Friday, December 20, 2019

20 DEC 2019 DEATH OF SIR FAZLE ABED - Asia's rural health services builder and much more

1984 for globalisation tech to be a good idea lets bring down costs of vital healthcare worldwide
I FIRST MET ABED IN DHAKA 11 YEARS AGO; BY THEN HE HAD DONE 40 YEARS OF HARD WORK; as probably the most effective ever public servant in living memory - the first 30 years had focused on people to people networking in villages without electricity- how he and in parallel barefoot medics in humid chinese villages built rural health capacity is as near to a miracle as i will see 

 i am not medically qualified but ever since my father norman macrae's 1984 survey in The Economist on would the west ever turn round from disastrously designed health systems -

 health seems the most urgent search we can all collaborate on as citizens of the smartest age ever- if we dont what will be the point of moores law delivering trillion times more tech by the 2020s than needed in 1960s coding of moon landing
here is a copy of our story in 1984- huge apologies to abed, barefoot chinese medics and james grant for not knowing how much the east had already grassroot networked -other than dad's 1977 survey on celebrating the rise of the fifth of humans who live on the chinese mainland 

personal computer networking was conceived around 1984- see eg the famous apple ad, understand gates takeoff with microsoft as a worldwide language, by 1989 berners lee was launching the worldwide web


stories why 2020s was only going to be the most exciting decade to be alive if eevryone saw themsels as a life long coach and student

if we could make one wish for eople who spend their lives trying to unite nations (year75 curriculum since nations met operahouse san fran 1945)


before you try amd communicate17 sustainability goals at a time simplify one goal- humans dont repember 17 dimemnsions- when you look atsilos of experts they often dont match even one goal

i prefer my father's economic goal to anyone else which he said came to him as a teenger readig adam smith while waiting to naviagte airplanes  in world war 2 over modernday bangladesh/myanmar

sustainbility depends on designing a hyperconnected world in which each  next gorl or boyborn has a fairchmace at a good live and a great livelihood

just as dads 1984 survey can be read as saying we need enough people everywhere to love each others health gto map health data in ways that big separated corporations nor higly lobbed govermenets never see at community level, everyone needs to be celebrated for waht they can locally coach as well as what they study next 

health and education generate strong economies across generation not voice versa - as gov cuoo of new york values new yorkers be both tough and loving- we need to stop saying a few people are qualified teachers and hearl-connectirs=we all have to be if digital world is to be sustainable- this is what the; search your favorite- if she or he isnt there i - - would love to know so we can linkin the solutions kids and tecahers need to communalize

larry brilliants story begins in the afghan hills of early 1960s-

in those days even in those most isolated village regions wuth no electricity grids or running water, people were gossiping - if americans can land people on the moon soon no mission will be impossible back on earth

larry was a relatively poor white youth in detroit when one day he popped into a teacging hospital feeling giddy- it had been very hot and probably he had become dehydrated by bicycling for too long- instead of curing him for free, the admissions officer akso offerered a virtually free way for larry to gtrain as a doctor


provided he gave back with his knowhow- larry had found himself in afghanistan as his first employer warner borothers told him to accompany their boy band wavy gravy on a year long worldwide tour- which had just ended with the band recuperating with their favorite consciousness guru- so what did larry do next- he became america's number 1 expert in infectious diseases in asia- he was the man who ended the last case of smallpox on the continent- in those days you had to track and trace manually- larry contributed to some other miracles; eg he joined a network who aimed to end uneccsary blindness by making cataract operations affordable even if you lived in the least conected vilage on the aisna continent-


154K views13 years ago
Aravind started in 1976 as an 1

lets fast forward it was about 2005- a time when tedx conferences promised a prize to the speakers with the most exciting colaboration challenge; the prize was not money it was asking every member of tedx to linkin if they could help with thelaureate's chalenge- larry wanted to mobilise tracing maps to end infectious diseases- you may remember that while sevral sad thongs hapened on presdient bush watch- he too led the 2005 challenge to save the world from infectious diuseases


Pres. George W. Bush in 2005: "If we wait for a pandemic to appear, it will be too late to prepare." "A pandemic is a lot like a forest ...

google invited larry to be the head of what happened  from 2006 on is very confusing- google was to open source the android mobile operating system ; it knew before anyone other hugely fianced network that how big data became mapped as huan behavior tracked through mobile gps could be make or break to worldiwde human goals; but politicians had not been watching what big banks and their fake fratings agencies were up to- so the world enetered years of subprime fimacial crises instead of an era of smart design of health data; by 2019 larry was in his 80s;-it is apparntly a fact that trump dismantled infectious disease prevention networks as not providing a quick retorn on wall street - lok at what happened in dec 2019- taiwan by no menas happily related to beijing sent its top infectious disease expert to beijing- reported the big [problem is this is a disease where the vast majoority of youth it ifects are symptomless- close our bordres - this is what natiosn did who had transparently samrt infectioys disease experts- those who didnt do this in time but located in the far east had been practicsing track and trace for 17 yeras due to the saars outbreak; whence smart nations contain the virus by making sure blood tests cost less than 5 dollars per person and can be scaled as easily as buying a coca-cola in usa (the brand that invented service within arms reach of desire before usa had interstate rioads)

