.0 has empowered over a billion people to reach the unprecednted worldwide trade opportunies which can be reported from every GPS coordinate of planet earth


  1. universityofstarsgaran

    • 4 years ago
    Astronaut Ron Garan poses massive collaboration challenge ( more ) 


Legend- this is current homepage of ( linked to open source reports at OneBeltNews.comand 12 regional lenses relevant to navigating the world's largest skills training family

We are a loose partnership of youth reporters networks and place investors concerned with mapping

the information and place lrader positions needed to maximise job creating infrastructure  

and education deals/maps with chinese, franciscan and other sustainability networks of networks like Belt Road,

EWTP (AliBaba SME channels), 21st C investments banks (eg AIIB) transformations in education towards nealrly free skils and

tech cerificates for youth concerned with world record job creation. More on  BELTEnglish why its unclear who represents futures of

youth in english speaking worlds during the 1461 days Jan 2017 to Jan 2021  
Map used by to log youth reports by 12 job creating compasses

0 china

1 pacific china

2 India sub

3 Russia

4 E Europa

5 W Europa

6 N America

7 Stans & MidE.

8 Med Sea

9 Africa

10 S America



sustaining humans on earth as millennials celebrate being connected by 1000 times more learning communications tech than existed in 1946 (we now see end of world war 2 as beinning of the end of industrial revolution 1 as the dominant world trade paradigm- if UN sustainability goals are to be linked to all joyful youth livelihoods by 2030, we second the debate advanced by china's leading tech job creator jack ma that Industrial revolution 4 will be empowering joyful trades through every global village

Dedication to Norman Macrae whose 1984 book "2025 report" on joyfully sustaining millennials recommended transforming education so that evry child was free to spaek 3 tongues - chiense, english, mother tongue as well as coding maths or maps 


This is how BRAC the world's largest and most collaborative ngo describes itself- at we also recommend BRAC as benchmark for those concerned with 21st C education systems designed round livelihoodds of the sustainability goals generations



dont cry for me argentina G20-  entrepreneurs can do better than paris climate summit= mooc free world class degree for 100000 climate solution students - discuss how here: gloing global's story starts over half a century ago, spiralling out of west 2 bad media and bad banking broke with keynes and designed macroeconomics curriculum to be perfect  maths destroys poor girls 

 macrae @obamauni  8s -thanks beijing, from sino G20 to Belt Global 2.0- 2016-2017 the most wonderful year to be a student uniting human sustainability -fitting climax at cafe bridging tsinghua and peking university and the digital world of jack ma's most exciting students what will class of 017-018 do?

8 seconds ago

   #TheEconomist 2017  year 46 The Economist's Macrae map Intergeneration WWW win-win-win trade

online library of norman macrae--  scroll right for highlights over 47 years

celebrate cashless banking and

#theeconomist ?a better way goals for climate 150 gov sign up-why not world class climate uni free 1000000 students




year 13 : basic health services (increasing length of productive life) one of top 10 worldwide markets who's intergenerational value needs to rise exponentailly if investing 1000 times more in commns tech 2016 versus 1946 to have sustainable outcome for 21st C children


good news year 25 Soros discovers paul farmer and jim kim and sir fazle abed

good news year 36 Kim discovers Pope Francis who celebrates baltimore as lead US girls social justoce city since 1881- next deadline will Kim's under 35 professionals POP up at Argentian G20 2018 

risky india's race against bugs destroying antiobiotics 

good news year 6 time to celebrate future of china asia pacific www youth century: evidence china's triple witching entrepreneurial revolution towards turning communism into conscious capitalism - 1 agricultural keynsianism in villages; valuing women hold up half the sky - MAO; inviting chinese disapora (3rd richest moveent) to inward invest in sustaining 1.3 billion peopels productive livelihoods on mainland

good news year 45 december 2016 kissinger briefs xi jinping, trump and chinese american diaspora - next 4 years will be most exciting for returning millennials to sustainability generation - G2 sino-usa will need to lead world's cooperation; expect western mass medias to be the main enemy to celebrating youth's next 3 billion jobs........................

may - china-us win-win report

 china-us ambassador


Rome viewpoints of Road's revolution - source age of discovert Goldin and kutarna

new maps Girolamu Cardano (1501-76) I was born in this century in which the whole world opened uo

Until 1450 bible provided main map- explorers who changed this include

1487 pottuguese bartholomew dias discovered southern tip africa; 1497 compatriot vasco de gama navigated around it up africa's east coast and acrooindian ocean ti mumbai; -he thus prived ptolemy wrong (ie indian ocean not landlocked) this news threatened communities all along the silk road beween asia and europe -vasly lucrative overland trade routes that had been built atop the belief that no maritime route existed.

compare modertimes - as recently as 1980 we faced our own impenetrable frontier.we did not know what we know know that too much central planningcan doom states to economic sragnation and collapse -is N Korea the only place not to get this? 


good news year 23 jack ma starts 14 year learning curve of designing www top free marketsd for small enterprise- opposite of wrong turn taken by usa towards making www appendix of mass tv  

year 46 update jack ma starts training 2000 americans on freeing digital markets for SMEs 

G7 sicily reduced to 6 page communique of conflict resoliution challenges 

risk eliminating the human 

  1. #theeconomist Leonsis is hi-trust IF balitmore-dc to be a top 4 supercity sustaining worldwide youth - bravo

    macrae added,

 #theeconmist year 5 prodi translates Entrepreneurial Revolution- great sicily is today's G7- in remembrance med sea      

world leaders : Xi Jinping:: S Korea Malaysia, Cambodia, Phillipines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Fiji, Myanmar, Laos, Mongolia :: Sri Lanka:: Russia, Kyrgyzstan,Uzbekestan, Belarus:: Poland, Hungary Serbia, Czech Republic :: Turkey (med) Greece (med) Hungary Poland Switzerland, Italy(med) Spain (med) :: Pakistan:: Ethiopia, Kenya:: Chile, Argentina    - Lagarde, Kim , Guitterez
Reporting One Belt from 11 regions -silk road reminderendless possibilites when we build beyond bordersChina  1 East indonesia global ocean pivot2 India subcontinent  3 Russia's Region 4 North & East Europe hungary 5 West Europe6 N America 7 Middle East and Stans  -pakistan: china-pk economic corridor-kkh (karakam highway 8th economic wonder of world) includes 7km long tunnel 8 Med sea greece infra energy telecom shopping9 Africa kenya with china building 500km railway (includes 30 km of bridges) nairobi and port mombassa (includes transfer training); ethiopia10 S America 
guiterrez UN BRF making globalisation more equitable,,there are now 77 members of AIIB (Asain Infrastructure Investment Bank); BRICS new development bank ; silk road fund

help map the worldwide's 25 most joyful jobs co-creaton platforms under 30s need to search, design and value with help of parental investors
#TheEconomist (1 2 3)  invites you to join in 45th year of entrepreneurial revolution challenge started Norman Macrae The Economist 1972, first follower Romano Prodi 1976
help us map what worldwide would look like if media and investments were designed to in optimalise youth livelihoods and sustaiability without borders

 Name linkin  twit    next world record jobs collab hours beijing macrae @obamauni  wenjin hotel hourly  14-16 May #theEconomist #Tsinghua_sem #Tsinghua  

=World Social Trade -urgent collaboration needed; not only is competition on basic local health, nutrition, education, green, family safety services, local community arts not necessary- it would be

madly uneconomic (expoentially non-sustainable) to fail colaborate now the world is spending 1000 times more on communications tech than 1946 - which places or nations or contients are inviting under 30s to massive innoivate open society basic community services?   

what it does nownext collaboration deadline 
 ONE Belt - the world's biggest leadership beyond borders summit yet: Beijing 14 May 2017 china's greatest strategic collaboration , hosted by president xi jinping - video libraries of infrastructure superprojects 1 2 3 - 1200 country leaders update in greatest infrastructure investments changing who is included in world trade -see examples of superplace projects - note how world trade belts across contients depend on neighbopurly apprecation - valuing cultural entrepreneurs (an idea led by chiense americans since 1988 or earlier) 14 may 2017 beijing One Belt Forum
 understanding valuation crieria of suoercities- they are jobs trading metahub between 1 between "borderless" nations, 2 sustaining the region inside (every village needs to be valued by at least one supercity if IR4 is not to end upo destroying ssuytainability of many families in way industrial revolution 1 spoun poverty, 3 reseilience suoerhubs to every kind of security chalenge from climate to manmade viruses  in 1990 all of world's top 10 container ports were in developed eonomies by 2014 14 of top 25 were in developing world, china has 7 of top 10, in 2011 shanghai as world's busiest wasnt in top 25 rankings in 1990 
 rejuvenation of media - from ADdiction to smart friend  

 EWTP (jack ma)  -malaysia world first US one million small enterprises gateway summit - what big data small businesses start in hangzhou star treks the world; when olympics ends main sponsorship by world's biggest obesity brand and starts up with MA ...  ewtp video

  • Trade war averted as China and US agree 100-day plan

    Trade war averted as China and US agree 100-day plan. ... The Financial Times and itsjournalism are subject to a self-regulation regime under the FT Editorial Code ...
  • U.S. and China end summit with 100-day plan to boost …

    U.S. and China end summit with 100-day plan to boost trade and cooperation. ... andChina wrapped up a two-day presidential ... Washington Post ; Help and Contact Us;
  • Trump's 100 days in spotlight - USA -

    US President Donald Trump, accompanied by Vice President Mike Pence (L), leads arally marking his first 100 days in office in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US April 29 ...

    China Daily2017-5-2
  • US-China '100-day plan' yields tactical win for Xi- Nikkei ...

    US-China '100-day plan' yields tactical win for Xi. Appearance aside, Washington getslittle of substance. TETSUSHI TAKAHASHI, Nikkei deputy editor
  • China-US. Wildlife movie coproduction shows Americans another side of ChinaChina. ... etc) published in this site belongs to China Daily Information Co (CDIC).
  • 100-Day Plan’ May Bode a New Era in China-US Trade …

    China-US economic and trade relations should look beyond the 100-day plan. It willmutually benefit China and the US to deepen economic, industrial and trade ...

  • Ross: U.S., China agree to a '100-day plan' on trade ...

    The U.S. and China have established a “100-day plan” on trade following a breakthroughin discussions between President Trump and his Chinese counterpart ...
  • China-US ties warm up in first 100 days of Trump's ...

    The first 100 days of Donald Trump's presidency has stabilized China-US ties on dealingwith international issues, although the US administration's China strategy is ...
  • The 100-Day Trade Plan and the Future of US-China ...

    US President Trump and China President Xi ended their first summit in April with anagreement to a 100-day plan to address US-China trade issues. days ago

    download small enterprise china g20 report chaired by ALI BABA JACK MA -and see why greatest #learinggeneration thanks hangzhou in happiest collaboration opportunities ever played

     Digital wizards greatest job creation idea aims to maximise small enterprise in every shoppers maret, negotiating free trade for SME across nations -sad: the european union ended up doing the opposite fixing trade in sectors dominated by big corporate and bad banks (ncluding swiss fifa's house of red cards)

    top 5 jobs creating opportunities for china and global youth

    mooc why shouldnt word class degree in global job creation be free

    we need only 1 global uni - the best, nearly free; RACHEL ranking best summit6s to see this idea develop: WISE and WISE@ Beijing and India G20 2019 - you tell us

    if Belt is success c21 will be everyones

    world trade entrepreneurial revolution- china is inviting a collaborative world trade for 21st century- the biggest opportunity your place will ever linkin -but which place leaders understand one belt , check whether yours attended 1200 leaders briefing Beijing may 2017
    At Hangzhou China G20 2016 - 3 world changing ideas for youth's futures were : One Belt, EWTP, turning future g20s into year's greatest social business pitching collaboration

    Added: 12/05/2017 20:31 Updated: 12/05/2017 20:31 File Size: 87.4 MB 

     benchmark cases china, malaysia, argentina- next summit detroit june 2017

     30000 microfranchises - global village freedom of girl empowerment -14 student exchanges to bangladesh since 2007 open space for cafes in 30 collaboration cities eg

    The Collaboration Cafe

    Rachel McCullough-Sanden, Spencer Chiimbwe, and Christopher Macrae are organizers of the Collaboration Cafe in New York ...



     advocated Economist 1984 as essential to creating 3 billion new jobs of millennials - so far brac bangladesh number 1 in designing this but amzingly public media dont value this good news



     we organise trips to see sir fazle's family for partners or youth with greatest collaboration wishes
     100 dollar degree for alumni of world record job creation - volunteer to journalise at originated in south africa in 1999, still not practised in west but with renewed effort out of baltimore- last novembers wise@beijing suggested china will scale this model during second half of xi jinping's 10 program to rejuvenate china once china has identified which nations want to co-share this 
     top 20 co-creativity hubs and labs of social justice supercities- baltimore (1881-2025) invites  worldpossible to sing & code in harmony US history is defined by 2 dates 1776 when angry young men freed themselves from briitish empire; 1881 when 4 black girls from baltimore open spaced communiteis of social justice including those living up to the 13th amendment (end slavery) of 1865- free cups of tea to any chinese visitor to baltimore -next social justice tea party rsvp 
     elearning nations with syllabus/certification monopolies replaced by digital dashboards rumors are brac and khan academy will lead this noiw bangladesh is aa year into celebrating its goal of be girls most effective elarning nation amongst developing countries; india g20 2019 expected to be greatest space for pitches living up to Kalams and Nilekani 2020 vision of how satellite elarning and universal idenity can blockchain education revolution 
     reducing cost of learning 2nd languages (English, Chinese , family's mother tongue) by ten fold- 1 - what if social media gurus (now self-termed billionaire philanthropists) had designed web/mobile apps to friend language exchanges (no ads, no distractions, ); what if visas were designed to celebrate youth who wanted to help be the greatest translators of different places diversity? greatest demand for this is betweeen chinese and english speaking students- baltimore seeks chiense partner to acceerate this; meanwhile wise incubation units reveal 2nd language video games ertc are one of the most innovative foci of young education entrepreneurs - ot to mar burnett how diffenernet the world could have been if jim kim had been Apprentice  chairman and the trump family the players - episodes could have asked teams to race to break down walls not to erect them 
     any social justice inner city should want to co-share in top 20 youth labs

     social justice labs incubate back from future solutions poorest citizens and villagers need most-

    these labs are the key success factor to social justice suopercoities 

     help survey what each lab does - ongoing

    China relaunches  g20 (Hangzhou 2016) round core task of world's 20 top place leaders to celebrate sustainability youth solutions; meanwhile Ma asked to search out two top 20 - conscious coding wizards and conscious business leaders of worldwide markets

    0 1 2 serve china corps- today 500 of china's top graduates spend their first year as graduates -serving china- living in the voilages specifying apps villagers need most- does any other country value graduates who do this? 

     it looks like some pitch compasses will be common to every year eg education , green, mobile big data small wizards, value chain leapfrog innovations - others will include local specials eg argentina summer 2018


     for student class year to  participate- argentina is only one class away- china and canada appear to be leading sherpas
     top 30 natural resources configures as open to all sustainability students greatest experiments-explore greatest climate spaces with bbc paul rose - see how uk education system almost lost rose - join prince charlessearch for greatest microenergy solutions  0.3% of ali baba revenues directed at green;  


     what every teacher of 10  year olds should know about the curriculum of china and places sustaining 21st c livelihoods and future

    pretty much 90% of investment in china as trading nation has been made since 1975 :


    1.  21st c infrastructures 
    2.  supercity as distinctive meta-trading hubs -eg how is shanghai's role different from beijing different from shenzhen... 
    3.  supercity as responsoible for rural and geographical region linked into it;  
    4.  digital strategies not hindered  by political of industrial age 1 vested  interests in bricks (pre-digital assets) : consistent 20 year national strategies - the president of china is exptected to have a signature future of china map for decade long leadership- equally the decade prior to each new president identifies big issue reseatrch that next president will need to action; 
    5.  china has clarified sustainability goals for its populace nearly quarter of the world's people which it seeks to colabireatively interact with the remaining three quarters of earth's peoples/youth 
    6.  very roughly the world's futures can be indexed by 9 regions sustainability maps with china but note that region 1 (China and it east) already represents more than half the world's trade and peoples; has to race faster than anywhere round green goals because half of the world's people live on 10% of land that can be pictured as being within 3000 miles of beijing- the vast majority of the world's superports also are configured round this region; in other word's 
    7. china can be analysed as having 2 world trade policy's : intra within the region growing half ythe world, inter across to the erst iof the world that geographicallly has at least 8 regional blocks. (Its not china's fault if within regional blocks history's constraints and conflicts divide and conquer whats possible for under 30s in the region- china is trying to offer a benchmark space for the future of youth with the greater half of sustaiinable economic growth that represents what The Economist in 1976 foresaw as Asia Pacific's 21st C, and 1977 china'spivotalrole if everything turns out most joyful  possible for youth growing up anywhere in 21st C)..
    8. As kissinger debriefed Xi and Trump Dec 2016, the next 1461 days is crucial at every local coordinate of our earth's people - humanity doiesnt need a cold war over youth';s sustainable futures; the human race needs xi and trump to co-share transparency of future development of youth (the greatest resource we parents and granparents can invest in) everywhere


     blockchain  2 the world: leapfrog for those IR1 let poorest or disconnecetd - any market depending on intergenerational social contracts and 100% transparency and zero expensive middle men - alibabauni leading worldwide colege system for socila blockchains- rsvp which other coleges or hubs  
     conscious.JPG - help search china conscious leadership community  
     new foundations- awesome -find 10 people to be local awesome chapter -see cngt 6.20pm east coast us time  
     1. We, President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China, President Mauricio Macri of the Republic of Argentina, President Alexander Lukashenko of the Republic of Belarus, President Michelle Bachelet Jeria of the Republic of Chile, President Milos Zeman of the Czech Republic, President Joko Widodo of the Republic of Indonesia, President Nursultan Nazarbayev of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President Uhuru Kenyatta of the Republic of Kenya, President Almazbek Atambayev of the Kyrgyz Republic, President Bounnhang Vorachith of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte of the Republic of the Philippines, President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, President Doris Leuthard of the Swiss Confederation, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of the Republic of Turkey, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of the Republic of Uzbekistan, President Tran Dai Quang of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, Prime Minister Hun Sen of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama of the Republic of Fiji, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of the Hellenic Republic, Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary, Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni of the Italian Republic, Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia, Prime Minister Jargaltulgyn Erdenebat of Mongolia, State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Prime Minister Beata Szydlo of the Republic of Poland, Prime Minister and President-elect Aleksandar Vucic of the Republic of Serbia, President of the Government Mariano Rajoy Brey of the Kingdom of Spain, and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, attended the Leaders Roundtable of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation on 15 May 2017 in Beijing. We also welcome the participation of Secretary General Antonio Guterres of the United Nations, President Jim Yong Kim of the World Bank Group, Managing Director Christine Lagarde of the International Monetary Fund. The Leaders Roundtable was chaired by President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China.



    #TheEconomist @obmamauni #BAtech - 45th year update The Economist's Entreprenurial Revolution - special thanks in year 45 to youth of china, and baltimore, and peking university's opportunity for 32nd year reunion with romano prodi and why franciscans and confucians can innovate many of the 3 billion new jobs - queries baltimore-Dc supercity text 240 316 8157

    Valuetrue invites youth and teachers to explore the possibility that the future depends on what media and education you all open up not what energy, bricks and steel you own
    -we map how this would need diferent constitutions of law and numbers professional monoplies from those that the west built- we than extraordinary
    mentiors for east (especially sir fazle, and confucians) and south (eg Franciscans and Baptist communities of Thurgood Marshall)  while trying to understand
    the stories told from 1700s (eg 1748 valuing ethics adam smith, 1843 valuing poorest peopels questions of biggest decisin makers-
    from 1843 James Wilson The Economist) when scotland failed as a nation and became an internationally webbed diaspora linking in commonwealth wherever we could dance with other cultures 
    BRANDING scales human celebrations and businesses in 2 opposite directions: sustainably 1 2 or destroying your children's lives and livelihoods -
    which systems design side do you friend -rsvp
    edujobs1.jpg edujobs.jpgedujobs3.jpg edujpbs4.jpgedujobs5.jpg Brilliant is berkeley's on the same page

    if the first video interests you - main connec tiosn are
    sir fazle
    ted on identity  ;;  what happens when china becomes number 1  croc in yangtze- ali baba's story  update from the only american to have filmed china for 60 years  France24 reviews supercity shenzhen (a fishing village as recently as 1979) as part of celebration of Xi Jinping at WEF2017.
     welcome friends, co-workers, alumni of The Economist's Norman Macrae rsvp with place or market economy whose intergenerational sustainability concerns you most     
    university   1461  china alibabauni quarterbilliongirlsbangladesh america europe  africa asiahealth education  aid arts.sports.......................................................................   


