Saturday, April 10, 1971

welcome to in association with - we represent the scottish view of what james wilson sought to mediate when he founded the economist in 1843 just over 80 years into the age of humans and machines founded by glasgow uni's watt and smith - and about 140 years after scotland failed as a nation due to fraudulent banking on scots building the panama canal - many canals too far so to speak

wilson's legacy asked that the paper be closed once its defining goals of end poverty and end hunger had been achieved- depending on how you audit things wilson 17 years of journalism was as gutsy and optimistic about humanity as any we free scots have seen

he got queen victoria to start changing the english constitution from ruling over slavemaking empire to mapping commonweatlh

he organised repeal of the corn laws- in 19=843 london's democracy was stuffed with land owens interests who preferred corn was sold at a monopoly minimum price even if that meant buring corn rather than sendin it to the irish who were dying of famine

wilson was not however in time to prevent famine and hatred of the english which spun as troubles for at leat 150 years

wilson's most courageous exploit was a fiasco, at least in its day; victoria chartered a brank for him to take to calcutta to start investing in india by and for the indian people- there james died of diarrhea 9 months after arival; it wasnt until 177 years later that the no cost cure - oral rehydration became the life critical action knowhow that helped fazle abed scale brac

ironically as's ftrst ceo larry brilliant observed probably no 100+ million nation will suffer more from ice melting if climate reaches plus 3 degrees... so scots, bangladeshi are two of t  world's most fervent supporters of climate adaptability - tell us your youth commitment to this urgent global village collaboration

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