some of the above may be  disputed- honestly i am  not the slightest bit interested in which politician in usa was on the peopels side against the virus- it is clear the total suystem failed usa but if the lifelong learning of larry brillains had been know k-12 - eg kindergarters how to wash your hands-  we could have celebrated peer to  peer adolescent health as one of the most valuable curricula of 21st c education something the lancet has been at the epicentre of demanding for a decade now 


 when i was 9 years old a classmate was michael attenborough the some of actor/producer lotrd richard attenborough and the nephew of dadid attenborough= all of the attenborough family are fasciknagtimg to wiki[edia with to understand how for example richard bename obsessed wth gandhi and davuid became the smartest world service broadcastre i have ever seen. david's life chnaging learning moment did nit happen in school - it came when he attended a talk by a guy who committed his life to saving badgers from urbasiation. so it was that david became from theera lof black and white televisoion onwards the storyteeler of animals and natire like no other. i caught up with the head of gthe bbc studio reponsible for attennborough's work in geneva at an uncrad debate on how could trade help with great thornberg generations climate survival goals. over a billion aisna had eidted a 60 second extract of davids blie planet 2 where fish were cholking om plastic. that one minute viral moment did more for the movement of transfirm beyond live domintaed by plastic and other carbon-ruled value chains than all other research and teaching to date. there isa huge amount to learn from having enough tv media owned by the public that even when a program is entretaining enough to briadcast to billions - ome miniute of its can be mobilised as a viral story that youth app to chnage tghe world- why not spend one hour a week of every schoolchilds live searching for what issues to viralise- actually one cluster of schools in new zealand read our 1984 book and - every child  of that schooling sytem is trained to be frree to debate stories they want to invetsigatively journalise; in that district of new zealnd the school went on the radio during the winter break- whats the  next billion bopar industry didgital new zealad needs to bfring to the world because west coast amerucans never will in time; thats not because we are smarter than americans but we do have a diferent part of the paegt's diversoty and connectiveity to celebate with a world of education - if milennials ar to be the first sustainability generation when it comes to loving each others peoples, i takes courage to reflect on what hapen to a,erican peoples; i wouldnt exist without the way americans twice save europe and asia from world wars- but having iknvented the idea of assigning 50000 youngish brains to a great goal like moon landing- why didnt american elders value youth enough to mobilse youth around any great gols on mother earth? there may be many reasons if you are free to braiknstorm them with a diverse enough group of people- looking with a 12 year olds eyes out of london , kit doesnt seem to me that americans have ever been deeply served by their ;politicians since the death of jf kennedy. But i also realised increasingly after the birth of my daughter in wsshington dc region in 1997 that ter is a total failure of intehfration bith by skin color, faith, and date i say it woman and man. I do not have enough ime in live to argue with educatirs and others whose job paid by government is to argue its nit that bad. what i want to do is help communities look for solutions- we know fpr example how to build dual langiage k-12 education system; i dont think we yet know how to build schools for 2 diferent skins unless we can do that through langiages. Itonically because of the american constitution you cant begin to build dual faith schools. whether its is possible to build dual sex schools in usa where girls feel as safe as boys is something i doubt but hope to be shown i simply havent searched in the right place in usa yet- my maternal grandfrather's sir ken  last job 1945 was to write up the legalese of india's indpendence- after 3 generations of scottish missionaries in mjumbi who had started up pharmacy (kep's corner) and nursed in ways florence had inspired- sir ken's view of 25 yeras in mumbai mediating gandhi was NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE- those were his last words to me as he Died when i was 5 - so if its possible to design schools for gils and boys it would be fitting if some poorest part of the asian continent adadpted what gandhi and montessori had pioneered sa vocational education- in sny event that would be why dad would vote for sir fazle abed as the most exciting collabortaion movement in valuing education and gorls lives and health and saety wholly - who do you vote for as frineds in veinna design the hapinest civically engaged curricula children and etachers have ever been free to co-create ?

Changing education

There has been a sea-change in the traditional ages on man. Compared with 1974 our children in 2024 generally go out to paid work (especially computer programming work) much earlier, maybe starting at nine, maybe at twelve, and we do not exploit them. But young adults of twenty-three to forty-five stay at home to play much more than in 1974; it is quite usual today for one parent (probably now generally the father, although sometimes the mother) to stay at home during the period when young children are growing up. And today adults of forty-three to ninety-three go back to school - via computerised learning - much more than they did in 1974.

update 2020


worldrecordjobs # 1 from 2013 


This year's Central European University Open Society Prize awarded Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, founder/ chairperson BRAC ... 