    Can you help us search for 10 types of greatest job creating educator?.............................................................

    10* place leader trusted by most people (eg up to quarter of our planet) 

    • 9* designer of the most livelihoods developed by the world's poorest girls; 
    • 8* storyteller of how trivial mass media's celebrities became UNLESS...; 
    • 7* when 5000 people want to meet to co-create jobs, how do you open space; 
    • 6* what kind of love was needed by the family that built the guinness book of records largest school; 
    • 5* what kind of love and human tech is needed to help ppor places where 98% of teachers are afraid of change that 21st C youth need most; 
    • 4* how can you help hack world banking to invest in people's livelihoods instead of bricks and mortar; 
    • 3* what billionnaire has stood up and been counted at the most places where tipping points of war and peace were spinning; 
    • 2* how can you help celebrate keeping transformation from industrial revolution 1 to 4 open to including the poorest in all the ways that IR1 failed to do; 
    • 1* whose purpose worldwide webs the most jobs creation? 

    Maths of goodwill, 21st C learning economies, impact metrics is very simple BUT first 7.5 billion people need to agree on an assumption:

    our collaboration webs dna : educated and healthy societies grow strong economies not vice versa

    - valuetrue cannot interest you if you disagree with this hypothesis

    next: we ask joyful young stirytellers to collaborate around this idea- peoples have 1461 days to help their country's leaders be the greatest ever to achieve this contextual chalenge different innovations will be needed, but in almost all western countries it will be necessary to chnage tv mass media that became : 

    • where hugely expensive promises were made, never kept, and journalists instead of 360 degree investigating lack of action claimed
    • progress was impossible (they fuelled bi[polar arguments to keep their own vested interest going instead of looking beyond 2 singular ways of ruling the world) 


    if you are a parent or grandparent the simplest thing you can help youth with is frend chinese youth - there are half a bilion chinese under 30s; their parents have no social saftey net other than them so their eladers aim to build worldwide colaborations around

    4 most exciting years to be alive 

    educated and healthy people advance the human lot - mail us if you have ideas on helping youth build sucj friendships mobile text washington dc 240 316 8157

    hopeful affiliations

    march 2017 biggest puzzle how to help madrid linkin to worlkdrecirdjobcreation - clues WISEalumnisat, - you tell us  



     WRJC Sir Fazle Abed

    Alumni of Sir Fazle Abed are in for the greatest treat since Entrepreneurial Revolution search began in The Economist (1972) with Norman Macrae’s next 40 years future history on sustaining ne(x)t generations


    What if: in  1972 you find yourself at the birth of a nation bankrupted by war of independence and 100 million people which happens to have inherited very chauvinistic male Muslim traits because in villages with no electricity and generations of illiteracy, manpower culture was thought of as the only survival value. Government has little revenues and no reach


    What happens if you go and live with the poorest villagers and help village networks of mothers design :

    Health systems

    Education systems

    Financial development systems

    Markets whose value chains empower the smallest hardworking enterprises linkedin round young village mothers and their teenage daughters


    Remember you start from nothing other than loving village families who own next to nothing. Your process : low cost experiments on microfranchises.  Women’s and girls-led service solutions in the community to life-critical challenges. Once you find something that really works eg oral rehydration- you document the franchise, demonstrate why its of indispensable value to replicate across thousands of villages and find the world’s most concerned “education” funders   : TO EMPOWERMENT BY women/parents building families and communities to end poverty and sustain the place’s future. Over time the educational and development impact is one of ten biggest nations whose community foundations are grown by poorest women.


    Over years of microfranchise grassroots networking:  the organisation you lead redesigns best of 4 systems that big western constitutions spiraled away from administering transparently, sustainably:

    *Business which is the only way to scale heroic purpose through positive cash flow

    *Government that doesn’t innovate but at its best transfers replicable bottom up solutions to public service markets

    *Charities whose founders passions gets ruined as soon as founder has to fund raise form top people instead of action learning networking with the people in deepest need

    *Professions which when they lose their Hippocratic oath use their monopolies to exponentially destroy sustainability of next generation while they make most money. Next Antidote: Blockchain!


    What any big decision maker (or whole truth educator) most needs to benchmark from BRAC’s 45 years (25 pre-digital, 20 digital) of empowering the world’s poorest women to build the huge nation of Bangladesh and lead deepest solutions to sustainability goals will be different. However this is no excuse for world bankers, education commissioners, white house chief of staffs, female superstars, wizard technologists, billanthropists,  or anyone else ever to let knowledge sir fazle abed openly shares be misAPP’d or argued over by all vested interests that big aid accidentally spun as tv mass media in West became most terrifying system humanity has ever needed to creatively destruct.....................................................................

     neweconomics.JPG  - Untold Stories- please tell WRJC of future reports

    CASE: previously financial people believed finance was a bigger skill than education or health

    SO great news: The world bank is producing its first world development report on future of education. It will be published October 2017 (its taken 20 years for education to get such priority)

    Some of its collaboration editors include:


    Annex 1: Advisory Panel members 

    Paul Romer1 co-chair Chief Economist and Senior Vice President, World Bank 

    Gordon Brown co-chair UN Special Envoy for Global Education, former Prime Minister of United Kingdom 

    Dr. Michelle Bachelet President, Chile 

    Rukmini Banerji Director, Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), PrathamIndia 

    Raj Chetty Professor of Economics, Stanford University Linda Darling-Hammond President, Learning Policy Institute, Stanford University

     Julia Gillard Current Board Chair, Global Partnership for Education (GPE), and former Prime Minister of Australia 

    Eric Hanushek Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University

     Olli-Pekka Heinonen State Secretary, Ministry of Finance, former Minister of Education, Finland 

    Ju-Ho Lee Professor, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, former Minister of Education, Science, & Technology, Republic of Korea 

    Serigne Mbaye Thiam Minister of National Education, Senegal 


    World Bank Internal Team Process;

    Timetable After the Board discussion of the Concept Note on January 10, the team will prepare the draft of the Report. The Bank-wide review of the Report’s Yellow Cover draft is planned for April 2017, and the Board discussion of the Gray Cover draft is planned for July 2017. The World Development Report 2018 will be launched at or soon after the WB/IMF Annual Meetings in October 2017.


     A team led by Deon Filmer and Halsey Rogers is preparing the Report, with the core team comprising Samer Al-Samarrai, Magdalena Bendini, Tara Beteille, David Evans, Märt Kivine, Shwetlena Sabarwal, and Alexandria Valerio. Rafael de Hoyos and Sophie Naudeau are members of the extended WDR team; Malek Abu-Jawdeh, Bradley Larson, Unika Shrestha, and Fei Yuan serve as research analysts; and Christian Ponce de Leon and Paula Villaseñor serve as consultants. The production and logistics team for the Report consists of Brónagh Murphy and Jason Victor. Stephen Commins provides consultations support. The Report is sponsored by the Development Economics Vice-Presidency. Paul Romer, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, and Ana Revenga, Deputy Chief Economist, will oversee the Report. The team is grateful to Kaushik Basu, the former Chief Economist and Senior VP, and to Indermit Gill, former Director for Development Policy, for their guidance in the early months of the Report’s preparation, and to the Education Global Practice for its consistent support for the Report team.


    World Development -Some related links:

    World Development Report

    查看此网页的中文翻译,请点击 ç¿»è¯‘此页

    The World Bank’s World Development Report, published annually since 1978, is an invaluable guide to the economic, social, and environmental state of the...2016 report was on digital dividends  - ç™¾åº¦å¿«ç…§ - è¯„ä»·

    World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society, and Behavior

    查看此网页的中文翻译,请点击 ç¿»è¯‘此页 Vox—Behavioural development economics: A new approach to policy interventions | BROOKINGS— Bringing behavioral economics to development...   - ç™¾åº¦å¿«ç…§ - è¯„ä»·


    WRJC Jack Ma

    Until 1994 Age 29, China’s Jack Ma was a self-taught English teacher and youth ambassador to his supercity Hangzhou where several thousand youth were alumni of his own energetic teaching style. Then Jack enjoyed his first visit to the USA and encounter with the www. The first question to pop into Jack’s mind was: how many hundreds of millions of jobs could the web create and help Hangzhou regain its place branding as world’s favorite trading center last seen around 1275 when it was judged by Marco Polo to be the epicenter of the Silk Road.


    Fortunately unlike the goldrush of American dotcoms, the way Chinese business and media was regulated required Jack Ma to do about 14 years of testing spanning IR2 to IR4 -  before he had mapped what is now the greatest yet business use of digital to create jobs. Ali Baba partners aim to turn every market channel they can reach into one in which small enterprises thrive particularly village ones previously excluded by IR1


    While The Mall is Ali Baba’s revenue earner, TaoBao  (and EWTP announced at China’s G20 in Hangzhou 2016) is busy changing every global goods market into one that hardworking small enterprises can thrive.

    Alipay is China’s biggest digital cash card owned by Jack Ma so he can ensure financial services maximizes sustainable job creation. Allied with that is Ant Finance’s social credit network. By 2015 Jack can be seen to be the world leader in partnerships designed around big data analysis for liberating small entrepreneurs.



    Ma is China’s commissioner to (co-leaders include Gordon Brown, Jack Ma, Norway PM Erna Solberg, Chile PM Michelle Bachelet, and hopefully soon Sir Fazle Abed).  Jack is also UNCTAD special adviser on Youth Entrepreneurship – how can Education Revolution save half of worldwide youth from being unemployable?

    Regarding renewing the planet: Ali Baba donates 0.3% of revenues to green networks – not because I know solutions but because this is a desperate human need (says Ma)

    Ma seeks to partner local to global market leaders in blockchaining transparency so that poorest are preferentially included – see training college partnerships on that goal

    Ma has been elected as head of China Entrepreneur Network search for the 50 most conscious business leaders in China

    Ma is integrally involved in seeing his supercity Hangzhou is continually celebrated by every next G20 (eg Argentina 2018, India 2019) as being youth’s turning point in sustainability. He’s also become the biggest sponsor of Tokyo Olympics making this the East’s greatest ever cultural collaboration space with worldwide youth

    You tell us



    WRJC Xi Jinping

    Fortunately for the world, China has half a billion under 30’s and little or no social safety net for elders apart from their mainly one-child families. This means education for sustainability livelihoods is the number 1 leadership challenge of Xi Jinping and the 7 leaders he gets the chance to choose as the start of his second 5-year term is celebrated summer 2017. Moreover now that the 3rd wave of Chinese corporations - the BAT internet companies Baidu, Ali Baba and TenCent – have established how smart digital assets are critical to being a global knowledge economy. Thus Jinping’s China is suddenly permitting (even celebrating) young entrepreneurs who start up 


    If you look at the 17 speeches Xi Jinping made at China G20, you will find he is energetically seeking open network partnerships with other national leaders that will win-win creating jobs for their youth as well as China. The map of One Belt One Road that Xi Jinping has for infrastructure needed to connect the Eastern hemisphere with the 21st world is arguably the most heroic geospatial collaboration ever proposed at ground level: continental railways and maritime superports.


    By 1976 China Diaspora were the 3rd richest network in the world because they had built the East’s superports. Therefore trading infrastructures are one of China’s unique gifts to the world.  Over 100 supercity projects are currently being tested for national and international replicability (ref Sustainability Goal 11 sustainable cities & communities). China leads the world –and every cycle of the G20 - in calling for green collaboration entrepreneur networks. Critical too are tech partnerships with India- particularly its universal identity’s (Infosys Nilekani plan to empower youth to end poverty)  What may be harder for some western media experts to feel, unless they ever visit china, is that the main CCTV media asks far the smartest questions about education revolution of any mass media I have seen (in working in 40 countries) 


    Tsinghua University is the main alumni network of China’s party leaders. Its situated a stone’s throw from China designated suburb of entrepreneurships and the Beijing headquarters of the Business Entrepreneur club that Jack Ma was elected 2016 to chair.


    If you value partnerships with Xi Jinping’s Rejunenation of China – track which national leaders commit to helping lead which network first- eg Canada’s Trudeau has committed to be America’s leading partner of major Jinping and Jack Ma projects. Chile’s leadership currently connects Americas bottom up though it is hoped that China’s South American partners will be fully aligned with Pope Francis advice by 2018 Argentina G20. Moreover the intergenerational development support that China is offering to transparent African leaders is second to none. (eg see World Bank Africa Knowledge Fest February 2017)


    world record job creators  : aka stranger that reality tv -   god's greatest job creators! pro-youth votes welcomed!! washington dc text (usa-1) 240 316 8157 Norman Macrae Family Foundation ( year 25 of curriculum of Enytreprenehurial FRevolution ets. The Economoist 1972)
    worldwide worldwide greatest place leadergreatest place empowerment  poverty ending tipping point investment circles 1 poverty ending tipping point investor 1scalingjobs-education curricula real teachers love youth future change  changing whoi mass media and youth heroisesfacilitating 5000 person communities of ytransformation  
    berners lee 

    jack ma -sme inclusion every  market channel

    g20 (student union) china ewtp taobao alipay blockchain 

    how many of sustainability 100 are chinese entrepreneurs 

     xi jinping -what if type 3 media can scale globalsiation around smal enterprise and 17 goal's greatest heroes

    kissinger- whomever leads nations 2017-2021 will be best or worst; nothing much in between; time for pro-youth world leading nations to: celebrate open source jobs-learning & end public corruption; blockchain transpaent purposes of 50 most valuable marketplaces so SMEs thrive; pope francis visit to china to celkebrate sino-south family loving futures (tao& franciscan)  in time for argentina G20 2018 and India G20 2019; sanction climate-bust nations;  empower QuarterBillionGirls. invest in hemisphere-deep world trading routes  mapping 21st C railways and suoerports and cross-cultural joy of trade in postive services

     sustainable 21st C world's great fortune is china and jinping and colaboration g20

     Sir fazle abed  

    gordon brown 

    JYK 2022now to 2012now HOPE: Open Everything. Joyfully Youthful Accompaniment- urgent changeworld of local civics uncertainties -from a black american white house to a female white house or to way beyond a boston tea party white house

    Crisis USA: How to help students innovate the world’s most valuable new knowhow  jim kim 1 2 3 map back g20 argentina 2018, g20 india 2019

    supercity baltimore-dc al hathaway, leonsis1776


     george soros - first test 70s black youth, gorbachev & walesa pope john paul solidarite, bangladesh village phones, jim kim partebrs in health from s.america to russian prisons, to liberia with brac -ineteconomics only sustainable away beyond euru union designed for haggard infertile grandmothers and to maximise border risks 

     samara, may-ihub, icog

    intel world possible 


    blecher-mandela extranet


     muhammad yunus H Owen 
     alltheworldsachoolinbox.JPG baba.JPG collaborationgoals.JPGsmeworldtrade.JPG 2025rep.JPG erworldbillion.JPG      


    Berners Lee

    Ma  Aliresearch


    Sir Fazle

    Jim Kim

    HOwen open space education






    Gandhi cms  gteachers who love children enough to transform systen

    May-Samara  scaling how 98% of teachers roles will need to be completely different

    GSoros daring to test tipping points with billanthropy

    MYunus ending media abuse of youth





















    amy camilo javeed are examples of people who hub through new york so if we give them a concept and a delegation at un who wants to represent artic they can help multiply all similar processes; after the un summit in march 2019 macron will be hosting a new university of green summit- this is the way to make sure under 30s are in middle of all climate nation goals not just the pr writers; for example moon jae-in was chief host last summer of china summit on 80 national banking delegations future; green big bang uniting 2000 place governors was launched by that summit plus an empty vessel university at jeju -ie one that can set and grade its own degrees once we have the green content; steve knows how to set up a university using a caribbean islands certification system


    .....Ever since the winter of 1994 in seattle,  jack ma has been asking 21st c sustainability’s most valuable question – how can the worldwide web be designed to create jobs everywhere.


    Alibaba Group Founder and Commissioner, Jack Ma, Shares His Thoughts on the #LearningGeneration

    • 3 months ago
    Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba Group and an Education Commission Commissioner, shares his thoughts on why L-Q is most ...


    His 22 years of devotion to this cause revolves round mapping how big data partners and coding platforms can be developed in every market space so that hard working small enterprises (particularly village ones ie those that industrial revoilution 1 excluded from trading infrastuctures


    In China,  Jack whose first 30 years of life 1964-1994 were spent learning and then peer to peer teaching or translating English,  has become both one of the world’s most trusted and wealth businessmen. His ecommerce company Ali Baba designs 2 parallel types of mobile-web channels – one THE MALL to make money with the rich shopping patterns , one TAO BAO so that the smallest hardworking ‘village” enterprises have a level playing field in world trade.


    Ali Baba’s designs are about maximizing big data collection to benefit small local market players and to map supply chain logistics. They are not about Ali Baba getting involved in inventory itself.


    China since 1976 is the greatest billion plus person financial miracle anyone can study. But is has unique characteristics. There were no non-state owned businesses before 1976. The first wave of businesses to be permitted were diaspora owned bring huge inward investment to the content from the superports and trading structures that had made the diaspora throd richest to america and Japanese. The second wave permitted from the late 1980s were those the Party trusted to privatize utilities.



    By allowing Jack Ma to lead the emergence of 3 huge internet companies through the 2000s, China stayed clear of all of the wars between brick and click dependent companies that caused the USA economy much waste from dotcoms to enrons to worldcoms to subprimes.  China is in a position to make the best of real communities and digital transparency. 


    Switzerland: Alibaba founder Jack Ma slams the US' economic policies

    • 1 day ago
    Alibaba Group CEO and founder Jack Ma criticised the US during an interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, ...


     While 2008 was the year of ill fortune for any economy caught up in sub-prime for the small enetreprise economies jack ma aimed to free markets around it was the year when 2 new innovation dynamics became unstoppable:

    • Universal connectivity through smart phones nit just text phones
    • Blockchain


    These new dynamics mean the somewhat sheltered decade of China’s first there internet companies is now blossoming as what Ma calls 4th industrial revolution with smart aps and smart city projects stimulating creative destruction all over China.


    By 2010 Ali Baba knew that it could not only lead ecommerce product channels to maximize SME inclusion but also digital financial services through alipay and ant finance. It refinanced from its Hong Kong Stockholding to one of the most extraordinary global IPOs. In effect Jack Ma was interested in sharing a benchmark solution for the future of financing small shopkeepers and producers not just for job creating and sustainability goals in china but for anywhere valuing job hungry youth worldwide. All the while he needed to own China’s behest shopping day 11/11 which Ali Baba created as the year’s biggest gift giving day and preview of the coming years greatest fashions.  Note the timing. Now savvy world class businesses make sure they are premeiere2 with the smartest the world has to offer for 11/11 ahead of Western Holidays shopping extravaganza.


    If Hangzhou (Ma’s home town) is technology’s 4th supercity alongside its geographical neighbor shanghai and with beijing to the north and Shenzhen to the south, its renewing its proud history of Marco Polo’s world trade epicenter of the old silk road. So it was natural for China’s Party leaders to choose Hangzhou as the venue of China G20 and a reframing of sustainability goals as the greatest Collaboration goals that older and younger generations have ever needed to interface. The question one Jack ma was asking in 1994 is pretty much the most popular question across the whole of 1.4 billion peoples China now. And Xi Jinping starts his second 5 year term in 2017 – with the chance to choose 6 out of 7 of China’s top policy makers. Jinping’s global leadership dairy is very interesting to track. Over and lover the G20 collaboration opportunities are brainstormed with Asean infrastructure bankers, with BRICS , with 50 countries linked in by One Belt One Road let alone the gateway that opens up to China’s sustainability investments in Africa, with the intended meeting with Pope Francis and with a view to maximizing positive China trade and Taoist cultural exchange with Franciscans Argentina’s G20 (completing East and Southern hemisphere’s union in sustainability generation), and India G20 in 2019   


    China for all its extraordinary financial success has a social safety net weakness. The parents of the extraordinary story of chinese capitalism coming out worldwide from 1976 are now dependent for health and pensions in their old age on the half of china aged under 30. China’s internal inclusion policy and end of corruption are topmost in Jinping’s job but only freeing SME world trade can make this naturally and youthfully possible,  Moreover most of China’s youth come from one child families. Designing both the most productive and sustainability’s greatest livelihoods is now in the interest of both public servant leaders and the most admired businessmen. The club of china's’ lading business men is located in Beijing quite close to tsinghua university which is responsible for the majority of modern party leaders. This businessmen’s clubs has elected Jack Ma as their chair. He is in a good position to select which businessmen see market leadership as a responsibilitry for developing all of china’s people.


