Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How did 2 islands trap most people in poverty : maps of 2020s Last Calls HumansAI -thanks

Chris Macrae 2020 debate - what if every girl alumni of brac university - global U of goal 1 end poverty

Those who ValueTrue 1 2 media now know that mainly 2 islands -UK and Japan -spun poverty traps across continental Eurasia between 1760 and 1946- welcome to and ER! : our story begins with 2 Glasgow U scholars of 1760 Smith (Adam) & Watt (James). Watt wanted to explore the future of engines which is fairly simple to track to 1945. Smith's questions were much more diverse, mapping would be devilish in details until big data AI!
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Maps at show how Asia's continental economies correlated with population size were decimated by the island colonisers with exponentially increasingly particularly across the indian subcontinent by the UK and soon after mid 19th century when UK reached Hong Kong by Japan too. China's fifth of the world's people had closed to trade rather than an accept a UK proposition to accept opium as a currency. It is fair ri tay that the skills and resources needed to industrialise an island's infrastructure are less than what a huge continent needs. In every way the world of the early 20th century needed America's indomitable rise through the second half of the 19th century both to end world wars and to demonstrate how cotuents could grow in ways that islands representing about 1% and 1.5% of the world's population could lead.
WRJ Engineers contributed 3 transformational exponential (aka positive force multipliers) to the human lot in the 1950s
  • Von neumann computing
  • Korolev's Satellites
  • Deming's Total Quality engineering and supply chains
Fast forward to today: WRJ : Guterres, Ban Ki-Moon, Kituyi. We the peoples cannot afford a second longer of the nationalist world that spiralled vicuously during the 2010s in part because of the disastrous financial and bellicose messes of the 2000s. Any chance of accomplishing sustainabilty goals depends on revisiting the 1945 reasoning for founding the UN. In particular the third of the world aged under 18 depends on UN leaders webbing truth beyond politics- without fear or favour.

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