In most of the rich countries in 2024 children are not allowed to leave school until they pass their Preliminary Exam. About 5 per cent of American children passed their exam last year before their eight birthday, but the median age for passing it in 2024 is ten-and-a-half, and remedial education is generally needed if a child has not passed it by the age of fifteen.

A child who passes his Prelim can decide whether to tale a job at once, and take up the remainder of his twelve years of free schooling later; or he can pass on to secondary schooling forthwith, and start to study for his Higher Diploma.

The mode of learning for the under-twelves is nowadays generally computer-generated. The child sits at home or with a group of friends or (more rarely) in an actual, traditional school building. She or he will be in touch with a computer program that has discovered , during a preliminary assessment, her or his individual learning pattern. The computer will decide what next questions to ask or task to set after each response from each child.

A school teacher assessor, who may live half a world away, will generally have been hired, via the voucher system by the family for each individual child. A good assessor will probably have vouchers to monitor the progress of twenty-five individual children, although some parents prefer to employ groups of assessors - one following the child's progress in emotional balance, one in mathematics, one in civilized living, and so on - and these groups band together in telecommuting schools.


 Vincent Chang is an academic who currently serves as the 4th Vice-chancellor and the inaugural President of BRAC University,[1][2] one of 12 founding coalition members of OSUN[3] with George Soros. leapfrog platforms for educating sdg generation include BUX, like edx but girl and sdgoal 1 empowering 
 rural keynsianism - by 1962 my father had acived his own biggest goal making peace wuth his 2 biggest wartime enemies - germans and japanese- daad was the only journalsit at messiona where the borth of the eu was conceived; dad was the fifrst english sdpeaking journalist to celebrate in 1962 not inly tghe frise of japan but how to systems solutions americans had taught the jkapenasese in gthe 1950s could now chage tghe l.kives of all asian- that's two thords of humanit could gainn from most urgent vilage solutions - eg borlaugs risc sceice could end starvation, and smarter engineers could change infrastructure-ijn gthe 1960s japan shared win-win engineering with all the kislands of the east asian coaastaal belt - Taiwan hong kong singapore - as well as the american freed part of the korean ;penisular. REally great news started up in 1968 if you knew where tgo monitor it. The Chiense had found out that mao's purcase of nuclear technolgy from rusia had been at the expense of 50 million dying of starrvation. From that moment russian style communism was the last system the world's biggets population- one fifth of humanity- wanted. The cultural revolution may have seemd very brutal as it ridded intellectual theorists with two huge movemengt- women vilagers were told they must build half of china by finding vilage solutions wuth other conteetal asians; meanwhile china sent out nevoys to usa, germany, japn- who will teach loutr blooys world class engineering. Why japan agteed and usa/germany failed to join in is hotly disputed. You have to gpo back and sdee who linked in with whom to start the most amzing human development story ever seen - from 1970 china with probably 95% in subsisyence poverty with no access to the first 2010 years of glasgow u's marjets and machines started 1760 to the only nation with the wherewithal to humanise big data on all sustainability collapisig foirnts should youth and teachers in you country be free to zoom and vipkid now. here's normanmacade's story on how to invetsigate china and asia apcific riosing reported in teh economist in 1977- and here's the evil as well as happy reactions to this story.

 keynes last chapter general theory of money, interest and employment- increasing economists rule the world locking in expoentially what a place's pepple can spend their lives producing-this will put youth- sustaiability of next generations at ever greater risk unless---

we search out economsts who value youth without borders

for those who wish to explore this conern its simplest to begin with adam smith - he was a systems connector of nature language cultyres newtonial maths faiths or morals of community arkets- then he saw his co-worker at glasgow u james watt invent engines - to decide if you need to study more of smith here are his top 10 concerns

he liked community markets where costs and quality were so transparent that it was in everyone's interest to multiply trust

he disliked what lodon had done betwe 1500-1760 - in taking over much of asia london had built the biggest warships, it had used slaved trde and colonised other peoples places, it had dictated what curencies could be used -smth wanted machines to improve the human lot the world over- he looked west to usa- he implored brits to propse a united states of english speaking world- the capital parliament should be on usa east coast but there was one proviso-end slavery and racism shouldnt just be a law- the north should support change of business models in south in plantations and othersectors which relied on cheap labor- imagine how different the world would have been if smiths idea agented by irish and scots in boston and united east coast states and britain then south east states then southers states louisana purchase up thrugh th heartland to the great lakes and then in every innovation west coast states were to bring as they increasingly understood that two thirds of the worlds people linked in asia pacific, while the old world of transatlantic nations represented about 15% 


 virus profile -killer to those over85 or with these conditions

virus is highly infectious -mainly from sneeze droplets that float around a closed space for hours - eg crowded bars- but with  these peculiarities

other under  30s unlikely to even experience symptoms - those from teens up infect elders- we dont know if under 11s without symptoms infect


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