    Meanwhile Jack has clarified that his colleagues are the great coders – his 2 brilliant abilities are 1 checking how simple to use any coding is; 2 to brainstorm many future sectors back from the future. He’s focusing his talents, so it would appear, on 6 main compasses:



    • making sure Hangzhou keeps its collaboration promises to youth sustainability world made at china g20
    • Education –jack clarifies –half of world youth wont have successful livelihood chances by 2030 unless we transform education around greatest #learinggeneration
    • Philanthropy and aid
    • Environment
    • worldwide partnerships extending ecommerce platforms to a world wide free market of enterprise EWTP and understanding how blockchain can be used in any      global village market to maximize value of SMEs and minimize costs of intermediaries
    • changing mass media so that it becomes as educationaly smart as his valuation of digital media has been since first seeing the www in seattle in late 1994 –ali baba’s has aquired china’s equivalent of youtube and has announced sponsorship of the olympics up to 2028; Jack also has various partnerships in Hollywood which he chooses with characteristic carefulness and joy



    10 year markets Happknees & Health                        1                               Sesame Social Credit  




    can you help develop one of 5 projects of Norman Macare Family Floundation

    online library of norman macrae--

    back in 1972 macrae started curriculum of Entreperenurial Revolution at The Economist - mapping 3 bilion jobs of net generation imspired by youth experiements at the UK National Lab for Computer Asisted Learning - this was the UK's greatrest space inspired by the moon race- other heroes of 21st C learning economy we love at that time started up at brac bangladesh , POP franciscans s.america and china's 1.3 billion previously underemployed heroic peoples

    what would macrae co-blog in 2017?- join our worldwide bureau of Macrae's pro-youth Economist -america china japan europe university  black is one of 5 collaboration good news partners of The Economist's Unacknowledged Giant Norman Macrae's Family Foudation-.

    Together we form the publishers of the World Record Book of Job Creators  

     others good news and goodwill valuation partners are and the emerging student union movement of the G20 


    Text fav job creating news of ali baba's young world to washington dc 240 316 8157   

    Jan 2017 Ma pledges 1 million us jobs to Trump
    December 2016 
    Kissinger briefs NY University Club and C100  his fortnight of dialogues with Jinping and Trump on Uniting sustainability nations 
    Sept 2016 China G20
    AliSports- Alibaba wants to help bring Rugby to China
    Coming up in the World Record Book of Job Creators (WRJC)

    • What happened when a language teacher saw the worldwide web in usa and took it back to china? (WRJC Jack Ma AliBabaUNi )
    • What happens next? when the world’s biggest place leader (with a little help from the previous generations kindliest statesman's C100) asked how urgently and transparently 19 other biggest place leaders want their youth to collaborate around sustainability goals? How joyfully can  G20 student union clubs scale G20 student union club - how to blockchain the future of any market with a socially conscious purpose

    • What happens next? when a leader of the North Korean Diaspora in America demonstrated how franciscan values can sustain health and other vital professional services (Jim Kim youth in development)
    • What happens next? when the women who developed the poorest 100 million person pre-digital nation ask their daughters to be bridge what mobile digital partnership can do (BRAC see footnote)

    And more….
    But first the future history lessons that world record job creator tim berners lee empowers us to linkin through the wondrous open space of the worldwideweb cheered on by one of the first global village nations “ Scotland ’s Diaspora”
    By penning moral sentiments in 1748, Adam Smith was to start an argument which would take the human race over quarter of a millennium to resolve

    In terms of  Social Action networking how human lives are spent, the sustainability community  goals of #2030now… #2025now.. #20G20now will determine how this global reconciliation -and forms of life - emerge. For better or for worse, you, and particularly the half of the world aged under 30,  are collaborating in the most exciting times to be alive -- and to love humanity, motherhood, adolescents, children..
    The argument among economists mediators and systems architects was about what is the right stuff of greatest place leaders made of:
    A Does the most value multiplying leader serve his place only by separately developing/externalising that place and peoples’ jobs
    B By mapping future possibilities designed around win-win-win trading patterns : does she grow the place and people only by sustaining the growth of other peoples and places
    World Record Job Creator Tim Berners Lee has been tipping the outcome of the human race’s greatest argument towards intergenerational sustainability. PLAN B and 17 big hairy audacious goals webbed around the natural dna of human beings?

     It’s not just his invention of the world wide web that does this but the essence he has co-branded the world of webs around: openness and accessibility to all. What for example do you remember the London Olympics for? Do you remember it as the most expensive commercial celebration of sporting people? Or for the opening message that the 3 things Brits most joyfully celebrate with the world if not the contient across the channel are;
    The English language as an open knowledge system
    The worldwide web as FOR EVERYONE
    Nursing as the most heroic human vocation and essence of girls empowering humanity

     Similarly what do you remember Beijing's Olympics for and will you remember Tokyo's 2020 to 1964. ?

    Back in 1964 Akio Morita of sony was installing a television set in the British Embassy -there he met prince charles -the consequence? : suprisingly good restoration of relationships between Japanese Emperors and Britain's Royal Family . On might wonder without these new beginnings in Anglo-Pacific trust, would Britain ever have been so smart and gracious in timing when to give back Hing Kong to China?

    When you belong to a nation that fails due to a financial scam, as Scots did at the start of the 1700s, the future livelihoods for your children do not look very bright. Fortunately, Scots of the late 1600s were organized around clannish networks that valued mission of education highly. Additionally while these clans may have had famous reputations as fighters (eg Shakespeare’s Macbeth or Hadrian's Wall) the DNA of coming from an isolated and cold northern land revolves around community collaboration. History shows that the hostile takeover of Scotland by England   (aka UK) resulted in most Scots not being able to earn a living on their land – so within a century of Adam Smith’s entrepreneurial charter most Scots were sailing the seven seas. The Scottish Diaspora set out to empower small entreprises in a way no other human search process was to match until 1995    

    Fortunately among the Scots who emigrated during the first century of moral sentiments, one named James Wilson made the simpler journey to London then the epicentre of Empire  . In 1843, he had become a Member of Parliament with the explicit goal of throwing out all fellow MPS who were representing the vested interests of big land owners (eg Corn Laws) and not the commons interests of the peoples of  England or Scotland or Wales Or Ireland where a huge famine exposed a terrifying lack of food security 

    James founded The Economist to achieve his goal. He started debates with London ’s Royal Societies and biggest decision-makers on what the value of Empire sustainably needed to be designed around.
    Fortunately or unfortunately for James, the Kingdom of his time was ruled by a Queen. Victoria is said to have taking a shine to James. Would he please go and reform Raj economics in Calcutta . James duly obeyed where he died 9 months into this systems mapping exercise due to diarrhea- a disease which it was to take over 100 years for girl power to scale the health service cure of through the invention or oral rehydration. So it was that over 100 years later James sacrifice was to become integral to the amazingly graceful story of how the place of Bangladesh was to be developed by the grassroots networking of the world’s poorest women villagers (see world record job creators sir fazle abed and muhammad yunus)
    However back in 1860. James mediation was inherited by his English son-in-law Walter Bagehot. Walter as The Economist’s second editor went on to help Victoria reform the English constitution, design monetary systems that were anchored round families' savings and plant the idea that Empire’s future purpose needed to be an exploration of Commonwealth. A generation later Maynard Keynes was to write the definitive chapter (last chapter of general systems ) of why system design is critical to exponentially sustaining intergenerational goals- this type of Economist spends a lifetime learning to map back what futures will be possible for the next generations of any and every place.  
    What if planet earth offers humans more innovation space than fighting over history's man-made national boundaries. What if the collaboration advantage of nations in a worldwide learning economy that grows human talents is greater than the competitive advantage of thing extraction. Of course this cannot be while the only macroeconomy is a paper chasing monetary one spun  round capitals concerned with consuming things and getting bigger where necessary by extracting other peoples carbon and steel, and gold and uranium. The West’s contribution to world wars proves this. If in doubt, read The Economist's own centenary autobiography edited in 1943.
    But what if the global crisis of war was to concentrate futurising mathematical minds on inventions like John Von Neumanns computer and software languages. What if this was to start a future history of the human race that double  spends in Learning Communications Technologies (LCT) every 7 years until 2030. That's a 4000+ fold change in connectivity of the supply and demand of human relationships.  What if a hemisphere (the east) was to linkin this LCT to nations peacefully committed to ending empire and co-creating trades around quality electronics systems and superports and supertrains. What if a diaspora nation was to amass the third wealthiest investment force during the 3rd quarter of the 20th century. And how might that wealth be world wide webbed to free over a billion people from  subsistence to brilliant careers racing towards  interegenerational sustainability. What if Marco Polo's favorite epicentre of world trade was to jubilantly issue the Hangzhou Consensus of Interdependence of investing in global youth in 2016? What transparent maps are needed for a safe and healthy fusion of electronic world trade platforms for SMEs and One Belt One Road world class upgrade of trading infrastructures across half a hemisphere's nations and cultural bridges
    To explore more:  what if going forward  you search out value inclusion maps of world record job creators by linking in Tim Berners Lee:
    Jack Ma, 
    Xi Jinping, 
    Sir Fazle Abed,
    Jim Kim.

      But caveat emperor : does humanity have enough faith in the half of the world aged under 30 to invest in:
    • Renewing planet by going beyond guzzling carbon
    • And freeing children wherever they are born to have exciting innovation opportunities as  a learning economy is designed around apps that multiply value as knowledge is used in opposite ways to how consuming up things caused scarcities
    For better and for worse the industrial revolution spun many dynamics but probably the most inconvenient of all was how unevenly the opportunity to innovate was distributed. Take the 1960s. One part of the world was engaging in a race to the moon. Another third of the world's peoples were not yet connected to electricity grids. One part of the southern hemisphere (south America) was dreaming of gold standards in faith and public education- the Franciscan Preferential Option Poor and the Paulo Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Another part of the southern hemisphere, Africa did not really enjoy any of the human entrepreneurial freedoms of ending empire that the joyfully spirited Asian (Tao, Zen, Maharishi ...) diasporas helped their continent liberate.
    When The Economist reviewed humanity’s curriculum vitae at the end of the third quarter of the 20th century,  it was necessary to ask how difficult would mediating america’s third century be for Americans and for other hemispheres. The simplest question of the future history of worldwideweb revolves round:  can humanity unite to design te smartest learning media ever?- one which has values completely different to the way mass tv spun. The hardest question may be : will humanity of the early 21st century unite a round a consciousness that man’s greatest risk to the sustainability of youth is the discrepancies in incomes and expectations of rich and poor nations. Will global professions capable of audit risks at boundaries of networks as systems of systems materialise just in time. Albert Einstein posed this question and quoted odds against success. Lets believe he underestimated the recursive brilliance of human intelligence. Tim Berners Lee :
     "The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. 
    The future is still so much bigger than the past."  
    If you love what tim berners lee stands for – look at companion world record job creators:
    The future historans of digital media:
    Deceased Norman Macrae, Alvin Toffler, Peter Drucker
    Alive henry kissinger, george soros, mikhail gorbachev, 
    Digitally-Locally conscious with APPs : don taspcott, the succession of leaders at mit media lab from negroprinte to joi ito,- the fablabs movement started out of mit boston connecting 3d printing fab cities around the world - eg china's shenzhen - where do fabcities meet smart cities- note china has over 100 smart cities projects going with a philosophy of fial fast, replicate suceesses even quicker- this is where sustainability gaol 11 can empower youth to hub like sustainability goals have no tomorrow- ;put another way when jack ma says at least half of job creating education will be doem outside the classroom why not design hubs to be there after school hours in every place where community is valued and livelkihoods are needed
    every value of openness that boston students have networked from helping bangladesh be the epicenter of industrial revolution 3 (you can hear me now mobile partnerships platforms with poorest villagers) to helping Haiti, Peru, Russian prisons and Rwanda, Liberia evolve as lifelong learning hubs of partners in health last mile services. we lovce open sourec textile movements of h lee wainright and in accomapbying muhammad yunus around youth entreptreneurs of over 200 historically black or rural university coleges we love the open source meidcs projevct which is designing sensors into spectacles so that nlind people can "see' in the same way that robots do ; additioanlly mit does huge work on how people with one disability often have other facultiues develped in far more brainy way than the rest of us- see such work as 

    Sensor Detects Emotions through the Skin - MIT Technology Review
    Oct 26, 2010 - When autistic children get stressed, they often don't show it. Instead their tension might build until they have a meltdown, which can result in ...

    Affective Computing | MIT Media Lab
    Mobile sensor data is utilized to infer optimal moments for stimulating contextually .... Measuring Arousal During Therapy for Children with Autism and ADHD. 
    Consider also which languages remain the greatest peer to peer open knowledge-building systems : your mother tongue, English, Chinese, coding? Who mediates the fusion of good news world service and the educational opportunity of the greatest #LearningGeneration. 

    Do Scots play a continuing role in this through the likes of Gordon Brown Home | the Education Commission ? Is the Scottish diaspora missionary zeal still alive in ways that African Diaspora can now leverage learning communication technologies as successfully as Asian Diasporas have shared worldwide.

    Consider too: australia's global reconciliation network- its maps which student doctors and cultural artists help to compile of opening space across 70 radically different cultures between hemispheres 



    idea 1 newsletter between sir fazle abed and china 100 connectors
    idea 2 tania zaman youth exchanges of plan intl between china and bangladesh also mediated by her aunt and scarlett's friend
    idea 3 brainstorm intels rachel as george patton brings peer to peer adolescent health curriculum to bracs girls clubs
    ideas on blockchain

    (Smart) Contractual Trust

    Enter Ethereum: The world trust machine 

    In education money is a problem, but love is a greater problem. 

    It it possible to create an education system where teachers love youth's ;potential so much that they are prepared to go through all the insecurities of today's transformational change. Anyone who has  studied service or social sectirs knows the positive emotional intelligences go together love, happiness, courage to question, trust). A schoilng system that can sustain tbis 24/7 is miraculous- quite probably the greatest advantage a nation can build on. It seems that some smaller nations are successful in this -checkout nrdica, singapore. Equally the communities that interface after school hours are nurturing of youth too. So the really hard question is how to sustain loving schools in really big nations?


    Dr Jagdish Gandhi (@DrJagdishGandhi) | Twitter

    The latest Tweets from Dr Jagdish Gandhi (@DrJagdishGandhi). Dr Jagdish Gandhi is a renowned Indian Educationist and Founder of World’s largest School ...

    > Dr Jagdish Gandhi, Founder-Manger, CMS

    Dr Jagdish Gandhi Educator with a Mission to Unite the World CREATING A NEW MINDSET THROUGH EDUCATION Influenced greatly by Mahatma Gandhi, Vinoba Bhave ...

    If you only ever visited one school to understad its love IQ, we'd recoomend Lucknow City Montesorri built over generations by Jagdish Gandhi's family. (Equally we'd love top efature your nominations).

    The school started as a mom and pop school with a handful of children over 60 hyeras ago. At its peak, 50000 families in Lucknow demanded their students attend. The school invesnjted student comoetioons, cultiral exchnages way before these became poular in universities. A key point of diferenvce is the school deois everything it can to develop interculotural self-confidnece befoer adolescece (its so much harder to regain confidne once adolescence spiurals). The school i sunique in tehw orld for being recognised bu UNESCO for its epace curriculum. In fact, a few decades ago when there was a lot of audlt fighting hetween hindhis and muslims the children went on a pace march until teh adults behaved. A more erecent development is the finding that a choild can iuyse te sumer voaction to successfully mebtor an illiterate adult to start treading!


    This school received a top 10 award in India when the other 9 were showcase schools recivining tens oif not 100 tiemse more resources. And perhaps the one "failing" of Lucknow CMS is ist failure to agin glpobal ercognition exece;pt among thise whop already love it. In aprt this is becasue the founding parents as gandhoians refuise to own any property. CMS doesnt spend any money marketing istelf- correctly believing word of mouth is  key. 

     This is an approproiate sapce to ask 3 questions whose solutions need to be connecetd together if 21st c social services are not to be a sick joke

    ==what hapens when a top rate leagl mind decides a wholy bew edycation system needs to be designed?

    -what hapens when people who love mass media see its pruppose as empwoeing world class local services

    -what hapensd when teachers love their kids enough that they dare to celebarte both real and virtual community exploraion back from the future of whats now possible that was previously immposible to iinnovate

    We invite ypu to improve on the sketch below - it comes from an exercsie moderated in The Economist by the son-in-law of a scottisher barrister who spent most of his life mediating mahatma gandhis desires out of mumbai a thrid of a cenrtury ago- what happensd if the worlds laregst public service broiadcasters started celebrating reality tv of small enetrprise and socila solitions maxining the communities own ability to serve itself the more coders designed apps to distibute life shaping knowhow? and legislatures saw redesigninhg schooling systems as the effective way to implement vibrant interactions of culture as well as  satey of young people.

    2016 Most valuable questions for human race- 1) best end poverty model? POP ; 2) most greenwashed model? social business ;  

    3) will biggest corporations in world ever benchmark model for sustainability of human race -info rsvp

    Capitalism's Models

    Worst: big bad banks of USA and Europe

    Best: Biggest Chinese Entrepreneur Corporations 



    Last Call for human sustainability?  



    download practice of peace chaps 1,2 by harrison owen found open space  

    2016 Diary of Millennial Sustainability Exchanges - add one Brooklyn: & Moores Million youth social solutions world January; &Kenya 28 January;  more 

    can you help POP networks rapidly co-edit world record publishers guide to water watervt.doc, 295 KB in association with water coursera wiki 

    POP Preferential



    Markets designed for the poor that I spend time joyfully mapping (and goodwill auditing) are those whose open system designs free anyone who is prepared to work for a livelihood by serving hi-trust community exchanges. 

    Furthermore.research of booms and busts since the dotcoms shows that at whatever age millennials leave education, most will no longer find a job offered to them by a big organisation.

    So sustainable millennials www will need markets designed round celebrating entrepreneurial start ups or microfranchises designed to create jobs. This coincides with what markets for the poor transparently value  

    Can you help us free POP practice leaders curricula through open education and celebrating #2030now

     2015's massive search by friends of valuetrue is: for 20 world record curricula of job creation  tell us if you'd like to join in

    how do we get to maps lilke this showing 10 favorite world record job courses?

    jobsedu.jpg special thanks to Women4Empowerent (W4E) & these Millennials in association with top 30 pro-youth economics capitals survey - AMM (Americas)- YabtTICIADB500women  ENS the global university of social value -Catholic POP valuers including Farmer fans of GHD; ASM (Asia) - Muslim youth followers of Muhammad Yunus and Abed; gandhians at LucknowGlobal health youth leaders at Tokyo Univeristy; AFM (Africa) Idol,  Mandela Extranet partners, Yazmi and W4E partners; worldwide youth summit groups of AthgoAtlanta and World Bank Youth Summit, and fans of WorldBank Tedx4th sector mapmakers, millennials of sustainability if you have a coursera mooc account we welcome your additions to our health wiki

    to the half the world who are aged under 29: we ask youth: WHO practically would you like to be lead teacher and so alumni of once each course is more fully identified?

    we ask sponsors of the lead educator(s) in addition to real training formats, which type of open learning platform they would like to scale with-

    (eg 5 billion person learning satellite,or MOOC, khan-style academy, customised web-style - explaining costs each channel normally demands;

    and what model will make this maximally affordable and culturally joyful to all interested youth

    (currently we seek to develop curricula in english - through we welcome translation partners by language and by culture)

    .My favorite 21 social action networks if I could MOOCyunus comment or add info at L&Y or YC

    • Yunus Pre-digital end poverty's greatest ever womens jobs networking
    • 1 Yunus2.1 gets tricky as need to interview his partners too- his nobel speech 2006 and bbok and this dvd privided his own 10 year reviews


    • 2 Womens leapfrog Women4Empowerment (W4E -NC has seen most over 20 years
    • 3 Soros was first invstor in mobile W4E
    • 4 Quadir family at MIT first wizard tech designers especially all subsequent forms of cashless  (next billion) financial services
    • 5 Telenor -first physical infrastructure
    • 6 Kenya friends W4E main african and slums implementer of banking to end poverty

    20 year view of CLEAN ENERGY for billion

    • 7 Neville Williams first knowledge partner
    • 8 Nancy Wimmer most faithful biographer
    • 9 Schneider potentially main energy partner and chinese connector
    • 10 Royal credentials - Asdhen

    Exponentially Sustainable hemisphere partners

    • 11 Maria Nowak  (Europe W,E; Africa N) Economic livelihood development
    • 12 Danone Franck Riboud and Emmanuel Faber Nutrition worldwide
    • 13 Action Tank Danone with Europe's Poverty leader Martin Hirsch

    Youth Media Partners &...

