Monday, June 13, 2016
 George Patton is a Professorial Fellow in Adolescent Health Research at The University of Melbourne. He is also a Senior Principal ..
George may i throw you a volley of questions in case any work for you- i am fascinated by who (linked by mobile connectivity) wants health for all as opposed to who wants to make health insurance and provision as expensive as possible and knowingly or unkowingly skew health tiowards rich and old this detroying youth opportunities and intergenenerational actions needed for sustainability of every community

here's dads 1984 survey (with a little help from mentors like george soros) on tracking whether costs of basic health go down everyeher as we all internet and mobile- clearly if they dont sustainability has zero chance

whats crazy is the world bank is headed by one of the greatest health servants of all time  jim kim - in boston he founded Partners In Health with ;paul farmer for over 20 years- they took boston medical students to haiti, peru and then with soros russia and africa to develop last mile health services 

- but i cant find who in the world bank supports his health models as learning youth need to action- was there any wotld bank coordinatior of the youth summit who cared about health enough to want to continue to linkin youth in health? 

the world bank is an official mooc partner - but can youth learn with jim kim there- no way he seems to be banned from open learning by his own organisation- would world bank mooc partnber you and lancet on adolescent health knowhow distribution - worth asking but i expect the question would go arounbd in endless spirals- or can an on-demand mooc on 17 goals just fill up with youth lked cases as ones that scale are searched out

one more thing on ;pih it still advertsies ghdonline as ist virtual community partrner

Knowledge Center | Partners In Health In Health
GHDonline Discussions. Expert-led communities where health care implementers collaborate to improve the delivery of health care. BCG vaccination increase 

GHD is really messy (youd get 100 mails a day if you subscribed to all its foci) but your students could well afford to be in it viralising good news and 

Young Professionals Chronic Disease Network: YP-CDN are the real deal - they synthesise what they lkearn at ghd and present at un

the name confused me until i realised it is the perfect compliment  in boston to paul farmer who is called Dr ID (Infectious diseases) - whenever paul goes into a
 hospital and orders something "ID says" everyone including adminstrators have to follow infectious diseases advice -cool huh!

then out of baltimore al hathaway is starting a revolution of inviting every expert in dc area to lend their own expertise to regeenrate baltimore too- if we can get the 20 million person conubation of batlimore-dc to share its experts applications- maybe any supercity 20 million person conurbation can

the other great in bottom up health  care is sir fazle abed who more than anyine empowered poorest vilage women to develop bangaldesh - twice over 1.0 pre-digital, 2.1 post digital (since 1996 bangaldesh has been world lab for experients in mobile with th poorest, and bracs partners now tread like a whos who of funders of development and tech)- mostofa has spent 10 years introducing  me to abed family and their bangadesh-origintated mostofa will you urgently find out- who is the overall expert in health at brac (or brac uni)

James P Grant School of Public Health | BRAC University VISION To be the leading global public health institute for the world's critical health challenges affecting disadvantaged communities. MISSION To create ..
  and if they have particular expert on health age 7 to 16 - they must do given their teenage girl clubs- george and the lancets woirk is a total breakthrough in how much peer to peer knowhow young people could be sharing about their own health as well as critical events in growing up which impact health

peer to peer learning models are the number 1 way for youth to create jobs in development and win back invetsment in sustainability youth

-we are due before end of july to brainstorm with all leadership sections of brac on youth in development -= hence urgency on my side; two chinese ladies one of whom amy was at world bank event are leading connections of how can youth in brac and development chnage the world; the other yuxuan graduated from china's top university tsinghua and pretty much knows who support youth in development from china side

george have you ever met keith peters previous head of royal society of medicine in uk ; my dad and he used to ski together; i have a bit lost touch but on the one hand for many yeras sir keith connected teaching hospital at hammersmith while overseeing cambridge university team that got nobel for open mapping the genome- he would be the best person in uk and beyond to ask how do we disseminate newly affordable adolescent health knowhow

i spent 3 days at a windsor castle retreat listening to experts ask how to make un open in distributing health knowhow- this was moderated by denis and gisella and hosted by dianne- hopefully they will read this email and chat eg denis did the un's definitive report on digtal health opportunities- between them huge contacts like the ceo of welcome foundation and a map of pretty much who at un health agencies helps with what

new yorks bottom up un dialogues (un in sustainability or not) are organised in my experience by two people john and dianne - both of whom have been very kind linking amy in to everyone; dianne's main connection in japan - the kusakabe family have poublished a report with 20 different helath service models to choose between

for many years while i was still in london i had huge privileges of knowing paul komesaroff and modjtaba sadria who i believe are both at monash - after 9/11 paul phoned round all nobel peace laureates worked out which had any interest in health and started a global summit called global reconciliation network - this specialsed in 2 things- sharing knowhow of what medical experts and their students could do if they stayed on after disaster relief to the development phase to bring whole popluation together as one - and debating across about 50 cultures why as people we all need the same things at community levels especially health -so that history's wars and boundaries need to be erased if global youth milennials are ever to thrive and achieve sustainability goals all of which will never happen while the level of mistrust from old 20th century quarrels and political/legal structires spirals  -we are still spiralling towards orwell's big brother endgame of himanity - brac's super trick was to make every poorest mother the connector of basic health dialogues in villages eg oral rehydrayion and so build communuty health out of nothing and with partners across cultures

only by befriending brac in my mind will we be in time make the biggest leap forward of youth in development or youth in health now needed for sustainability

best chris washington dc 240 316 8157
all reporting errors mine alone
ps it is trumored that when trump takes over usa and kim ends his 5 year term next sumer he may relocate to help china design sustainability of their health service- whether the rumor is true hige research between world bank and china is focusing on health as we read this

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