    • 14 TheGreenChildren worldwide and eyecare
    • 15 Monica Yunus - Mainly Americas
    • 16 Big data turned mobile partnering smalless - Intel mainly agriculture
    • 17 Tech students Kyushu Uni Japan with Gramweb
    • 18 Public finding social business - Danone, Credit Agricole
    • 19 Ending stupid political economics - Stiglitz in addition to Soros
    • 20 Nursing Barbara Parfitt
    • 21 Celebrating twinning of top 30 capitals: Turner family (Atlanta as lead Yunus Jobs Olympics) with Nobel partners....




    Attached version 1 of the world record jobs guide to health networks

    designed to sustain millennials and end poverty - if you have suggestions for additions to this guide please mail or us mobile phone 240 316 8157

    we look forward to much developed edition after dialogue with principals of what the world's favorite community health training curriculum should contain




    Baltimore's hottest goodwill debate spring 2016

     i try to be patient because I wouldnt have met john without peters intro but mathematically i feel that exponentials pose an order of magnitude issue that adding up tangible things never reaches-and i have been fighting this for 27 years when i first tried to argue for purposeful valuation auditing inside Price Waterhouse Coopers for which i got sacked after 5 years because I was pointing out too many collapsing systems- ironically i then worked for the world's largest ad agency in time to be the first t predict that andersen would zeroise itself - the question when you up your business value by cheating and reduce social trust t zero is how popularly/politically will this be understood - if the world is transparent social trust of zero times billions of business value =0 not the additive model for billions

    an issue of peter helping to startup an integrated community model (this time baltimore. king's extension of sand diegi la maestra a modl well known to naila and amy) came up again yesterday when manny asked whether peters work would inform develop of all the partnerships around king

    while i would be delighted if peter would do any due diligence accounting to make sure there wasnt one partner not of the same quality of cashflow etc as the others 
    these 6 slides are issues i would always wish to look at before all of peters  remonstrances

    some are messy but they tend to simplify when you ave a real context

    slide 1 sets up urgency - where do you really think we  are - if the people you are brainstorming with accept we are at tipping point d - then being in we must frame urgent decade ideas like sustainability depends on youth  sharing all sustainability actions even if this means admitting every college is teaching mainly unsustainable stuff-- critical is we are in a value multiplying world- no system is separated from several others - if they are all at point d then that should really be a wake up call  - equally the hope comes from apps like give directly which could take out middle men from hundreds of parallel dead-aid models- how do we invite leadership of give directly to a soundtrack brainstorm (there are in new york though they orginated from berkeley and san diego)

    as early as 2000 brookings published unseen wealth report - most value in service plus let alone knowhow  or apps networked corporates is goodwill - this isnt measured by adding- i believe the molceular structure of goodwill actually tests how many compounding conflicts versus how many win-wins are connected all across the productivities and demands that nay organisation represents - remember again in an open partnersng world the actual figure 2 needs to interconnect many molecules of this form if you are not to compound unseen risk - the big conclusion of the 2000 report Unseen Wealth

    its this sort of molecule that king needs to be mapping as he tries to build up as many as the 25 services the original la maestra model now integrates over 30 years of development if you do look at this wheel remember some clues that come from listening to zara who founded this age 13
    all she could do then was peer to peer teach refugges english

    la maestra became so bottom-up trusted that local authorities who didnt like working in refugee san diego started to give la meastra dsome of the adminstrative stamps - fofod programs or whatever
    la maestra's first rule if eg it has a chance to save a traficked girl is whatever spoke of the  whel that girl enters connect with another part relevant to her- no silos
    la maestra hates middle men with expensive research models- it doesnt need theory to do ction learning 
    all of this make la meastra the nearest thing to a preferential option poor model on the us continent that women4empowerment has been able to find- how to adapt this latin womens refugee model to black community regeneration may not be obvious but king is leveraging strong advisers and what baltimore locals socially feel mist able to empower -it could have been more fun to twin this model extension to baltimore and brooklyn simultaneously but apparently timing in 2016 does not permit such an open space challenge

    slide 3 reminds us of what the UN sustainability goals were launched to spiral around last september- incidentally one of the questions to ask about any goal is who is the peoples most trusted eocnomist specifically of compounding that future

    slides 4 and 5 indicate 4000 fold change in investment 2030 versius 1946 that has made us global village connectedness - the greatest change ever to hit one intergenerational time period - you can fill in development gaps by any of the time periods by place or ter dimension

    slide 6 dad used to call macroeconomics disgraceful political chicanery - for every nights television news to report the tenth of 21st economies stemmed from old industrial age zero-sum and to miss up to 9 times bigger open learning economy indicates how close to the tipping ppint of mass media insanity the world is spiralling

    chris macrae 240 316 8157 

    Washington DC's hottest debate spring 2015 - is sustainability possible without pro-youth banking? POP phone/text 240 316 8157

    Dont let 7 mathematical errors of political economics destroy your children;s net generation

    ER Media Declaration 1976: IF the world is truly going to devote 30% of all resources to communications by 2005 (up from 5% in 1950) then we better design media that end poverty and makes everywhere's cost of life saving healthcare less and less &...

    sincerely, keynsians in London, Rome, Beijing, Tokyo, Budapest, Glasgow  ... 

    US Mobile POP hotline 240 316 8157 

    online library of norman macrae--

    Investing in sustainability depends on exponential metrics- shocking results include :

    don't ask your children to sacrifice exponential growth- worst at this is European Union


     causes of system collapse start locally but in a networked world quickly viralise in boundaryless ways:

      wosts at this are places that spend more money on arms than solutions to most basic needs

    collaboration through networked media has 10 times more value to multiply  than competition through commercialsed tv media and consuming up things goodwill modelling sustains far more growth than cashflow metrics except when... transparency requires forward auditing -what's the biggest change that will cause governing by laws set in stone to be your peoples biggest risk or greatest loss of joy and self-confidence  21st century national sustainability needs innovation of trans-cultural partnerships- eg places with elder population bubbles need to earn trust of places with younger population profiles it has been known by valuetrue economsts that the 21st century can be the fastet improving time for all 7 billion beings but only if we design internet to be open education model with way above zero-sum mapping on knowhow that is life critical and poverty-ending: as von neuman predicted: in networking era,  many types of patents will need maximumof 3 months validity because...


    2030now.jpg  edumicro2015.jpg

    Why wouldn't anyone want the internet to be used so that millennials could sustain the most productive lifetimes, end poverty and collaborate around all of the most exciting human races


    My family helped kickstart this survey - and curriculum Entrepreneurial Revolution - 42 years ago at The Economist. The answers to this question have becoming stranger and stranger. Hopefully they will all disappear as the greatest mathematical error impact valuation/accounting experts have ever committed -now that many top people's institutions including the UN are calling 2015 biggest transformation year ever. All we need to do is free job creating education in ways so that millennium goals that were so often greenwashed by ad media become sustainability goals which millennials are empowered to co-create by heroes of global social value - where POP stands for Preferential Option Poorest not just 20th century's commerccial celebrities.
     Transcript of World Bank POP debate on do you truly want your children's livelihoods ruled by freaky macroeconomics? 
    Tell us if you know of any cases other than paul farmer
    where the world's most practcal expert has spent his life trying to make his knowhow most accessible to most people in most life-critical need -the worldwide web could have helped the human race be 10 times more economic and 10 times more social as well as sustainable for future generations but only if we can search out and celebrate more pauls NOW 
    .. do you know how to 
    hack the world bank and that in kenya mobile cash is now double plastic cash

    Valuetrue is a Norman Macrae foundation (end-poverty economists) project - good news from 20th year of women empowerment
    POP (Preferential Option Poorest) thought for winter 2015- IF accompaniment replaced AID, (notes)
    Paul Farmer (13000 employees  (over half past patients) inspiring health's number 1 pop network- newest knowhow branches world bank012, vatican013 and west africa014; first branches haiti and boston from 1982) & Gustavo Gutierrez (peruvian who coined POP circa 1968 as a way of debating the Franciscan way first networked by Catholics in 1208)

    Starting up 1972, BRAC community health servant net began nation building of Bangladesh the poorest 100 million nation ever born. As the start of the 
    microfranchising revolution they provided the first open society systems benchmark if millennials are to be sustainable. President Clinton has called this extraordinary innovation a different way to develop an economy from aid and IMF-style macroeconomic muddled. Note we suggest avoiding the misleading label of microfinance because most of the bangladeshi miracle involved working out the most economical livelihood training and local market designs sustaining village mothers who were illiterate, culturally locked into their village but desperate to work hard to see their children grow up healthy and smart. Community health servants began with the simplest and least costly ways of saving up to half of infants lives - pit latrines, innoculations, hand washing, carrots for missing vitamins that staple food rice doesnt provide,  group personal safety,  and oral rehydration -also basic aspects of maternal wellbeing. Once trained the community health servant sustained her own business by charging an affordable amount and became the most trusted connector in the village linking in every new microfranchise solutions that BRAC and later Grameen vilage networks were to invent. BRAC has gone on to train tens of millions of adult livelihoods and organise vocational village schooling systems. Its training values were those of Brazilian Paulo Freire - closely related to the POP culture that was innovated at end of the 1960s out of Brazil and Columbia as being what the peoples wanted from catholic priests as community servants. This values culture is also the DNA of Partners in Health. and since 2012 millennials world banking cheered on since 2013 where Pope Francis serves the lowest in society of ask the great and the good to stop destroying sustainable livelihoods of all of our children and grandchildren. 

     vt2015.1 click to interact with most valuable satellite-guided learning tour ever composed - with thanks to the 40+ year rising exponential of the most valued community nursing networks


    #2015now Breaking news valentines day 2015:

    valuetrue asks millennials - and their teachers -

    which markets goodwill will need to be transformed

    if sustainability of human race is to be earned...

    comments/lessons rsvp


     PLease help with our search for POp good news headlines and videos

    2014 POP (jk) goes Ebola 


    joy of videos DC 2014 POP goes world bank tedx -jk (V); pop stars to end poverty 


    DC 2015 POP Pope Francis (PF) goes congress (part 2); 2010 congress part 1 with MYunus (MY); 2015 Panama (PF) goes POP April ;

    2015Atlanta goes POP serachers diaries MYcity <>MYeconomics - go to Poland's Warsaw Nobel Peace Summit Oct 013 -meets Gorbachev and Soros Open Society- Walesa and Pope John Paul 2 Solidarite.  ; POP (PIH) goes Hungary june 2013- 20th open society awards paul farmer, george soros, and sir fazle abed cheerlead central european millennials alumnis -more lower down; Pope Francis 2014 calls EU macroeconomists the antithesis of POP (dressed up in consumption comforers of as infertile haggard grandmothers)

    Markets as a source of exponentially sustaining livelihoods-


    Comparing views of Keynsians and POP (Preferential Option Poorest - usa mob 240 316 8157 Bethesda MD


    Health's Trillion Dollar Market

    special thanks to youth correspondent and mentors networks at


    Keynsian View


    Keynsians at The Economist reporting the 20th Century noted that both the greatest economic and social advance in nations occurred where places peoples brought down risks of maternal and infant deaths to nearly zero. When this innovation is systemised most families focus on developing two or three children instead of 8 or 10. The consequential communal behavioural impact is that societies can culturally integrate by  becoming economically smart -and sustainable -by designing education which respects and values women as equal economic actors to men.



    online library of norman macrae-- 

    POP View


    The greatest social and economic miracles of the quarter centuries that turned the millennium and human sustainability depended on POP cultures to 1) manually network to bring down maternal and infant deaths, 2) determine this as the most valuable and openly social  reason for webbing digital partnerships and investing in open society worldwide. Moreover directly and indirectly family loving communities then take on  responsibility for peace and safety of one and all instead of this being governed top-down by historical rules, unnatural boundaries and preponderance of arms






    Washington DC February 2009 - 3000 youth listen to Muhammad Yunus but truly how many teachers, politicians, bankers, health experts or open technology entrepreneurial leaders? 

    Dont be fooled by Smart campaign Bureaucrats and Elderly Top-Down Fundraisers ---



    entrepreneurial solutions (eg those of BRAC,  partners in health,  grameen, and since 1996 mobile investment partnerships of George Soros and MIT sponsored technology wizards and women entrepreneurs) that built health systems from nothing inations whose (rural) infrastructures as late as the start of the 4th quarter of the 20th century had next to no human capacity to serve maternal and infant health. 
    Surprisingly a movement (Italian origins 1208) that was relaunched in south america at the same time that man was landing on the moon could have bottom-up united 40% of human values through the two most populous faiths linking in to womens empowerment. The failure to peacefully enjoy this freedom is one measure of how bankrupt mass NW mediated politics became as the amount spent by the human race on subconscious communications rose from about 5% at middle of twentieth century to over 25%. Today's 64 trillion dollar question may be : do those who make the most noise about human sustainability in 2015 have the openness of mind and manners to help millennials invest in -and live the values of  - this open society transformation now.


    POP headlines and videos- on-demand curriculum week1

    DC 2012 POP goes everyone -video (V) most exciting thing you'll ever do jim kim (jk) -more


    DC 2013 POP goes Rome (V)-more diary of Rome & pro-youth capitals :015 Panama (April), DC (sept) 014 Strasbourg

    2014 POP (jk) goes Ebola 


    DC 2014 POP goes world bank tedx -jk (V); pop stars to end poverty (V)


    DC 2015 POP Pope Francis (PF) goes congress (part 2); 2010 congress part 1 with MYunus (MY); 2015 Panama (PF) goes POP April ;

    2015Atlanta goes POP (MY) Nov; 2013 POP (MY) goes Oxbridge and Poland ; POP (PIH) goes Hungary

    POP goes MOOC  -who'd you like to MOOC with Yunus, Astronaut, Grameen Mother


    replay videos: POP of grameen mothers,

    stars- POP goes astronaut


    ref: khan academy : medic; maths..

    POP goes on 5 billion beings elearning satellite 


    #2015now POP goes Human sustainability. (millennials blog search 1 2 thanks to pro-youth Nobel sponsors in Rome and Atlanta) 

    #2015now Partners of this web site you (to unite nations, world citizens and poorest village mothers and infants) in helping assemble the curriculum of human sustainabilily. POP is based on the social movement valuation that the most extraordinary of all human goals maps a joyous race: collaboration to end poverty. 

    POP's (Preferential Option Poorest) most valuable stories and open source databases demonstrate how human's greatest heroines and heroes achieve empower and educate us all by living, learning and actioning with the poor

    Why urgently now in 2015 and what positive actions started exponentially rising in the decades signified on the right (in 20th century unless other wise annotated)?

    This is first viral exercise -report back any links you make (linkin, facebook, knowledge envoys of the 5 billion elearning satellite and womens empowerment) and ... usa mobile 240 316 8157 Partners in The World Record Games of Job Creation

    What do Rome (2013, 80s and 1208)-Boston (80s 1773)-Haiti (80s)-Peru (90s and 1970)

    Brazil (1970 and hopefully 2016now )-Bangladesh (70s and 90s)-Kenya(2000s)-Rwanda(2000s)-Hungary(90s 1900s)-Poland(80s)-Seou l (50s)-Tokyo (50s)-Hong Kong(90s, 50s, 1840s) South Africa (90s 1900s) Lucknow (1960s), Calcutta (1860), Glasgow (70s, 1843, 1758), (Paris 2005 and 1789) DC (from 2012) have in common? Can you be a knowledge envoy empowering how your place's millennials or borderless peer social networks joins in the greatest celebrations of real human heroes the world has ever empowered through dignity, happiness and freedom

     The editorial (international Keynsian Scots) team of this web began searching in 1970.

    With the moon race completed, POP as humanity's greatest race on planet earth seemed worth surveying wherever anyone would act or learn.

    We were extremely lucky to be able to linkin 

    • students of elearning networks (from 1972 UK National Development Project Leeds-Bradford) and 
    • editorial desks of The Economist as correspondents from hemisphere reported views of what a borderless world would need to value first if exponentially rising sustainability is to be the economic and social goal of 7 billion beings  

      online library of norman macrae--


    MOOC live 2015 - the UN has called 2015 the biggest change year its ever known as it wrestles with redesigning last 15 years millennial goals into those epowering more open opportuninty for millennilas to be sustainable. However its been left to others to share this with stidents in the world's massive open online coollaboration MOOC world - please help us post most relevant ones  rsvp

    2015q 1  

    Configuring the World: A Critical Political Economy Approach


    On demand  



    .Week 2 -coming soon - POP goes health

    Thursday, December 11, 2014

    WHO's Global Health System is it anyway?
    2 mins · Washington, District of Columbia, DC ·Too many of universities global health programs verge on neocolonialism, recreating the dynamics that have historically exploited low-income countries and undermined their capacity to build health systems that provide care for all people. Deputy Chief Medical Officer La Mirabelais Haiti

                      No intervention by ypchronic in all badwilled pr single interest models -from obesity-foods to cigs and guns             
                      No intervention by youth/social movements in pharma pricing of eg hiv drugs             
                   No millennials social demand solutions across Americas  No PIH -twinning best of boston youth medics and most extreme health system challenges - haiti, peru  No bottom up african health systems in time to end ebola No replicability of solidarite models celebrated through Rome Nobel laureate and catholic youth networks           
               No twinning of youth capitals around social action heroes instead of only entertainment heries  No communications lab cataloguing 100 most exciting concepts millennials can collaborate aroundNo billionnaire media mogul intervention in UN bottom-up partnerships No movement beyond top down aid Without POP   No jim kim meets soros No spread of pop models to open society solutions to Europe U muddles No w4e leapfrog models at UN  No reclaiim our learning modelsNo MIT media labs square mile of every open tech industry of the future        ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 
                 No viral leadership of new media models by linking in doing good No role for BBC (public world service mass media) as the peopels trillion dollar investigative auditor

     No top 20 last mile real mix , worldwide virtual multinationals

    -paul polak model 

      No Brac mothers health networks  No mobile w4e labs 1996 linking mit tech and keynsian billionaire No green energy a billion off grid  No scaling of mit media labs origin in mictroedu         
                  No chance of getting back to sustainable peace and green models in time    No jobs-led mothers banking No mpesa kenya  No nanocredit kenya No first ladies end poverty training on 5 billion person elearning satellite         
                     No bottom up agric value chain models worth bono pop starring  No orphans banking kenya            

    #2030 MILLENNIAL SNAP -GREATEST GAME EVER PLAYED - Which 25-35 year olds' market sectors (eg health, education , peace, energy)  or places do you most want to help transform back from systemic collapse to sustainability, and what collaboration processes can do that? Partners in Publishing World Record Book of Job Creation :Valuetrue  Women4Empowerment  Unacknowledgedgiant  Free University Partners Movement , and why not your most briallant skills network?
    Ending poverty and youth underemployment around planet earth by 2030 is now far simpler than the 1960s race to the moon provided we valuetrue investment in post 2015 millennials goals, and mediate twin cities yuoth Jobs summit celebrations as more valuable than hosting olympics 


    Collab proceses include #2030now tedx, blending continent-wide leadership summits with youth entrepreneur competitions, celebrating mobile leapfrog models that are order of magnitude more intergenerationanly economic, reporting results on 5 billion beings elearning channel... 2030 future netgen wants to co-produce

    Global Health ( valuation map co-publsihed with Farmer and Porter) is Jim Kim's exemplary case for value transformation wherever world bank can reach. Moreover, every millennial has something to gain from this knowhow, This is a top 5 misinformation sector where elders are blocking youth from being schooled in vital info.-Nothing increases economic sustainability and parenting joy as much as raising life expectancy in countries with historically least lifetime expectancy ; - as well as transforming world bank millennials - twin capitals knowhow boston , need of haiti,. Mobile leapfrogging now means that nowhere on earth need suffer from too poor an infrastructure for sharing life critical knowhow. With a single elearning satallite lets beam up such wonderful curriucula as basic nursing everywhere

    Exercise compare least and most economical basic health systems in last 2 pre-digital quarters of century and first digital quarter. Map 2 opposite opportunities: prevent some developed nations health systems from bankrupting their next generation; learn how hundreds of millions of village girls jobs can develop basic (eg maternal, infant) health, nutrition, clean energy networks wherever these services are underdeveloped

      Livelihood finance- cashless banking has now completed BRAC's triangularisation of banking, health and education for Jobs. Cashless can be 99% less cost than handling money. More aptly named cashless except for last mile where local jobs are available for smallest but most trusted community merchant who translates remittance points back into cash. BRAC  became the world's largest NGO by being best at sustaining partnerships with world leading organisations geared to innovations needed by millennials and poorest mothers.  Thanks initially to funds from Geoerge Soros' Open Society movement,  Bangladlesh of 2015 is now 20 years into post-digital partnerships buiding on the quarter of a centory of bottom-up foundations BRAC had previously networked interpersonally through the villages since 1972. Its first scale up network was para-health vil;age networkers (starting with oral rehydration without which one in 5 infants died).  When Jim Kim hosts Youth Summits his stories of practice-based friendships with Sir Fazle Abed and Paul Farner with George Soros can be exciting news for every sustainable  millennial network to map.   A Agricultural millennials- fortunately the subsistence crop where the majority of all poorest milennials live is rice -which doesnt become much more economical to scale large or small. Moreover any information inqualities of big data analysie only being accessible to biggest organisitions need to being ended by millennials.  Rice  is demkonstrating a leading example through the partnership of Intel, Ifad, USAID with a 3 -year goal to empower Cambodia small farmer to triple exports of rice. Partners in food security both inside USA and worldiwde is the signatire social valuation program of Obama's 8 years  Empowering girls livelhoods is magically linked in by the safe hands of the first female director of grameen phone-her family developing gthe first yelcentre network o obs for acid victims. Consider 2 extraordinary convergences in the last that Women4Empowrment  partners have brought to USA in last 3 yerass.  First ladies and supersatrs are changing the responsibility of te fashion sector- no longer wanting their images to be connected with factorues collapsing to kill a thousand women. By swapping her asia mobile ceo contacts with Africa's nanocredit founder, women4empowerment is now in charge of nanocredit partnerships across hispanic women and other grassroots networks across the Americas.    Mobilising soar enrgy around a billion person model has already been demonstrated to be more economical for thise starting off griid. Thsi is before one gets to the metric correction - milennials are united around demanding- if the costs to next generation of using carbon were truly accounted for most of the world's bigegst profit-taking organsiatins would turn to overnight loss.Its time this was made a educational world citizen human right Fortunately youth entrepreneur competition processes are more collaboratively mature across the continent  of Latin Ameruca and the carribean - Benchmark the 2015 youth and ehads sf states cleebration April 2015 Panama The Carribean also boosts the aalumni of the amaican Entrepreneurship University of Branson, and smaller nations in this and central american region are vibrant millennials colaboration labs thanks to digitalised microlending of eg Kiva and puddle  

    Twinning direct trades between ihubs in developing and develped nations capitals works when the hubs are led by open source technolgists = not only have many of the greatest innovations been accelefrated out of these structures but they offer direct youth world trades- an ever increasing component of www borderless econmy and multi-win models of abundance that can make the posr-indutrstrial economy many ties more valuable than the scarcity economics of conuming up things behind rval national boundaries


    xnbox sample from november - subscribe to more washington dc 301 881 1655 

     will be passing through san francisco on 11th november and then anna L and naila in early december - on both occasions we will be brainstorming with kivas and puddles leaders as well with similar collaborative youth energies. Back in 1996, Naila was the first female director of village phone partnerships and has seen how what mit/telenor/yunus and soros started has linked through 20 years of women4empowerment experiments  ; she's kenya's partner of nanocredit in the americas and san francisco mobile telecoms where the first us partner - so meeting her is quite valuable for any womens entrepreneur/millennial- (see also list of national ambassasdors of womens entrepreneur day nov 17 eg Wendy Luhabe of South Africa, H.R.H Princess Fay Jahan Ara of India and popular musical group Icona Pop.)


    empower  job creating women

    celebrated worldwide nov 17


     Bangladesh's 42 years of united ending poverty 

    -coming soon to 5 billion elearning viewers? 

     Yunuschool USA - first 

    6 years of exponential demand 


    AIM: to gain momentum for a mass west coast meets south millennials goals' tedx (the series began at world bank here 
    kim-millennials community linkpublic link) in second half of april (just after americas youth have met leaders at summit of americas in panama); success depends on being massive enough in terms of speaker quality and youth participants that movements such as the yunus interstate entrepreneur together with Atlanta's future youth plan hosted by turner, carter and king families) networks want to treat west coast and southern and catholic alumni of pope francis millennials as open equals in youth summit collaborations 2030-2015. This tedx will also seek to major on elearning- provisionally 15mn $ xprize elearning team will give a talk and african friends lead elearning massive reach in ways that neither coursera nor khan have begun to imagine ( though google i wonder)

    could this interest your ebay peers or your friends from north carolina yunus state, budapest central european university (core curricula health of paul farmer and sir fazle, economics of soros and mobile villages and of gorbachev peace and open society summits) or anywhere - if so can we we either arrange an early evening meeting or can you email or skype what questions you have first - and by the way after kiva and paypal -what's it like at ebay?
    chris macrae 301 881 1655 DC region skype chrismacraedc; daughters twitter globalgrameen
    INETECONOMICS Scooped by Chris Macrae! curricula for the world record book of job creation curricula for the world record book of job creation | ineteconomics |

    Can you help informal alumni of coursera design 7 wikis on next half billion jobs
    -starting with curriculum of next 
    half billion jobs of mobilising 8 times more affordable and accessible health  service -thanks
    Unacknowledged ECONOMICS BREAKING NEWS -  World Bank 7 Oct- Jim Kim demands worldwide youth spread public service cultures of 1 Accountability, 2 Transparency 3 Collaboration. Demands African youth hold himself and elder generation urgently accountable for local impacts of global health systems. Cites his friend Sir Fazle Abed's village healthcare networking paradigm as critical in uniting all who value millennials' goals to celebrate #2030now #wbgyouthsummit  9 October Apple's Beats Ambassador Dbanj joins Jim Kim in the inaugural end poverty tedx (which is also a research space for world bank partners in transforming open education of #2030now and millennials as the heart of post 2015 goals. World Bank's opening week of year 2014-2015 rounds off with valuing China's jack Ma with relay passed to UN - Jim Kim internet laureate of the decade's bridge from pre 2015 mindsets to post 2015

    Kim et all paper of transforming value chain of global health,Lancet 2013;    Jim Kim2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc 2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc, 40 K
    Map World Record Job Creators



    October - sees the most curious youth summit on governance convened to date 

    Purpose of valuetrue is to help peoples, especially youth, rediscover scottish economics 1748-1948.

    SE's essential valuetrue question is: if a peoples have no health service, no education, no banking, not enough nutrition , insuffucient clean water and energy and sanitation and safety for their - children how do they value building those sorts of market above all esle? and then linkin other market sectors around valuetrue purposes too? We value the internet's elearning opportunities by being perpared to map and learn from anywhere and any peoples who value such intergenerational sustainability chalenges openly and transparently. Currently the simplest first map we suggest (educators and) all of the net generation looks at is BRAC in Bangladesh. Bangladesh was born the world's poorest new 100 million plus nation in 1971. Villagers were the majority of the populace and their communities had none of the essential life shaping services From 1972 BRAC's Sir Fazle Abed started linking together grassroots community solution networks.

    how did villager networks around Sir Fazle build rural health service? build village education? build banking networks? build valuetrue maps of food , water and safe-for-children communities? 


    World Bank Group Youth Summit 2014: The Need for Open & Responsive Governments

    October 7, 2014


    IFC Auditorium, Washington, DC

    The World Bank Group is hosting its second annual Youth Summit, in partnership with the Office of the United Nations Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth. This year's event will focus on increased youth engagement in issues relating to government transparency, accountability, and collaborative governance. The event is free of charge.
    The World Record Book of Job Creation -game 1 survey your social network for top 10-12 job creators. Rules choose people who can win-win with eact others networks because their deepest skills or trust networks compliment each other 


    In this context, here's a summary of our favorite learnings from BRAC so far - we'd love to hear yours washington dc 301 881 1655 world class lessons on job creation


    Choice of schooling systems is absolutely vital to development of a new nation and ending poverty. Bangladesh is uniquely fortunate with WISE ranking BRAC number 1 job creating education system


    Along with education, health and banking are systems that impact families' lives and livelihoods out of every community. The search for what can a once poorest 100+ million nation do about building affordable healthcare across generations is one that BRAC and Partners in Health that both millennials and world bankers might gain from studying first



    In fast changing countries the tensions between what peoples in big cities and in rural areas most wish for their childrens future can make or break or redefine nations. The coming of the digital world seems to have picked up the speed of change everywhere. Getting crop science transparently sustainable for rural people is pivotal to any transparent race to alleviate poverty. Studying how brac has built crop science knowledge to anchors whole food value chains around sustaining villagers jobs is a most joyful application. How mobile technology empowers peoples (especially women and youth) in this regard may be the most vital leadership decision those who own satellites and mobile networks connect to 21st C humanity.


    The future of food, energy and water and waste cannot be separated socially or economically anywhere that peoples are to grow peacefully or cross-culturally. Wherever economists or professions fail to value this they fail world citizens and villagers. BRAC as the world's largest NGO is as diversely conscious of this sustainability crisis as anyone and searches out partnerships towards these ends in ways that are core to how open education applications of the internet are now being determined. This may yet define which millennials' goals wholly and truly define our generation's impact on the human race


    Borderless governance? If 14-35 year olds were empowered by their own digital currency, then the way millennials interfaced with china NOW may be where humanity's future history spins. Is this an innovation agenda on which elders and regulators of cashless banking and crypto-currencies have patiently sought testimonies from BRAC - on girls' views if not all youth's views


    "The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. The future is still so much bigger than the past." Tim Berners Lee 
    -exercise what's best mooc generated resources to date : our favorite from mooc change the world 2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc

    What could Job-Creating Education Value Chain Be? This was debated as net generation's 64 trillion dollar question in The Economist 1984 

    Update2015 help welcomed at -  world record book of job creators  Valuing Open Learning and Future Economy beyond nations- celebrating 7 Billion Livelihoods of borderless planet 



    ..Help us wiki NOW curriculum of why the first 3 millennial freedoms to explore in our 1984 book

    debating whether the first net generation could overcome the Orwellian endgame and joyfully

    sustain a borderless planet integrate the multi-win entrepreneurial revolutions of

    MIllennialEducation  MIllennialEnergy,   MillennialBank.

     Curiosity Highlights from first 42 annual elearning newsletters and alumni of The Economist Entrepreneurial Revolution (ER) Curriculum (est 1972)

    What would internet and public broadcast media if designed around celebrating net generation next 3 billion jobs:

    Which of these 6 compasses is optmistically rational and exponentially sustainable:

    6 Next half  billion jobs of health

    5 Next half billion jobs of land - food, water, energy, zero footprint commons/infrastructures, rural-urban harmony of futures

    4 First half billion jobs of everyone's a life long learner and peer to peer teacher/mentor of flow

    3 First half billion jobs of youth's open source tech wizards

    2 ER's First half billion jobs of redesigning purposes of all other trillion dollar markets to joyfully frees entrepreneurial livelihood

    1 First half billion jobs of professionals under 35 who align professions and public service to end poverty and invest in millennials; goals of borderless "global village networking" world

    Explore three halves of world with less than 10% voice of 20th C future to map: Seventh "risk navigating" wonder of 21st C peaceful human race is ...? eg europe's post 9/11 fantasy game of triad of womenuni, university of stars, and global uni of poverty -changes value chains of parenting, fashion stars and future shift beyond industrial revolution's broken systems of valuing thing extraction not 7 billions beings development


    Khan Academy 

      guest reviewer : Muhammad Yunus 

    questions 1 what's subject youth most want khan to viralise; who would you most like to mooc with

    Max 9 minute audio blackboards

    Practice actions/collaboration every 10 minutes

    Peer to peer presenter competitions eg health


    Prioritise subjects : maths, health ,...?

    Why not main reporting style from 1) youth jobs summits; 2) most trusted development networks eg BRAC? 

    Freeing education of job creators

    Missing curricula include financial literacy, self-literacy (eg maharishi), coding, microfranchise literacy

    Missing structures: apprenticeships, lifelong learning geared to change positive impacts on sustainability

    Telecenters of jobs owned/operated by poorest mothers and job seeking youth

    Led out of  Hemisphere S Africa

    Montessori & Freire Breakthroughs

    Freire change mindset/presence of teacher first

    Missing truths- eg possible to help almost any illiterate adult to read newspaper within month

    Possible to design dashboards so children chooses self-learning pattern and teachers freed to tutor flow-breakers (cf UK elearning 1973!)

    Led out of Hemisphere E

    Futurise Leapfrogging

    10-times more valuable win-win models under 35 YPA need to be leading 2030now towards: 20 years of mobilising partnerships with poorest village circles

    Cashless banking & solarcredit

    Nanocredit -if mobile billionnaires freed one life critical action-learning network what first

    Last half mile redesign of multinationals

    What do open source wizards value productive purpose of each market to be

    Led by Twin Labs - greatest need community, greatest tech resource

    Continental elearning satellite: Yazmi

    What content

    What local and global open education partners. How ensure OT youth embedded -eg combo of Kenya's IHUB and MIT media labs

    Sustainability Mindset :map exponential local risk as relentlessly as worldwide opportunity

    Link role of teacher, parent, community mentor; class of 2030now to 2015now connectors with investing in millennial goals

    Nations chief scientists tear up any non-sustainable curriculum

    Freedom Led by Africa&Asia

    End tyranny of standardised testing

    New Zealand since 1984 -shared with 10 million chinese parents circa 2000

    Open Space since 1984

    WISE process back from future of WHICH education laureates since 2010

    Celebrate competition of youth collaboration entrepreneurs

    Value the universities that bank for open sourcc and job creating entrepreneurship

    Maybe led out of small or uncrowded nations



    Bangladeshi Microcredit - System design valuing Keynes top 2 goals for economist - end poverty, communally invest in next gen jobs

    Microeducationsummit: Why wasn't microcreditsummit designed as open university of these sorts of action learnings

    Poorest Mothers Livelihood Development

    Job-creating educational loan

    Redesigned local value chain to sustain livelihood

    Rural health service raising life expectancy reducing family size

    Social network sharing vital knowledge actions

    Banks surplus investment banking in next leapfrog:to sustain youth's futures

    Grameen Housing

    Grameen Phone

    Grameen Energy

    In addition BRAC was the educational and health serice architecture of the villages

    Bangladesh became  first 100 million plus developing country to demonstrate that when less than 1% of people have landline phones, the national economy leaps forward if mobile access becomes universal starting with the poorest.



    #2030now library of gamechanging maps

    #2030now - how millennials can match sir fazle and samara

    The Greatest Maths and Curricula Vitae  (Jobs) Crisis the world has ever seen 

    Young professionals 25-35 can be the most educated, connected, colaborative and caring goals networkers any gerneration of humanity has been blesses to velebrate but not with the media and job-destruction models that big brother economists and bankers 


    1) search out the hottest debates  eg discussion on where millennials linkin to action network what microcreditsummit refused to empower 

    2) navigate the missing curriculum of  world record job creators and 2030now - invsting in milennaosla nd their goals in sustaining everyu community of our borderless planet 

    where do you linkin tehse sorts of mediatoons - chris.macrae@yahoo, wash dc 301 881 1655 linkedin 



    who's transforming which market sectors to help millennials sustain jobs worthy of life?-- rsvp partner in publication of world record book of job creation

     Aid - Jim Kim, Millennials (professionals aged 25-35)and womens mepowerment networks of UN thanks to billion dollar transformation bequested by Ted Turner family

    What is net generation's unique purpose see jim kim video and read hos notes Jim Kim2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc 2030nowjimkim2transcripts.docon social movements and how much work it takes when a marlket's value chain is blocked by as many as 5 conflicts with what most people want all acting to make the market ever more costly 

    Education - Maharishi Partners, Yazmi (and Negropronte), BRAC. CMS-Gandhi, Open Learning Campus - world bank, coursera, selected partners ,  khan academy, MIT Open Edu, NZ, Bridge Academy kenya - any by practice areas eg1 nearly free nusring college: khan, PIH, grameen eg 2 open tech wizzards - the multiple labs of MIT and Berners Lee, IHUB kenya, alumni of Jack Ma China ...  eg young (25-35) professionals networks - see eg listing at

    Media - Yazmi satellites, Nanocredit partners mobile Wome4Empowerment, Fashion4Develeopment/SingforHope/GlobalPoverty Projects (NY); Youth Jobs Olympics- Atlanta2015 twin cities in most valuable 21st C event to host with youth, Africa24tv, Young Africa Society as model of all world bank regional millennial professionals, the 20 bottom-up multinational listing of Paul Polak

    Mediation of public service- Ibrahim, Pope, YPA of world bank (7 oct 2014). solidarite models of lech walesa and open society East Europe

    Banks- BRAC with its 3-in-one system of microcredit, urban regeneration banking, cashless banking and its knowhow sharing with 

    Health PIH, YPC Millenials and Value Chain transformation cases (eg HIV product innovation and commercialisation) 

    Crop science Agriculture: food security - traditionally alumni of borlaug, nippon institute and BRAC ; recently disapora groups adopting eg the ethiopian model of blessed coffee shared at inaugural summit DC June 2014

    Clean energy and celebration of races to zero footprint- the grameen/willaims solar-for-a billion energy model, china, alumni of ray anderson 

    Investment models of pro-youth and netgen economics- see range of way above zero-sum models at ask if you need directions to who's transparently fast track networking which model -also see curriculum of george soros alumni of ineteconomics (NY and London) and open sociiety CEU Budapest



    who's transforming which market sectors to help millennails sustain jobs worthy of life-- rsvp partner in publication of world record book of job creation

     Aid - Jim Kim, Milennails and womens mepowerment networks of UN thanks to billion dollar transformation bequested by Ted Turner family

    Education - Maharishi Partners, Yazmi (and Negropronte), BRAC. CMS-Gandhi, Open Learning Campus - world bank, coursera, selected partners ,  khan academy, MIT Open Edu, NZ, Bridge Academy kenya - any by practice areas eg1 nearly free nusring college: khan, PIH, grameen eg 2 open tech wizzards - the multiple labs of MIT and Berners Lee, IHUB kenya, alumni of Jack Ma China ...  eg young (25-35) professionals networks - see eg listing at

    Changing the vlue chain of advertising - muhammad yunus 

    Media - Yazmi satellites, Nanocredit partners mobile Wome4Empowerment, Fashion4Develeopment/SingforHope/GlobalPoverty Projects (NY); Youth Jobs Olympics- Atlanta2015 twin cities in most valuable 21st C event to host with youth, Africa24tv, Young Africa Society as model of all world bank regional millennial professionals, the 20 bottom-up multinational listing of Paul Polak

    Mediation of public service- Ibrahim, Pope, YPA of world bank (7 oct 2014). solidarite models of lech walesa and open society East Europe

    Banks- BRAC with its 3-in-one system of microcredit, urban regeneration banking, cashless banking and its knowhow sharing with 

    Health PIH, YPC Miellenials and Value Chain transformation cases (eg HIV product innovation and commercialisation) 

    Crop science Agriculture: food security - traditionally alumni of borlaug, nippon institute and BRAC ; recently disapora groups adopting eg the ethiopian model of blessed coffee shared at inaugural summit DC June 2014

    Clean energy and celebration of races to zero footprint- the grameen/willaims solar-for-a billion energy model, china, alumni of ray anderson 

    Investment models of pro-youth and netgen economics- see range of way above zero-sum models at ask if you need directions to who's transparently fast track networking which model -also see curriculum of george soros alumni of ineteconomics (NY and London) and open sociiety CEU Budapest

    breaking news : If you are a member of our survey of millennials of #2030now or co-editing the world record book of job creators, we suggest these as first clicks isabella wm ‏@globalgrameen  17m

    value chain transparency & transformation reference jim kim and open learning campus - #africayf2014

    ..Happy 2014's Most Collaborative Youth-Jobs Caps1ATL 2JOH 3GLA4DHA 5?? 
     43rd Entrepreneurial Revolution Youth Networks Celebration -thanks everyone  Norman Macrae Foundation- Youth Capitalism Washington DC 1 301 881 1655

    Youth and WorldViews of Norman Macrae 1972-2015


     ValueTrueCrises on NetGen Mediation 2015-2030Now (rsvp to help with world reord book of job creation)

    #2015now - invetsment needed so milenilas enjoy co-producing their greatest goals for human race

    #2030now jim kim's mapping back deadline of social movements of net generation and toptal re-examination of value chains

    #2025now irreversible timeline of net generation mapped by The Economist in 1984

    #2018now -175th celebrtions of The Economist's mediation purspose

    ValueTrue Context

    Emerged from Emtrepreneurial Revolution dialogues hosted by my father from 1972 in The Economist. We had become involved in student experiments with early digital learning networks

    Father designed ER curriculum around the greatest communications challenge ever impacting human being: satleitte telecomputing's death of cost of distance, need for borderless love of sustaining human race, potential to mobilise open source apps round life critical services, abundancy of how knowhow can multiply value in use through opposite auddting that industrial age' ownership and scarcities of consuming up things. He linked most joyful future history in to work with Japan since 1962 which value Eastern hemisphere livelihoods rising (1975-2075 The Economists' Asian Pacific Worldwide Youth Century). Technical issues included redesigning an world reserve curence around location of biggest populations to be become entrepreneurally free and happy (human intent of nationhood eg Declaration of Independence) 
     Pro-Youth Economics

    Places can only sustain griowth if vapital strubtiores family savings to invest in next generation's livelhoods

    Expoential analysis neeeds to be the focus

    Mediation of milennials goals needs human consensus ahead of time; Those of edning hunger and capital abuse of youth which The Economist was foudned around to question biggest decisoon-makers during industrial revolution colud be useful; Keynes core system theiry- economists core problem is ending poverty; acadmeic economists pose gretest opprtunity and risk to youth as increasingly their rules dsign what futures spin

     Crises of Net Geretaion Mediation Anticpated

    Need to ransform beyond social design errors that had compubded during west 3rd quarter of 20th century:

    Governments had started taxing 15% of all people's outpouts to spend on arms; cold war's unintedned consequence was bipolar dictatorship sponsored in nations emerging as free from colonisation

    Tv mass media had spiralled short-term soundbiting

    Intergenetaional social designs ere compound wrong ways:

    Externalising compound risks often in ways hidden from public understanding

    Opposite macroeconomic patterning (eg national health sercices, education system designed for government not youth, bureaucrat's national unions) that next generation would be asked to bail out expoential disinvestment by elder generation

    Which way forward:

    map multi-win value excgange models- purpose freeing orldwide youth's most produtive, sustainable and openly colaborative time

    atutomate zero-sum models, extraction and externalisation at boudaries with consequence of Orwelloina Big Brotherdom



    download jobs agent

    Jobs Puddle ; linkedin ; shared diary
     Several generations of my family 3 2 1 have been concerned about mediating economics and open education- we value investing in next generation's livelihoods out of every community and wish to retire all economists and media men who devalue this. If our valuetrue goal -and its worldwide youth maps -  interests you please skype me at chrismacraedc or email me at or phone me washington DC region 301 881 1655 so that we can share a guided tour round diaries of youth job creators- and how this defining social movement of the net generation wil become most valuable for capitals to co-host than the Olympics - with the most joyful launch yet known being Atlanta's 4000 youth accelerator Nov 2015 

    amy can translate madly creative ideas into chinese and maybe do one minute viral videos but only if she believes the story is worth testing with her peers

    daniel has an arrangement with a chinese city to exchnage up to 4000 english speaking students every 4 months; green belt roads are probably the curriculum which will get enough youth doing the exchange- jeffrey scahs just made a speech in hong kong saying belt roads would go disastrously wrong unless green is much more integrated into financing networks- this was a big topic prepared by china g20 but lost by the sad germany g20

    if you have completely different ideas please state them - the people circulated are used to me sharing mad ideas- we are not going to have trasnformation impact out of artic unless we find an idea youth can virally scale

    what was wonderful about timo speech on finlands hoals was they all sounded so normal unless you put trumps white house staff in the room in which case what he said would sound crazy

    max- you said you postgraduated from tufts; many of us feel that boston is the lead american city that can be in middle of getting to sustainability generation - thotkil has extraoirdinary contacts if we can think of a college within artic university run by partners of familes with autism;  bangladesh digital side was built by bangaldeshi-americans who hub out of mit and dubai; max are you able to organsie a tour of people in boston you most trust in which case jayfus and lee may be 2 technolgists who  need to go with you

    will be in bangaldesh before we meet- bangldaesh is predicted to have quarter of its people killed by drowning unless new green universities work fast

    i need to find out which people who value bangladesh's education revolution around the world want to actually save bangaldesh from flooding; if they dont china's bodrder problems will cause much of its belt road to colapse and probably the nuke party will take over the world

    max i can testify most people circulated are passioante about something - if you find ways to accelarate sane one to one conversations without me please do; i can always be taught later- we need artic university to be a top 10 university but i havent spent a second of my life in te artuc so what the flip do i know?

    netgen 64 trillion dollar challenge- can your capital twin with atlanta in linking youth jobs creating expo?

    click here to download file



    recent questions (below) -general maps far right column

    • can unions win-win-win with other productivity and demand stakeholders of a value exchange



    Keynes died a very concerned man. His general theory had just proved that the world would increasingly be ruled by economics: sustainable exponentials up or crashing exponentials down? That is the forbidden question "springing" through every future that peoples' intergenerational savings can invest in.  Keynes implored his last alumni to take a hippocratic oath to help people prevent Orwell's big brother endgame. This paradigm kicks in all over the world as technology's moores law starts connecting the world exponentially faster. Ironically, this Death of Distance scenario started ticking on our net generation in 1984 -ie Orwell's only mistake was in timelining his warning one generation too early. Or was it a stroke of journalistic and mediation genius intended to give us the space of an extra generation to prepare ahead?  

    As Gandhi and Einstein had prooftested- professional monopolies ruling over separation hypotheses crash into communities' greatest need for trust to flow. Top-down professionals compound compound an irresponsibility which  is rooted in the failure to integrate bottom-up contexts. Exponential impacts pose man's greatest whole truth risk because by definition an exponential's shape looks linear until it tipping point is breached. Gandhi called the empire's Raj professionals (including my grandfather whom it took 25 years to transform from Mumbai's chief justice whose duty it was to send Gandhi to prison to writer of the legalese of India's Indepndence) nice men who did not understand the details they were ruling over the faster the first half of the 20th century spun. Punctuated by annual travels to other hemispheres, my father did the best he could to mediate Keynes concerns at his desk of The Economist in London St James between 1949 and 1988. It is abundantly clear from his history of surveys that we have not yet slayed the fatal conceit of macroeconomists. We do not trust youth enough to educate them to question those failing expoentials most likely to trap them. (Exceptions welcomed 1 2 3) 2010s Last Call for Youth Productity all over a world of historically extractive boundaries

    Our valuetrue optimism determines that if we collaboratively map how to integrate goodwill multpliers of microeconomic maps, we can make the 201Os youths most productive decade. That is the visible impact that entrepreneurial revolution of old 20th c organisational typologies needs now. The game is on to partner new media and youth's greatest goals in transforming around. World youth are invited to try that game out by making London Olympics the first not to be spun by advertising spots (which became the least economic way to communicate - let alone lead - exponential purpose.)

    Microcredit's Treasury of Trust: Unlike the ratings agencies that made MBA mindsets and big banking unsustainable, there is a joy of microeconomics' search for leaders empowering net generation productivity. As of December 2012 this is stirring most energetically out of Brussels of all unexpected. Have a look at some videos that tell courageous leadership stories in every way that ad spots can't. And please tell us where to linkin to more courageous leadership screenings.

    maps wash dc 1-301 881 1655 welcomes queries on collaboration entrepreneur projects of Foundation Norman Macrae, The Economist's Unacknowledged Giant

    Since 1984 we have been helping entrepreneurial peoples and leaders rehearse Q& A on world's biggest maths mistakes - and why are all the world's largest global markets (banks, national social services, energy, education, healthcare ...) spinning destruction of youth's jobs and end of sustainable communities?

     for details on what purpose each global market could be designed round to maximse 2010s (a norman macrae foundation project) as youths most productive decade - go to discussions at with further ersearch at and

     Please tell me ( if you have a Q&A to list at our web When did the greatest maths error start spinning viciously?Late 1980s as accountants started computerising numbers on the killer application of the spreadsheet, and entered a race to be the big 5 to do that all over the world. I was hired to be the global intangibles valuation expert in London branch of one of the Big 5 racers. I lost the battle on what goodwill could have been about  -exponentially how transparent a multi-win model is your organisation's purpose celebrating and passionately networking around? Who first knew of how much risk would be compounded by these errors?First some brand people did in early 1990s (eg see my contributions to death of brand manager written up in The Economist). Then some knowledge management gurus as all organisations went networked. By year 2000 the DC-based economics institute Brookings chaired a report on Unseen Wealth that included stockmarket regulators and most professions- its conclusion- without the missing audit the 21st C will compound greater and greater risks unseen. In 2001,  Bush's new administration stopped funding of this and other research of sustainability . And the EU stopped funding in 2003- at that time the lead researcher said politicians don't think public care about this. It will take 3 European Enrons before they do. Well wasn't the subprime debacle the equivalent of at least 3 Enrons on every continent. I don't think the EU has fully grabbed the nettle yet but there are signs its ahead of other regions - see our chronicles at  

    Is there any nation whose entrepreneurial development over last 40 years hasn't been dominated by the spectre of globalising the greatest maths error? Yes up until end of 2010, Bangladesh's grassroots networks were designed microeconomically around the highest trust models ever seen - Yunus calls them Social Business Modeling. Because of these experiences Norman Macrae's last 2 articles in 2008 were written on why those wishing to empower net generation's productivity and most exciting goals can converge on  to be as pivotal to open world trade as Japan in early 1960s. Issue 3 of JoSB was devoted to the 15 year knowledge networking celebrations inspired by Bangladeshi's village mothers' purpose -see the peoples network at, with special thanks to Queen Sofia of Spain for her tireless support and empowerment of this millennium goals endeavour.

    Are you interested in a presentation on the greatest maths error in the world? By, and archivist of The Economist's Unacknowledged Giant and links person for Norman Macrae Family Foundation Washington DC hotline 301 881 1655 

    The greatest maths error is the one that is destroying jobs of youth and sustainability of communities all over this start up of the global village century.


    The mistake revolves round there being no recognised audit of how uniquely purposeful an organisation is. Now my livelihood model charges as near cost as I can to people who are passionate about systemic chartering unique purpose, and high fees to those who want presentations on greatest maths error but have no purposeful case to make core to the presentation. Equally I advise that the missing valuation methodology revolves around mediating conflict resolution



    I am talking about at least one service purpose of customers and society, other than extracting money from them. Please note that the culture of entrepreneurial revolution passed through many generations of my family is not the slightest bit interested in enterprises however social that can't demonstrate a positive cash flow model. Equally, please consider this : if your only purpose is to extract money- won't your customers ultimately find you and reduce your goodwill to nothing? Adam Smith actually defined a free market as one in which sufficient transparency and direct social action existed that ultimately customers would devalue purposeless organisations. One of's aims is to help peoples in each hemisphere publish journals (including JoSB - Journal of Social Business) that treasure and map this Smithsonian principle. Adam Smith scholars are linked in to this publishing library. wash dc 1-301 881 1655 welcomes queries on collaboration entrepreneur projects of Foundation Norman Macrae, The Economist's Unacknowledged Giant

    welcome to - help us co-edit chapter 3 of the book on pro-youth economics drawn from the archives of The Economist's Unacknowledged Giant


     click to download journal of pro-youth economics


    also free special issue 3 : celebrating 15 years of microcreditsummit  




    Maps Coming From Adam Smith’s DreamLand Going to?..


    What we see in Bangladesh is the emergence of multi-win models that truly realise Adam Smith’s dream of (entrepreneurial economics) system for investing in next generation’s productivity out of every community


    First Consider productivity inputs to a free  market's exchange of productivities and demands

    *P1: Grameen and BRAC are designed round investing in peoples productive and lifelong learning curves

    *P2: They  multiply  value of group productivity such as Grameen ‘s teams of 5, or hubs of 60

    *P3 They are empowered by intrapreneurial leaders whose behaviours mimic the writings of The Economist’s Unacknowledged Giant in every way that knowledge networking leaders need to be different from the age of bossy masters of administration

    *P4: Society’s resources are also maximized because that’s in the intergenerational culture of these organisations’ race to end poverty as specified by village mothers



    Next consider the multi-win design of the demand outputs


    Workers or employers are energised by seeing real miracles on the ground happening


    Customers are determining what better is in each of these community markets where all the actors can see each other


    Perhaps the magic trick of the system design is that while positive cashflow is insisted on its all being invested back in the community because the owners are those in greatest need in the case of grameen and the ownership is in trust of ending poverty are the village level in BRAC


    The demands of nature and other sustainability criteria are fully accounted for because when you are in are at the bottom (the rural village) you have no one else to externalize on and you can only make intergenerational progress if you are as smart as nature at boundaryless openness



    The overall multi-win model of value multiplication looks like this. (email for picture ).And the impact metric you should be compounding into the future is shown on the right. Rising exponentials are interesting curves. They may take many years of development on the flat part until you start reaching a Moore’s law like doubling of achievement of your goal. Equally they have a flipside. Each component of the value multiplying model is its own micro exponential curve. And if one curve starts heading downwards all may crash. This si why advance conflict resolution and mapping transparency is needed.


    This also suggest a second map that some call value chain modeling. When BRAC redesigned, for example, the total chicken market, it had to redesign at least 5 components parts that were not working together or previously handy been invented. Each needs to interface with each other as a win-win-win


    We will find that both of the maps presented here are version 0. Part 2 of the Bangladeshi story that started compounding impacts from 1996 is what happens when telecoms and all sorts of media links into all the value exchange relationships!


    Valuetrue mapping is based , like trignometry, on simple constructs -of value multiplication needed to sustain above zero-sum business and social models - that emerged from sources which include Norman Macrae’s Entrepreneurial Revolution trilogy that began as a survey in The Economist Xmas Day 1976. Norman’s intent was to clarify the world's future need to choose which of 2 opposite economics system rules to be spun round. Both alumni and heroes of Norman Macrae represent the microeconomic tradition begun by Scot Adam Smith from middle of 18h century, continued round Scot’s auld allies the French (eg JB Say) at the start of the 19th century and then journalized since 1843 in The Economist founded by James Wilson whose son-in-law Walter Bagehot as second editor changed the English constitution – and monarchy’s role – from head of empower to hub of commonwealth.
    No amount of resources or data can be led intelligently if the wrong valuation assumptions are used. For example, the mindset of Andersen Accounting (once one of the Big 5) destroyed the whole firm's valuation for 2 interfacing reasons. First, Anderson assumed that its valuation was entirely dependent on business stakeholders- society could be serially abused on true and fair, and provided Business clients gained, fines for transgressions were just part of the cost of increasing Andersen's valuation. Second, by assuming future valuation adds across separate boxes instead of multiplying, Andersen could not imagine its future value multiplication: zero value to society * billions of value to business stakeholers means your worth trends exponentially down to 0*billions=0 instead of 0+billions = billions. Hundreds of Billion-dollar coreporations have zeroised themselves during 2000s through similary erroneous valuation and governance. More scarily whole nations have compounded social risk unseen. Clearly the economics of Nuclear is not what Japan's last quarter of century of assumptions compounded - heartfelt commiserations to my family's favourite innovation nation for much of the second half of the 20th C.   Skype chrismacraeDC if you urgently need to question value multiplication maps.

    As an internationalist Scot, my dad  dedicated his lifetime to searching out which type of economics improved the human lot

    The unacknowledged giant

    The unacknowledged giantAdd to Playlist

    .can we navigate 2010s as most exciting decade to be alive?



    In the last third of his life, he increasingly considered Bangladesh as offering the most exciting economics for the 2010s net generation's coming of age. He must be cheering from his grave that two thirds of US congress has fall 2010 come to this conclusion too. This nation new to the world as recently as 1971 celebrates grassroots entrepreneurial networks designed to exchange the greatest wishes humans are capable of. It mobilises this by bringing down degrees of separation in ways that are global village grounded collaboratively round life critical needs .

    we are forming 100 new professionals -candidates for this network - please apply  

    Changing Economics (including banking) -keynes "only economics rules the world" - so which paradigm do hubs and you want to co-create 2010s globalisation with Micro-Up or Macro-Down 


    Changing Global Accounting

    *tangible mindset has misvalued goodwill exponentially devaluing trust and incresing risk

    *people are booked in as costs to cut while over-investment in machines is rife

    *separability mindset causes add to be used in spreadsheeting numbers to exclusion of multiply - eg this zeroised the worth of Big 5 accountant Andersen!

    *all of above cause compound risk at boundaries just as networks make connectivity of systems critical SWOT of above zero sum knowledge working & global village age 

    Changing Big Lawyers

    *Lawyers make the cost of an industry sector admitting an error - even one where there was no knowledge at the time - prohibitive; so industry wrong turns are covered up and compound loss of sustainability onto society

    *In US in particular boards can be sued if they do not make the most short-term profit extraction dcisions; this is mathematically the opposite logic to sustainability and investing in quality/innovation

    *Businesses with big pockets tend to use lawyers to ensure inconvenient truth spins our world

    *Lawyers often help the biggest subcontract out the industry's riskiest responsibilities resulting in lack of proper compensation or loss of fair trade

    *However unknowingly lawyers' impact often destroys trust & transparency assumptions of Adam Smith's Free markets  

    *The one side is wrong principle of law is not economic wherever mutual responsibility matters

    *Law is a  game of ever more complex rules - families,  entrepreneurs, community commons lose by this bureaucracy

    Changing Media & Education

    Changing Risk Analysts Insurance

    Changing what government rules over & what community sustains

    Changing Capital Markets

    Changing MBAs and zero-sum strategy mindsets

    Youth and leaders who hub through can join us in writing up -and open sourcing - the book of sustainabilility's exponential economics. This builds on dad’s 3 primary investigations at The Economist as journalist of entrepreneurs, asia pacific century 1976-2075 and how the internet can exponentially sustain a youthful world of peoples sans frontieres - one that integrates every community to thrive through diversity, job creation, productive happiness, freedom and optimism in what our next generations can achieve provided we do not let history's top-down mindsets rule us over-much. Washington DC bureau 1-301 881 1655 ; family foundations skype isabellawm

    October 2010: Extract of 5th visit to Dhaka & Muhammad Yunus to discuss microeconomics people need for 2010s to be most exciting entrepreneurial decade - prior visits dr yunus: YunusUni & Youth Ambassador5000, 69th birthday wish dialogue, dvd10000 clubYunus2050 bookclub

    .................................................. Productivity is generated by people. How human beings’ learning curves over time are actioned, the emotionally intelligent energy of the teams we serve, the communal networks of goodwill relationships we multiply, the purposeful systems empowered by organisations people want, global markets focused on safely mapping futures youth need investment in if a region is to develop, exponentially sustaining integration of the diversity of societies’ natural resources and community infrastructure. Economics can transparently map multi-wins between productive inputs and the demands people make : for jobs, as customers, investors, societies and future purposes that truly free global markets sustain.

     Economics determines whether the purposes of all professionals lead exponentially up through virtuous spiraling system designs or exponentially down  through viciously spiraling conflicted systems, We need to frame economics so that young people from 11 years up can participate in interacting the common sense world that is essential to sustaining our species. Before the net generation, civilisations that compound conflicts with nature’s pattern rules destructed regionally. As the 2010s make us worldwide peoples more connected than separated we can never again afford to compound such risks without the likelihood of planet-wide collapse. The good news and the bad news is the 2010s is the most exciting decade because by 2020 the economics that rules the world will be spinning  so fast that if we have chosen wrong pathways 7 billion people will not be sustainable, whereas if we have collaboratively mapped way above zero-sum games then the 21st C’s generations will enjoy the most productive time to be live 

    Selection from the Global Grameen Partners log:

    Changing Constitutions of Place

    Place Leaders:

    • Queen Sofia, Spain 
    • Luxembourg Royal Family
    • Emperor family of Japan
    • Prince Charles - Green Projects
    • US Congress

    Changing why people are world famous : Nobel Peace Prize

    Changing Professions: JournalofSocialBusiness &

    Grameen Corporate Partners: Intel. Danone, Credit Agricole, Veolia, Otto, BASF ... Uniglo ...

    Grameen University Partners : HEC, Glasgow Uni, Glasgow Cal, Kyushu, AIT, CSUCI CA State 

    Way above zero-sum Netizen innovations: The-Hub.Net  


    Wholefoods CEO John Mackey asks the simplest question of Free Market economics- What is the Purpose of ..?
      What is Purpose of? .. .DEBT HELP FED


    Food Retailing?




    Digital & Mobile


    Lawyers & Pros













    The Productivity of Purposeful Demands.

    This phrase may not purr off the lips but if teenagers could test economics gurus and other powerful men on one forgotten intelligence, surely this would be it.

    Sustainability of future generations depends on quizzing each other on this most basic of economics precepts


    In any market, or any organisational system in a market, there are 5 main sources of demands - these integrate purpose's whole truth when they positively reinforce each other's compound interests in the future.

    1 what local societies have right to demand - eg sustainabiliity

    2 what (lifetime) workers demand for their families & communities as well as self

    3 what customers demand

    4 what current owners demand

    5 what worldwide future generations can be expected to demand 

    chris macrae , valuetrue hotline: Washington DC (1) 301 881 1655

    All 7 billion people on this earth are united by a common system problem that needs resolving in 2010s if youth votes on sustainability goals  are to be achievable

     Economics rules the earth (keynes) But the current global economics rules are destroying the sustainbilty of more and more young people, families and communities  -re you a leader of Future Capitalism? 

    ValueTrue solutions to the crisis of sustainability exponentials exist. They are not that difficult for networked communities to share using worldwide maps of  community-based solutions. This web invites you to help. Do so by open sourcing maps through your peer communities to communities im greatest need of knowing how to action sustainability services.  This is the most inspiring exercise in bringing down degrees of separation that we can imagine being played- and its a game that needs to welcome every age group and culture and segment of the world’s population

    THEN Our 1984 scenario of an internetworking world  Changing communications, and what makes people distant, bossy, etc Changing national politics  Changing economics Changing employment Changing education

     – this is how dad at The Economist and I anticipated this problem in our 1984 on the exponential opportunities and threats of the being human in the First Net Generation to 2025



    Question this Catch 22 with all your being : going beyond everyone seeing such problems as wall’s street’s 2008 fall and the euro’s to-be-fatal collapse but getting all the professions that used the broken system economics to review what their hippocratic oaths need to change in their own work at the same time;  please tell us if your networks find any people who re becoming celebrated worldwide for empowering global villages and youth network debates of this challenge until globalisation’s 2000s professions are prepared to openly join in too

    The two worldwide heroes for sustainability we have spotted are DR Muhammad Yunus and President Barack Obama


    President Obama newsletter distributed to online america 16 April 2010: We know that without enforceable, common sense rules to check abuse and protect families, markets are not truly free

    Yunus : 2010s is most exciting decade to be alive; the 60s only had the race to the moon; thye 2010s has the race to sustainability of species and earth- denouement chapter of book Build Social Business May 2010 - join our 1000 bookclub of yunus at

    Can you help provide Economics Labs? 1 2 3


    1-2-3 What should people quiz economists on?


    I spent 15 years of my life using the first database software to analyse what customers and society wanted in thousands of markets and over 40 countries. It turns out that its useful to constantly doublecheck the integrity of what people don’t want as well as catering to positives. The two things that most destroy  consumers trust are:

     lack of safety - eg when I buy food for my children I don’t want it to make them unwell immediately or over the long term (eg the CEO of Whole Foods makes it clear that big USS foods processors have lost touch on this)   

    being cheated – I want to deal with organisations that truly are improving on what their brand promises to focus on ( parents ask their children to progressively focus their  learning curve, why wouldn’t economists value organosations  similarly round rising exponentials?;  more specifically an organisation that is passionate about its unique purpose expects to improve at each cycle and to build lasting customer loyalty by sharing some of that value multiplying improvement either in improving quality or lowering cost


    Three is the first magic number of system designs that sustain people relationships. In  2 person relationships, over time the chances are that one will become more successful or powerful than the other. And so the likelihood of disrespect increases. However in  triangularisation of relationships any such tendency by one can be moderated by the other two. We can use knowledge of this dynamic to quiz whether economists map  triangles of customers, employees and owners in the way they analyse purposeful demands. It turns out that what customers with greatest need of an organisation’s purpose want is related to what long-term investors should want. Looking over a generation’s timespan, Jim Collins has found organisational systems multiply 8 times more value for all, when purposeful metrics as well as cashflow metrics govern every decision and such goodwill flows through how co-workers share knowledge and behave. This analysis doesnt even count the organisations which multiplied so much customer or other distrust that they imploded. The employee enters into this triangle if you  have experienced a primary psychological finding in service markets : the customer can tell how a boss treats an employer from the way the employer treats the customer.  Customers are humans who empathise with employers who are motivated by communal pride and individual passion of the whole purpose of what is being organised


    Just like consumers dont want to buy things with unsafe impacts on their family, I cant remember meeting  a child or a woman who wants to buy things made by slave labour.  A global market isn’t free in the sense that economist Adam Smith defined it if it misinforms customers on any choice to do with whether the msking of the product destroyed peoples’ lives or unbalanced nature in a way that will compound the end of future generations locally or globally. Our species defining value has been grounded in investing in our children’s children. My father’s 1976 survey in The Economist pointed out that the mass of tv advertising and PR lobbying which has changed developed nations since the 1950s had already breached this fundamental economics and social truth. His recommendation was to search out more micro systems of analysis before the generation to 2025 rushed to be come more globally interconnected than locally separated through technology’s “death of distance” in which the cost of communications is no longer geographically determined . He also foresaw the 2010s as the most exciting decade where the economics of youth would be won or lost in the way we chose to globalise economics.

     Every 11 year old should be empowered to ask what  Keynes meant by saying increasingly economics rules everything. The way to ensure a globalisation that does not exponentially crash into all out childrens’ futures is to map valuetrue analysis at the level of every trillion dollar global market’s needs to be free. . What’s cool about mapping purposeful demands of productivity systemically is the same logic of how trust multiplies through relationships applies to one organisational system as it does to  a network of systems and indeed to all the man made global markets; conversely it applies to communities or the most micro levels of productive and demanding value exchanges that you can practice as we all learn from each other’s millennium goals and sustainability’s most  human needs.

    Nobel Dr Yunus invites Global Brand CEOs to form sustainability benchmarking club, Nov2009, Volksvagen Stadium

    1976-1990: During the last 15 of my father Norman Macrae's 40 years writing at The Economist, he mapped in deep microeconomic detail why the net generation to 2024 would compound one of 2 opposite outcomes -ten times more or ten times less wealth and health to be shared by societies worldwide. If it is evident to you that Wall Street is compounding the long-term destruction scenario, then the good news is:

    Nobel Laureate networks linked round Dr Yunus who are assembling universities and global corporate leaders in putting together the curriculum that frees every global market co comepound sustainable exponentials up instead of crashing down; citizens why not start up creative labs London LA Glasgow Berlin DC ...  to practice actioning the good news chris.macrae
    vt1.jpg           vt2.jpg           vt3.jpg     

    I cant claim to have read every last word of adam smith but until some guru wants to publicly oppose this view

    I thought free market meant openly celebrating the model of your cashflow's transparency

    and so zero-conflict with sustaining all whose productive or demanding purpose a specific market connects


    On Planet Earth

    There are 2 main types of living system designs- nature-made and human-made. Let us consider the latter. What map is common to all human systems be they global markets about 35 of the world’s 50 biggest economic systems), nation states (about 15 of the world’s biggest economic systems), organisations, communities, entrepreneurial teams and so forth. All of these systems can be mapped as value exchanges spinning round productive and demanding relationships gravitated by purpose whose value can multiply up or down .


    Mathematically this means that if human beings want to develop over time - and not end up facing ever bigger serial meltdowns - then we urgently need to understand compound exponentials over time. By definition : any living system is spinning exponentially up or down. Because most of purpose’s quality of relationships between the different value multiplying coordinates of productivity and demand are already invested in the recent history of the system,-  the vector on the rising/falling pair of exponentials any system is spinning can be mapped with sufficient accuracy that no leader can make smart decisions spending peoples time or money without having the latest exponential update transparently to hand.



    Although Keynes is known for saying that increasingly only economics rules the world, the exponential system metrics we are talking about have become less and less visible since the world started globalising .  You can choose when to datestamp the start to what Soros calls the age of fallibility but 1984 is quite a suitable time reminding us both of Orwell’s scenario and the date when mangers started linking personal computers together with the spreadsheet pretty quickly becoming the killer application of  business’s globally networked brainpower. Today almost all of the world’s largest systems are ruled by the exact opposite maths of that microeconomically needed to sustain rising exponentials. When managers reward themselves for one side (the top-down) taking every quarter from every other coordinate of productivity and demand, then the trust and the goodwill in the system is bound to decay at exponentially crashing rates. The scary thing about exponential decay is it looks quite flat until it falls over a cliff (some call a tipping point) after whish complete implosion can happen very rapidly indeed. In fact, the dynamic of goodwill conflicts in a value exchange system resembles the expoentil rate that cancer invades the body


    Think of any sustainability crisis (energy’s various dirty crises,  wall street and banking to trap main street in debt, greece and the imploding euro, dotcoms , job creation crises , the exponentially rising cost of healthcare...) that bothers you in the world today. It is possible to find misanalysed exponentials as the root cause of all such crises. Worse the more systems interconnect in the networked world we are accelerating, the more healthy systems can be brought down by one weakest system link in their network.


    Back in 1984 we forecast the denoument to whether globalisation would win-win-win for sustainability of  humanity or lose-lose-lose would happen in the 2010s. After this, any crashing exponential consequences for future generations will be irreversible worldwide. Even if our timelining, which is not an exact science is a few years out _ aren’t the stakes big enough that young people , communities, and cultures around the world should be free to debate this crisis of compound opportunity and threat? Mathematically there are solutions, but only one nation’s DNA has practised them since infancy. Any sustainability capital will need to twin with dhaka microeconomists to be just in time. We should applaud President Obama’s inaugural entrepreneurship summit in May 2010 for leaping as far as any western leader in a single summit can towards such microeconomics centre of gravity.


    But lets get to the nub of the fallibility crisis,-one which is a global rerun of what Gandhi-Einstein-Montessori collaborated to resolve in freeing India’s productive people from empiredom. To understand the crisis moment of opportunity we ll find ourselves in,  will require peoples everywhere demanding that every global profession to unlern at least one conventional wisdom which turns out to be its biggest conventional blunders- something that my have been perfectly right to rule over in some historic time but which is now a greatest wrong we could globally impose. Unlike the past, the future needs to map how to empower a generation of collaborative innovation so that way above zero-sum business models can blossom in communities around you –that is if sustainability will be the games our human race plays.  






    Increasingly only economics rule the world. As a mathematician, these words attributed to keynes, scare me like no other statement. What do we think they mean?

    ?That nations from greece in  2010 to Scotland around 1700 ceased to exist s independent democracies if the wrong sort of economics rules the world.

    ?That our greatest risk as man designs systems with a global scale on a par with nature herself is that that these largest system will be among the most irresponsible instead of responsible. There is no evidence I can find as we start the 2010s that global markets are currently governed to transparently value sustainability, what Gandhi, Churchill and Gore called governing whole truth not just inconvenient truth.

    ?That the purpose and hippocratic oath of economists needs to be understood not just by economists but  cross-section of every age group and culture.



     My recommendation that the hippocratic oath of economists is to empower the public to see the choice between 2 different ruling systems – those that exponentially compound sustainability, and those that exponentially destruct it.

    1 Value the source- My dad -Norman Macrae - who wrote about entrepreneurship throughout his career at The Economist seconds Dr Yunus' definition - Entrepreneur is one who makes more jobs than (s)he takes.

    In fact dad says the French "between take" refers to the social maps of liberte egalite and fraternite that public servants started making after guillotining the heads of royalty for monopolising all the people's assets. The Americans being patient people drawn originally from such sources as Europe's poorest and most enrepreneurial; - in spite of It Takes a Pillage reckoning that the bailout has so far funded new york's top-down gamblers with another 20 trillion dollars
    Bastille-type bloodbaths are not needed to deal with Wall Steet
    IF yes we can celebrate 2010s as the Joy of Life decade with open systems mapping  with transparency, joy of purposeful win-win-win organisations and sustainability exponentials up. These can be speedily, wholly and truly interconnected worldwide instead of the decade of exponential crashes that false metrics and inconvenient truth media have made the hallmark of the 00s.
    Now admitedly the editors of this web are impudent scots who know what hi-trust assumptions were made in the origin of Adam Smith's Free Market models , and have read James Wilson's social impact reasoning for starting up The Economist in 1843. Dear James died in calcutta before his time trying to reform the english's colonial macroeconomics, of diarrhea whose cure bangladesh invented for a cent a go in the 1960s and whose open source replication was one of the 1970's reasons for the world's greatest invention - what the microentrepreneurial world now celebrates as collaborative social business system modeling.
    If you have questions on true sustainability investment models we would refer you to Dhaka -Grameen Webs 1 2 3 ; BRAC webs 1 as the epicentre of such nobel endeavours where development is defined as the instrments as process whereby people strive for peace and prospertity. Failing that I am at Washington DC tel 301 881 1655 chris.macrae ; friends of Yunus 69th birthday dialogue celebrations in Dhaka include in London: mostofa  YForums; Sofia Creative ; Paul BBC; in my view the greatest worlodwide Nobel champion of Dr Y is sam in Princeton; my professional side is extremely interesed in brand leader CEOs as you can see from stories below which is a club that volksvagen are launching in november from their stadium in wolfsburg thanks to german friends of dr yunus you believe you are one of the world's joyous supporters of Bangaldeshi sustainability lnvestment,
    tell us info your story and the ones with demonstrable case bookmarks we will blog below   ..
     rsvp info@
    Grameen 09

    yes we can use technology for sustainability

    no 2010s millennium goals can't be met - nor a sustainable global -with wall street's short-term rewards and diabolical macroeconomic monopoly that shreds the 3 core system qualities of value multiplication 1 goodwill's trust-flows, 2 transparency and 3 compound whole truths. Which university business schools will contribute to missing curriculum of compound sustainability


    Grameen Archives

    Nobel 2006 - yes sustainability investment maps in business do exist- Bangladesh has co-created these since our nation's birth; I invite every young person to try social business model so they know the leadership choice they mediate in 2010s


    because of the social business model Grameen invests in more solar unit installation than all of usa banking- we have to value this ; bangladesh will be the first 100 million population to be washed away unless the world collaborates in ending climate crisis- thriving carbon negative economies are possible - come benchmark with dhaka a world epicentre of sustainability

     because we are a bank for the poorest dont under-estimate what we invest the poorest's monies in - bangladesh's partners aim to be as much a world leader of mobiles as bangalore was with the internet - we invite all micro economists to join us in the net generation's race to end poverty and co-create 7 billion jobs worthy of lifetime amd community service  

    Veolia & Volkswagen (Autostadt)




    Adidas & AIT YunusC & Grameen America & AshdenAwardsBangladesh & BASF &BerlinFreeUCISB (CSUCI) &CreditAgricoleColombia SB ZonesDanone &

    Universities for Sustainability; Media, Global Brand Marketing Sustainability


    Social Business – sustainability world’s greatest inventions

    Health for Poor

    Health Management Centres


    Eye Hospitals

    Nursing Colleges

    Medical University



    Mosquito N et

    Tech for Humanity

    Wealth opportunities for Poor – banks, centre-markets, knitwear, employment agencies, vocational grants, schools


    Bangla rural womens bank –

    Bangla village youth investments –grameen shikkha International replications

    Grameen Global


    & Glasgow CalU


    Energy for Humanity –Shakti – solar electricity, biogas utility, biogas ovens

    HEC (paris) &
    Queen Sofia (Spain)Intel & Islamic Dec Bank
    Prince Albert –Monaco FundObama- NobelNobel & Nike Foundation (Grameen Nurse Institute)Microcredit & & LKJamii Bora & Jameel
    Ali Baba 09

    I wish to compete and collaborate with Dr Yunus in job creation's human race - at alibaba and on behalf of chinese technologists for the peoples - we pledge creating 100 million microentrepreneurial jobs is possible through 2010s

    if your leadesrhip systems serves customers and employees then you compound great returns for shareholders too - no company with a sustainable future needs speculator shareholders; wherever speculators rule, macroeconomics becomes (is sponsor of) the Big Brother theory of how to become ever less economic- isn't that the main action learning of the 2000s? 

    More good news on 5 transparencies of sustainability - media, financial, ecological, business school and job creation

    FIFA & Visa announce financial football- a web-based game to teach 20 million financial literacy

    Grameen Bank's solar energy business which already installs more units than USA announces training partnership with government to take thriving catbon negative economy nationwide



    We are all sustainability investors in our futures which, wherever man designs systems, can only spin one of two opposite trajectories: exponential up (sustainability), exponential down (uncreative destruction). In the 1970s, Bangladesh planted seeds that have made this new nation the millennium benchmark of sustainability investors for all 203 nations on earth.

    This extraordinary circumstance developed because almost the whole female population simultaneously voted for designing banks that invested in their family’s health and their childrens’ futures. It was everyone’s good fortune that two of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs chose to spend their lives as open source leaders and in the process co-created the world’s greatest system invention designed around the female vision and mission.

    The triangle on which their sustainability business model –today called social business entrepreneurship - is anchored comprises:

    1 before we can invest we must know why conflict is still compounding poverty and innovate a solution to end this. We got the shortest straw from independence from the colonial British being decimated in a war with West Pakistan but that’s history, we have the future opportunity to design our freedoms, joy and independence ; we live in a region where natural disasters happen frequently and on a bigger scale than almost anywhere else and we must communally invest ahead of this; almost half of our population are treated from birth as if they have no productive contribution to make to life – yes we can change the way women are credited as the most organized and truly productive empowerment force man has ever seen.

    2 Our sustainability investment banking must be operated communally with the greatest tranapsarency as we strive to identify replicable franchises designed around positive cashflows

    3 All of the surplus will be reinvested in the long-term purposes of our female sustainability investors matching the vision and mission above

    Intriguingly, the two entrepreneurial leaders who have generated Bangladesh as the joyful sustainability epicentre of our times governed with the same wholly new system design of reinvesting entirely in life critical and developing purposes, but first applied it in differently segmented ways. Today, each can claim to represent over 8 million female investors in Bangladesh, all of whom have built their family’s lives by co-creating microentrepreneurial jobs as well as thriving and sustainable local rural markets. Worldwide diffusion of this system’s entrepreneurial revolution in sustainability banking worlds took less than a decade for the microcreditsummit born 1997 – as the most extraordinary networking paradigm of the millennium  – to reach 100 million poorest families.

    Nobel Peace Laureate Dr Muhammad Yunus took an approach of let’s invest in 60 people communities at a time, Fazle Abed, probably the only world leader to have youthfully experiences as a Batchelor in shipbuilding and a Master in accounting and a corporate directorship in energy, redesigned whole industry sectors from the bottom up so that every worker in the sector gained a living wage if they entrepreneurially took out a loan to participate in the way the whole supply and demand chain mapped sustainability. These were naturally different starting points.  

    Dr Yunus’ organisational teams had started up among the women of Jobra as nearest village to Chittagong University. Fazle Abed had begun with disaster relief webbed across whole regions and soon distribution across the whole of rural Bangladesh of the lowest cost medical cure ever- oral rehydration- whose solution revolves round local parental knowledge of how to mix sugars and salts and liquid in the right proportion so as to save up to 20% of all Bangladeshi infants from dying of diarrhea.

    Over time the distinction between these approaches has blurred – especially since 1996 as both Grameen and BRAC invested their members money in mobile and internet infrastructure innovations for the poor. The good news for global villages and world citizens is that Bangladesh is now a living laboratory of where  the world’s greatest system invention has been invested in relentlessly –and with a joy of life - for over a third of a century.

    India’s Gandhi Peace Prize 2000

    Citation : Grameen Bank, Bangladesh

    There are few institutions that inspire faith in humanity, live with a soul committed to fighting the inroads of global homogenization, seek to provide succor to the deprived yet diligent common people and prove that unity can work miracles even in an age of growing individualism. The Gandhi Peace prize 2000 is being awarded to one such institution which has been helping the marginalized masses to reject charity and to master their own destiny instead. It has been helping them tap their innate capabilities of entrepreneurship, thereby bringing them hope confidence and cheer. Here is a sorority of perseverance and service that promotes dignity and adherence to truth. Here is development which enabled millions of women from poor households to acquire a new meaning in life. Here is development with a human face which is not populist but people-centred and which promotes self-help and self-respect, values dear to Mahatma Gandhi

    It’s not only developing countries that can action learn from the Gandhian whole truth grail of Satyagraha and micro up entrepreneurship but every community around the world whose sustainability is in crisis. Its not just elders that can seize the exponential tiger of opportunity and threat as we mediate local societies and global markets free to be sustainable, its up to how youth’s curiosity and love of exploring human good choose to socially business network.


    The former first lady of South Africa called Dhaka the open university of microcredit – the banking model based on the sustainability’s truest system design. I slightly disagree because as I map it:  Dhaka is now en route to every sustainability city for every sector that contributes communally to human progress not just banking – vital though that sector is to Global Village and Main Street. Bangladesh is the open university of every life enhancing market sector that empowering micro up can develop 10 times more economically over time than controlling macro down. At inauguration’s prime time media opportunities, it is worth noting that Obama’s priority list of American sectors that need to innovatively transform to micro up empowerment include education, healthcare, energy and banking. The exponential costs of all four have been rising for decades to the state that they can neither be sustained communally nor sustain communities whatever party congresses over them.

    It may be exciting for world citizens to see that in Dhaka’s leading universities, Bangladesh framework for development economics is defined as the study of the instruments and process through which people strive for peace and prosperity. This is a curriculum which grades of every age and culture need open access to if we are to make the defining achievement of our net generation the united race to end poverty.

    Can we simply see the stakes of innovation have never been higher for planet, societies and business leaders including their economists? Can we agree that is why being alive today demands the optimism of celebrating the most exciting and the most responsible time to have lived on earth?

    As was exponentially forecast by leading entrepreneurial revolutionaries and microeconomic networks connected to The Economists in the 1970s and 1980s, if we integrate globalization round the system innovation of end poverty we will integrate 10 times more economical approaches to sustaining health and wealth everywhere by 2025. Conversely globalisation can spin exponential destruction - the Orwellian Big Brother way ahead - ending the sustainability of more and more communities through macroeconomic frameworks, whose mass mediated political chicanery of ever less than whole truths, will measurably compound 10 times less economic futures.

    The future option of accessing the world’s greatest invention thanks to Bangladesh’s due diligence is now everywhere that networked peoples exist, and I passionately ask you to consider why lurking for humanity in the 2010s would be the most dismal choice of all human history, and is mathematically likely to turn out to be an exit strategy for our species.



    As globalisation spun out of the last quarter of the 20th century, the global brand became the most powerful mediator of our lives and times. Like any power, this can be governed to good or bad ends. In terms of integrating quality of productivities and demanding relationships, these system qualities - and compound consequences - involve how we humanly invest in valuing transparency, sustainability exponentials and joy of serving hi-trust purpose.


    Research on risk has consistently proven that the natural state of the world’s largest human  relationship systems is to degrade unless proactive leadership focuses on detecting any human conflicts that enter into such systems and seeing innovation as an instrument that relentlessly resolves such conflicts before they spread. 


    Those global brand ceos who join in benchmarking global social business system opportunities will be involved in celebrating such dynamics as

    1)      extreme innovation partnerships,

    2)      co-branding celebrations of  the most meaningful world stages ever promoted,

    3)      ecological sustainability and

    4)      workforce sustainability.


    Trust in World Class Brands (published consensus of marketing leadership in 1988)


    The World Class Brand is a natural resource for corporations faced with trends towards unification in the business world. For better of for worse, and both kinds of social impact are likely, the world class brand is a logical reflection of the fact that the companies which win at marketing are those which see ahead of the competition. Today as the world’s most costly communications strategies are being planned, many of the conventional rules of branding need reappraisal.


    The Mediator of Out Times

    A World Class Brand has mutual responsibilities as a corporate ambassador and a consumable possession. As a communication vehicle of a company , a brand aims to establish a balance between two kinds of impression: the value of its offer (that is, making that next sale) and the quality of its credentials (that is advancing the reputation  for the company among such varied audiences as shareholders, employees , customers, suppliers, government and society)




    The mathematical reason and confidences that brand CEO leaders can look forward to enjoying by sharing benchmarking pursuits of hi-trust media in 2010s may sound paradoxical at first blush. 


    Just as globalisation out of developed nations was starting to compound fallible macro designs which need urgent reappraisal wherever they have included some dismally uneconomic practices such as junk bonds, CDOs and toxically packaged sub-prime assets, what was the world’s poorest of 203 nations, Bangladesh, started to entrepreneurially invest more and more in micro up system testing of the unique system design qualities now known as social business.  


    In other words, Big Bang and Micro Bangla map opposite leadership journeys for the futures of our human race which The Economist’s Entrepreneurial Revolution survey of the 1976 had mapped as the human choice between the compound threats of macroeconomics and the compound opportunities of microeconomics. Dr Yunus has crystallized the valuation choice involved in the simplest of branding terms. Does our networking generation, the peoples whose working lifetimes are spent on our planet between 1976 and 2025, wish to make its unique contribution that of uniting the human race to end poverty?


    Let us look at the first 4 global social business brand benchmarking opportunities in a bit more detail.


    Extreme Innovation Partnerships


    Dr Yunus’ model of extreme innovation partnerships explores what “Yes We Can” connect when you marry one of the world’s most resourced organization in partnership with one of the grassroots networks serving and sustaining most life critical needs. So far the impacts of his global social business innovations have been as remarkable for human progress as anything brand reporters may encounter.


    I doubt if any banker has been asked as often as Dr Yunus why did you get into banking. Being a mathematician, I believe this is one of the most interesting questions economists or journalists may ever get the chance to ask let alone invite continuous debates on. His answer is consistent: to help end poverty - which in the case of the 4 people who founded Grameen from 1976 soon became empowering the world’s poorest (and culturally abused)  women to gain the respect of being income generating and to invest their savings in entrepreneurial solutions geared to their lifelong communal wish: to see a better life for their children.


    Knowing this about Dr Yunus turns out to be critical to world class branding with him, as does knowing how almost the second thing Grameen microcredit got involved with as a sustainability investment bank was to become Bangladesh’s largest retailer of vegetable seeds!


    How?-Why!-What? ... because in the early days of Grameen Bank, Dr Yunus wasn’t permitted by local cultures to talk to prospective female customers at their doorsteps and had to wait out in the centre of the village while his female bank staff went door to door. In Bangladeshi villages, hoards of children, with the biggest smiles I have ever seen, mob visitors. Soon Dr Yunus noticed a sad reality. Most of these children were night blind. Asking his medical fiends at Chittagong university why this was, he was told that this was the consequence of nutritional deficiencies in village children’s diets. Deficiencies of diet and eye sight could largely be alleviated if Grameen’s members started cultivating carrots.


    Knowing this, it cannot surprise anyone interested in branding or in human nature – be they of social or economic expertise – what happened quickly once the first extreme partnership of global brands Grameen Danone was launched.  Systemised around social business’ microeconomics the new product – innovation of the lowest cost fortified yogurts to improve Bangladeshi childrens diets- became dr yunus’ favourite story to tell as he traveled round the world speaking at leadership conferences. These celebrations on the world stage include kings and queens and presidents, Nobel laureates of economical and peaceful kinds, as well as social and business networks of young entrepreneurial people everywhere who vote Dr Yunus one of the most trusted –and cheerfully good fun - leaders of our age. And in economic terms of free markets,  this means that Danone achieves at least 10 times more for its marketing buck than any other global media player has previously imagined possible. 


    Partnering in Globally Sustainable Free Markets Opening Beyond categories

    In March of 2009 Microcapital reported on a project, called the Grameen-CPAD-Danone Micro-Credit Initiative, to bring micro credit to the victims of the Sichuan earthquake that devastated the province in southwest China as well as to impoverished people of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and the Hebbei Province [1]. The project is a joint operation between Grameen Trust [2], which aims to support microfinance activities around the world, Danone [3], the world’s biggest producer of fresh dairy products, and The Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development (CPAD) [4], which implements policies and projects for economic development in poor areas of China. Danone funded the initiative by providing a donation of USD 2.9 million, according to an article in China Daily, while Grameen Trust has provide technical assistance and CPAD has provided policy guidance [4,5]. In addition to these groups, the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA), whose goals is poverty reduction through various means, has been implementing the project on the ground [5,6].


    But world class brands (as coined in 1988) insist on being judged by the system reality of economics of communal relationships, not perceptions alone. So it is in some ways an even greater celebration that the second world class social business branding partnership Grameen Veolia is now offering safe drinking water at an estimated 80 times lower price than has ever been commercially sustained before. Now when the 2010s publishes (I hope) the Bermuda & Bacardi’s book of world records, it may be that the official judges record 80 as 70.1 or 89.9 but what nobody need question ever again is that social business partnerships can innovate order of magnitude more economical systems. As we will see in a later chapter, this is also what the core controversy of microcredit is about – design a bank conscientiously to invest in income generation of and by the poorest – and so that the poorest get all the compound gains of their work over generations – and in our mobile age, ten to 100 times more economical banking for main street or local village people is possible. (And that quantification of social impact doesn’t include temporarily turn of the decade blips like microcredit being million times more economical than the Americans one where 20 trillion dollars has so far been wasted on those who would turn the biggest banks into places that make Donald Trumps’ casinos look like sideshows.)


    Co-Branding the greatest stages of Joy of Life Decade 2010s


    Dr Yunus proposes – as far as I know all who support millennium goals second – that the 2010s be the Joy of Life Decade. How is that?


    Well, accidentally, a few years ago London jumped the gun when some politician declared that 2012 would be the sustainability Olympics. Since that time the great and the good have started to wake up –and bring out 2.1 action plans of their african commissions and climate crisis reports. Lord Sainsbury’s elder daughter, with a bit of royal support from Prince Charles has developed the worldwide prize network  for micro energy. This is also a medium through which young people can enjoy sharing the good news that the bank for the poor already installs more solar units than the whole of the USA. Imagine what sustainability investment can do when its interests represent the silent majorities of people. The British council has started a youth climate champion network and ministers Miliband and Alexander have made personal trips to Dhaka celebrating its share of voice in climate crisis solutions and right to me mapped as world epicenter of sustainability. BBC’s ocean and nature broadcasters have started blogging on Bangladesh’s unique innovative sustainability solutions Citizens forums  spun off from 69th birthday dialogue with Dr Yunus in Dhaka and the opening of are planting the seeds to make it impossible to come to london for sporting reasons in 2012 and not to return with the bonus gift of sustainability joy.


    Of course, the last thing Londoners want is exclusivity in Europe on sustainability joy. We welcome the royal hunt of the son proposed by Prince Albert’s sustainability and social business foundation in Monaco, and expect that Queen Sofia’s lifelong commitment to microcredit will connect up with microenergy both as she officially celebrates Spain as the world microcreditsummit hosts in 2011 and by already signing a knowledge exchange agreement between Spanish speaking southern hemispheres and African ones - due to celebrate the 2010 microcreditsummit in Kenya at the time of the first 2000-family ecovillage in Africa to have been built by social business partners.  Kenya thanks to  is also the epicentre of the world’s first mobile slum-youth microcredit – an African invention which may one day be as joyous to celebrate as Bangladesh’s women’s sustainability investment banking.


    Connect these sorts of dots together and good news networkers can map how Dhaka as centre of  gravity for a sustainable world has already lit an Olympics torch relay to London 2012 through Europe and via both of the most populous southern hemisphere continents. To give the Joy of Life decade another kick start, in the summer of 2009 Dr Yunus made a video asking FIFA if it would be possible for South Africa’s soccer World Cup in 2010 to celebrate millennium goals as well as football. Mandela, whose birthday lecture Dr Yunus was giving, beamed magnanimously. Would it be over-optimism to expect FIFA to play ball? Well, please note two months after the Mandela talk at New York’s Clinton Global Initiative, FIFA and VISA were seen to announce the commitment to educate 20m million in financial literacy through an online video game called financial football.

     All this goes to show that global media co-branded events can realise human truths (or at least empower inter-cultural inspirations for the greater good) and not deal in nagging messages and self-gratification’s images. Media is the defining change of globalisation – both in its 20th century mass forms and its new interactive forms. If sustainability is to be our human race’s purpose, then we urgently need to blend the best of both of these powerful system determinants, not the worst of each.  There is a lot of innovation for global grameen brand CEO club to benchmark in changing media and to celebrate that day of  great joy when every child is born free to make the most of a productive life. Please be clear, this is a human collaboration crisis not one caused by nature. Our planet has more than enough abundance of resources for 7 billion people to compound 10 times more health and wealth. Back in 1984 my father and I estimated that the scale of the  globalisation of media crisis involved the threat and the opportunity of compounding 10 times less or more  health and wealth between 1984-2024.  Nothing I can see today changes this estimate of the scale of what’s’ exponentially at play, but compared with our scenarios and timelines we are leaving it terrifyingly late to get back on track. Unless worldwide peoples make 2010s the joy of life decade, we will have crashed into George Orwell’s Big Brother world whose end game is perhaps one billion free people or perhaps extinction of our species by century 22.


    Please tell me if you want to be one of my collaboration associates in championing dhaka as sustainability investment epicentre of microeconomics world
    • Where do transparent system maps of social impacts of [Entrepreneuri] begin?

    My clan's [story]-space & [social-nets]:

    Living Experiment 1: Open source co-publisher World Citizen Travel Guide to Learning

    • Accessdownload points include:

    The whole guide is open source - tell us if you co-create a download

    -76 is both when [grameen] started to change humanity out of in bangladesh, and locally when I started what led me to be one of the world's [deepest] mapmaker of media models and when dad started open spacing his entrepreneneurial revolution trilogy at The Economist whose hi-trust maps revealed how sustainability of globalisation would depend on economics being transformed above zero-sum

    Email: chris.macrae

    Phone: (usa +1)               301 881 1655         301 881 1655 (USA) ; locations Bethesda near washington dc when I'm not hubbing in London, Delhi, Glasgow, Paris, Wiesbaden, New York, Tokyo and Dhaka 1 2

     About Norman Macrae

    Main editorial writer of The Economist's system change world stories 1950-1989 : Chris' dad & his 85th birthday celebration of peer to peer networks in 2008 inmcluded Muhammad Yunus and 30 supporters of entrepreneurial revolution

    Our main transparency co-workers 

    • [mostofa zaman] authorised citizen and youth forum host of dr muhammad yunus
    • [Sofia Bustamante    ] (worldwide conflict resolution facilitator and supporter of dr yunus social business models- facilitator dr yunus 69th birthday dialogues in dhaka
    • [paul rose] bbc nature broadcaster ; leadership panel of [ashden awards for microeconomic world's best sustainability projects]- bbc blog of [yunus 69th birthday celebrations]
    • Business journalist: Alan Mitchell co-authoring - the missing hi-trust audit map without which the world's 1000 largest organsaitional systems will always compound the world's least sustainable investments
    • Wiesbaden [saskia bruysten] one of dr yunus' global brand partnership project leaders
    • Paris vivian norris de montaigue - film producer ofthe billion person blockbsuter to be: YunusMovie
    • Glasgow Zasheem - opinion connector of 3 Glasgow universities supporting Dr Yunus projects from nursing education to Grameen bank in Glasgow
    • Princeton [sam daley-harris] help sam make kenmya's microcredit summit april 2010 best ever; and get congress to elect yunus for congressional medal of honor; and to get nobel to nominate Ingrid Munro] for Nobel Prize
    • East-West peace : M Sadria, and M.Benomran Omagine
    • New York - Youth Ambassador - Alexis Sumsion
    • New York Peter Burgess- you can help fund (or add nominated local communities to) the grassroots teams that integrate them for ..[malaria]..[children]...

    Person I would most like to know a bit more - [fazle Abed]

    The folowing is an incomplete comtacts lists -please help us improve it. Linked means appears to have an ongoing association or more; known means has personally met Dr Yunus and exchanged important perspectives. Valuetrue nominations include people that valuetrue editors have personally visited and who we believe unerstand 2010s to be a critical decade in transforming globalsiation system crises. We are less uptodate with these peopel's progress than those above stated as transprarency co-workers. If you want to be intoroduced t poarticular people please send me an email to chris.macrae@ in a form that I can relay so they can choose response.

    West USA

    Yunus Linked

     Yunus Known

    April Alderdice, seattle

    Michael Milken - co-interviewees on charlie rose; panel discussant at Milken annual conference; both deeply concerned about heathcare economics

    Rick Wartzman, Drucker Institute, Claremont Uni- LA interviewer of Dr Yunus on nationwide booktalk tour jan 2008

    Jeff Skoll and Larry Brilliant - Crisis films- Dr Yunus keynoted at first 3 social entrepreneur world championships in oxford but has subsequently wanted to different social business model

    Journalist - Alan Webber, SF

    ValueTrue Nominations

    Melanie St James LA  -convenor of world summit in san francisco but LA based; also Kenya world social forum connector, distributor of 150 of 10000 dvds of

    Nomi Prins LA whistelblower (ex Goldman Sachs) 20 Trillion Dollar bailouts, Demos (NY) fellow

    Philippa Burgess, talent spotter emerging scriptwriters; Yes We Can facilitator

    East USA

    Yunus Linked

    Grameen (health boston, bank new york) leader Vidar Jorgensen

    GrameenFoundation DC leader Alex Counts

    Special mention - sam daley-harris microcreditsummit: Princeton & DC

    Yunus Known

    John Mackey WholeFooods & WholePlanetFoundation, Austin

    Valuetrue nominations

    Microloanfoundation - Peter Ryan and david Rice uses development of malawi's biggest microcredit as lab for boston social business students- close links with MIT enetrpreneur school

    BRACUSA fundraises for BRAC's extensions outside of Bangladesh -led by susan davis, new jersey

    Youth ambassadors : Alexis NY, Caitlin Swarthmore, Zara and Alex DC

    In trying to make human communal sense out of the baliout we like epi (DC), demos (NY & DC) and AFR Heather Booth DC

    Among practitioners trying to help global brand leaders transform back to sustainability: vivaldipartners, Erich J NY

    Greatest CEO effort for sustainability - Ray Anderson Interface, Atlanta

    South America

    Yunus Linked

    Mexico - carlos slim foundation microcredit

    Colombia -social business free zones

    Special mention - Queen Sofia in Spain is actively involved in championing exchnage of microcredit knowledge between Spanish speaking southern hemispher countries and Africa. The next 2 microcreditsummits aim to be the best for community up sustainability ever - kenya april 2010 and madrid 2011 with support of Queen Sofia

    Yunus Known Pro Mujer Bolivia

    West EuropeAfricaMiddle East including Pakitan and AfghanistanIndiaBangladeshChinaother asiaJapanrest of world

    I am trying to put the most important info on yunus linked universities one mail (please edit fo you see other details)

    according to the invitation, these universities will be at german meeting Nov 09

    Glasgow ie zasheem who both mostofa and I know quite well; Glasgow interests including sharing their nursing teachers with bangladesh something zasheem has organised and which yunus made big news of at clinton global; the vice chancellor has put her name to a glasgow grameen bank for 3 generations of unemployed- this has hot national headlines as currently the main thing blocking it is the law- do people as soon as they take microcredit stop being eligible for welfare?; zasheem also wants to catalogue social businesses as a yunus centre but yunus seems to be saying he can do that unoficially unless he can get someone to sponsor a chair on that; zasheem also has all my father's books on how economists elder generation serially destroy question next generation of economists need to ask;  zasheem is also a connector of homeless world cup (football being one of the world stages yunus is asking all brand ceos to connect rounmd ending poverty); and there are links with sir tom hunter - before the recent finacial troubles the UK's richest philantropist ; I understand that 3 of glasgow's 4 universities are now loosely collaborating around all or parts of above

     California State Channel Islands Uni which is opening California Institute of Social Business in February 2010 - Julia who leads this is ex Grameen Foundation, and says she will happily debrief us on where she is at Berlin

    Berlin Free University - which as far as I understand has the same personality Hans leading it as hosting the overalll berlin brand ceo conference- I will see if I can google any more on this but it will be most helpful if sofia can use her german lingusitic talents to go far d